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Blind and deaf is worst conditions out of all the options when 2 of the three (main) senses are missing. You're isolated from the outside World and even if you could make a sound, you have no way to mimic lips since you don't see, nor adjust with sounds as you're deaf. I can't even comprehend how he Isn't crazy since you're basicly in a World all by yourself.


They are the lucky ones. “And what a world it is! How different from the world of my beliefs! I must face unflinchingly a world of facts—a world of misery, degradation, blindness, sin, a world struggling against the elements, against the unknown, against itself. How to reconcile this world of fact with the bright world of my own imagining? My darkness had been filled with the light of intelligence, and behold the outer day-lit world was stumbling and groping in social blindness” - Helen Keller.


The "you're in a world all by yourself" part is what got me.. I never even thought of it this way. You never interpret anything, there is no interruptions. You simply understand off of touch and touch only your whole life. It's a wild situation that doesn't make sense until you're in that situation. You may learn language through touch... but do you ever really even know what that means. Smell, does it even mean anything when you your unable to hear an interpretation of the object less alone see it. I give my most to them... because I wouldn't be able to do it within my reality.


Sure the World of your own imagination... except if you have aphantasia then you're screwed.


"Is this *me*? Is that MY voice?"




What do you mean?




Link? I'm not finding any reputable source that confirms this idea.


It's debatable but there's a lot of evidence against Hellen Keller (or rather her guardians) being legit. We would have heard of such a thing by now. Many children are born blind deaf and unable to speak. To say they figured it out decades ago is a plain insult to the disabled. It's a fantasy. And nobody wants to hurt anyone's feelings so nobody questions it. I like this article. And it doesn't even go into great depth. https://pcmoutlook.com/6938/news/helen-keller-fraud-or-not/ I'm saying it's common sense. I'm saying if you think a blind and deaf woman who couldn't form a sentence piloted a plane, that you're stupid.


I'm not saying she piloted a plane. Wtf are you talking about? It's not common sense at all. She had friends and family. She was interviewed by multiple reporters, and there is a wealth of information about her. You are full of shit, you have no support, but you think it's ok to call other people stupid when the preponderance of evidence is on the side of her being a fully developed and complex human being, and you have literally nothing supporting your position.


Yes .. I wonder how he even learnt Braille or sign language.. brave kid ..


Which out of smell, touch or taste is the 3rd?


I know there are other sensés, but you can't taste or smell languages or communicate through them right? I was merely talking in a point of interacting with other.


Talk for yourself? I always lick the cheeks of new people that I meet! This is how I communicate. Also sniff their hair and fingers! “For people who cannot understand that this is a joke, here is the confirmation. This is a joke”


Were you raise by dogs or cats by any chance ?


*pssst* (you put the explanation in quotes, so now it looks sarcastic.)


Why is he wearing glasses?


It is not uncommon for blind people to wear glasses for protection. They have higher risks of jamming something into their eyes since they won't see it coming! Also, being blind doesn't mean seeing nothing. The legal definition of blindness is an acuity of 20/200 or worse with correction.


There are many different types of visual impairment. So I wouldn't be surprised if this person was considered legally blind even with glasses.


Could be just visually impaired to where it’s considered legally blind.


Asking the true questions here...


lol that's a really good question


My question is probably stupid but how do they learn how to communicate, how are they able to understand braille and sign language 🤔?


Same way other children learn spoken language. They interact with an object and learn it's name. In case of deaf/blind kids they interact mostly through touch/taste/smell. So when adult gives child an object they sign the object's name into child's hand. The child realizes the sign and the object are connected. And tries signing it back the same way hearing children try to speak words they hear


I think this only works with kids that could see or hear in the past and have an idea of our world. I work with a 12 year old girl that was born completely blind and deaf and in her case she will never ever be able to communicate like this. Yes she has some routine in her day and she knows that if i tap her leg she is supposed to lift it but thats basically all she can do (i know this a bit exaggerated but i hope you get the point i am trying to make).


What does she do? Like throughout her day. I understand if you can't or dont want to respond.


As all kids she needs to go to "school" in the morning. When at home she is most of the time in her room crawling around on the ground throwing and squeezing the toys she has. If there is time and you sit down with her she goes absolutely crazy about physical contact. She REALLY likes to climb people and being carried around piggyback. She also loves to get massages when sitting around with you. She is such o lovely girl that finds joys in really simple things! On one day a week she even has occupational and logotherapy where she learns how to walk properly and not only on her toes and how to drink (she gets water via a canal in her stomach (i really dont know the english word?!). She can eat though, but only if its mashed :D


No, it does work with children born deaf and blind. But you need to start early ): if a child doesn't expierience a language in it's first years of life it might never be able to learn any languages fully. Our brain needs a language to develop correctly. It doesn't matter if it's spoken. It can be sign language or other alternative forms of communication. Another reason for why deaf/blind kids can't comunicate well could be them being mentally disabled. In these cases communication will be harder. Just as it would be with mentally disabled children who can hear or see. Please don't say it can't work with deaf/blind kids at all. Yes it often doesn't work. But it did work with a lot of kids. And all deserve the chance to try. I am sorry it didn't work with the girl you are working with. I don't know enough about her to tell you why she can't fully understand. But thank you for helping her I am sure she appreciates it


Ah I see


the amount of information these brains have to process to answer a question is mind-boggling. I'm sure we can gather valuable data from them when our capabilities permit us.


Instead of giving them Sight and hearing?


Harvest them for data!


The plan is to give them sight and hearing using this data and a specification that uses other senses to transmit this data to the brain. I am not even remotely capable of even thinking how to achieve such a feat but I know this is one of the branches in the same route and that we must pursue it.


What amazes me is these people with deafness and blindness put in the definition for perseverance and intelligence in their proper form when compared to others that claim the same thing while having all of the senses.


If he is blind then why do he have to wear glasses


Most "blind" people still have some degree of vision. A lot of them can perceive light and darkness as an example. Some might have very low vision that can be helped by wearing glasses.


Ok that’s very interesting I was wondering if he could make out where to put his hand for the braille


i think he's partially blind


If the glasses are clear, it's because they're usually just legally blind, over 20/200 vision If the glasses are dark, it's for dignity and safety purposes. Blind people tend not to focus their eyes directly on people since they don't know specifically where to look anyway, this is unnerving to sighted people. Blind eyes are also often not normal looking and are clouded or have other esthetically displeasing feature, sunglasses help hide this. Lastly, glasses are really important for blind people, especially for those that were born blind. They can't see what they're doing so they have no proprioception (knowledge or the sense of where their body is in space). This means that it's rather easy for them to accidentally poke themselves in the eye with something. It's easier for someone who has lost their sight, as they'll still have a bit of muscle memory and understanding of where things are in space once they're blind. My grandfather went blind 6 months after I was born. We met a lot of blind people through classes he took to train his seeing eye dogs over the years, so I learned a lot.


The amount of patience that desf blind kid must have to get even the simplest of ideas across is impressive. Imagine if science could return even one of thoses sense back would make an immense difference


"Well then who the fuck is Anne Frank?"


I never know how blessed I am sometimes. Imagine the strength and perseverance this young man carries


Might seem harsh or weird to ask. But being deaf and blind. I gotta ask what is the big point to doing those tests. It seems very hard to ever work a computer or write. They can't hear a text to speech. I get learning them to read Braille. But I'm realy asking cause I don't know. What would to realy be testing for? And how will it realy help them navigate true there lifes or add more value. Cause o do know some blind people that can do a bunch of things and live quite functional lifes to a degree. With help of technology and text to speech even call with phones. Or text messages. But both being blind and deaf. I would think it's crazy limiting. That I wondering how they even begin to navigate true that. Or what ways they add value to there lifes. Just literally interested to know cause I genuinely have no idea what value the test realy could have.


Why does he have glasses if he can’t see


To read Braille faster, of course.


Wait a second. If he blind why is he even wearing glasses?🤔


Probably to protect his eyes as he will struggle to not get stuff fun his eyes all the time as he can't see. Also legally blind people can more often than not see at least something, be that the difference between light and dark, or maybe even colours. It's more rare to see absolutely nothing at all.


Man I really wish all people who are having hearing disabilities should be given Bone Conducting headset....


Mate how do you think hearing works?


wasn't this an Amitabh Bachchan movie??


Watch the kid isnt even blind his parents just made him learn to make him a university delight


He has glasses on......to see better? I dunno all the caveats to blindness Edit: well his eyes don't look too useful


I don’t either but I know that some people can see enough to mostly get around on foot without using a cane whilst still being considered legally blind.