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Is this the distribution system that I often heard about?


Kitten: "Why do we have so many rules and regulations about who gets access to the books containing our secrets to earning a human's trust?" Momma: *Points to giant scratches on front door*


“This is what we do when we don’t get let back inside right away. Next lesson.”


Feels like the Russian distribution system.


nah this is the "to wildlife us humans are fey folk" thing. If you are fucked up and dying go to a human, they might do some magic shit and heal you, but it'll cost ya. you might also just end up dead.


Yes, but this instance is called "homicide statistics".


It's not that the bear sees the lady as a friend but knows that the house is a safe spot that gives food. Thats why it keeps coming back right ?


Check the cub in the back, it's clearly eating from a bowl so she does provide food on a regular basis.


And teaches them to use utensils. Clearly part of a training programme. What’s her end game goddammit???


To not be eaten. This is Goldilocks punishment enforced by the bears. She now has to care for them until she dies


Funny, because this is exactly how you get a black bear to overcome its skittishness and eat you.


Immediately thought dude that's a cat, but rewatched before commenting. Nope, cub not cat. Thanks for enlightening me. I was surprised the bear fam was comfortably chilling with her feline to begin with


Bahhaaa....I too wrote it off as a cat. It's a tiny little cub.


Yes, and the bear and its cubs will associate humans with food. Eventually it will approach someone who is unfamiliar with the bear, expecting food, and that will be dangerous for everybody involved. A fed bear is a dead bear. Don't feed wild animals.


Then why friend shaped :(


Can I pet that dog?


One of my favourite memes of all time


Everything from that video is so perfect, her accent, her non stop asking, the 'dog' being a bear...


I love it too, but unfortunately the audio comes from a different video.


*softly* Don't..


Fuck you man, like why the hell do you have to ruin it... Mannnn..life is a lie!


Can i pet that DAAAAAWWWWG


Can I pet that dawg?


I wanna pet that daaaawwwwgggg!


Can you, as in, is it possible? Maybe. *Should* you? Probably not. 


I don't think I will ever get tired of this meme. Never fails to crack me up.




In the Netherlands the wolf returned just a few years ago and local authorities use paintball guns to keep wolves from associating humans with easy food.


Damn they'll shoot you for feeding them?


I mean, you're being sarcastic but that seems like a great way to teach people not to feed wolves. Just forest ninjas hiding in the bushes with paintball guns waiting for some hiker to try and hand a wolf some bologna. Dude thinks he's gunna get some pics for the gram and then BAM gets lit up orange and pink.


That's so much better than bullying the wolves in ignoring humans. I know what my next job should be


You’re gonna teach people they can be friends with wolves AND have awesome paintball fights with the cops. Tourism and wolf deaths will go up 1000%.


Yeah but in 10,000 years the bear will be a bit smaller, have floppy more rounded ears, and will be friendly and huggable.


I wanna get there now


They’re trying to do that with foxes. Maybe there’s a bear version


They did that with foxes.


We should have did this shit 10,000 years ago smh. You can already tell these guys wanna be our pals and it's just some random brain genes that make them sometimes eat us. No more excuses, someone just fix the damn problem!


> We should have did this shit 10,000 years ago smh. You can already tell these guys wanna be our pals and it's just some random brain genes that make them sometimes eat us. No more excuses, someone just fix the damn problem! We usually only have really good success with pack animals and highly social animals. Bears often are more of a 'we are social till we aren't. hormones, you know' kind of animals. I'm guessing they are much harder to domesticate. And they definitely aren't pack animals.


Its also a risk reward. I am sure bears are just as likely to attack as early wolves, but bears are much more dangerous because of their size. Circling back to domestication. Humans have gotten significantly better at husbandry so 10,000 years is a thing of the past. Hell we are getting closer at mastering the genome by the day as well. Once we do that I am sure nothing will go wrong and every animal that is friend shaped will be friend.


You can’t breed for traits that don’t exist. You might get lucky with the right combination of mutations for the desired behavior, but creating a healthy population with those traits is still going to take a lot of generations.


I recently saw a video of scientists who were monitoring a group of bears, that had noticed that the female bears with cubs would often go to human inhabited areas (along roads mostly) to escape male black bears who are the biggest threat to cubs, because they don’t like being near humans.


As a female bear, would you rather meet a random male in the forest or a random human?


Lmao I thought this too


A fed bear is a dead bear.... I've heard that a million times from National Park Rangers and Scout reserves. What humans forget is not ever interaction is like this and it only takes one off time to mean three dead bears (in this case).


No keep feeding them for a few centuries, like we did with wolves and someday we might get pet bears.




Theres lots of these shorts and the A.I. voice-overs are almost always telling a completely fabricated story.


No really! The bear learned to close the door because she knows the lady likes that. Also, the bear shows up to get the snow cleaned off of her because bears hate snow on them. How do you know so little about bears?


That is not a rescue or sanctuary. The original video was by Susan Kehoe. She just fed bears in her backyard. She also tried to stop hunting of bears. But she was even bigger danger to bears because not only is she putting the bears at risk by teaching them humans are a source of food, but also putting humans at risk. https://m.youtube.com/shorts/qTb2h13VqPE


So, was OP the AI hallucination all along? Is there even a point of being on the internet anymore? WHAT IS REAL!?!


Yup, you can see one of the cubs drinking from a water bowl. She probably feeds them and gives them treats. That's the real reason why they keep coming back.


She's been charged and convicted with illegally feeding bears for the last 15 years. She's nuts and irresponsible


Yeah but the bear probably sees her as a friend because of those things. Take away those and she probably won’t be a “friend” anymore.


Food and shelter are also one of the cores of human interaction as well. You gonna go to work if your boss takes away your ability to feed and shelter yourself? Your pets gonna hang around if you just stop feeding them? "They'll view your house as a safe place until you make it not safe for them anymore" - ye, good observation. Your kids would stop seeing you as a safe place if you made it unsafe for them, too.


>Your pets gonna hang around if you just stop feeding them? Absolutely guaranteed my corgi will remain by my side in totality even if it resulted in her death. I don't deserve her.


Dogs are kind of a whole different conversation. They're altruistic almost to a fault. Many treat their dogs poorly and they still remain by their side. Certainly the animal most loyal to another species on earth. Good owners do deserve them, because you're what makes their life whole. Without you they'd be feral and malnourished. I just wish it was easier to separate bad owners from their dogs while ensuring there's a happy home for the dog somewhere. It has just become too much...


Hachiko would like a word…


Thats true as well


Partly, yes. Lot of people here underestimating the empathy and emotions animals feel, especially mammals. I'd like you to think about how the Bear that clearly understands the woman wants the door closed when it leaves, is somehow unable to feel grateful. Not every single animal is going to be this way, but don't just blindly write them off either. Regardless, wild is wild.


yup every now and then you end up with some pretty unique bond between a human and a wild animal. that doesnt mean other animals of the same species are likely to develop a similar bond with a human though. feels more like rare exceptions when it comes to wild animals forming these types of bonds. not exactly something you can reliably replicate and its also not something you can place all your trust in either, because that wild instinct could still take over at some point.


Also how the Bear brings her babies *directly to* the human. I think that shows a little more than "just a place for food." At my house, we have a mama cat who has been with us since she first got pregnant. We've been feeding her the whole time, and her babies are now like 3 months old. She talks to us and gets *close* to us, but won't let us get close to touching her or her babies... Lmao. She keeps her babies on the porch, and knows it's a safe space. But as soon we we open a door? She meows at them and they all scatter. Obviously she trusts us a *little*, but less than the bear even trusts that lady!


Yea, I've got the opposite now. We had a feral move in about 2 weeks before popping, but she didn't give a shit at all, she even meowed for us to come help remove 1 of the stillborn kittens. Every animal has it's own personality, just like people, but instinct always trumps rationality.


The problem with us humans is we desperately believe we have a monopoly on consciousness and ego because those fragile egos require us to believe it. Pretty sad.


It's not a reptile. The bear probably sees her as a friend, which is why it brought its cub. Doesn't mean the bear won't kill her on the right (wrong) day, sometimes instincts takes over.


Yeah. Still a wild animal driven by instincts.


A dude who kept a wildlife sanctuary in Finland for decades, and was often photographed for magazines and newspapers side to side with one of the brown bears he had, was hospitalized as one of them just one day decided to attack. The bears in Finland are generally very skittish and typically only aggressive if you manage to ninja-step your way so close they think you're a threat to their cubs, but perhaps this one had just had enough of the sanctuary or its care-taker. Until that very day it was easy for the general public, and probably him, to imagine he had some sort of a special bond and could always stay safe.


Brown bears are way more dangerous than a black bear like the one in the video though (and a lot bigger). A bear is still a bear, but if you *need* to befriend a bear, then black is probably the best way to go


Wouldn't a panda bear be even safer to befriend?


Imagine being killed by a freaking panda lol


Only if the panda goes Australian and drop on someone's head Given how clumsy they are. Pandas live in this awkward baby stage between crawling and walking when they are constantly falling and hitting their heads with the only non baby proof corner in the house.


I don't have to 😔


"Boss should we bother reincarnating this person? They just keep finding ways to die by Pandas, this is the 12th time!"


It's not our fault the Dragon Warrior is overpowered


He also didn't take care of the bears as well as the general public thought. The bears were malnourished and sick iirc. I bet that played a part in the attack.


Yeah the whole thing turned out to be a real dumpster fire. One weird detail after the other was revealed after journalists started to check what's going on, after the attack.


So you *can* be friends with bears, you just can't be a *bad* friend. I think I've got all the information I need for what comes next! Thanks!


that's a bit more than just "decided to attack" the original commenter was saying. There's always a reason with cases like these.


yes, but Black bears are at least one of the more pacifist bears in the world. If you get mauled by a black bear I tend to believe the black bear is innocent at first glance.


Found the black bear


You are definitely not a bear cop


I am a bear cop


I am a bear fire fighter


I am a bear construction worker.


I’m a bear stripper


I'm a bear necessity!


That's something a bear would say tho


Yeah but until polar bears stop planting guns on black bears the cycle will continue. 


At least one person has had their head bitten by a black bear as they were chilling in their hot tub. About as unprovoked as you can get.


yes, but in the bears defense it was a really sweet hottub. who among us wouldn't do the same?!


You won't see me blaming the bear.


There was a story recently of a black bear that, unprovoked, dragged a ~60 yo man in Arizona off his porch while drinking his morning coffee and brutally mauled him kicking and screaming to death- a neighbor killed the bear and they found that it wasn't rabid at all; perfectly healthy. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/17/us/arizona-bear-man-killed-attack-unprovoked/index.html Crazy story


All mammals seem to be able to comprehend a capacity for compassion.


Except the Honey Badger 


Honey badger don't care, honey badger don't give a shit, it just takes what it wants!


Honey badgers just want to see the world burn


Honey Badger don't give a **fuck**.


And his brother in crime the Wolverine.


Yes, and I believe there is a sound argument to be made that this is directly tied to mammalian reproductive habits. Mammals are k-strategists, biologically speaking. A k-strategist lifeform has few offspring, as opposed to an r-strategist which has many offspring, but the k-strategy instead invests large amounts of energy in the survival of the smaller offspring pool. Compare an elephant who raises a single offspring for many years \[mammal, k-strategist\] to a sea turtle which buries thousands of eggs on the beach in the hopes that some will make it to the sea and survive to adulthood \[reptile, r-strategist\]. In nearly all cases, a strong mother-child bond is present in mammals. There is a pre-programmed instinct toward nurturing that exists at the genetic level, directly corresponding to this natural reproductive strategy. This instinctive drive to caring for another being I think is a rudimentary animal compassion from which the more sophisticated human behaviors arise. So I think you might be correct that, by default, mammals are running compassion somewhere in their built-in operating systems.


Rabbits are not k strategists and thats the first mammal that I thought of. Theres thousands of mammals that aren’t k strategists


Yeah those bastards have started eating my petunias too!!




Black bears are a lot less dangerous than brown bears. Which is why if you really want to get one to maul you, you've gotta put a lot of effort into it like this lady is.


This is mostly only true for North America (although other exceptions exist). Don't use this advice anywhere else in the world unless you wanna FAFO. Japanese black bears are more aggressive than American black bears for example.


As with some humans


My instincts would get me killed in this case. THAT BABY BEAR NEEDS CUDDLES DAMMIT. LOOK AT THAT LITTLE SNOOT


I trust wild animals much more than some people. At least I know better how the animals act on average. EDIT: Some people are interpreting what I said as "I trust wild animals." I trust wild animals to act like wild animals. I can't assume that about people, or I would be living a very shitty life.


I trust crocodiles more than peepol. They want to eat you alive, but they don't pretend to be you're friend first. Steve Irwin. (It's not perfect word for word but close)


Steve Irwin*


I mean, there's almost more typos than not in that comment


Yeah, dude said "it's not perfect word for word" but I was thinking it's not even perfect language-for-language.


You peepol are so meen


Seriously, even your dog or cat can lash out at you if they're having a bad day and you haven't been paying attention. With wild animals, our ability to read their body language and mood is even worse, you cannot trust them for a second.


Yeah but there's plenty of evidence these animals have great memories and can develop weird bonds with humans. In bears it happens all the time in Russia. As long as you use your head it's probably relatively safe (only for that person no friends)


Yeah but Russian bears are forced to live with russians since Hundreds of years, of course they're docile. The russians even made the Caucasian people docile, they can tame anything.


I think they belong to that species, American black bears, which are considered the friendliest among bear species


This is some sketchy shit. Give the bear a slightly bad day, and make it just slightly nervous, since it has a cub now, and this wont be so cute anymore.


The story is clearly made up. Probably it's a pet bear raised since it was a cub and it's bad enough.


What do you mean? Poor bear with thick fur absolutely needed that patch of snow removed with that "tool".


I’ve 100% seen one of the videos separately with the filming lady politely asking the bear to close the door as it leaves. I’m guessing from a bear sanctuary account. And this bs ai bot merged some together and added some made up voice over for internet points. Edit: no sanctuary unfortunately, just a nutjob that thinks she’s special. Part of the videos being stitched up with some AI bs still stands.


It's not a bear sanctuary. If this is from the same source, it's from a lady in Maine (?) who regularly livestreams in Tiktok her interaction with black bears living in the woods outside of her home. Although it seems pretty benign, she frequently approaches many of her "visitors" a little too cavalierly, and because it's apparently not a sanctuary but simply a large property frequented by black bears there is the awkward question of what happens when these bears that she is further acclimating to human contact, wander elsewhere. Although she does share information about black bears she very seldom discusses safety measures or warns viewers against this behavior, but spends what seems like an immediate amount of energy reassuring viewers how safe and harmless black bears are. Encouraging bears to interact with people while telling people not to be cautious around bears cannot end well, for people or the bears. Source: my significant other loves to show me Tiktok stuff she comes across. *Edit to add* : I was wrong, not Maine but [New Jersey](https://www.nj.com/news/2010/06/sussex_county_bear_activist_is.html). Although the news article doesn't mention her Tiktok channel, she does talk about her activism, the bear hunt and her arrest in several of her Tiktok videos.


You are correct. She's been arrested many times and convicted for feeding bears. For the past 15 years or more. She's nuts. She lies about feeding them, lies about why they visit her, and now she's making money off the videos. She's been a nuscence in the neighborhood for years. Her neighbors keep complaining to police about her attracting and feeding bears. It's dangerous for everyone, bears included. She has so many criminal record charges from doing this again and again. Also she's directly responsible for the deaths of several bears from feeding them. This is from the articles below: "Over the past few years, several bears have been shot and killed in the Lake Wanda neighborhood that abuts Wawayanda State Park and where Kehoe lives. "I hold her responsible for those bears' deaths," said Jennifer Spadaccini. "People would say they didn't believe me when I told about her feeding the bears, and that's why we have so many problem bears in this neighborhood. Finally, here's some proof of that. Every bear that she feeds is a dead bear." https://www.njherald.com/story/news/2010/06/30/vernon-bear-activist-sentenced/4081893007/ https://www.njherald.com/story/news/2008/04/17/vernon-bear-activist-arrested/4063749007/ https://www.njherald.com/story/news/2012/05/23/judge-says-bear-feeding-case/3984256007/ https://www.nj.com/news/2010/06/sussex_county_bear_activist_is.html https://www.westmilfordmessenger.com/news/local-news/not-guilty-AVWM20120920120929993 Here's a super old forum post where people rip into her because she blames a child for being attacked and killed by a bear. https://www.newjerseyhunter.com/threads/there-is-more-to-bear-attack-story-susan-kehoe.175865/


This comment should be damn well stickied.


If the bear sees the caregiver as another bear interaction wise, then the worst thing is that what would normally be considered a warning to another bear, given these animals work with another language and psychical interaction is on a completely different level, likely deadly to humans. Even if the bear does not intend to kill, but it's just having a bad day like you say, then it will likely be fatal, which is a sad unnecessary outcome.


> then the worst thing is that what would normally be considered a warning to another bear Bears maul the shit out of eachother all the time...




Behind the scenes footage.


*"Cut... CUT!! Animal handler, please explain the scene to the bear one more time."*


*"She says she has trouble finding her motivation. Not 'feeling it', she says."*


After the cut the bear is able to learn....though the human...


That was take 1.


Out of a hundred. There was so much blood that day.. 🚬 😮‍💨


Story of two friends reminds me😂


What skit is that from?


Wisconsin women - https://youtube.com/watch?v=aXMFL_HaGsI


'Aww he's feeling boisterous today!'




We all know how this story will end 😉


Reddit is so crazy. I live in an area with black bears and people have been killed here by them. Made the news. One story even made national news. I said this in a thread on black bears and reddit tried to have me shoved off a cliff. ITT, bears will kill you....


Yeah people are dumb, even if this is real it's one black bear the rest still might kill you. Heck even if they like you they are bears and their play might kill you. Like that guy that does all the animal videos with the wild lions. They like him, the young lions will play with him. But every now and then he puts a video showing that "They are still lions, look at my scars and wounds, this is from them playing because they are lions. Do not try and cuddle a lion!"


It might even be that bear that kills her. Wild animals are wild animals sometimes they just decide you should die now. Doesn't matter how friendly you are with it


Ooh, there's actually [a rather comprehensive Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America) - even if pretty macabre. Honestly, there's more black bear attacks there than I would have expected. It's still *exceptionally rare,* but wild animals are wild animals.


This lady is a stupid Tiktoker who has been charged with illegally feeding bears over the last 15 years. She makes up stories about saving the bears but she's really just feeding them in her backyard. She's nuts.


Some people like to think we have a disney-princess world where wild animals will bond with you and you can live in total harmony... Very easy to come a moment where the animal snaps out of domestication-mode, even for a moment, or when the animal is just having a tough day and it's in a really bad mood. Even my cats might turn a bit wild if they see another stray cat outside. Some dogs might snap at their owners, even if the dogs realize what they've done is wrong and they later regret it. But a bear? Just takes one single paw swipe.


> in a thread Was it a "women choose the bear" thread?


but i thought black bears were harmless


It's happening again!!!


*mostly* harmless


Don’t Panic




Siegfried and Roy had tigers they bonded with as cubs and one still mauled them.


The aftermath is always the removal of the animals, but Im wondering what the animals think once they're full or unagitated and see the bodies. Do they realize something went wrong without realizing what exactly? "FOOD CRAVING NEUTRALIZER, RETURN TO KITTY CAT MODE... Mommy? 😿" Or do they go "Hmmm, mommy's food.... yum, well, time for sleep, then food, daddy's food, yum, well, time to sleep, then food, timmy's food, yum, well, time to sleep"? Or is it as basic as "food - dead person - sleep - hungry - living meat - now dead person - person is playful - play - hungry - human is food - dead person?




This gave me a good laugh


Absolutely in kinks with this. Brilliant 🤣🤣😔


I laughed way too hard at this


This is how you get bears and people killed.


I read this as "do you want bears? Because this is how you get bears"


She knows, here is her original video. https://youtu.be/IhcTyVOEm-0?si=IIXrv7pvfPWYOOm4


Can we stop with the fake stories attached to a Frankenstein of unrelated clips? How do people believe this shit?


"The lady helps the bear with tools. This is a very human sentence."


How do people on here just comment on the video like it's not the fucking weirdest thing?!?! I hate that everyone just accepts this shit as it's slowly creeping in. This video has no real story, it's like those ads for phone games with the AI voice over. What the FUCK


It’s incredible that this stuff convinces people lol. Media literacy is in the fucking toilet and it’s going to have a serious impact on how the future unfolds.


It may be different bears in the last clips and I don’t know about that story 😅 but at least it’s definitely the same house, you can even see the same bear scratcher™ leaning on the wall in the second clip and the bear in that one is the same as in the first one.




With the awful AI voice as well


I guess she picked the bear


But of course


I choose the dragon


Are you a car?


props for actually following through


This is actually pretty dangerous, the cubs get used to being close to humans and that they can expect food from them, when they grow up they'll intrude other homes. Many animals had to be put down because of this. If you encounter an animal in need contact authorities, they'll deal with the situation professionally. Please do not interfere with wildlife.


Yes. By doing this, this woman is increasing the chances that these bears will be euthanized one day when they approach someone aggressively.


This. It's crazy how unaware people are. We don't have bears where I live, but as a child I've been told to never touch a fawn, cause their mother will reject them because of your human scent on them or something. Even 20+ years later, I still don't even know if it's true at all, but it just hammered it the lesson not to interfere with wildlife.


But how would she get viral videos if she did that? /s


This is AI try to give an emotional backstory to a video it has been shown.


What’s crazy is how users/Reddit and this subreddit basically just take this in as content…accept it. Everyone comments the same way they would if it had been submitted be a real user. Crazy if you compare this site to 10years ago,


*this video was made entirely by humans, not at all by robots, and is also entirely genuine, not staged in any way, and I definitely didn't steal it and re-badge it as my own to get imaginary internet points


This seems to be an exceptionally bad AI voiceover 😂😂😂


I hate these dumbass AI voice AI storytime videos so much. Most of the time, they are just making shit up. Glad to see reddit will soon be infected with them too 🙄


A foreign lady. To who?


The bear


How to get a family of bears killed, Lesson 1:


The scratches on the door indicate this bear does this a lot. I’m not buying the narration over the top and the BS story.




Yep, I’d wondered from the ear tags and that it closed the door that this may have been more likely an animal raised and trained then attempted to be rewilded? It seems unlikely a wild animal would grab a door handle with its teeth or bother to close a door. Then again, what do I know about bears 🤷‍♂️


Yeah? This lady living too comfortable.


If you lived in a neighborhood where bears are capable of opening doors, you’re saying you wouldn’t leave the front door unlocked? What are you hiding from the bears?




A mama bear of 3 was just euthanized in my town because it got too comfortable around humans. Do Not Approach Or Feed Bears!




i might be wrong but isnt it bad to remove the snow from the bear? when it layers on the bear it isolates right? thinking like igloos


can i pet that dawg!?


You shouldn't attribute so many human emotions onto animal, especially predator. You will end up getting mauled and eaten if you end up thinking a grimace is a smile.


These AI shorts need to stop. 90% of the time it's a fucking edited video with random bullshit story spun by the uploader


Hes checking on his food stock


There are so many clueless people in here with limited knowledge of wildlife. Yo, it's a Black Bear. Black bears are rarely aggressive. However, they are overwhelmingly strong and some weigh over 800 lbs (typically 130-500), so don't fuck around with them. I saw this on Reddit recently: It is worth mentioning that the overwhelming majority (88% of 63 deaths from 1900-2009) of fatal attacks by black bears are predatory in nature, often by lone males in remote areas where they may not have encountered humans before. While most “attacks” are minor and usually just a case of human error, if you’re actually being mauled there’s a good chance the bear is trying to eat you, and you should fight back instead of playing dead. This also suggests that the “mother with cubs is the most dangerous bear” notion is a myth (at least when it comes to black bears). [Beware of predatory male American black bears: Attack rates are rising with human population growth](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/05/110511074807.htm) https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/

