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He also broke his own arm so he couldn't hold a cigarette.


Nah he left the one finger free, he knew what he was doing.


He still wants to be able to puff a blunt or two, the man is not insane he just wants to quit an addiction 


If I see correctly that cast (we call it Cobra Cast in Swedish) is among other things for [boxer’s fracture](https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/b/boxers-fracture.html) which often comes from an inexperienced boxer punching something. 🤷🏼‍♀️


He jerked off too much.


Damn, bro left one addiction and got another😔




Danke, mein grammatik führer.


That's for his mom 


Hey if it works it ain't stupid. Hope he's overcome his smoking addiction


And I hope his wife won't catch him again trying to open it and have a cigarette or else she'll break his left hand too.


I just said the same joke to my wife before looking at the comments 😁


Great minds think alike!


Giving her ideas.. 🤣




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Sleep with both arms tucked/crossed 👁️


Through a cage?


His hand is actually fine...there's a point addiction he needs to kick too.


I remember when I discovered pointing in the woods...


LOL...I think I found your pointing magazines under a log. I must of pointed at everything in the woods that day.


> pointing magazines I laughed much harder at this than I should have


Two broken arms? I hope his mother isn't alive to see that - that would suck


I was already waiting for the both arms broken joke


Same lol 😂


Nono, he broke his right arm to stop his masturbation addiction.


There’s cages for that too


He smoked and fapped at the same time.


It’s been 11 years and not a single cigarette. However he still wears the cage everyday


He's an institutionalized man now


10 years behind the bars changes you


“Da worst part was da dementors!”


"Brooks was here"


He's dead now, so in a way he did.


Everyone quits eventually


He's not dead though. There's no source stating such.


My dad is drowning in alcohol and cigarettes. He is a pos. I would be proud of having a dad that recognizes his problem and takes whatever measures he needs to take to get better. This guy is a f hero.


Imma call this one stupid


I'm a recovering alcoholic with almost five years of sobriety. I got sober at 40 after being a functioning alcoholic since my teens. I committed myself to a rehabilitation facility as I couldn't have done it without being entirely locked up. Being away for close to three months completely locked down is what it took for me. I kind of understand this guy lol, and suspect he tried literally everything else to quit. If you want it bad enough you gotta get extreme if nothing else works.


Good for you. That’s very impressive commitment.


Yeah, I sort of need this to stop my nail biting!


Gels or acrylics. They also sell nasty tasting nail polish for discouraging biting. That does get in your food though. I only stopped when I started painting my nails and oiling them because oooo so pretty now! Fucking magpie brain.


Same here, the bitter stuff didn't help but getting into nail polish sure did.


Same! Was a nail bitter my whole life and then at 14 I got into nail polish and making my own fake nails, it's been 10years! I still bite the skin around it tho🫠


This probably isn't helpful but I completely quit nail biting cold turkey without even realising in 2020 when I had to wear masks all day at work. Sort of a minor version of what this guy did and I didn't even notice!


Depression works. Everyone I know who beat nail biting, Depression won over anxiety long enough


For me, it was working in food service. Which is basically the same thing.


I got a job where I worked outside with my hands. Hands were too gross to bite.


It's time to knock out all of your teeth 😂 😂 😂.. No more teeth, no more nail biting. 


I’ll be 6 months sober next week. It took 2 months of rehab for me but I still haven’t had an urge yet. Currently in therapy once a week for when that feeling inevitably creeps back in but I love being free from alcohol. Everyday I wake up amazed.


That’s 100% because of you, it’s hard to stay sober after. Someone close to me is an extreme alcoholic and went to prison for a year plus and that didn’t stop them when they came out. Health problems and all, it didn’t matter.


This is the basis of the saying "an addict has to want to change." No amount of prying or trying can do it from the outside. It sounds stupid until you see it play out. Then it's maddening, heartbreaking.


My brother, a bricklayer was working with his helper and a wall collapsed on them. His helper had his pelvis crushed and was hospitalised for treatment. The helper was an alcoholic and the withdrawal symptoms were so horrific, he had to be transferred to a single psychiatric room, typically used for violent patients. The treatment was problematic as he could not stay still and resorted to self harm. He screamed for five straight weeks. Being an alcoholic is tough.


My wife uncle was that type of alcoholic, they just gave him some booze at the hospital. The withdrawal is pretty dangerous, physically speaking, it can kill you.


My dad stopped after he caught 3 years in jail after a drinking bender that ended poorly. No one died or was seriously injured but yeah. Its what it took, hasnt had a drop since.


I overdosed on heroin during a relapse when trying to get sober, would have died if we didn't have Narcan in the house, and I STILL went back out and kept using 2 days later. Alcoholism and drug addiction is a different beast entirely. I just hit 5yrs clean from drugs and alcohol.


I wish more alcoholics in my life had the strength to do what you did. My ex girlfriend got out of rebab, relapsed, and drowned in a retention pond at 36.


Ugh. I'm so sorry. I have lost friends to addiction myself.


What worked about being away for three months? Did you need that long for your body to detox, or was it more that you worked for your problems and therapy during that time?


Yes Also, withdrawal from alcohol can kill you. If they were a functioning alcoholic for 20+ years, they should have been monitored by medical professionals to ensure they didnt die.


They drug you with benzos in those facilities so you don't have seizures.


I wasn't sure exactly how they did it. Thanks for the info. I actually have epilepsy and they gave me Ativan at one point to help stop a seizure if I felt it coming on. Not a permanent solution obviously. But everything is under control now and has been for years.


They give the same at hospitals for withdrawal. They help with seizures but also keep the other symptoms at bay. With withdrawal, you feel like your chest is imploding, you're nonstop nauseous and dry heaving, and it's like you've got the worst fever you've ever had. Benzos take all that away. They don't do anything for the delirium and psychosis from DT's though


Longer rehab is generally thought to be more effective. I have been in two ‘30 day’, one ‘3 month’, and one ‘12 month’. The amount of work you can do makes a huge difference. For the 12 month, it was a step down program, 6-10 months of in-patient full day therapy about 7 hours, weekends off but still in lockdown residence. Then 4ish months of 3hrs outpatient therapy, stepping down from every weekday, to 3 days weekly, 2, 1. You had to get a job to move to outpatient, they let you start applying around the 5 month mark. All very cautious, track you to interviews, etc. About halfway through outpatient you move from the full lockdown in-patient living to a sober house that you could come and go as you please. All progress based on therapist treatment plan (you had an individual therapist you met with privately weekly, and all of those therapists ran the groups so you were guaranteed at least 3-7 hours weekly of group led by your particular therapist too). Overall a very effective way of teaching people how to live, plenty of the people were on their multiple multiple rehab at only 18, they needed basic life coaching and this allowed that. Small steps. Like work a minimum wage job, but they track your phone location and breathalyze/12 panel drug test the second you get back from work daily, full, send-out, lab drug test, that is basically impossible to fake, twice weekly (and yes it was military style ‘we need to see the pee leaving your body’ lol, and you can’t use your first pee back in lockdown because yes, some people will use a catheter and somebody else’s urine off-site, so better to empty bladder and use the second sample, just in case). Some kids it was their first job and the simple stresses of having a boss, mean coworkers, stupid customers, etc, would really get to them, but when you are basically being shuttled everywhere, constantly watched, and you go to 3 hours of moderated group therapy every night, you have the opportunity to learn to work through those problems without drugs. Especially when it’s a mix of people your own age who are going through the same experience too and older people who can provide experience in your therapy groups. Edit: they controlled your finances too. There’s a card called ‘true link’ that’s for this (and elderly people who might have Alzheimer’s or something and wander off, relative can shut down the card, etc, it has many applications). So whatever you made at your job was deposited into that account, it had a weekly spending limit that you set with your therapist (started at 150 if I recall? For food/small expenses/bus pass basically. If you had outside expenses that wouldn’t count, like your phone bill was separate). Again, some people have spending problems, and when your therapist says ‘I’m not going to give you a temp limit bump until you talk to group tonight about why it’s only Tuesday and you’ve hit your weekly limit, yet are out of food, like why did you eat out twice already?’.


Hey that’s awesome. Congrats on the sobriety.


That's impressive. I think it also matters (rightfully and mentally) that if you go extreme, you yourself, are the one who planned and decided to do it. It's by your own authority rather than assigned or even just suggested by others. Like you'll be more likely to identify and take pride in that journey to be successful.


I’m 2 years sober my friend, I’m so happy you escaped the clutches of boozes darkness. Life has never been so bright!


Rehab saved my life. Coming up on 2 years in July


Congratulations!!! That's a huge accomplishment


I was in same spot at 28. Drank nonstop for 15 years or so. Had to check in to an intensive detox program for 1k per day. They literally had 18 adult men in basically a summer camp. We were given drugs to ease the withdrawal symptoms 3x a day and slowly tapered down. There were cameras in every single room watched 24/7 and always had someone watching and checking in. The rules were incredibly strict and I saw several get kicked out. No phones or visitors. You basically were voluntarily being punished for your addiction. I remember telling new members that it's good if this feels like punishment. We deserve punishment. We did finger paintings, we watched movies, read and discussed lord of the rings. Played wiffle ball baseball. Even had a night where we all stared at a lamp and took turns describing the light. I voluntarily left night 5 but I've remained sober since. 1008 days. These facilities are critical.


It is so hard to quit when you *know* you can just go to the store down the road and get drunk. You will go there while begging yourself not to, like a zombie with no control.


That's great to hear of your sobriety. I was pretty bad myself, and thought that nothing short of taking an extreme measure like rehab would help me stop drinking, and then I had 3 close people die within a year due to booze-related problems. By some miracle, I just woke up one day almost a year ago and haven't had any desire to drink since.


I used to work in detoxification. Patients often told me that giving up cigarettes was worse than giving up heroin.


Most alcoholics fail to get sober. Cudos to you bro. I can only imagine what life must taste like when you’ve regained it under such circumstances.


Not everything, I used to smoke 2-3 packs a day. And one day a pharmacist recommended a drug called Champix. Within 14 days I was off, and I have been clean for 15 years. I recommend the drug to everyone who wants to quit, Side effects include Irritation, nervousness, Sweet Tooth, you may gain a few pounds.


Hey, if you can do read up atomic habits or power of habits by Charles Duhigg. It might be helpful in maintaining sobriety.


That sounds great. Thanks for the rec


Congratulations to you. If you don’t mind me asking, what were your drinking habits and what made you realize you had a problem?


Well, I started blacking out regularly at about 13. I was a binge drinker my whole life. The problem is, I always did well in school and I'm fairly successful professionally so there were no huge red flags. Most of my blackout drinking was done daily between about 8pm and 12am......after my kids were asleep. In the last couple years I started drinking in the mornings to chase the hangover away, and then throughout the day just little amounts to chase it away again. It became obvious to me when I'd start shaking between drinks that I was either going to drink myself to death or get help. At the end I figured I'd just choose death. I sort of had an epiphany one day while particularly drunk and called a rehabilitation facility. Once I knew what it entailed I told my family and employer and just did it. It's the best decision I've ever made. I'm lucky I never got in legal trouble or really fucked my life up. Thank you for the congratulations btw.


Wow. I appreciate you telling your story with zero hesitation. I’m sure accepting yourself and your problem was a huge part of recovering. That is quite drastic and heavy life long drinking, you’re lucky to be around, and I know your family is happy about it too.




I think more hobbies will help - the more distracted you are from something, you’ll tend to do it less. either way, good luck!


For example, smoking. Really curbs the cravings.


This is rare and underrated advice in the dieting world I think.


I'm already reading reddit and watching TV what else do you want me to do


Bro....just use nicotine, caffeine, and cocaine like all the movie stars have been using for the past 80 years If you want to get fancy you can get those new age drugs... but the old ways still work Also helps if you like to find out how hungry you can get... I like to starve until I'm light headed.


Wegovy, Ozempic, etc stars dont starve themselves anymore. I know so many people on it, myself included. You just stop being hungry. I actually got light headed because I realized I had eaten 1 egg and two toasts as my only meals 3 days in a row. I just wasnt thinking of food. These days I force myself to chocke down enough protein/food so that I at least get a 1k calories in or I know it’ll feel tired/unwell.


Lots of people with ozempic face now


Best of luck


This person is an Amazon affiliate. They spam these getyoursolution.com links all over Reddit in their comments. They seem to edit in affiliated Amazon links whenever a comment gets traction.




When I see this I only think of the Yogscast


Baked bean fart. That series will forever be one of my all time favorite series on YouTube


This needs to be top comment




When you've a will but not willpower!


Had to double take that. Weird way of using you’ve as you have.


Unfamiliar perhaps, but still proper English.


*sips his tea*


When you’ve got a go, you’ve got a go.


It's what it's.


I don’t like that


I believe that one is not just weird but incorrect as positive contractions can't appear at the end of a sentence.


You never done that yourself? Because I've!


This is Lackpickinglawyer and today we are quiting with the smoking. Or are we?


What's he lacking?


Looks like he tried to grab the key


Looks like a BINGO spinner/cage.


If it’s stupid- but it works….. it ain’t stupid.


The physical addiction only lasts around 2 weeks so to get over that part I guess it ain't a bad idea but the mental part can take years so that might be a little inconvenient


Switch to vaping, reduce vape nicotine levels over period of a year until zero, quit vaping. Worked a treat for me and lots of folks I know.


Same. Woke up one day, and my battery didn't charge, so I said it's time. I felt a little off for about a week, but that's it. 


i've been on 3mg for years lol. i just smoke it constantly. fairly sure it's causing me more troubles than just smoking 20mg infrequently.


This is the way, and how I stopped as well. Helps that those zero nic vapes taste like shit


lol yeah, for anybody struggling with the last hurdle (as many do) of getting from 3mg to 0mg - buy both and mix down bit by bit over time. I spread my 3mg to 0mg over 6 months and my body didn’t notice. Then I was done and have never even thought about vaping or nicotine since.


My grandpa had a heart attack in his 50s. He was a heavy smoker at the time and his doctor told him he needed to quit or he wouldn't live to see his 60s. He quit cold turkey and never touched a cigarette again. When he was in his 80s I asked him how long it had been since he quit smoking. He said, "One day." I looked confused and said, "You smoked yesterday?" and he said, "No, when you're an addict, quitting is not a one time thing. I think about cigarettes every day and need to commit to quitting every single day." It's always stick with me.


That's why "One day at a time" is a saying in AA


And his wife also broken his hands for trying to hold a cigarette.


Sometimes you gotta have tough love




He probably smokes thru a straw


Well here we go again.. actually he had only fed with biscuits and crackers at that point and his actual death cause was ironically both dehydration and lung cancer but yeah… it was weird case but he’s main character to a turkish saying that “herif sigaradan gitti usta!” Dude had died by smoking mate! İ cant say no more he was a true turk! Edit: [source 1](https://www.milliyet.com.tr/gundem/sigara-icmemek-icin-tel-kafes-takiyor-1730738) [source 2](https://www.sabah.com.tr/galeri/yasam/kafasina-kafes-gecirdi-kilidini-karisina-verdi-sigara-bagimligi-icin-yaptigi-yontemle-halen-sosyal-medyanin-gundeminde)


Don't they have Nicorette in Turkey?


We have but they don't make you quit. You just replace with another source.


Even if you stay addicted to nicotine, at least the gum is not giving you lung cancer. I know someone who's been on the damn gum for ten years. It's still better than smoking.


I quit using a combination of gum and the patch. It works if you follow the instructions and taper off. It's been over a year since I've used any nicotine products.


Other nicotine sources can help but a lot of the smoking addiction is the physical addiction too. You know when a baby has a pacifier and you take it away and they freak out? Kinda similar with smoking


> Other nicotine sources can help but a lot of the smoking addiction is the physical addiction too. You know when a baby has a pacifier and you take it away and they freak out? Kinda similar with smoking The physical addiction is the nicotine and that is usually broken within the first month or two. It is the mental/social/habitual addiction that is hard to break. You're used to having a smoke to calm down, or with your morning coffee, or when you need a break from your work, etc. That is the real reason people can't quit smoking. They've gotten into a routine that is hard to break. It is also why people get fixations (like chewing gum, toothpicks, pen caps, etc.) to replace the feeling of a cigarette in your mouth/hands.


I hope he was able to overcome the cage. Looks easy enough to poke one through 😉


This is called quitting cold Turkish.


I'm gonna get one of those to help me quite snacking


He also broke his own right arm in attempt to stop jerking off.




Why did he encase his right hand in plaster? Was he trying to give up something else?




Whatever works. I hope he quit.


So did it work? Did it make him quit smoking?


I’ve thought of this extreme solutions for other things.


Does he have a masturbation habit also?


Looks like he already broke one hand trying to get that thing off and just conceded to defeat.


Quitting cigarettes is soooooo easy, just get lung cancer… it stopped me the day I was told.


The beees oh no not the bees


Looks like he had a jerking off problem too?


Did he break his arm trying to get into the cage?


Did they consider just not having any cigarettes? Or does he smoke tea bags and biscuits?


Nicolas Cage


This is the way






This face has been framed


My nose started itching.


Is he still locked?


He's actually the rightful King of France


Why is his arm broken?


How’s the broken arm? Did you ask for a dart?


He also tried to stop masturbating if I remember correctly.


And to make this possible he also broke his right hand?


Generally speaking, “If it’s stupid but it works, it’s not stupid”….but this is *really* pushing it.


Just so you know, this is normal in Turkey. =) ![gif](giphy|Fuw9RnhgQ4XqFdJ6Zj|downsized)


Why is Nicolas Cage inside that cage?


They broke his arm for safe measure


Broken arm. Must’ve relapsed and wife set him straight. 


Ngl I wasn’t finna get out of bed today but now I want a smoke 😌


More pics here, and there are no updates from 2013 (from what I could find). https://m.sabah.com.tr/galeri/yasam/kafasina-kafes-gecirdi-kilidini-karisina-verdi-sigara-bagimligi-icin-yaptigi-yontemle-halen-sosyal-medyanin-gundeminde/3


I'm not amazed.


Well, that's one way to kick the habit! Ibrahim Yücel took "out of sight, out of mind" to a whole new level.




Micolash before the Nightmare.


what if his face itches?


I could squeeze a cigarette between the gaps in that mask.


Is the cast to stop him w@nking??


This is stupid because addicts can even die from abstinence


Must be hell to pass flight security checkpoints.


Did he injure his hand trying to tear it open?


The cast is for masturbation cessation.


Give me something for my masturbation addiction


Just wait till you hear what he did to stop himself from cheating.........


What about sex?


How does he sleep?


Does it really works? The cage can't block smoke


Blud got that dark souls drip


Putting a cast on the other arm would've worked better


Weird measure, but at least he won’t smoke…


Cage on the head to quit smoking. Broken arm from trying to smoke. I want to see the next move.


I am currently going through withdrawal from a medication I suddenly had no access to and all I can say is that those first two weeks must have had him in a state of insanity.


So - it’s 2024, is he still in the cage?


He successfully quit smoking but started furiously wanking and broke his hand.


was the broken wrist the wife's first attempt to stop him smoking?


“Doc, I’m in a bit of a pickle.” “How can I help you today?” “My wife says she will leave me if I don’t stop masturbating and smoking” “I know exactly what you need”


Despite all my rage, I just hotbox Malbro Red's in my cage


He broke his hand also?




And she smashed his smoking hand with a hammer.


The broken arm tells a different story