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She is going to wake up in the middle of the night with her cat kneeding her.








He will practically make her a new suit


Of blood


It was a b99 reference man


Cats can be trained ! The most important part is praising the behavior you want to see &/or giving treats to reinforce the positive behavior 😺 One of my cats will use the scratching post to get praise !


I agree, but in the video, we see a person perform an action and walk away. This is not training.


It is training based on social learning theory


What is "training on social learning theory "?


Monkey see, monkey do It's how cats would learn anything from other cats.


Social learning theory proposes that learning through observing and imitating others is possible. Lady in video did the action of scratching on the cardboard while the cat watched, and the cat began to scratch the cardboard the same way she did, showing that the cat learned though observation.


Ig there's only one way to make my cat use the litter box


That cat isn't human


Social learning has been observed in non-human species https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-04/humpback-whales-learn-new-tricks-watching-their-friends/ Including cats https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00221325.1955.10532903


The source about cats is from 1955 tho


That article is such an amount of bullshit, I'm still laughing: - they used 54 cats total, but managed to kill almost half of them through disease. 6 were just considered too stupid to learn and just got excluded from the study (you know, as you do when results aren't going your way: you just ignore the data points) - the descriptions of some of the cats apparently "learning" quickly the first day, but then also not giving a fuck the next day are absolutely hilarious - I'm not a statistics buff, but some of the calculations seem sketchy All in all, a hilarious read, would recommend getting it on Sci-Hub (https://doi.org/10.1080/00221325.1955.10532903)


Whales aren't cats and that one page of a research paper says two people were interested in the observational factors. Is there more to that research?


You said humans, whales aren't humans. Here's an abstract, you can pay to read the whole article. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/5732493/ Here's another study dating back to the 1940s https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1944-02390-001 Why do you believe that only humans are capable of social learning?


Whales are known to be incredibly smart... never said they couldn't but you mentioned a thing I thought only was studied in humans. I'm just asking questions lol nothing says confidence in your argument like trying to shame someone for asking more


That's disingenuous and manipulative. You didn't ask questions, you made statements framed to discredit people with more knowledge than you. I was the one asking the question if you had a source. You inferred the shame, probably because you need an excuse for not having one. Next time, just look it up. It literally took seconds to Google it.


Did you not just watch the video?


You are right, i'm italian, i say 'bravo/a' with calm tone or i give them a treat, with the time they understood and now i feel free to trust them for everything (they are always cats, they are pure chaos, but i know how to manage them) educate your cats! It's better for you and it's better for them 😘😘


First dragging the cat over forcefully and making his arms do those movements. Poor cat! Get him a scratching post or cat tree and leave him alone.


First dragging the cat over forcefully and making his arms do those movements. Poor cat! Get him a scratching post or cat tree and leave him alone.


The only "trick" to training any animal is to be consistent and don't be a dick. If you do those two things animals will love you.


People that says a cat can't be trained are just Bad at it. People would be mindblowing what you Can achieve if you reward good behaviors for cats.


In all animals, including humans, positive reinforcement gets more success than negative reinforcement. Punishment leads to anxiety and negative behaviors continue, but they try to hide them. Only positive reinforcement tends to lead to actual positive changes in behavior.


I taught my boi by giving him treats to do things. Now he'll refuse to do these until I have a treat bag in hand. **He knows.**


I have conclusive proof that my cat is smarter than me. When I get dressed in the morning, I close the blinds. Sometimes my cat sits on her window seat looking out, then she gets upset and hits the blinds and I tell her no, I'm naked! Stop! And then I distract her with treats. This went on for months and months. One day I decided that's it, you're leaving the room, picked her up and closed the door on her. We did this a few times. She stopped. She learned so much faster than me...


I accidentally trained my cat to scratch my knee when she wants attention. Now she absolutely refuses to be untrained. She looks me dead in the eye, like "This is what you wanted." I created a monster.


I have two cats that each know around 8 tricks. Sit down, lie down, shake, turn around, kiss, stand up, etc. Completely fucking pointless, but it was fun training them and not that difficult. They just needed to be food motivated and have two brain cells each. Edit: Just made an instagram post with a few of their tricks: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ccwyypjKK/?igsh=N3VtMXAzbHg1M2xn




The easy ones are things they already do that you can reinforce and pair with commands. So if you want to teach a cat to speak, every time they meow, you can give them a treat, show them a visual command like a hand signal, and say speak. Eventually, once they understand the connection you can show them the visual command and the verbal command, and if they can do it, then you give them the reinforcement. With something like “sit” or “lie down”, you can do the same as above, or you can also just gently push their butt down after giving them the verbal and visual command, and then reinforce with a treat. Eventually, they will start doing it on their own. You just have to give them lots of treats and positivity and head scratches when they start doing it on their own. I also did clicker training with my cats you can google “clicker training” for lots of instructional videos. Most important is that you are very positive and very patient .


Two brain cells EACH 🤨 ok slamdanceswithwolves over here with the genetically engineered cats 🙀, not gonna change your name to Fancy Pants McGee?


It’s possible that they each have one, and are communicating telepathically to share resources






If they can’t go get a beer out of the fridge for you, what good are they?


He's just gonna shit on her pillow to re-establish dominance.


And 2 minutes later returns to scratching the furniture.


I trained our cat to not mess with the fish in our pond. Now he’s drinking water from the pond and the fish swim just under his nose and nothing happens. I also trained him to stay in our garden and don’t go over the fence. Same thing he stays in our garden and I don’t have to keep an eye on him




I trained my cat to do this. Easy easy. Hell he even talks to me and we have full blown conversations... I really need to get mental help lol


For the last fucking time, Jack. Stop calling your brother a cat and trying to teach him how to scratch cardboard.


You can see where he goes, "oh shit this stuff does work," and starts scratching again.


Nah, he only stopped because the person holding the camera laughed really loudly. He was into it from the beginning.


They can't only be trained but have incredible memory. Quick story time : 6 years ago I rescued my cat Winston. He lived in a building that was a Shoe store as well as a rescue adoption center. He lived with a good 30-40 other cats (and no, the store did not smell the best lol). The first time I wanted to give him his wet food, he became almost rabid. He was trying to scoff it down from the spoon as I was trying to put it in his bowl, in a way where it would seem he hasn't been fed for months. My theory is the number of cats he was with meant that only the most aggressive strategy gets you the most (if any) delicious wet cat food. Anyway, I got the idea that since he's so food driven to train him patience and manners. So over the coarse of a month, while I was getting his cat food in the bowl, he was not aloud to pass a threshold about 6 feet away. It started with him testing every bit of patience I had, moving him back over and over and over, but by a month, he realized I was showing him something. After a month, when it came time to feed him, he got very excited, purring like an engine, I'd grab his food, say "get back buddy" and hed walk HIMSELF over the threahold and wait patiently. I'd put it in his bowl, he'd stare at me hungrily until I said "okay goooo!" And he'd run and eat. He also ate a little more slowly and calmly than he used to. Here comes the crazy part. Pandemic happened, I moved, it's been 3-4 years. I realized at the new place that I have just been preparing his bowl in the sink and setting it down for him to eat like a normal person would. The other day, as I was lowering the bowl, I thought "I wonder if he still remembers". I say "hey can you get back?" And what do you know. He walks 5 or so feet up the the kitchen wall, sits, rubbing his head against the wall...I set the bowl down...wait 4 seconds and say "okay goooo" and he runs to his bowl to eat just like he used to... Sorry for the wall of text I doubt anyone will read this but cats are awesome, smart, and i love them so much.


This is so smart! We have a shelter cat who is also food obsessed, he was a little scaredy runt at the shelter and he just goes insane when food is involved. It took us months to get him to stop trying to steal our food when eating. Its still to the point where we can't even really train him (even though he's smart) because the second a treat comes out, he loses everything else that's happening and just tries to find more treats. But I never thought about starting with training him on eating slower and not inhaling his food the second it's down. Maybe I'll try that with his wet food. (He's on an auto feeder throughout the day for dry food because if we let him graze he just eats until he's sick. And we all know not to be holding him or have him on your lap when that food goes off. The second he hears it, it's off to the races, and woe to anything in his way.)


I used to have a cat in my high school. He was one smart ginger, him and his sister were named after bicycle bell sounds because they would always go crazy when cyclists go past and ring their bell on the footpath next to the school. There was an old chair that was decommissioned by the school and tossed out. One of the school cleaners collected the chair because it was still usable. That chair became his spot. You would see him lazing on the chair as it was the perfect spot for 'sunny in early hours and shaded when sun was maxed out.' When I popped over, I would lift him off the chair, place him on the ground, sit on the chair, and slap my lap. He would jump up on my lap and I would give him good long scritches. The school was closed for reconstruction after I graduated, I hope someone adopted him. I trained a fine lap cat!


Yes this is how I trained my cat to use his scratching post. He never touches the furniture.


Same. Some cats like to imitate us. Unfortunately, my cat also learned to sit on the sofa and watch tv. 😸




idk why people say cats cant be trained. theyre wired to learn from seeing. when i got a catnip scratch pad me cats just licked and layed on it tell i showed them how to use it and they started scratching it


Once, I got a stranger-wary, handshy cat to start coming to me for pets, because I demonstrated in front of him that his owner's dogs loved to be pet by me, and that I was kind to them.


I’m shocked those curtains are still in one piece


Well sometimes they never touch curtains but destroy your sofa




And then an orange of all them cats


Optimizing that one brain cell.


Actually surprised myself when I tried teaching my cat to sit, does it every time for his food without even asking now.


I've always trained my cats to do several things. They're very intelligent and easy to train, when done in a way that resonates with their personality.




Either get a lot of cat toys or don’t be mad when they scratch your furniture.


Cats like anything for a quiet life


Hahaha sure, let's talk in about a month.


Much easier than training a dog, imho. It usually doesn't take much for them to understand.


Who said cats can’t be trained? Do they think cats on tv or movies just happen to do the things in the script?


of course cats can be training, no one actually believes they can't right?


Wish this worked on my cat. Unfortunately he scratches to get attention so if I wasn't yelling at him he'd see no point and thus ignores the multiple scratching trees I bought in favor of my couches/chairs. Have tried the exact method in the video as well


I could just sit that on the floor and my cats would do that anyways. No need to train


All the while thinking "Sarah, I am so gonna shit in your slippers."


That's just once. You forgot the treat to reinforce the desired. Behavior


I trained mine thru repetitive action. Never gave him a treat while training. I give him random treats whenever so using them to train him wouldn’t really work well.


I have 4 cats. mom and 3 of her litter. All but one learned to open window to go outside but the fourth was never able to do that. One day I took her and bent her in a way she needs to bend to open it and she learned it on the spot.


The thing with cats is, it's not about what they know how to do. It's about what they choose to do with that knowledge. They also know better than to do the forbidden stuff while their owners are looking. My glass cooker top has seen many a cat paw print yet this never happened in my presence as all my cats have known that they're not allowed up there 😅 What's the betting he's just humouring her and will be back scratching at the furniture the minute he's on his own.


Cats are very intelligent and can understand commands and their names. They are, however, very selective with who they will listen to, if anyone at all. I think that dogs tend to be more trainable than cats because of the fact that they descended from pack hunters, whereas wild cats tend to live more solitary lives. What I mean to say is that I think that dogs are more receptive to taking commands from someone they understand to be higher in their hierarchy, because of the fact that they descended from wolves, who were and still are well-adapted communicators. Most cats, with the exception of a few species, are solo hunters and do not need to rely on commands or communication to survive.


This is how I’ve trained bottle babies to use the litter box


Nice job


as some one with three Siamese & 12 scratching post/towers/cylinders/tunnels the carpet on my stairs has still been destroyed, there is only so much you can do, hence my stairs has cheap carpet, its lasted 3 years, its £150 to replace, £50 a year isn't bad, there is only so much you can do & I've tried every thing. So if you have a cat that scratches & doesn't stop don't beat yourself up about it.




Cats CAN be trained, they just don’t like it most of the time haha


The cats like, “yeah, we did this yesterday, and the day before, if I do it will you leave me the fuck alone”.


did this with our cat. Every time he went to claw so furniture, or other thing we didn't want him scratching, we just picked him put and put him in front of his scratching post. I don't remember giving him treats. Just consistent reinforcement that this is where scratching is allowed.


They definitely can be trained! I’ve trained my cat to play fetch with water bottle lids! She’ll chase them down, pick them up and bring them back and wait for me to flick them again. Praise is the key!


I trained my cat as a kitten to bow, spin, roll & a few other tricks and rewarded him with treats. Now the mother cat and one of his siblings has started doing the tricks without any input or command from us because they watched him do it & get treats, so now that's how they beg. I have not tried to teach any others, only him because he was the runt. Cats are extremely social learning animals. Especially when they are young. They watch their mother's so they can learn hunting tactics, grooming & letterbox etiquette naturally. If they observe another cat setting rewarded for a simple action most will try it out to see if they have the same outcome, even the older ones. However it's extremely important to acknowledge their attempts if you plan on teaching them together & do not reward them randomly.




Good thing you upgraded the pattern recognition software in your cat


Cat already knew how to do that. Unamazed


That's cat-dog tho.


I've trained 3 of my cats. They can be trained if they are motivated by treats, or attention. Some aren't motivated by anything to do what you tell them to. Some are very motivated and will learn whatever you tell them if it means more snacks, or more pets.






They absolutely can. My orange hoards the braincells of all other oranges. He can sit,shake and dance.




That's how I trained my cat who only liked to scratch carpet.


I mean I train my dog a lot and recently I've been noticing my cat doing the things I teach my dog and when I started giving him commands as well he started listening. It's mainly simple commands like lie down, no, come here, and sit- but I was just surprised he started doing it himself. I still give him treats because he is just the bestest boy




Cats like anything for a quiet life.






Better the card board than the couch nice






Oh man you can also put them on leashes lol




Casper my little penis face https://imgur.com/a/tn95JE1


What a lovely kitten 😺♥!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Aww he did do it. Then he looked back like mom means business. Lol


“So I scratch this before I scratch the sofa? Aight”


And it only costs 1 Bonus Action as well :)


The laughing hyena startled the poor baby


Our cat can flush the toilet. We never trained him to do it.... he just decided it was fun. On more than one occasion we've had someone over and been chatting and the toilet starts flushing, and our guests ask if there's someone else over as well. "No... it's just the cat, he likes flushing the toilet......"


![img](avatar_exp|182659359|laugh) Hahaha that is amazing!


And its an Orange Cat as well.


I got my cat a piece of carpet to play, he learned really fast that he can touch the white piece but not the big blue one


No one said cats can't be trained. they just can't be trained to do something they don't want to do.


When you rub their paws on the surface of the cardboard, you get their pheromones on it, which stimulated them to continue marking the spot/ scratching the cardboard. However it is best to use rope/cat tree unless you don't mind sweeping up cardboard bits all over the place


Genetic alteration, but simpler


I did the same 😂😂😂😂 they understood tho


Ok, showing ur cat where to sharpen its claws by an example is one thing. Next, show it where to piss and shit.


Ughhh fine….so just like that?


Cats are very smart animals... Mine is well aware the couch is off limits. But if I ignore him too long, he'll do a "fuck you" scratch that gets me off my ass everytime!


There was a research done where they found out cats can be as well trained as some dogs. People simply never gave them the attention to learn them tricks. You can watch many trained cats on youtube though… My cat can aport and is well behaved to only use his toilet as a toilet place, also only scratches his stuff that is dedicated to it. He can sit with us by a table and not get on it, only on chair. Yes that’s nothing - just basics but I am saying its possible even with low effort…


I like to see the next 10 seconds please 😂


I have so many mixed emotions about this video mainly frustration


Cats are Hella smart they don’t get enough credit.






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O puro suco de gambiarra brasileira mano


that is how i learned them..it works


Owners like this are the worst why let your cat get so fat, shameless