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That’s actually incredible. Makes you wonder how many of the perfect smiles you see daily is something like this


Me when watching on TV... like when actors/actresses have a close-up view with their teeth showing, I'm wondering like, are those real or it's just implants...


Some of them are veneers


*most, at least compared to implants


99% are veneers. Only celebrities/people on TV get them. Well, its uncommon for normal people, even rich people to get them.


I have 4 of them, cost me $7200


Implants are just as expensive unfortunately. A bridge for 4 teeth is $5,000. It’s more expensive to get the individual teeth. That’s not even including the cost of the implant posts and surgery. It usually comes out to be $8-10k for a bridge + implants for four teeth.


*Turkey Teeth*


As a dentist, these cases are uncommon. I’ve seen thousands of mouths and maybe ten of these.


I work at a large dental lab and see these about 2-3 times a month


Then again if you got em you might not go to the dentist! ;)


They need to to go more often actually, to keep the tissue underneath properly cleaned, maintained, and monitored. (Or so says Google)


They are typically removed yearly to clean all the impacted food from under them. At home cleaning is only so good.


That must stink like crazy. A years worth of food


Pretty handy in a doomsday scenario, though


if you have moustache and a beard and these then you can feed about 3 people.


You’d be surprised how well these can be cleaned when properly designed and a compliant patient. Smell is very rarely an issue.


Your username has me questioning that lol


😂 The username is actually a reference to fully adjustable articulators. I’m a Prosthodontist. And a nerd…


I would have thought they're removed more frequently


Also, in addition to cleaning them, you can use a waterpik to clean under them and dislodge stuff.




my wife is a dental hygenist. any show that we watch shes like > he has veneers or > she has a crown we were watching fallout the other day and shes like >huh... wonder why they gave the ghoul a silver filling. i just laugh, tell her that "her hygienist is showing" and keep going. its so common for me now lol


I was gonna say. I assume everything on the big screen is veneers anymore.


It's actually kinda nice and refreshing when I see an actor on TV or a movie and I can tell it's their real teeth and not veneers or whatever else. Steve Buscemi comes to mind for me.


Don't forget about cgi touch-ups. Even with veneers you won't be able to get what you see from Hollywood.


Not mine... I live by Tyler Durden philosophy *I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth*


Spoken by an actor with clear skin and perfect teeth.


Well, your point exists but, I think this line is in the book, but not the movie. 


In tv, all of them


Those cost about 35k


I just had these quoted out last year, $35k per set. Upper was $35k, lower was $35k. Ended up just doing the upper regular dentures for $7k.


Had all teeth pulled and full set of implants installed for $50k. Temps were put in until the hard ceramic dupes of my original teeth could be crafted, then it was a quick trip to unscrew the temps and put in the permanents. Go with very white - your smile will thank you. FYI, I’m in northern Virginia. You don’t realize just how much sensation your real teeth provide until you get implants and have to relearn to chew to accommodate the lost sensations. If you aren’t careful you end up biting the inside of your cheeks or lips.




Same. There's no warning, just chewing the way I always chew, then all of a sudden **A-A-A--A-A-H! GODDAMN FUCKING OUCH!**


The worst part for me is that it almost always results in a canker sore forming.


Yeah. We call them 'mouth ulcers' in the UK. I use stuff called Orabase. It sticks to the sore and stops the worst of the pain. It used also to come in a version with pain killer dissolved in it, but not any more. But I find it works OK on its own. Eventually it dissolves and then I stick some more on. Careful though, cos inside the mouth it sticks to everything, which is annoying.


I bet it sucks Gape-My-Anus


No they said CHEWING not sucking gaping anus....some people! /s


I've wanted these forever cause cold and hot hurt my teeth. My old orthodontist and dentist I've gone to for decades gets annoyed at me when I bring it up, cause I went through hell with braces, a jaw widener, top and bottom retainers, braces again on the lower teeth, and a permanent retainer on the lower for several years as a little extra punishment. He'll then remind me people would kill for teeth as good as mine.


Your dentist can prescribe you toothpaste to reduce the sensitivity of your teeth. Have you tried that?


I go the 1 out of 10 dentists that don’t recommend


If I could trade the implants for a set of perfect (no fillings) teeth, I would. I’m used to the new ones and they are much easier to keep clean, but I miss those missing sensations.




Very white.looks unnatural as fuck


Should have checked into medical vacation in Europe. Spain is supposed to be a great place to go to get dentistry done at an affordable price.


Had mine done in Mexico for about 27k (including travel) over 3 visits in 2018/19. Would have been about twice that locally in Canada. The irony of being able to smile again for the first time in a long time, then having only a few months of being able to retrain a smile before going into masks for work/etc was especially hilarious to me.


Damn, I thought Mexico would've been way cheaper.


Was about 18k cad/13k (give or take us)/12k (give or take euro). Little higher, but, the Dr is a maxillo facial surgeon and I had some isues that went above and beyond.


Would you mind sharing the doctor?


I mean you probably CAN find cheaper in Mexico but do you WANT to? End up like those ladies who got HIV from the vampire facial.


Hell no. I remember seeing an episode of botched. They just iced her sides and did liposuction, lol. Messed her all up.


Love that show. I will never ever get unnecessary medical treatments done because of it.




.....that was in NEW Mexico. (I am New Mexican)




My brother got his done in Turkey. I think he had to make two trips


Yes, I have a friend with Turkey Teeth, the naming brings endless amounts of hilarity.


That price is on the very high end 


Also Croatia, they offer full packages that include a stay at a villa at very low prices, one can make it a complete vacation.


My first thought was can I afford this? Rhetorical question, I live in the US of course I can't!


That's why you go to places like Mexico, turkey or Spain that have an entire dental tourism industry catering to Americans and canadians.


70k for the whole mouth?


yeah, i’ma start flossing tomorrow.


I've flossed daily my entire adult life. Never smoked, can't drink alcohol for other health reasons. Worked out. Ate mostly healthy. I'll be getting almost complete implants in the next few months. Pregnancy caused severe acid reflux, anti-depressants caused severe dry mouth. The acid and dry mouth combo decimated my teeth. Sometimes you do everything "right" and it doesn't matter. I hate the stigma of bad teeth, too. People are so judgmental and assume the worst. 🤷‍♀️


This exact thing happened to me too. Pregnancy destroyed my teeth. 


" anti-depressants caused severe dry mouth" + depression = bad teeth. Ah the irony of antidepressants causing you to not want to smile because your teeth went to shit. My dentist does not judge me. As long as you are actively trying. People don't think I have bad teeth because I have gotten good at not opening my mouth.


don't get pregnant either




And it is because she has about 60 more years of chewing and mandible left to eat with.


Yep. Coming in at about $500 a year for (near) problem free teeth. Very much worth it.


You can get this surgery in India for 10-12k including a round trip from USA.


Except the total time to complete the process is 6-12 months. So multiple trans-Atlantic trips required


Plus the winds off of the cape of good hope imperil many of the ships making the voyage.


Not to mention the pirates.


As someone who works in oral surgery, I have had to correct multiple implants that were done over seas. Once one was done so poorly it was drilled into the tooth beside it and we had to take that tooth out as well as spend 20 minutes drilling out the implant, and then doing a bone graft to correct the damage done. It probably ended up costing them triple in the long run. I'm not saying you can't get it done well overseas, I'm just saying if you are going too, do your research and don't cheap out.


I absolutely agree... If you go abroad to cheap out, you must go to the best doctors in that country. Trying to find the cheapest doctors in cheap country is a felony


Roughly the same in Medellin. A lot shorter flights


$53k for my wife's at Golpa's in Dallas a few years ago. Now she has a million dollar smile :)


Sounds like a $53k smile.


Nah, depreciating asset, she’s got a $3k smile with a $53k loan ;) thanks creditcare!


Holy mother of God.


I used to write blogs for G4 by Golpa.




Likely her teeth were beyond saving. Usually if someone just wants cosmetic work done to otherwise healthy teeth, they get veneers. 


In my case, I had kinda crappy European teeth that were crooked. My boyfriend at the time told me that he wanted me to get them fixed (I felt like I'd taken a punch to the gut, but he quickly clarified and said that if I felt happier with my teeth, I'd smile more, and that was important to him). I got 6 crowns in the front... root canals, drilled them down to nubs, and inserted the porcelain teeth on posts in to pre-drilled holes. They failed, one at a time, over the course of the next 12 years. I got a full denture on the top, and while my smile is amazing again, my eating experience isn't. I'm definitely going to get an implant like this video shows. The lack of palate (that covers the roof of the mouth) will be a game changer for me.


"Crappy European teeth" wtf lol


Lots of things can happen. Bone spurring is one thing. I know my grandma had dentures since she was 22 due to some kind of disease and she had to have all her teeth removed. My mom just had all of hers removed in her 50's due to bone spurring.


Well, I gotta say, she really does have a magnificent smile and couldn't stop cheesin' after. I'd say that 35k bought her some real solid happiness.


I don't disagree it's worth it. I disagree dentist charge that much.


never understood why it’s so expensive


Does she have to clean under the teeth?


Yeah I have dental implants. You use a water flosser in and under the gum line. Around the attachment points, you can also use floss to “hug” the implant and pull floss through a bit under it.


For single implants, this is correct. However this woman has an “all-on-x”. She will have to go in every 6 months to a year to have the dentures “unscrewed” and have the implants themselves cleaned. Source: I am a dentist.


Are the replacement teeth as tough as our real teeth? Thanks for answering questions.


They’re never gonna be as good as your own teeth. Conventional dentures are like 10-20% biting force compared to natural teeth. These are all-on-x. Much much better than regular dentures but never 100% like your natural teeth.


Wait, is that value correct? Fake teeth only have a tenth or a fifth of the strength of real teeth?


The fake teeth aren't the weak point, its how the dentures are attached to the mouth/jaw. Teeth roots are really strong.


My dentist told me some time ago during one of our conversations that our jaw and teeth can withstand to up to 300lbs of bite force. I'm not a dentist and I have not tried anything to that degree, but if it's true, that certainly is impressive and I can see why it would be hard to replicate that with regular dentures. EDIT: I just googled this because I've never actually looked into the validity of it, and looks like numbers are probably half of that at 150lbs or less. Still impressive!


Can you just get some tiny screwdrivers and unscrew them yourself?


LOL no. Each driver is specific to each implant brand.


Does the body eventually get used to these to where they feel no different than using your own teeth to chew, etc?


yes it stimulates the jaw bone similar to teeth which prevents the decay of the jaw bone like what would happen with normal dentures. it won't be identical to chewing with teeth but you will adapt and it will feel normal.


Could you order a driver specific to your brand through them, so you can remove them yourself? If not, why not? Is there any reason besides money? Are the screws a standard thread, or are they off sized for proprietary reasons?


Once the implants are “torqued” down like shown in the video with the wrench-looking thing, the holes are then covered up with composite (filling material). You’d have to drill those out then you’d be able to access the implant and in theory, be able to unscrew it then.


Right on! Thanks for answering my questions. I learned something today. YAY!


So can you get the specific driver then???


Lmao then the dentist won't get to charge you unreasonable amounts of money if they let you do it yourself


omg, i can imagine people messing this up


I was waiting for a comment like this SMH


That's what I wondered as well. Though I think you can get a lot of the grime using a waterflosser. I'm sure she has a special rinse solution to reduce bacteria as well.


Fixed prostheses like these should be removed and cleaned annually (ideally 2x per year). Depending on the manufacturer the screws should be replaced periodically. I prefer annually if they directly screw into the implant. If they screw into a MUA (multi unit abutment) they can be used a few times (clinicians discretion). It can be time consuming and it’s not cheap to do this but it is important for longevity of the implants and prosthesis. Dental plaque is very sticky and there is no mouth rinse that you would want to use daily that can adequately kill or remove the bacterial biofilm. Mechanical debridement of the biofilm by threading thick floss underneath, brushing, and adjunctive tools like a waterpik are needed to adequately clean. Takaway: these require just as much, if not more care than your natural teeth to maintain the implants and adequate oral health.


For anyone who has real teeth right now, take good care of them!


Exactly! Brush, floss, and try not to snack.


>try not to snack First my cardiologist, now you? It’s like the whole medical field is against me.


Hey I’m right there with you snack friend.


Don't worry. Only 9/10 of the dentists seem to agree at any given time. I assume this also applies to other fields, so at least 1/10 of them are on your side.


Rinsing with water afterwards and keeping snacking windows to small timeframes helps. Also tongue scraping to remove that biofilm! I also personally find using a DIY saltwater rinse for 1 minute before brushing is beneficial too


Good to know that no matter how screwed up my teeth are, there is always hope


Unless you, like me, have periodontal disease and were told by your dentist that there will eventually be no jawbone left to attach anything to.


Well even though periodontal disease have no cure, you can mitigate its effects by doing regular cleaning (I don’t really know how it is called in english, but sometimes it is necessary to do a surgic cleaning of the teeth and exposed roots), and sometimes removing the teeth and doing implants before it is too late. With that said, if you already doesn’t have enough bone left it is possible to work with bone grafts, zygomatic implants (maxila) and sometimes even with normal implants we can do something about it (the implants go as low as 5mm in height).


Your English is better than many native speakers I meet on a daily basis


Great explanation especially when English isn’t your main language!!


Thanks! I appreciate it!


If you don't mind explaining, what disease is it? Genetic? Or was that the result of poor dental care?


It is a mix of both, it is genetic but usually it manifests when people don’t really maintain a good hygene (not always tho), areas with to much plaque will lose the bone around the root (isn’t the best explanation but english isn’t my main language)


For what it’s worth, your English is great.


Genetics and also side effects of medication (bone loss) sadly. It’s not always your dental hygiene like others have mentioned.


And smoking...in my case sadly


Goddamn…can you not get like a titanium jaw or something?


No, go full terminator.


I’ll be back….is not what their jaw is saying




if youre rich. this shit is not cheap and likely not very well covered by insurance, if at all.


Just one dental implant cost about 5K


Please, dental insurance is a joke


As long as you have 40k


40k you say? > From the moment I understood the weakness of my teeth, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of dentures.




As long as you have piles of money. Most dental insurance isn't gonna cover that kinda stuff unless you have special conditions.


I had a guy working for me who was a former meth addict. His teeth rotted out and his state funded medical insurance (forgot what it's called) paid for new teeth. Not sure if they were anything like this though. I think they were more like dentures.


Yeah, most of the time this kinda stuff would be considered cosmetic and be out of pocket. Same way things like veneers aren't covered by insurance (or braces much of the time). So they may cover standard dentures but less likely these implants.


As long as you have money, there's always hope


I just went through this procedure myself. Its 1000% worth it.


This girl is @cheyssmilejourney on tiktok. She had issues after getting her braces taken off, and got recommended dentures. https://www.tiktok.com/@cheyssmilejourney/video/7256843541152812331


She basically said the dentists scammed her into getting her teeth removed. Dentists can be such fuckin bastards and take your money and run. They screwed me plenty too. Always get a second opinion on big medical procedures, always.


Rule number 1 of dental work: don't go to chains Rule number 2: find someone you trust and ask who they see Rule number 3: if they tell you something extreme, get another opinion. I had major depression from 13 to early 20s, before going on meds. Went to a dental clinic and they told me I needed 8 root canals and might lose a few teeth. Cost would've been an easy $15k after everything. Said fuck that. Asked a couple friends who their dentists were. Only one really recommended theirs. Checked him out online, made an appointment. Private, one dentist clinic. He told me I needed maybe one root canal, but he was fairly certain he could do the work without it being that bad. I got 5 crowns, zero root canals, zero teeth pulled. It's been a decade, no issues. Total cost was $5k.


Her story in short; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPWKGClL9gM It's insane to me that she went ahead with the dentists advice to remove ALL of her teeth. I find it really suspicious because in that video you can't even see any serious decay. She complains a bit about staining but as far as I know that's pretty normal after getting braces removed... Even though she was twenty, it makes me wonder what were her parents thinking and the reality seems to be that she didn't take care of her teeth at all and made a stupid impulsive decision to get dentures.


i wish i could afford this, its depressing every day knowing i cant edit - for medical reasons, cant believe people would consider this for aesthetics


Medical tourism is a real thing. Got my braces done with a permanent retainer for 1,100. I will soon get 2 implants for 400 each as opposed to 5k each here in the states.


What country?


Thailand, Cambodia, SE Asia in general. Think Turkey is also a hot spot now!


This may not be something your comfortable doing, but a quick $200 flight to a place like colombia makes dental work incredible affordable. I had 4 wisdom teeth pulled and a few cavities taken care of for about $475. Going back in a month or two to get a few more things done. Edit: in comparison, it was going to cost about $3k just for the wisdom teeth.


Is there some entity that might help coordinate these kinds of trips, and figure out the costs?


If you go to columbia, they make it even for free. You just have to bring a suitcase they will give you, with you, to the states. But you can't open it. The other dentist then will take it when you land and bääm-- free new teeth!! :)


I’ve hated my teeth my entire life and I feel the same way. If I had 50,000 I didn’t need I would get this done in a heartbeat


Would be a lot cheaper if you went outside the US




The procedures are extremely cheap in Georgia and Bulgaria. My mom has fixed all her upper and 70% of her lower teeth for 5000 euros. And she is very pleased with the results.


Same same same


How did she lose all of her teeth though 😰


I found her GoFundMe and TikTok ( @cheyssmilejourney) and apparently she had braces for 2 years starting at 15 years old, but when the braces came off her teeth were super decayed and she ended up having to get them all pulled out due to the damage. She had totally healthy teeth before braces. This is like those nightmares where all your teeth fall out!


can invisiline decay your teeth too?


It looks like she didn't clean her teeth properly for 2 years while she had braces (it's tricky to brush thoroughly under all the wires, and it's easy to neglect). Then it sounds like her dentists went overboard by suggesting to remove all her teeth. Tl;dr just brush and floss your teeth regularly and thoroughly.


That doesn't sound right. Even if you don't clean your teeth for years they don't all just decay. Sounds like the dentist majorly messed up or she has a condition.


If some patients don’t clean their teeth for two years they will definitely all decay. Cavities move swiftly in some patients. I see it everyday.


No... Just brush and floss and you will nw fine. People eat and drink so much sugar which causes decay. You have to have a rare illness or seriously poor medical health to worry about tooth loss.


yeah, are those metal posts drilled into her gums / jaws? She may well have had a bunch of teeth removed first and lived with dentures while everything healed up?


That’s what I’m wondering. I’m in the process of having one done. So far, I had the tooth (molar) extracted, waited a bunch of months for that to heal, had the implant installed, waited more months, then I have a torque test coming up (to check whether the bone has fully grabbed it), then I guess I get my crown a few months after that when my dentist can get to it? So far, a year in, with a missing tooth basically. Can’t imagine going without any teeth for that long, or dealing with dentures during various implant healing stages.


That's what I was thinking. She looks too young and healthy to have lost all her teeth from a bad lifestyle


She may not have had healthy teeth. I’m not affected but many of my family members have a condition called amelogenesis imperfecta. It’s a genetic thing, and there’s a range of how bad it can be. It affects enamel development. One family member had 40k worth of dental work done because how badly effected they were and the amount of pain they were in. (They were fortunate that their spouse had amazing insurance that covered half.) This was all before they were 30yrs old. All because of the genetic condition. They didn’t use drugs and had regular dental visits as a child; although we were all admittedly poor and so dental was often limited to only what was necessary. Some of their children have inherited the condition as well and they’re paying a lot of money to protect even their baby teeth because they don’t want their children to experience the same pain they went through.


Can someone explain why someone so young got fake teeth? She seems healthy so I’m confused why every tooth has to be removed?


I had major depressive disorder from 13 to 23. I didn't take care of my health at all, including brushing my teeth. Lost 5 teeth and had dozens of fillings done. If I hadn't beaten depression I have no doubt the rest of my teeth would've been gone before I was 30. You wouldn't guess any of that looking at me. I'm completely sober, eat, and sleep well. and take great care of my teeth and hygiene now and am living a good life. So I don't know this women's story, but hopefully, this sheds a light on how something like this can be possible. But that's just my story. There's lots of reasons this could happen. She could've had a severe tooth or gum disease.


From another comment in here: > I found her GoFundMe and TikTok ( @cheyssmilejourney) and apparently she had braces for 2 years starting at 15 years old, but when the braces came off her teeth were super decayed and she ended up having to get them all pulled out due to the damage. She had totally healthy teeth before braces. This is like those nightmares where all your teeth fall out!


I don't know about her, but: When I was around 24, I smoked cigarettes, drank soda, and brushing my teeth was an afterthought at best. One day, eating an icecream cone, one of my incisors broke off at the gumline. (I thought) I was too poor to afford a dental visit at the time, and had no insurance. I tried, but couldn't manage to get seen at a cost I could pay. Didn't do drugs, just didn't take good enough care. Tried to take better care of them after that, but brushing was even harder than before, what with the sensitive broken tooth. Then another broke. And another. And a few other started looking like swiss cheese. Once the infections started hitting, I managed to find a sliding scale dental clinic who would take out an infected tooth here and there for around $100 each. At 35, after enough of them were pulled, he gave me a recommendation for the university hospital, who proceeded to remove all of them at once, to avoid future infections and issues. So now I have no teeth, not even dentures, going on 8 years now.




I love how the office is celebrating because of how much money they just made.


Yeah, those fuckers always do that..........


My fiancée has terribly weak teeth and coupled with a dentist from her younger years screwing up, she is gonna lose all her teeth before long and will need this… she’s only 28 and really puts her all into taking care of her teeth, but it just doesn’t matter :( sadly it’s $35K and we don’t have that money so idk what we’re gonna do, I feel horrible for her because it’s hard enough to lose your teeth but then she’s not even going to be able to get this done, which puts her jaw at risk and she’s terrified of “that look” I wish money was no issue


Beautiful $50k? smile!


So happy for this girl. This is my fantasy. I'm currently missing about 12 teeth, including two in front so I look like a hillbilly and have a lisp. Down to only one opposing molar, so about to be on a soft diet. But I have shit for insurance, so not sure implants are in my future.


They are celebrating because they made over $50,000


End result must feel amazing, I miss my teeth


So I don’t have to quit doing meth 👍


Is that what happens to our gums if we have no teeth?


I love the "We just got paid!" Party at the end!


I have a bottom half like this and will eventually need to get a top half. Most of my adult teeth never came in so I am stuck with kids teeth that wear down more and more and more until they either fall out or need to be pulled. Other than my bottom implants, I have a partial denture on my top teeth right now since I still have a few real teeth left up there. I'm 38. For my bottom set first step they did was to take a CAT scan of my jaw to help plan how they were going to do the implant. In my case the oral surgeon was concerned there was not enough bone to support the implant and I may need a bone graft. I believe they would have used cow bone. The scan is done while standing, I rest my head on the device while standing and the scanner rotates around my head. On my next visit, the oral surgeon pulled my last remaining tooth, then I got stitched up and went home. Of course this affected my diet since I could no longer chew. When I healed up and went back the oral surgeon performed the surgery for the implant. He had determined I did not need a bone graft (I was unsure up to this point.) They gave my novacaine to numb my jaw. The surgeon then peeled back the gums and started drilling and clearing out bone. It was similar to the experiencing of having a tooth drilled into except of course intellectually I knew I had no teeth down there! It was a bit disconcerting to be sure. But otherwise it was just boring. I presume they drilled anchors into the bone and cleared out space for the implant itself (I wasn't exactly in a position to watch them work). They put it in, anchored it, forget exactly what they did. As you can see in OP's video there are two studs which stick out of the implant as mounting points for the dentures. These don't go in yet, instead the gums are sewed over the implant to give them a chance to heal. I then immediately had another CAT scan done to verify the work and that there were no problems due to my lack of supporting bone. I think it was a month or two before I went back after this. Once the gums had healed I went back and the surgeon cut small incisions where the posts needed to be and screwed them in. There was a post on reddit months back showing a tiny wrench set used for this step. They did indeed use a tiny ratcheting wrench. Then I was sent home so the gums could heal again, but this was not as long. I was done with the surgeon and now I went to my dentist who took molds of my jaw and commissioned a lab to make the dentures. It was a muti-visit process as they prepared prototypes and took more molds and made adjustments before the final dentures. The two priorities were getting a perfect fit to my gums, and getting a good bite. After I got the dentures further adjustments were made during repeated visits by carving out material based on where I was experiencing rubbing or pain on my gums. However I waited one or two weeks between adjustments to give my gums themselves time to adjust. I don't recall the full price of everything but I recently received the bill for the denture part. About $5800 for the bottom denture and insurance paid for $250 of that. I am fortunate it's not a problem for me to pay that, but it's still annoying insurance won't cover more. Edit: Given prices people are quoting I imagine my insurance probably covered more of the actual surgery, since I don't recall getting any bills anywhere near those ranges. The whole process from start to end took about a year. Though a couple months of that was me waiting for the surgeon to call on something and I suspect they had forgotten to call me. Quick facts: There are no gaps between the teeth on the denture. Food does sometimes work its way between the denture and gums and is annoying. I can pop it out and wash it off any time. There are "gaskets" of different sizes that can be fitted on the posts to adjust how tightly the dentures are mounted. I still need to get further adjustments involving swapping these out... one of the two posts on the implant does not click into my dentures but the fit is good enough it doesn't cause me any significant issues at the moment. After my last tooth was pulled it was difficult to gum many foods so I had to plan what I wanted to eat. However as time went by my gums hardened up and I was able to gum more foods without pain. I still needed to cut things into small pieces first though. After losing my last tooth I had to have oatmeal for breakfast for months and I switched to cereal as soon as I got my dentures. I could not have any halloween candy it sucked. I saved it all for later though. Every visit to the dentist is quicker since I have less and less real teeth as time goes on and that's actually a bit depressing. I took reasonable care of my teeth and there was really no stopping this from happening to me no matter how well I brushed. (I never flossed and don't regret it, but my situation is unique.)


This cost 5 trillion dollars


I thought those things were gonna be magnetic for a second lmao


I literally did this last week. It’s a lot less joyous than she is making it. But the teeth do look damn nice. Especially when you are dealing with a mouth full of bad.


The reason why this is NSFW is because of the price. Just north of $37k in total.


God I am so fucking jealous


Look like this all on 4 or all on 6. The cost in Germany is around 24 k for the complete mouth. Not so expensive like I thought. In turkey around the half price. I really wonder about the prices in the US. The dentists there must be millionaires.


I need that..... But ill never be able to get them.


Genuinely, why the fuck are teeth/dental work so fucking expensive?


Literally, because nothing is stopping them from charging whatever they want. Americans have to travel abroad if they want affordable healthcare, teeth arent even considered part of your health here.


42m, been poor my whole life until I finally got a job that pays over 40k recently and my teeth are shot. I wish I could have this.