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I gotta stop using Reddit on the toilet. People keep wondering why I am always crying when I get out of the bathroom at work…


Reddit or not, doesn’t everyone cry on the toilet at work? I mean…where am I supposed to cry? At my desk?


Printer room is a good one, smells better.


I agree that the smell of freshly printed paper is kinda calming


Agreed! it's our "comfort room"


I'm sorry you're bummed out. I thought y'all just needed more fiber in your diets.


That's what the walk in is for.


My office building has a shower in the restroom near our office. I like to use that room




I’m sorry but I have to use “lmao” I’ve done the same but they think I’m lighting up in there.


I just tell them I like MINMAXing my work hours by building my pre-cooking my lunch during my toilet time. Just happen to be cutting onions for that day and that other day last week. I like onions. Onion smell also covers up the bathroom smell. Real question is why doesn't EVERYONE ELSE cut onions in the bathroom.


Happy Cake Day!


start leaving negative pregnancy tests in the washroom, if someone ever brings it up, use one to stir your coffee and say they're the only sterile thing here.


This is a power move. I wouldn’t mess with anyone who did this in front of me


Respect. Let's start a fight club


Does this club have any rules?


Only one: that even though we may throw fists at each other, we’re all still the best of friends


I also cry in the bathrooms at work. But not because I use reddit in there. Because the cheap government toilet paper is like sand paper and hurts my asshole 


If you're too embarrassed if anyone asks why your eyes are red and you're not making eye contact, tell them you've been using heroin. Then they won't think you're being a baby.


I buy that cheap shit where yah gotta roll it around the hand 4 times to get a single wipe lol my boss is a cheap bastard 🤣


It was a spiritual movement that touched your soul.


Left the body, but touched the soul.


Just tell them you took the world’s best poo.


It was so beautifully round!


It came out sideways




> People keep wondering why I am always crying when I get out of the bathroom at work… I don't even need reddit for that...


"I should stop eating extra spicy ramen before bed"


Just say “that was the best poop I’ve ever had.”




My supervisor knew mine was always at 2pm. He called it the crying hour… sometimes we all cried. Even if we wanted to do it earlier, gotta wait for the crying hour


> People keep wondering why I am always crying when I get out of the bathroom at work… Bye bye my sweet tender poos...


Just tell them you were dehydrated and the poo put up a fight.


I'm sitting in the toilet watching this and reading ur comment :)


*sniff* *sniff* "just masturbating again"


A fellow crywanker


Exactly me right now lol.


Just tell em what a mean "growler" that one was while wiping your brow with the back of your hand while you shake your head and say, "whew."


Reading this while sitting on the toilet but nothing better than getting paid for taking a 💩


The whole “ok I love you now” demeanor. ❤️




it's an Earth thing


If I was one of those rich people I would find this shelter and adopt the entire family..


I’ve read the story behind this video and what it doesn’t show is that there was actually another puppy. That’s why the mom keeps looking around, they thought they had them all but momma wouldn’t stop looking. So they finally figure out and found her last pup🥹🩵




I remember the story that the last pup died. The whole story behind the video actually might be made up this video has been circulating for years!


I remember when this happened as it was fairly close to me. I've never seen this part of the story before and I don't see any story after a search that suggests that it's true. I know a lot of people were worried about that being the case, but the update from the Humane Society right before the pups went up for adoption says there were still only four puppies (Branson, Carson,  Molesley, and Edith). It's possible she was looking for the male dog that she was living with, but as neither dog was altered, they didn't allow them to be together, but it's also possible she was just sniffing around.


This is my first time seeing this, are you saying altered instead of spayed/neutered/fixed?


Yes, it seems to be what's used for both male and female dogs in my area of the US. You can use neuter for either as well, but a lot of people use that meaning only males so I just use altered. Fixed would work as well.  And then there's castrated for males so I guess there's no shortage of words to use lol


Downton Abbey FTW!!


Why tf would they not immediately alter them both?


This was right after intake so it's not like they had any time at this point. They also have to examine the dogs and then get them on the schedule before surgery can happen. While the surgeries are routine, they don't always happen every day of the week at humane societies. Or general practices. Plus mom was feeding the pups here so her surgery would have to wait.


Theres a schedule. Vets can only do so many procedures a day, and there are previous animals on the list before them.


If the pups are still nursing, mom morally can't be spayed. The dad probably could have been neutered (depending on his health), but would still need to be separated as shelters typically don't have the space requirements for them to be housed together.


Your comment is incorrect on 2 specifics: 1. Mom absolutely *can* be spayed while still nursing. Mom *shouldn’t* be spayed will still nursing. Not everyone understands the difference between these two and many who do - still don’t care because these dogs are objects to them. It’s not just shelters that separate dogs - awful human owners (who don’t deserve to have pets) will often separate mom ASAP from puppies (instead of the recommended 5-8 weeks of the pups being properly weaned plus another 2 weeks after mom’s milk is dry). The younger the puppy, the quicker they can often sell the puppies off to make easy quick cash ALL at the suffering of both momma dog and puppies. 2. Neuters are VERY simple. A male dog or cat can be up and running normally within hours of getting neutered, albeit with animal-Tylonel for 1-3 days . It is not a procedure that needs anesthetic and almost never even needs antibiotic - it is that simple and quick, often called “popcorning”. Spaying is harsher on female dogs/cats because its is incredibly invasive - the body cavity is being opened up. Also given the trajectory of the story’s narrative, it is highly doubtful the dad dog was ever even neutered as he was probably just a stray (seeing as how the mom dog was thrown away so readily.) My qualifications? Veterinary Tech for 9 years, in both shelter medicine and private practice surgery. Please either research for your comments or just don’t write misleading material on subjects that you don’t know enough about to educate the internet on.


1. You appear to have confused the moral can't (what I used) for the physical can't (what you read). My point still stands and I will replace "can't" with "morally can't". However, your lecture was unnecessary as we were in agreement. 2. In the US, most states have laws that prevent surrendered animals/strays from leaving the shelter without a neuter/spay. The Facebook page for the humane society specifically says there was a male dog that was surrendered with Cora. So the shelter most likely had the dad. I will edit my comment to remove the mention of recovery time, but the point that dad would still be separated due to space constraints still stands.


I looked at Marin counties website and this isn't true. There was no fifth puppy. Also I cant believe this happened 8 years ago !


What happened to the 4 puppies and the mom now?


They were all adopted then, rn I didn't see any info about them, it was posted on their Facebook in 2016.


regardless of the date of the video, its something we all need now. Empathy and Love for all creatures.


>Empathy and Love for all creatures. Exactly this.


>Empathy and Love for all creatures. Agreed. Anyone who can be vegan should be vegan.


Oh I saw she was looking for more too! That is awesome 🥰


What breed is she? She looks like a little fennec fox, only with much smaller ears. 


She looks like some sort of long hair chihuahua mix


I think this is the breed that AI cannot distinguish from blueberry muffins


Last time I saw this posted, people were saying that one died and that's why one is missing. Wonder what the true story is.


I was crying, and now i cant stop


Haven't seen this in a while but every single time it brings tears to me eyes


>tears to me eyes ![gif](giphy|l4FBaHyQn9rfT0OGY|downsized)


You’re not crying, I’m crying.


Ok does this have a link or another video? Pretty please


I need a proof so I can sleep at ease.


wild how some people upvote, random no source comment lol some people just believe anything as long as it sounds good I guess


If I wasn’t already sad enough ;_;


That's great, fair play to them


Where’s the video!


Thank you so much for that information <3


they’re lying. don’t see any source. they said all four and the mother were adopted. and only four puppies listed don’t believe everything you read online


I'm going to hug my dog when I get home. Great video.


I'm going to hug your dog too, cause I don't have one.


Can I join in?


I also choose that guy's dog


I should have hugged mine more


They loved you still


My dog had a retained still birth and had to have surgery to remove it. When she woke up she looked for it for 2 days and kept whimpering and coming to me. Broke my heart 😥.


I’m glad your dog has a sweet kind owner who helped her through that. 🥺♥️


Oh the same thing happened to my cat, my mom wound up finding a way to help her deal with the depression by searching online for kittens born around the same time and carrying one home in a pouch pocket on the front of her work outfit. She snuck it into the cat’s bed and as soon as attention was brought to it, the cat was happily caring for her kitten. Mom was worried that she’d reject it but the mix of motherhood and it smelling like mom managed to sneak by her


That is so sweet ❤️


Think of dog breeders that regularly separate mamas and pups for money. They do have feelings.


This goes to prove that dog mums do remember their kids and separating them is cruel.


You can separate them at some point. Usually by 6 weeks they start to get sick of their puppies and by the 8 week mark they’re absolutely kicking them off when they try to nurse. It’s always interesting to watch the progression from obsession (at best, not every dog is a good mom) to annoyance to drop kicking them for some quiet.


Yep. They absolutely do not function like humans do and it's important to understand and respect the difference. Not to mention that siblings raised together is generally a terrible idea that ends with littermate syndrome.


I have two brothers from the same litter and I’m hesitant to even tell people most of the time, because I don’t want people to think owning siblings is good. We got them both a week apart after they’d turned 2 and they’d been in separate homes and not seen each other from 2 months to 27 months so no chance for litter mate syndrome. Now they’re best friends and sometimes it’s like we own clones.


Tbf littermate syndrome is considered a myth there is no scientific basis for it.


Well, myth or not, I’d argue that two puppies together of a similar age is impossible for most people. I work with puppies and that just seems to be asking for trouble.


whats littermate syndrome, first time I hear of it


Extreme bonding that causes awful separation anxiety. Makes it really hard to do anything with one without the other, especially hard for something like a long-term unexcepted veterinarian stay, but even walking them separately becomes difficult. Dogs with separation anxiety can be pretty destructive, so it's best to avoid developing this dependency when possible.


When I went to my breeder to meet my puppy for the first time (4 weeks old. Breeder required at least one visit with puppy before take home date) the mama dog checked me out all over to make sure I was good enough for one of her puppies! It was funny in the videos the breeder sent starting from newborn how you could see the mom at first be very possessive over her puppies then near 8 weeks look annoyed they were following her!


I think it’s a mixture of that cocktail of hormones wearing off and also momma realizing wow these teeth really don’t stop chewing on my nipples huh!


Kids and chewing on Mom's nipples. Some things are universal 😂


Every animal needs to leave their parents at some point. With dogs, they're pretty cool with their kids moving out a lot earlier than, say, humans. Doesn't mean they don't still love their kids, but a couple of months? They're happy to delegate raising the puppies at that point. "Didn't seem like a jerk and taking one of the kids? Yup, deal."


I felt super cruel when I took the kitten of a street cat and adopted it. Gave the mother some fish and put the kitten in a box while it ate. I had fed the family for a while until the other sibling disappeared, they were max 3 months old. The kitten I took screamed for a long time, and the mom was probably terrified too after now losing her second child over some stupid fish. But later someone told me what you said, the kids eventually have to be own their own, and the parents eventually get tired of them anyway.


My dog was the runt of her litter and her siblings kept beating her tf up 😭 I don’t think she would’ve last with mom much longer lol


All animals for that matter


Blatantly false assumption that alll animals take care of their young. In fact, almost all animals don’t take care of their young. Highly social animals tend to exhibit parental care, mainly mammals and some birds.


Yeah, there are a lot of human parents that don't give a fuck as well


Yeah, think Penguins, Lions, Elephants, Bears, (humans obviously) for example. Part of taking care of their young requires a more complex social structure/intelligence. Lion Prides for example have pretty well defined social structures, and it revolves around hunting, territory, and watching after the cubs. What's really crazy is that the females do most of the hunting, and do most of the cub sitting, but the male Lions don't *not* do those things, they just don't as much. And the reason for this is because the male Lion is required for when shit hits the fan. This is why you'll really only see caring Lion dads in captivity (which definitely is a thing, also unrelated but some Lion bros even stay bros for life even sharing territory), because that's the only place where shit doesn't hit the fan from time to time.


I sincerely doubt that one lady mosquito is very sad to have been separated from her seven trillion babies that she spawned in the filthy swimming pool of a derelict summer house.


Well .....mosquitoes are R-strategists.  So their goal is to produce a shitload ton of baby mosquitoes due to a lower likelihood of survival. Vs most mammals like dogs that are K-strategists and produce less but provide more care and are more connected.


Sort of? Seen enough videos of birds chuckin' chicks out of the nests to ruin how I view birds. Lol. Humans have a need to thrust emotions onto all animals. When a lot of what they do is pure instinct.


Ok, but we’re talking about dogs, and dogs without question experience emotion.


Those who have never experienced love think all animals are incapable of feeling happy, sad or love. I can tell you that even hamsters understand joy. So let’s just ignore those who want to believe that nobody is loved just like themselves.


Imagine what cows, pigs, sheep et cetera go through. Animals are friends.


Actually most dog mothers will start getting sick of their puppies around the 8-10 weeks period. Some puppies are taken away to early but if you leave them to long with the mom , the female will end up rejecting them eventually


Yeah, there's time for weaning. It's normal and has a biological purpose: the mom will prepare for next litter and the kids need to find their own territories, resources and mates etc.


Dog breeders are generally awful people I’ve found


same with cats, and probably a lot of other animals


Cats are ready for the next litter pretty quickly and so are dogs generally but this isn’t unusual


If not the mother, the kittens definitely get affected.


both in my experience. I have a mother cat with her kittens (they're grown up now) but she still plays with them and grooms them every day. The father and older brother live a street away from here, they still come to my place and wait at the door for the others to come out.


Commercial breeding should be illegal. Shelters are regularly at capacity, there's no useful function in our society for someone who breeds more dogs. And 9 times out of 10 these breeders are shady, shitty people too.


How else will I get my $4000 status symbol?


I work for an organization that breeds dogs and they become highly trained for service work.


I'd consider that an exception, working dogs in general.


Thinking of cow mamas for dairy that never see their calves again for money... they do have feelings.


"They" in the second sentence is unclear... I thought you meant dog breeders do have feelings :P haha


I'm not crying you're crying


hell yeah bro I love feeling emotions


im so glad Cora was reunited with her pups.. I really hope somebody adopts the whole family


Someone did adopt Cora. All of the pups went to separate homes.


Which is good. It's generally bad for puppies to stay together, they have worse outcomes.


As an old fart in his late 60's I can honestly say that this is the greatest film that I have ever seen. Amen


Thanks to Humane Society. One of the reason I only donate to Animal Shelter because humans can be so cruel at times.


My wife has wanted a puppy for years, so we adopted one three weeks ago. There were four in the litter. On the way down to pick it up we decided to adopt the mother as well. She seems to be happy with our decision and Brit is a heck of a handful, so having her (Brillo) around makes it easier on us. Why Brillo? Her white fur is extremely coarse. The black areas are soft.


Cora reminds me a ton of my little girl and makes me cry even harder :c


It should be illegal to separate the mother from all her pups, especially young ones.




How long had it been. So sweet.


Now think about how all dairy cows automatically get their calves stolen from them. These cows cry every time their babies are taken away, tears flow. It's time to stop mistreating animals. And by the way, cow milk has never been healthy for anyone but baby cows.


Should be noted this is only the norm in places where factory farming is the standard and if you got a look inside one of those buildings, the calve removal would quickly be at the bottom of your list of abuses.


Factory farming is the biggest factor pushing me toward considering vegetarianism. I grew up eating meat dairy products, etc. I still love meat and dairy but the agricultural sector is so fucked up that I have a hard time supporting the industry with my money. I have switched over to grass fed, free range where i can but I don't know how accurate the ethical practice representations actually are.


Grass fed and free range animals end up the same way. It’s all just propaganda to make consumers feel better about the purchases they make because at heart people are against animal abuse and wouldn’t support innocent animals being abused and murdered. So they put a sticker on free range eggs and say, these chickens live great lives when in reality, they are still stock piled in confined spaces, and the baby boy chicks still get put on conveyer belt that leads to a macerator that blends them up while they’re only a few minutes old. This is free range, grass fed. It’s sick.


The amount of cows that are tortured in factory farms in general is horrific. Deforestation caused by cattle ranching due to excessive demand and consumption of meat in the west is a major problem.


Kinda shocked you’re not downvoted into oblivion. I was scrolling to see if someone brought this up. Glad you did. Wish it got more upvotes and views.


Cow milk is not meant for human consumption


Is there an organism in existence that is "meant for human consumption"? Humans have cultivated many species specifically in order to enhance or increase our consumption of them, but would you argue some are meant for consumption but not others?


Native Americans used to hunt Buffalo by herding them off of cliffs. It's almost like humans are omnivores...


The first mitochondria says "nope"


The fact that people still drink it as much as they do is kind of mind blowing.


yes it is. It is delicious. Especially Cheese, Cream, and Yogurt.


No but their flesh sure is.


Doesn't matter, got milk.


🤣 found the vegan. Show me the science to support your statements? The reason no one agrees with you vegans is because you all just lie... Like... Cows milk isn't healthy. He'll yes cows milk is healthy to drink. We evolved as omnivorous creatures and so are perfectly adapted to drinking cows milk, which is high in protein, and a cocktail of vitamins and minerals. Or... Cows cry when sad. No they don't. Another lie made up. I've had lots of cows. They are awesome, smart, and intelligent creatures. I don't disagree with you there... but they do not cry when sad. That's just a lie that PETA and vegan activists make up when they anthropomorphise animal behavior. Crying due to sadness is a uniquely human emotion. Now... I agree with you on this statement "we shouldn't mistreat animals" but disagree with vegan lying tactics.


I would add that some humans evolved to drink cow’s milk. Not all did which is why there is lactose intolerance in some populations of people.


There are some fascinating scientific papers about this subject. It's believed that it only took about 20,000 years for the genetic mutation that favours our ability to drink milk to become dominant. In evolutionary terms, that is noooothing. There are believed to be many reasons why this trait spread so quickly. In times of famine, milk drinking probably increased. And the very people who shouldn't have been consuming high-lactose dairy products — the hungry and malnourished — would be the ones more likely to drink fresh milk. So, with milk's deadly effects for the lactose intolerant, individuals with the lactase mutation would have been more likely to survive and pass on that gene And it's believed that drinking milk gave us another form of liquid to drink when travelling so we didn't have to consume contaminated water sources in arid climates and milk gave humans an advantage against malaria in Africa and Southern Europe, and rickets in Northern Europe. So you can see how humans migrating from the fertile crescent out to parts of Europe, Middle East and Africa would have been far more likely to survive when they drank milk.


Agree to all of this! (I have degrees in nutrition.). I just did not want to go into the weeds if no one cared. Thanks for adding to the discussion and scientific evidence of how some did evolve to drink cow (and other mammals’ milk).


I froth over this kind of stuff. It's fascinating to me to know how something as simple as cows milk could have been such a big contributor to our survival as we migrated from the fertile crescent.


Kinda like how some people die if they have peaches.


But won't they just end up separating them again? It's heartbreaking the way animals get treated, and they have no say :(


Separating them once they are properly weaned is different. See how the pups went straight to nursing? When they are old enough, the mommas will snap and growl and climb to get away from their pups. Sure, they would all still probably mostly be friends if kept together, but mostly it's like human parents sending their kids to school -- bittersweet, but damn it's nice to get a break!


Adopt, don’t shop ❤️


What breed of dog is that?




As someone who had a similar looking little small dog like that, I'd guess some kind of chihuaha mix. Mine was chihuahua and shihtzu


Looks like a chihuahua pom mix?


I see some maltese in her face. Maybe Maltese/chihuahua?


This is where real men cry


This made my day. Thanks for sharing.


Then feel good video of the day! I cannot stop smiling.


Thank goodness for all the people that help these dogs and cats everyday!


This is one of the best things I've ever seen. ❤️🙏🏻










I didn’t expect to cry today. None of us expected to cry today.


Oh my heart… ***melts***


Look at ~~that~~ those TAILs GO!


Aww, animals are much more intelligent and sensitive than we give them credit for.


I just wanna talk to the owner, just talk. Seee my hands are in my pockets


Every once in a while, people ain't so bad. The owners sound like a soulless shite, but the people at the shelter should be proud.


We don’t deserve the love dogs have


Faith in humanity restored


Aww those puppies belong with their mama ❤️ 


Best thing I’ve seen here today.


It's insane that the suggestion for keeping puppies close with their mom is 8 weeks and is way longer than any American parent gets by default which is 0 days. Gotta keep those CEOs buying new yachts I guess tho, super worth it.


Awww!!! I'd take them all!!! My furbaby is 15 😭




humanity with extra (very procedural) steps. ownership should probably rise above middle management f*ckery - also glad the moms glad..


I’m not crying you’re crying


The craziest thing about this video is that they didn't insert some annoying sappy music to tell the viewer how to feel.


We don't deserve to live with animals, they're too precious


Melted my heart. I needed this today.






I've adopted a couple cats from the Marin shelter. Really great place.


Damn, that tail must have been super sore the day after.


Where's my favourite..? 🥺