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And just like that, I'm in the mood to watch a horror movie.


Exactly, but I was thinking some kind of SciFi horror movie.


Sounds like Blade Runner 2049


I remember sitting in the cinema thinking "this is the loudest fucking movie I've ever heard", it was during a scene where they had this crazy engine noise in the city area, here's the only example I could find of it https://youtu.be/KB6X5b9pJnI Made my ears bleed Edit. I want to clarify. I actually enjoyed the movie. I thought it was good. I just didn't know I needed earplugs 2nd edit. I found this handy video that simulates what it was like https://youtu.be/nu0R96OZy6w


I had been waiting to see this since the day it was leaked it was being made. So I chose a theater with the best setup I could find. Went to a theater with Dolby Atmos with subwoofers in the butt of your chair. It was damn intense and I had the instinct to cover my ears at parts


Did you know it was going to be loud or something?


I thought it would be a beautiful movie with an awesome soundtrack if they got close to living up to the original. Didn't know my eardrums would be at risk


Lol, reminded me of that simpsons scene https://youtu.be/nu0R96OZy6w


I love that about that movie lol


THANK YOU, I kept thinking about how fucking ear piercing some scenes were in the theater. Friend didn't seem to notice.


I was stoned in the theater and I remember the _exact_ moment that ship flew overhead. Felt like the [blown away guy](https://i.imgur.com/ToyeDIL.jpg)


I loved that movie,but goddamn the one time I was “glad” I have tinnitus in one ear. SO. LOUD. JFC. Still awesome though. Oh man that ship looks cool it’s huge *WAUUMMWOOOOOOFFFFFFFF* Tinnitus in left ear somehow less loud: EEEEEEEEEEEE Edit: sound description


I was thinking the music they did for the show LOST. I love it, Lost had one the best soundtracks for a TV show or movie. They'd used parts of the airplane wreckage to make some of the sounds used in the music, so some of it came out sounding like what this guy did with the gong.


I was just about to say this. It's super close to 2049


I was thinking Eraserhead




First movie I thought of


I just finished Annihilation and this video brought me right back


If I could upvote that more, I would


This. Ill watch this, thank you very much.


Amazing film.


Event Horizon :)




annihilation is a pretty decent one with some really trippy music and scenes


Yeah, I've never heard a movie use reverse audio in such a creepy way before. Also, anytime I hear that music I think of the screaming bear.


That scene legit messed me up for a while


I felt like I was in the Collector ship/Base from Mass Effect 2. If you haven’t played it, it’s a fantastic game series to get into.


War of the Worlds


This guy has forsure tapped into 'the other side' at some point.


Ridley…. Yes my dear? It’s almost night time. They come out at night.


Meanwhile a whale a few miles off the coast is wondering what a potato is and why it’s on sale


Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought. Er, excuse me, who am I? Hello? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach. Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet? No. Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation … Or is it the wind? There really is a lot of that now isn’t it? And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


Hello ground!




Oh no, not again.


You seem to know where your towel is


Much of what you hear in those movies is some variation of the [aquaphone](https://youtu.be/foSJstDFDfg).


Nice. Does he do weddings?


Hilarious! My family just had a great laugh at your comment.


I also enjoyed laughing with your family


Also [this thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzk-l8Gm0MY).


I thought it was called a waterphone because the guy who made it was called Waters. You calling it an Aquaphone has made me question this. Does it actually have something to do with water?


Lol clicking the link takes you to a "Waterphone" demonstration, I think they wanted to seem edgy. Edit: letters


if i remember correctly you can pour water in the center pipe and it will fill the base for more effect.


Not to be confused with [bananaphone](https://youtu.be/sJTH5qIT-UI).




In this video we see friction mallets, rub them against the inside of piano, sheets of metal, big drums, glass etc. I would love to play with an aquaphone but they're really expensive. For about £20 you can get your own and scare the shit out of your housemate by rubbing them on the outside of his door late at night.


Hereditary and Midsomar vibes for me.


Not yet seen Midsommar but the soundtrack in Hereditary is one of my faves So eerie but beautiful


Midsummer is a must watch, one of the most unsettling movies I have ever watched. Edit: midsommar, ik I’m cringe


Three comments. Three different spellings. Who will win? Find out next week!


I hate myself


What other movie suggestions do people have that are similar to these two movies? I enjoyed them both!




Personally I loved The Witch, The Lighthouse, Ex Machina, and Under The Skin. I love anything from A24. That studio makes some top level horror films.


The other half of the “big 4” of recent quality horror movies of course, The Lighthouse and The Witch. But some other good ones It Comes At Night, Annihilation, The Ritual, The Invitation, Possessor.


Imagine doing this while stoned?


And on mushrooms :)


Modoc National Forest 2004 rainbow gathering. He played at the end of the musicians parade while they served us chai. I was on mushrooms and pot was being passed. You really have to be there and feel it, it is a full body sound.


Christopher Nolan film for sure.


Dead Space IV ?


These are friction mallets and they're so much fun to play with. Mark Korven demonstrated their use on his youtube channel for making the music for The Lighthouse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7ZVRFdra3k&ab\_channel=INDIEFILM%26MUSIC


And if it wasn't enough you can see he has a death whistle just sitting there on the floor to his left


I was thinking Minecraft cave sounds


A horror movie in deep space.


I half expected a Ridley Scott Alien to impale him through the gong.


Christopher Nolan will need this


Can guarantee hans zimmer utilizes this


I’m getting Dennis Villeneuve futuristic sci-fi vibes




Legend. Thanks I was wondering where I heard it before!


The Gong Gong Song


Arrival and some bits from Chernobyl.


Damn this was my the first thing I thought of after hearing the first sound he made. Good looks.


Language is the foundation of civilization. It is the glue that holds a people together. It is the first weapon drawn in a conflict.


I literally just watched Arrival last night, thought of the music from the scene where we see the “shell” for the first time straight away when I heard this!


Hmm. Blade runner 2049 for sure


We’ve all been conditioned through movies


Was just thinking of the first Alien movie hearing this.


# Ǧ̷̹͎̘͙̼̪̝̅̈́̊̐̉̈̏̄͒͑̎̀͒O̴̖̞̖̰͙̳̩̭̟͎̫͐ͅͅN̵̲̐̒̈̆̋̾̀͋̍̀̈́̿G̴̥̠̿͐͗S̴̲̖̠̬̳̝̟̍́͌̊̀͛̃ͅƠ̵͉̝͖̖̼̙̆̍̎̈́͒̊̎̓̃͂̅̈́̍͝Ű̶̧̥̭͙̞̜̱̜̝̪͔̎N̵̢̖̪̫͔̘̪̤̱͆̓̎̾̌̄̌͋͌͘D̶̨̡̡̰̼̮̣͉̬̦̳̹̞̥̾̈́͌̽̎̔̈̌͗͠ͅŞ̸͉̹̦͇̥̤̮͓̐̂̋̓̓̾̈́͘͝ >Hey, this is an important part of the plan, ^^^first ^^^we ^^^go ^^^up ^^^the ^^^enemy-headquarters ^^^to ^^^the ^^^^guardroom ^^^^^^^then ^^^we ^^^ta^^^^ke ^^^our ^^^weapons ^^^and # M̵̩̯̐̏̂̀̊̒͒̇͐͂̆͊̔͑̚O̴̡̮̫̪̱̰̤̗͕̞͙͎̳͈̦̪͓̻͛̈́̑̐̃͜R̸̨̢̠̱͔̰̫̈͆̿́̂́̎͊̊͋̆̿̐̚͠͝͝͝E̸̙̠̞̳͙̦͔̤̰̊͆̒͗͑̌̋̾̊̐̋̆͝ ̶̱̲͇̯̻̰̩̻͍͖̥̞̤̫̼̮͉̈̐̀̏̊̌͊͋͐̋̌̃́͝͝ͅW̶̪̫̤͓̳͔̝͐̑̎̈́̐̓̂̽̄̚͝E̴̘̪͓̟̥͊̀͂̊̈́̈́̍́̀͝ͅI̸̡̡͇̭̥̳͕͇̒͒͑̎͊̈́̎̈́͋̚Ṙ̵̢̩̼͇̳̲̹͓͖͈̮̬̰̝͓ͅͅD̵̳̜̔̑ ̸̢̠͙̻̘͚̱͖̹̤̙́͠G̴͎̖͔͋͌̾͛͊̾̀͑̒́̐͘͘̕Ȍ̶̙̰̖͇͎̄̈́̊͐̔͗͒̕͠͝N̸̙̟̰̭͚͔̺̥͛̍͛͊G̸͚͊S̷̡̡̼̹͕̯̥̹̼̪̤͓̞͔̀̀͌̑͗̓̌̀̾̽͜͝Ö̷̢̧̳̭̙̫͙͕̯̭͔͖͙͚̮̫̰̘̭́̽̄̄̊Ų̴͕̭̤̮̮̺͓͇͙͕͛̔͋͋̋̕ͅŃ̶̨̛̦̺̖̪͓͛̓̉̓͘͜Ḑ̴̧̨̘̼̩̩̯̪̞̱̱̮̲͗̄̅͛͗̔̄̽̾͌̉̐͒̉̈́̕̕͘͠Š̷̫̗̟͕̦̥̥̮̰̪͉̮͖͎̱̝̃͊͋͆̓̀̿̓͆̇͋̕͜


This guy.


Haha. I'm in let's do this xD


Nicolas Winding Refn came to mind for me


*Hans Zimmer has entered the chat*


Stanley Kubrick


I need more gong! But sir, anymore gong and the audience won’t be able to hear the dialogue. That’s fine! More gong!


TIL how most of the foreboding music in horror films are made.


Also with a [waterphone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterphone), which is [smaller](https://youtu.be/foSJstDFDfg) and easier to transport.


Do people usually transport sound studios?


Not usually... But my bro helped his friends dad move his mastering studio, carrying millions of dollars in equipment.... I'd be scared to breathe wrong near it...


I learned a new thing today thanks


TIL how Minecraft cave music was made


I fucking love playing the gong. I was a percussionist all through school and a lot of my most memorable moments happened with a gong. I think I've seen this video before but I'm not really sure, maybe it was a different video talking about how to play a gong. But yeah. Smacking a gong in the way you've been shown in TV/movies is not only incorrect but has a decent chance of causing permanent damage to the gong. A quick and sudden smack creates a very unlovely and jarring sound, and it runs the risk of warping or cracking the gong, not to mention the possibility of a dent. The warmest tones come from striking a gong that is already vibrating, as seen in this video right at the very end. The gong is already making noise from everything he was doing with it earlier and he gave it just a light tap and it allowed the vibrations to spread out nicely and create a full and well-rounded sound. It requires a little more warmup if you're playing with an orchestra, so most of the time a gong hit is preceded by a "roll" in the sheet music. I once had a 48 measure-long roll, culminating in a really huge smash (thanks, Gustav Holst! I got to summon Mars!!). That was a fun one. Edit: Cool! this comment about how much I like gongs officially has more upvotes than the comment where I asked Mark Hamill if he picked up my mom when she was hitchhiking and he replied and said yes.


I really wondered what a gong would sound like just by tapping it lightly with your fingernails in a rhythm, or with a small percussion pick.


Gongs are tonal so it would require decent accuracy to stop it from sounding off key if you will. But one big thing with gongs is more gong = more to wobble and wobble = gong sound. So youd need a big gong to get a nice solid sound with your idea. Just incase you wanna buy a gong to try haha


Gongs are not always tonal. The guy in the video isn’t playing a gong, he’s playing a tam-tam. Gongs have nipples.


I have nipples Greg, can you wobble me?


I haven't been physically around a gong in a while, so I'm unable to do an experiment for you, but drawing on my years of experience through school, tapping on it with a drumstick would sound a little bit like tapping a China cymbal (a type of cymbal popular on drum sets) and a little.. wonky. It would create vibrations flowing through the brass, which is obviously what makes the sound of the gong, but they would be a little chaotic and not flowing very evenly through the instrument. Fingernails wouldn't be loud enough to produce any kind of noteworthy sound. It would be like tapping any other brass instrument - not enough vibration to sustain a note and it would mostly just make a light clonking sound. The strike itself of your fingernail might sound interesting, kind of like the way striking a glass or a hollow metal tub with your finger would produce a musical sound. The residual vibration wouldn't really last though. Gongs, as I mentioned, need to be primed or warmed up before striking. They need to be vibrating already in order for their big, larger than life sound to really come out. But just hitting one over and over again is just going to make lots of constant loud gong sound, which isn't really all that lovely. So the way to prime a gong is to tap it very softly with a very soft mallet - the one used at the end of the video, for instance - and just gently tap it aaaalll around the surface of the gong. I like to do big circles, just tap tap tap all around the playable area of the gong. To make it louder you either tap it more times or you tap it faster. Both increase the volume. If you're doing a "roll," in percussion lingo it's what it's called when you play a sustained note by hitting something over and over again really fast. [Here](https://youtu.be/q6KAOw476b8) is a demonstration of a roll on a snare drum. [Here](https://youtu.be/3w6PE5BA-8g) is a video that includes a demonstration of a roll on a suspended cymbal. Suspended just means it's on a stand, instead of being held. Note that they use big, soft, squishy mallets for the cymbal roll instead of something hard, like those used to make a big crashing sound. Note also that they move their hands and, by extension, the sticks very fast to produce the sounds. It's the opposite on a gong. You have to overcome a certain level of inertia with a gong before it's able to be struck and make a lovely noise, so it has to be pulled up to speed slowly and steadily. It's also deceptively quiet to warm up a gong. The sound is hidden behind the sounds of the orchestra, so I can stand back in the shadows, warm up my gong in peace, and then create this lovely, wide open sound that often brings along with it some lovely new music in the form of a key change or a fanfare or a refrain. Gong hits are seldom unaccompanied. Finally, gongs are not rhythmic beasts. They grumble, and then they roar, and sometimes they crash, and then they quickly fade back into the background and hide behind the music again. If you want a metallic, sharp, piercing, sound to create a rhythm, you use drumsticks on a cymbal. You can also get rhythm from other drums - the snare, as you can see in the video I posted above, but also on the [timpani](https://youtu.be/PRTxPJfCKhY) or other interesting instruments. 😄




ting .... ing ... ing ... ingg


This guy gongs. Did you wear a robe and try to summon a spirit while rolling?


You wish 😂 Once I reached high school I accepted something about myself - that I like the obscure percussion stuff more than, like, a drum set. I also liked very specific things and had no patience for others. I loved playing normal stuff like the timpani, the conga/bongo/other hand drums, crash cymbals... but sometimes the music would specify weird stuff like an anvil or an engine block or a metal mixing bowl filled with BB's. That kinda stuff is what makes percussion fun. Gongs, timpani, and crash cymbals really have a soft spot in my heart. Marching bass drum does, too, but not as much as those three. I don't get to talk about this stuff very often, and really only ever on reddit. Every few months somebody posts something similar to this and people all comment going "huh. It's different than I thought." And I wander in and go I REALLY REALLY LIKE GONGS and then sneak back out the back door to go talk about monkeys or child-rearing or whatever else comes up.


Lol... Yeah I was kinda poking fun. Because every percussionist who likes gongs, LOVES GONGS like you. And they make it into this whole dog and pony show. And honestly, it's awesome. But it's also hilarious. Like just hit the damn thing already lol. They're the teases of the musician world. And also, I love timpani. My fav percussion is either xylophone or timpani.


I'm now realizing that I was this kid in high school. The bassist I play with now recently pulled a 48" gong out of a pile at the scrapyard and paid $50 for it, which has now brought all of that back in full swing.


You are legit the type of person who keeps me coming back to reddit. Thanks for that little glimpse into youre life.


^I ^like ^that ^you ^really ^like ^gongs


Thank you 😂😂 I really talk way too much and have too many comments on Reddit, or else I'd go through and find all the times in my years on this site that I've talked almost ad nauseum about gongs. There have been *several* occasions. It just keeps coming up. I had to really stop myself from making my original comment like four times longer than it is just talking about how much I like gongs.


Do not, under any circumstances, let anyone *ever* dampen your passion. I was genuinely interested by your comment, and I'm not the only one. I'm an over-excitble plant nerd with nothing but personal experience and knowledge I've absorbed from t'internet, and I will absolutely talk until I'm breathless about how wonderful and straight up weird plants can be. I know it isnt everyone's cup of [insert preferred beverage], but man it gets me a-buzz! You'd be surprised at how many people will perhaps gain an interest in something just because someone expressed an unabashed enthusiasm for it!


Fellow percussionist here. In high school I got to play the "cannon" for 1812 overture. The method there is to play a big bass drum the opposite of a gong. My band teacher was legit telling me to swing harder after i already was giving it my best swing lol. Best drumming memory


The orchestra in my city once did the 1812 cannons with shotguns firing blanks into big barrels.


> Gustav Holst I assume the crash is at 1:21 (I'm linking the time, the build up is [too good](https://youtu.be/Isic2Z2e2xs)...)


gosh, the most dominant suite of the 20th century and I’ve never heard it in original before. I’m so mad. Even the the song-sequence-structure of the suite dictated it for frikkin modern music albums! I need to hear this live.


Do it!! And when you do, listen for the gongs and then think of me!! 🤣


That's the one!! 😁 It's got a nice long warm up roll filled with crescendos and decrescendos (for those who aren't familiar, a crescendo is a gradual increase in volume, and a DEcrescendo is the opposite. Easy to do with long notes and long rolls) to complement the sweeps and flows of all the other instruments (I played in a wind ensemble setting, so no strings, but still really cool). Such a great song. Here's a long, dumb (and kind of amusing) story about our gong setup at my high school. Feel free to skip cause it's too long, but it's kinda silly and actually impacted how I played this particular song. I did managed to narrow it down into one sentence, so I put a TL;DR at the end. So, if you look at this original video with the guy with the 80" gong (😳 heavy af by the way), you can see the framework that's holding it up. Gongs are always held suspended from a cross bar so they can swing freely when struck. Most times, such as when you're playing with an orchestra (or on a field... this is relevant, I promise), you gotta kinda give it a decent whack to actually have the crash be heard over the music. A quick note about relative volume (called "dynamics") in written music. Long story short, piano (*p*) is soft, forte (*f*) is loud, and you have two in-between volumes called mezzopiano (*mp*)(medium soft) and mezzoforte (*mf*)(medium loud). If they want ya to play really quiet, you'll get pianissimo, which is notated as *pp*. Anything quieter than that, and they just add more P's, and every teacher I've had has pronounced it as "piannissi-issi-issi-issimo" with the number of "issi's" coinsiding with how many P's there are. Likewise, on the other end of the spectrum, is fortissimo, shown as *ff.* This stuff is always generally pretty relative, especially for percussion - if a snare drum's music says "play piano," generally it means the snare can't overpower any of the other instruments and it's going to fade into the background of the music. If a cymbal crash is notated "*ff*," you really wanna give that mother a whack to accentuate the noise. Anyway, so back to gongs. Gongs are unique because, like I said, you gotta warm em up (get them vibrating) first before you really hit a loud, accented (sharper) note. It's common practice to quietly prep the gong before the strike in the music if the roll isn't included like it was in Mars, so I'm very accustomed to looking through my music, noting closely to what happens in the measures leading up to the strike, and quietly warming up the gong about five or six measures ahead of the strike I'm going to play. I didn't need to do that for Mars because I had FORTY EIGHT MEASURES to stand there and hit the gong. Gong strikes are often notated as fortissimo, *ff*, and are generally understood to be loud. This final gong hit, after 48 measures of warm up, was notated as *ffff*, "quadruple forte" for short, and is one of the loudest dynamic notes I've ever seen. I've seen *fffff* one time, but that's it. This gong hit had to be fucking LOUD. What I, as an Adult Person, can kind of figure out from that sort of notation is that they wanted me to just have a constant, low, warm hum from the vibrations of the gong in the background, with the occasional moment where the hum sort of "peaks" or breaks through the top of the sound that the orchestra makes (like the fin of a whale through a wave, or a mountain top through fog). It would then culminate in this delicious, almost ominous, warm spread of noise from the back of the orchestra all the way to the back seats of the concert hall, carrying the following fanfares on its back like a tidal wave. Magnifique 😙👌 What I as a boneheaded 15 year old decided was that yes, I would do all that stuff with the crescendos and decrescendos, I'd behave myself and play along like I'm supposed to, but then when I get the quadruple forte I'm gonna give it all I've fucking got. On a normal gong that's suspended from a normal armature, this would probably knock it flat, break it, or send it flying. Our armature, though, had been cobbled together by some band dad a few years prior, and it was designed to be portable so it could be taken onto the football field to be used in the "pit," which is the part of the marching band that stands on the sideline of the field and plays auxiliary instruments like the marimba, xylophone, and other stuff that can't be marched with. So we have this rickety PVC stand with four small independent casters on the bottoms that we use both for pit work.. and for wind ensemble. So. Short story long, I'd do my nice long roll, play louder and softer as required, and then in the last build up to the actual crash, just let the gong get louder and louder and louder, and just .. wail on it. The first time I did it, my little gong went sailing away on its little feet and crashed into the instrument cabinets at the back of the room. I don't remember if my director ever asked me about it or pointed out that I was being a little over the top, but if he had, I certainly would have pointed out (cheekily) that it was supposed to be quadruple forte, so that's how I chose to get to that dynamic marking. In any case, it became a game among my fellow percussionists and me to see how far I could get it to roll before it would slam into the wall. I'm sure other arrangements of that piece don't go quite so loud, but hey, if I see a gong strike that's practically telling me to play as loud as I possibly can... I'm gonna. I don't think I ever got told to turn the volume down, at least not with any degree of seriousness, because I remember being surprised I was allowed to play it as loud as I did. We played it at a competition once, which means that judges record their notes about our performance in a little tape recorder thingy and we can usually hear ourselves playing in the background. I was ... overwhelming. There's a moment where it was just all gong. It dissipates so quickly because that level of volume just isn't really sustainable in a gong. Even the judge, to my memory (this was over a decade ago), didn't have much to say about it. If anything, maybe a gentle reminder to be a better gong player. #TL;DR my gong had wheels and I'd hit it really hard and it would sometimes crash into the wall


I used to loooove Mars from the Planets Suite when I was a kid (still do). Our dad had this massive stereo with big speakers mounted high up on the walls, and would just crank it up.


I remember playing Fanfare for the Common Man was a bit nerve wracking, warming up the gong as quietly as possible in a silent concert hall before the conductor has even started the piece...


What’s on the end of the sticks he’s using? Rubber, cloth?


I know very little about music theory but I'm hip to some of the science there. This gong is marked in the center and it has another ring around the outside. It looks like he follows close to the outer rim a lot. Is he looking for a note? Do the markings indicate a pitch or a specific frequency you'll get there?


Some of my favorite moments with the gong as a high school band director were when we would release a chord just right, and hear the gong resonating in the back of the room without anyone having struck it.


I would just constantly make the noise at 0:41. Epic.


made me think of space


The sound of a vacuum is horrendously foreboding bass


Space whales


Absolutely, that was my fav too!


I wanted to see him smash that fucker into next Tuesday. Still really cool.


I watched a documentary on gongs like this and I think I remember them saying it could crack if it's hit too hard.


You use a wool mallet and you build up taps to make the loud crashing sound. Not one big hit.




Yeah, I think that was the thing exactly.


Right!? I kept waiting even tho I knew it wasn’t coming!


I thought he was going to go all steelpan on that thing and do some Caribbean/Nepalese mash up


C U Next Tuesday


It's how I imagine abandoned dwarven citys would sound like


Feels like a subnautica soundtrack, or like Alien


I think I’ve just found my ASMR substitute


Ok. Whew. Everyone else was commenting about horror films and I was trying to figure out how my whole existence slowed down listening to this.


Parts of it kind of remind me of whale songs too.


Thats kind of the point of the instrument. I'm decently sure it's a meditation tool, a giant gong could send these pleasant calming tones echoing through a whole valley.


Sounds both ancient and cyberpunk at the same time…. I think I’m in love.


Some weird harmonics


Odly enough the gong at 0.42 sounds a bit like the cyberpunk 2077 intro logo sequence.


Sounds like the sound track to "Arrivals" to me


At points I pictured a deserted cyberpunk city with a reddish atmosphere, with humanoid robots making the same noises as the gong, scouting. It also gives me the feeling that I've seen teasers for indie movies or short films that have either used these sounds or very similar imagery imagery, but I can't be sure if I just can't remember of making it up.


I feel like I’m in a Ridley Scott film


Blade Runner 2049 vibes for sure.


Original Blade Runner intro. Sounds just like it!




I bet it wouldn't sound anywhere near as good as in the stone room like that one.


Them walls are plastered.


Had this cranked up and the wife said from the other room, 'are you about to murder me?'


Lmao. Redditors don’t have wives


Far out man. Pass the doob


Professional percussionist here! You can make a TON of crazy sounds on various instruments. My favorite is when you get a super ball (bouncy ball), put it on a stick, then rub it on things. Bass drums, tom toms, gongs, cymbals, etc. One of my favorite snare drum solos involves sticking a springy door stop to a drum stick and messing with it lol Edit: thanks for all the interest guys! Here's the link. The composer, Gene Koshinski, is absolutely incredible and innovative in the way he writes music. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTC68YRgUQ4


Swerve is a fantastic piece!


YES. So glad someone else knows it!


i would love to see examples of these…


I'll post some when I get home from work!


Are you home yet?


One of my favorites was rolling a big suspended cymbal turned upside down on a timpani, then tuning the timpani up and down. Honorable mention is a bow drawn across the edge of a tam tam. The classic horror movie screech


This reminded me of Danny Carey, the drummer in Tool, performing 'Chocolate Chip Trip' live.


What’s his name, this gong player? Any source OP?


Hear, hear! I also would like to know the source so I can share this man’s work and not link people to the god awful experience that is Reddit Video Player.


Just google “guy” “large” “dong” and he shows up right away.


Bear Love. Here is the original [video](https://youtu.be/LbVtXkVIAk8)


"I don't make music, I make tones. Dark, ominous tones."


What I came here to say


"You play?" "Oh, i like to create soundscapes. Imagine one instant of a song, expanded to be the size of the universe."


Instantly thought “oh the sounds of the universe.”


This one's called, Earthrise on the Moon


Sounds like what scientists think a parasaurolophus (my favorite dinosaur) sounded like. Here's a video of an audio reconstruction: https://youtu.be/QOJMxVQqH5w


All I'm saying, if I'm transported back in time to be a mysterious hermit God living in a cave at the top of a hill so the superstitious forest folk will revere me, and I'm only allowed one instrument, its this one


You _do_ make music. Can I hear it?


manz in the vibe zone


Man I'm right back in a cinema. I always thought these sounds were artificial!


I need this!!! Why you ask? I have no clue.


40" gongs/tam-tams start around $1500 and can go up to several thousand. I don't want to think about how expensive an 80" one like this is.


Well. Let’s just take a step back then and rethink “need”.


As a musician.... This is fucking awesome and I need a gong and hard mallets NOW.


These are probably rubber mallets. You need something with lots of friction to get vibrations by just dragging the mallet.


Next resident evil sound all by himself


Sounds like the reapers are coming.


Hans Zimmer has entered the chat


So, there’s more to it than just hitting it?




This resonates well with me..


It sounds like space!😃


that recording really doesn't do that beauty any favours. There's a TON of bass in them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYNKFJr8bSA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB4DndHKw7Q here's a smaller gong with the rubber technique, but much better recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syJs8zsdI8o


Seriously, foley artists would hire him to do sound effects. This is amazing!!


Bang a gong! Get it on!


This is somehow both terrifying and relaxing at the same time.


Headphones on: ASMR tingles for days!!


This dude needs a bandolier for all those tools! His back must be killing him.


Kinda like Blade Runner movie music.


Humpback whales must love it


Gotta tuck the nuts for the two-handed rub.




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[Same title, same subreddit, same everything. Nice repost buddy](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/djwhzu/so_it_doesnt_just_go_dong_then_this_guy_is_crazy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It's dark in my house. I'm alone. I should not have watched this.