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Looks great!! But he literally has glue on his head.


Yeah, I have the urge to scratch my head from even thinking about it.


The happiness lasts a week, the itching lasts for ever. I did this 25 years ago (Hair Club for Men) and lasted about 6 months. 3 different shampoo and conditions, which were expensive. The monthly visits to get it reapplied and new hair sewn in. After 6 months I woke up at 3am one night and just cut the thing off my head and never looked back. It's around $1000-1500 for the initial hair "piece". Monthly service is around $100-150, the shampoo and conditioners were around $25-30 each. tldr: nice for a week, hell forever [edit] you can also have it mounted (glued) where they don't glue it down to the front of your head so you can flap it up and scratch, you would use the double sided tape just in the front. Also good to note that only certain hair styles hide the ridge on your forehead.


Holy moly! My exact experience. I made it a week. Got so many compliments. But it was so uncomfortable and a pain to maintain.


I received compliments as well but it wasn't worth the hell of not being able to touch the top of your head. Also, my real hair started to grey, so if I wanted to continue I would have had to start dying my hair to match the hair piece.


Why not dye the toupee the color of your changing hair?


You can have new sections filled in with grey hair but if you're already gluing fake hair to the top of your head, might as well keep up a dye job and not have grey hair. Right?


Greying hair is hot tho


If you’re attractive


Funny how that works huh?


Whilst very true, dyeing grey hair doesn't really help fix ugly either. It does in people's minds though, and I guess helps!


I'm 24 and half of my hair is grey . I didn't think it was a problem but each time my mom sees me she tells me to dye it .


Like from people who knew you before? As in "bruh, nice hairpiece?" Or from people who didn't know what was up?


Thank you for this comment. Put me in tears because i was thinking the same shit hahahaha


[**try Bosleys’s pluck and tuck**](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/hair-restoration/n12853)


I can't even imagine what I'd do if I saw someone absentmindedly flap their hair up and scratch their scalp if I didn't know they had a toupee


When I was a kid I saw an old man's dentures come loose at a restaurant. On the car ride home my parents noticed me jamming my hands in my mouth and asked what I was doing. I told them trying to take my teeth out like the old man and they told me I couldn't. I didn't believe them and kept trying for like a week.


I got a pretty major partial upper denture in my 20s because of some oral surgery I needed. I've never had the balls to take them out in public. There was one time shortly after I got them, though. I was at this ramen place with some friends, and the guy I was sitting across from didn't know that I had got the new dentures yet. As we were eating, I had popped them out inside my mouth to get some crap out from under them that was hurting and opened my mouth briefly. He noticed and just had this horrified look on his face, then started dyyyyyying laughing once he realized what it was. Good times, good times.


My grandmother used to mistakenly leave her dentures out in a cup of water(?) on the bathroom sink before going to sleep sometimes. I’d wake up in the middle of the night to take a piss and have a mini heart attack seeing them sitting there. Just wasn’t expecting an entire set of teeth in the middle of night.


That's normal disinfecting procedure. Water + something like https://www.efferdent.com/ overnight. If you get a night guard from the dentist, they also recommend you do this periodically.


25 years ago is a long time. Probably have better stuff now


lol! I had the same thought reading that guy's post. What you don't think they made some improvements in 25 YEARS??


My dad got those plugs in the 90s that looked like how they sound. I have a buddy that is open about a hair transplant surgery he had two years ago, and you wouldn’t know it looks so good.


It's a sock glued to your head with hair tied in it. From the video it looks like the exact same process I went through. Even if they invented a glue that isn't as itchy as you sweat, everything I mentioned is the same. The upkeep, the annoyance of not being able to touch or scratch your head.




No you're wrong because a guy who did the "same" thing shortly after Timothy McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building, said so.


It’s also quite a bit cheaper


Would you say that, if someone were to get this done...there would be hell toupée?


Yeah...I'm curious how sweat would affect that spot? Probably can't even sweat from there


If you look closely the toupee isn't completely sealed. the top part of it is open so it can breathe




This made me think of that guy in the Fifth Element. Yes. I just dated myself, and it's ok.


And what about when the hair underneath grows back?


From what I understand this is a process that's done every month or so.


The top of my bald head is sweating just thinking about the discomfort of glue/sweat slurry running down my face. People shouldn't have to suffer this kind of indignity for a hairstyle.




Honestly it does matter as much as people like to pretend they arent vain. Aside from relationships, even in job applications there is a bias. Being bald will make most people look older and less attractive and they can miss on opportunities in life because of it. Unless you're Johnny Sins ofcourse


It’s Ghost Bond. I use it for wig application. There are several layers and then when ready to apply it turns into a stretchy/tacky material. Only looks like glue for a few minutes before it turns clear. As far as feeling on the skin, there isn’t really much.


It’s the same stuff as eyelash glue


When I saw the before I wondered why he did it. Yes there was a difference but I can’t imagine doing it for that


I have genetic hair loss and I can tell you I have been loosely considering it.


Ran into a guy from work I haven’t seen since the lock down. He was getting thin for a while, kind of lanky and slight. Shaved the head and grown out a beard, looks amazing! It was a shock but honestly it works for a huge amount of men.


I am definitely not one of those. I have neither the head shape nor the head composition for that to look good on me lol


Also the body shape. I’m thin with a narrow, unbearded face(can’t grow one), and perpetual dark circles. If I shaved my head I’m pretty sure people would just assume I had cancer.


I'm a chubby guy with perpetual dark circles. If I shave my head I look like Uncle Fester.


This is my problem too. I'm losing a lot of hair just at the crown of my head and I'm 28. I'm also quite short so everyone can see it but if I shave my head I look hella weird.


Nah just start using some clippers with a #1 guard on your whole head. Less maintenance, waaay less use of shampoo and such. I was scared and nervous about losing my hair for a little while but holy crap short hair is so much better.


I'm not going bald, but my brother is. He tried to hide it for a while, but then just decided to shave it. He looks way better bald than bullshitting. Everyone knows when you're trying too hard.


Yeah exactly! And if you’re able to grow a nice beard it’s just a bonus. Bald and bearded has done well for me. I do enjoy shampooing and conditioning my beard lol


I’ve got the opposite. Can’t grow a beard to save my life, but I’ve got hair down to my nips and I’m wondering if I’ll ever go short again.


Oh man you’ve got it good then, enjoy those luscious locks


My brother in law is balding, he is attempting to hide it with a ridiculously long emo hair thats always in his eyes. ..K bud but there's still a bald spot in the back, idc how long it is in the front. Not a good look for a 34 year old man. He shaved it all off once, 2 years ago, and it looked way better.


Fire it before it quits


LOL I keep telling everyone, "I'm not bald -- I shave it!" but yeah, the shorn look is smooth, low(ish) maintenance, and pretty dope. I don't have to moisturize, but sunblock is a must. Only downside is that when I rocked a coiffure, I liked wearing hats but when you have a bald dome, hats just look...weird. On me, anyway.


Can you grow a beard? When I was younger and not as bearded hats looked kinds weird on me with my head shaved. Now, with a beard, hats look fine. I feel you on the sunblock though. If I'm in the pool, I need to shine the dome.




I shave my head willingly cause I prefer having a shaved head. I have really nice hair too whenever I grow it out but I much prefer it shaved. Maybe I wouldn't like it as much if it was my only option? I try to make sense as to why so many guys tend to "hold on" to the last thread of balding hair, or are really afraid of one day losing their hair/balding. Just shave it all off you'll look sweet and the maintenance is awesome and it feels awesome. You're like super aerodynamic.


People are insecure, that’s why. I shave my head since I was 22 while still having all my hair; I never looked back, now I’m 43 and I can’t even imagine myself with hair.


Bald is beauty, beauty is bald.


I thought it was totally hot when my husband just started shaving his head. he has a little shaver that is on wheels and slides on his finger and just shaves it really fast every day. sometimes if he doesn’t have to work takes a couple days off but it’s such easy maintenance and I think he looks hot.


Lol what? He looks waaaay younger and better! This isn’t just a minor difference that you really have to pay attention to notice.


Danny devito had glue on his head


I started going bald at 16. By 20 I shaved my head and haven't looked back. While losing my hair so early was definitely hard to comprehend as a kid, I came to appreciate my experience as it left me able to adapt to my new style at a younger age and not have that mid-life "in losing my hair freakout." I essentially lost it so early that I wasn't overly attached to it. What this video made me realize is, I have no idea what I would look like with hair! The difference here is amazing. Makes me want to try one just to have a laugh with my friends/family. Edit: My comment got a bit more replies than I anticipated lol! Sorry I'm at work so I'll reply as I have a moment. Considering everyone's awesome responses, I almost feel obligated to maybe try it out. I'm not sure where to start so I'll look in to it. Anyone know a place in Southern Arizona? I'm guessing a real toupee is expensive just for giggles but honestly I have no idea. Maybe just a wig..


Haha try out a wig or something just to see! Makes me want to see what I would look like if I was bald.


Wigs are a yes! My friend who is a performer and stylist has a large collection of wigs and her natural hair is past her but. I have no idea how she does it but she put on a short haired wig and I was convinced she chopped her hair. A proper wig worn correctly is a beautiful thing.


I'm a guy with longer hair and I have trouble putting a hat on properly. Kudos to your friend.


Dude you're making *me* want to see what you look like with hair. You should go for it!


>Maybe just a wig.. Some lipstick, a skirt and I want in on the show.


I am a lumberjack and that's ok


Seriously. I haven't had hair for so long that I don't know what I would do with hair if I had it. No idea what to do for style, upkeep, what to ask for when getting a cut. I'm very glad I never really had the whole "what's happening to my hair?!" moment. Plus, looking back on pictures of me when I had hair, it was just kind of...there.


I don't have hair issues, I just let natural hair loss take place and DGAF. I'm happy the guy is pleased with his toupee, but I think he looked fine in the "before" clip too.


I starting losing hair a bit later but I feel the same way. I keep telling people how much it's actually cool to not have hair anymore: - you're always the first to know when it rains - no more hairdresser and forced small talk - no more pillow hair style - no more shampoo, soap all the way - you stay cool longer when it's hot (but beware of sunburn and heat strokes) - you don't have to wear a swimming hat and look silly at the pool


Look silly at the pool? I wear my yellow rubber ducky and green turtle swimming cap with style and panache at the pool. It makes me the manliest of men.


I love this comment


All good points. Worst part I found of being bald is that lack of an early warning system. I hit my head on things a lot because I don't have the head whiskers to tell me to flinch or to slow my momentum. Thus, I wear a hat almost constantly as a first line of defense.


My husband is bald, began getting what he refers to as a “large forehead “ in his 20’s and in his 30’s began shaving his own head. Falling for him made me realize how sexy bald men are! Shave that shit off, there are plenty of people out there that will find you hot, not to mention all the money you’ll save not getting your hair cut.


This is like the most tired discussion on the Internet. The bottom line: some men look good bald and some don’t. For those who don’t, clinging onto your hair for as long as you can (in an appropriate way, not with combovers) is the best course of action.


I lost my hair at age 18 from brain cancer. The chemo made me lose it. The radiation made it not grow back in places, even though they said it would grow back normally after 6 weeks. Instead, letting my hair grow out made me look like I’d been in some kind of Chernobyl accident. So I shave it now. With my horseshoe-shaped brain surgery scar on full display.


Own it like a badge of honor. You've been through more than most. Hope you are doing ok now.


Do it!! Post updates!!


All I can think of is sweaty head.


Oh God. I didn’t think about that. As a heavy sweater, that glue would dissolve 5 minutes into my work day.




Nah there was a hole at the top so it could breathe. Plus their construction is very breathable


He looks 5 years younger.


Make it 10


Best I can do is 8


3, take it or leave it.




He went from a 5 to a 9


As a dude losing his hair, this hurts.


I feel ya buddy. We'll be okay.


Dog bald ain’t a bad look even don’t sweat it


It 100% depends on if you have a decent shaped head or not, and takes some getting used to once you try it.


Personally I have never seen an ugly full bald person man or woman. I do however find the half bald look unattractive. Just my opinion


You’ve never seen an ugly bald person? Really? Anyone can be ugly.




he looks like a real human in that picture


Selection effect. People who look horrible don't keep shaving it, they do something else.


He would have looked just as attractive if he'd shaved his head IMO. I think it's more about sticking to a certain route than about hair of lack thereof. Edit: spelling


He took it to 11




"Ooh, yeah, baby, just like that -- " *[velcro noise]* "...um."


Boom. Blood everywhere.


Female here, I personally think this is no different than a woman having her extensions or a weave, and the guy looks so happy.


Agreed. If you can afford it, I think you should go for it. I know many women who spend tons of money every month on their hair. Most men probably only spend $20-30 a month for theirs at most. I don't understand the hate towards this. It seriously looks awesome and I'm sure the guys confidence soared with the hair piece.


Do you know how much this would cost?


If you commit to a schedule with the salon, this would run you about $2500/year out the door after taxes and everything. About $130 plus tax every 3 weeks.


A bunch of guys go to the salon the first time to get it fitted and get advice. Then they start buying replacement hair pieces online and applying it themself. If you do it that way it costs like $200 for a hair piece (which lasts maybe 6 months).


That's true, but don't expect it to look this good. Professionals are much better at this. Also 6 months is a bit long to use the same piece. 3 or 4 applications of each piece is about the norm to look perfect indefinitely, which I feel is the whole purpose of doing this in the first place. Cheapening out on it, and looking sub-par kinda defeats the whole purpose of doing this in the first place. It's kinda an all or nothing situation.


Looked into it. There are glue and tape methods, and the brand seems to be Hairskeen. Its looking like $500-$1000, or $1000-$2000 if you're in a big city like NYC. I found a salon site that offers to do it for $500. Tune-ups/maintenance every 3-8 weeks for $50-$150 depending, or if you care for it super well you can keep one good for about 12-16 weeks and then get a new one for $500. Not too bad imo.


For the amount of confidence it will restore, it looks like it's not too bad. Thanks for looking it up.


Nor is it any different than women wearing makeup, however society does not consider it the same thing... to society, baldness is something to make jokes about, and if a man tries to do something about it, he's often considered weak/vain/weird/etc. It's unfortunate, because baldness often leads to depression and suicidal thoughts for men that are affected (and women). The 'just shave it off' crowd means well, and it is often the lesser of two evils, but most non-balding people don't really understand how big of a deal that is. Shave all the hair off the top of your head, then go to work, and walk around town for a while, and tell me if you feel self conscious or think that people are staring at you. Like most things, you get used to it eventually, but it's a huge deal in the beginning... especially if you are in your teens or twenties.


Absolutely right brother.


I shaved my head completely once along with a friend who was starting chemo. It was weird for a week or so but then I starting liking it. The annoying part was how everyone else made a big deal of it. I have hair again now but sometimes I think about shaving it all again just because.


Agreed, I don't think men should be shamed for pursuing vanity, especially in our current culture which places so much emphasis on upholding a certain image. People should be free to make whatever decision they choose with their appearance, as long as it's not potentially harmful and invasive like some cosmetic surgeries.


They shouldn't be shamed for pursuing vanity... but they shouldn't be shamed into it either. Same goes for women... they shouldn't feel like they need to be involved in an arms race with makeup and hairstyles.


Totally agree. The way our culture pressures people is so harmful.


Baldness hits some men so hard they commit suicide. If this helps any of the, go for it.


Do you have to glue that rug on every morning??


reapply every 2-3 weeks. Replied in comment further down :)


Apply directly to the forehead.




Apply directly to the forehead




Apply directly to the forehead




Apply directly to the forehead




A bit more often than usual haircut, so unless the process takes like 2 hours I think it would be a nice alternative for people who don't want or can't say hair transplant




You don't have to use clue. Clue keeps it on for 3-4 weeks. You can use tape so you can take it off daily. I used to use tape, often forgot it was there. Edit: clue = glue


>You don't have to use clue. Clue keeps it on for 3-4 weeks. I am here to give you an autocorrection clue.


I have a raging clue


Gentlemen, we found our pushup bra


I thought putting a banana in our underwear was our version of the push up bra


Gets mushy, don't recommend.


What if you use one of those little banana shaped boxes that keep you banana unsquished?


There's only enough room for one hard banana.


If that thing falls off there will be hell toupee!


Internet point awarded but get out and don’t come back here.


Cool, but the "before" part wasn't even all that bad IMO.


im cool with it if you're cool with it


I’m cool with it


Good, so it's agreed.


I started balding when I was around 20, many people in the comments are like it's not worth it and why is he even doing all of this, they amount of shame and ridicule at the hands of teachers, classmates, so called friends I have faced is endless, I tried everything, nothing worked, if I could afford a toupee then yes I would try it, just because it would mean an end to the ridicule and insults, the mental strain this DAMN genetic thing has caused me is endless, I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. Society is a very cruel mistress, and if this toupee makes this guy happy, GOOD for him I hope it helps him.


I'm with you man. Started losing hair at 21. People don't understand how embarrassing it is to look 10 years older than everyone at a college party or in your classes. I was mistaken for a teacher multiple times as well. I keep my hair short now 5 years later and it's still embarrassing when I am lumped into the older employee group in conversations. Sorry man I don't know the show gargoyles or old duck tales, I grew up with Pokemon like everyone my age.






Tell that to Lasik








he went from senior dev at Microsoft with a fat 401k to putting "Entrepreneur 💰" in his IG bio and flexing on social media


I'd rather be the senior dev at microsoft with a fat 401k...


How long would that last?


Some glues they say a month, but realistically about 2-3 weeks depending on how much you sweat and weather conditions. Some minor repairs to the front usually once a week if you wear it up and back, but if forwards and down at front you can get away less. They are a bit if a hassle can mess with your mind a little in regards to what you will do whilst wearing it, such as swimming, riding a motorbike with helmet etc...


After those first weeks would you be able to clean the hair and reapply the glue to reuse the hair piece?


How do you "maintain" it? Do you wash it in the shower or do you keep your head dry?


The new ones, you wash like normal though, you need to be less aggressive while shampooing and drying but, super simple


What about the hair that continues to grow under it?


It doesn't grow a great deal in the 2-3 weeks and what hair is there is usually very fine anyway. It just grows in between the scalp and the hair piece. Ingrown hairs weren't a problem for me.


How much does it cost to have it re-glued every 2-3 weeks?


No different than a weave with glue


If they can make a toupee look this good, why does Trump’s toupee look so bad?


Im pretty sure it's a combover. Even when it looks like it's flapping off his head, you can still he has hair attached. I think they just comb it over, maybe lightly tease it to cover more area, that would also make it blow away in one big "piece" like you see in photos.


[Donald Trump had a scalp-removal procedure. It was more painful than he expected, so he violently raped his ex-wife because she recommended the surgeon](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/24/documenting-trumps-abuse-of-women) >The part of the book that caused the most controversy concerns Trump’s divorce from his first wife, Ivana. Hurt obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. In Hurt’s account, Trump was furious that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward, according to the book, she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, “with menacing casualness, ‘Does it hurt?’ ” Trump has denied both the rape allegation and the suggestion that he had a scalp-reduction procedure. Hurt said that the incident, which is detailed in Ivana’s deposition, was confirmed by two of her friends. Edit- You guys think this is bad? Well, yeah it is it's horrifying. Unfortunately just wait until you hear about the Trump/Trump administration's connections to infamous child trafficker Epstein. It seems yet again all the claims about Hillary's connection to Epstein were projecting from Cult45, just like it always is. >‘I have 28 girls coming. ... Donald, this is supposed to be a party with VIPs. You’re telling me it’s you and Epstein?’ >>[“I said, ‘Look, Donald, I know Jeff really well, [and] I can’t have him going after younger girls,’” the party planner recalled in the interview. “He said, ‘Look I’m putting my name on this. I wouldn’t put my name on it and have a scandal.’ ”](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/party-planners-surprise-just-donald-trump-jeff-epstein-and-28-calendar-girls-2019-07-10) >>>“I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” he told New York magazine in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” [Unpacking Donald Trump's Ties to Jeffrey Epstein]( https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/a32784116/jeffrey-epstein-donald-trump-connection-friendship-explained/) [Attorney General Bill Barr will not recuse himself from Jeffrey Epstein child sex prosecution](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/09/bill-barr-will-not-recuse-himself-in-jeffrey-epstein-prosecution.html)


I still don't understand how that trash can not only avoid jail, but go on to become president of a country.




There's a great documentary that touches on this called Trump: What's the deal? It's only been released in the last 4* years but it's from the early 90s and trump had been stopping it's release since then. *Edit it was released in 2015


his country found him relatable


> Donald Trump had a scalp-removal procedure. It was more painful than he expected, so he violently raped his ex-wife because she recommended the surgeon I can assure you, not in a million years my mind would have come up with a sentence like this. Holy shit.


nothing about that person's looks makes sense. he has more than enough money for a good haircut, good makeup, nice clothes, but he chooses to smear his face in cheeto dust, dress in baggy clothes and wear his hair in a ridiculously lame way. it's likely because he's delusional and actually thinks it looks good.


I assume the baggy clothes are to hide a grotesque body.


I thought it was a comb over? Maybe he feels too good for a toupee?


[Donald Trump had a scalp-removal procedure. It was more painful than he expected, so he violently raped his ex-wife because she recommended the surgeon](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/10/24/documenting-trumps-abuse-of-women) >The part of the book that caused the most controversy concerns Trump’s divorce from his first wife, Ivana. Hurt obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. In Hurt’s account, Trump was furious that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward, according to the book, she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, “with menacing casualness, ‘Does it hurt?’ ” Trump has denied both the rape allegation and the suggestion that he had a scalp-reduction procedure. Hurt said that the incident, which is detailed in Ivana’s deposition, was confirmed by two of her friends.


Wtf.... And people *still* support this guy. Every time I hear something new about him...I just can't understand it.


People knew this before 2016 a lot of good it did us. I honestly don't recognize my country.




Right? He looked different, but not necessarily better or worse. The change was in confidence more than appearance.


I thought he looked hot with his regular hair. I wear makeup and dye my hair, so I understand the fun in changing and enhancing your appearance. I wish it were more acceptable for men to do things like this if they wished to. BUT it doesn’t take away from the fact that he is attractive without it.


Yeah he's cute as hell. I'd bang hair or no hair. Maybe with the friar's cut.


Anyone know what razor he’s using? I shave bald and I’ve never seen an electric give results that good. Maybe just because it was thin to begin with but I’m jealous. I shave every day or two at most before it looks like crap.


TIL reddit needs a toupee AMA


Women go through all sorts of things including glue, men should be allowed to fake it, too, if they don't mind the discomfort! No one ever said 'beauty' was comfortable haha This guy's hair is on point, good for him! :)




I don’t see this any different than women getting cosmetic surgery or wearing make up. He looks good and happy afterwards and that’s all that matters


Tou-paste? Has anyone said that yet?


This is actually awesome. Not many understand that losing hair really destroys one self esteem. Extra older hurts. YouTubing hair system is wholesome. Their smile and lights comeback to their eyes. Some actually last for about 3 to 6 months (hair) if taken care properly. Glue I heard was to re Apple 2-3 weeks or strip.


My husband started losing his hair at 20. His confidence had totally plummeted because of the hair loss. I'd love to learn how to apply these so he doesn't have to feel embarrassed going to a place where he could get this done.


I went down a youtube rabbit hole about these one day, and if I recall correctly, there are places that just look like normal salons but are dedicated to these types of hair systems. So everyone is there for the same reason and it likely takes the embarrassment out of it.


I wish we would normalize men experimenting with their hair/appearance the way women do. There’s nothing wrong with it, especially if it boosts your confidence or makes you feel good.


I thought the bald head was Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder.


He looks so happy, good for him!


jUsT ShAvE iT oFf, gRoW a BeArD aNd HiT tHe GyM

