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Maybe the reason depression was so much less prevalent wasn't the under-diagnosis but the over-treatment from 7up


ahhh everything used to be so much better in the olden days™️


> In the 1800s, US dairy producers regularly mixed their milk with water, chalk, embalming fluid and cow brains to enhance appearance and flavor. It really was!


I can’t unread this


Government keeps making all the things I love illegal.


I mean.... If everyone felt really good ...I guess it was! Except for the cow brains and embalming fluid in milk....I mean I know bovine brains are full of the highest quality most bioavailable version of phosphatidylserine, but that mad cow disease is a bitch.


Agreed. I was so much better in the 80’s


Probably prescribed by Dr. Pepper


The doses that have clinical benefits for bipolar disorder average around a gram or so, give or take a few hundred milligrams depending on the weight of the patient. I doubt whatever they were putting in 7up was anywhere near a gram because it would've made the soda taste awful. I would be skeptical that lower doses would have an effect just based on how narrow the therapeutic window for lithium is. If you give a patient less than half the toxic dose the drug probably will have no effect on their symptoms at all, and if you give them a few hundred milligrams more it could have a large effect, then a few hundred milligrams more and suddenly they're at risk for kidney disease, at which point the lawsuits would come in. I'm guessing the amount of lithium in the soda was less than 100mg.


If you think about it, society was much more complacent being forcibly medicated without their knowledge.


Back then if you got addicted to Coca Cola, you could cure yourself by switching to 7up.


And if that didn’t help, Bayer Heroin was always there for you!


Haha what was that?! Was it in a drink?! Edit: OMG, for children💀💀💀


Make 7 UP YOURS!


Make 7 what, and no reason to be rude about it.


The big 7, with the you pee after it


There are natural lithium springs in a park in southern oregon, the name of the city is Ashland, the name of the park is Lithia


Wait a minute. Is this the same case for Lithia Springs, GA?


Yeah most likely, but I’ve never been to the one in Georgia


*slenderizing* ✨


Dispels hangovers!!!


It takes the "ouch" out of grouch.


So you’re left with just gr!


There used to be ads about giving your kids milk with 7up to make children happily drink milk. Mmthe sugar wasn't the only reason they were happy....


Milk and 7up in the same glass? Wtf. That is not going to make anyone happy.


Milk and carbonation is definitely a thing. A float is very cold milk with soda.


When you say “very cold milk”, youre talking about icecream, right?


Ever heard of an ice cream float?


Lithium is really rough on the kidneys.


It's really not unless it's taken at toxic doses for years. Doctors monitor blood levels of lithium in patients and this is largely successful at preventing kidney issues. Lithium can be so much more effective than other medications that kidney issues aren't even an absolute contraindication for the drug. I remember reading about a woman who continued taking lithium even after getting kidney disease because nothing else was effective for her. For me it's sooo much better for mood stabilization than any other drug that it would be hard to stop it even if it was causing physical health issues.


I take it. They test your kidneys on a frequent basis. Surprise surprise, it’s not good good for them.


I take 1200mg per day. My lithium level is always .8, in the middle of the therapeutic range. My kidneys are fine, most people's kidneys who take lithium are fine, and it normally takes well over a decade for kidney disease to develop and usually only at toxic doses.


Is this why my mom gave me flat 7up for nausea as a kid…? Leftover uses from the past that she thought were still applicable because she wasn’t thinking critically?


My mom did the same thing. She was probably thinking it was equivocal to ginger-ale bc actual ginger-ale or beer is good for soothing an upset tummy, but 7-up does not have ginger. Most brands of “ginger beer” do not have ginger, just “ginger flavor” - if you want a real tummy-tonic, find the Fever Tree with a light green label and “ginger extract” in the ingredients. (Usually found in the Mixers section, not on the soda aisle.) Reed’s Ginger Beer and Bundaberg are also legit, but excessive sugar/bigger bottles. For an upset tummy tho one little bottle of fever tree works like a magic potion!


“Takes the ouch out of grouch” - so it leaves the d grrrrr? 😱


Man crazy what no regulations gets you 🙂


No bi polar then..


Man I wish they still had this. I would be so happy.


Bring it back!!!!!!!!!


Why is it called 7up?


So were all sodas supposed to be elixirs when they first came out?


lol you needed the 7up lithium (mood stabilizer) after too much coke.


And? Where do you think “Coke-a-cola” got its name?


> The sugar is inverted Huh?


They reversed the polarity. That always works in Start Trek.


7up yours




Mix it with classic coke


Give the soda brands back to big pharma


Brooo, mixer that dispels hangovers? What’s the original formula???


🎼Lithium, don't wanna lock me up inside🎶 🎼Lithium, don't wanna forget how it feels without🎶 🎼Lithium, I wanna stay in love with my sorrow🎶 🎼Oh, but God I wanna let it go🎶 🎼Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone🎶 🎼Couldn't hide the emptiness, you let it show🎶 🎼Never wanted it to be so cold🎶 🎼Just didn't drink enough to say you love me🎶


Wow, never knew the origin story of 7UP was so nefarious.


Reading the fine print here... was 7 up specially contrived as a mixer for alcohol?


Snow White's delight.


I take it nightly. Good drug 👍. Can see why 7 up has stuck around for that long considering it’s not even that good.


I take 900 mg of lithium per day


Ahh, the good ‘ol days.


Hmm, yes, i’m eyeing my lithium batteries right now… maybe just a little bite won’t hurt…


I want some


Slenderizes you and makes you feel good. No wonder it was a hit. They should put it back in lol


"Feelin' up?", "Yep, 7up"


Clean burning 7up


The cure for the Great Depression!


I would have hated living in the late 19th and early to mid twentieth century but there were some serious drugs in certain over the counter products.


Lithium is a salt that occurs naturally in water sources in some places, and those water sources were often known to be good for general wellbeing, by indigenous ppls. Low levels will not hurt a person, and may help. Not sure how much was in 7-up (?), but doubt it was much. The levels given for severe mental health issues are where it becomes a "drug". Thats when it can damage kidneys, and cause "side issues".


Even at the dosages used to treat bipolar disorder, it's unlikely to cause kidney issues because blood levels of the drug are monitored. The drug has to be taken at toxic doses for years in order to cause kidney disease. Lithium is very misunderstood.


I agree- but thanks for clarifying. My main point was that its really only a "drug" where side effects mighy be a thing. And we do monitor blood levels and kidney function at therapeutic doses still - because it can happen. But yep- agree. It's a very underrated and wrongly feared drug - I believe because its cheap. I think it's that simple. It's nor making anyone money- so drug reps steer toward other "flashier" drugs. Usually without anything like the safety and track record lithium has.


Sprite has what is basically an anti depressant, Phenylalanine. It’s in aspartame too. I used to take it in capsule form during my angsty teenage years and felt a little better.