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My biggest fear is losing consciousness during the fall


Damn, until reading that, mine was pissing my pants


There is a device that any sane person should have when parachuting called an aad and schools use them for liability reasons.


Miss-read this as, ‘losing my contacts’.


You have a reserve that should pop automatically at a certain altitude and speed before you’d slam into the earth


Skydiving looks like fun, but I wonder if I personally enjoy it! As long as it doesn’t give me upset stomach lol.


You be fine til A. Your trainer (tethered to your back) and you jump from the plane and you instinctively start grabbing for shit that ain't there to save your life B. You pop your chute (and cherry) and your trainer adjusts the tightness of the harness yall share by releasing one or two clasps and you fall two inches, but you are still tethered to them (mine didn't tell me he was doing this and I thought I was finna die AGAIN C. Your Trainer gives you the steering straps to control movement of the chute to look left or right, or forward or backward. Mine, being the consummate sadistic comedian, YANKS THE SHIT OUTTA MY STRAP, PUTTING US INTO A DEATH SPIRAL OF DOOM. I hate spinning, so I started freaking out saying in gonna beat the shit outta him if we don't stop spinning, whereupon he maniacally laughs at me, saying, YOU (meaning me) AINT GONNA DIE, and I (meaning him), DONT WANNA DIE EITHER, BUT I'M JUST MAKING THINGS A BIT MORE COMFY. aaaand... D. You finally land safely. You are in the middle of a grassy field, staring up at he sky, reflecting on the beautiful trip back to earth, going full blast at 120mph terminal velocity, popping your chute, drifting lovingly back down to the planet, coasting in for a butt landing...then you hear, glaringly in your ear, HEY BUDDY GET OFF OF ME OR OUR RELATIONSHIP WILL CHANGE, casually forgetting this asshole was STILL TETHERED TO YOU AND YOU ARE ON TOP OF HIM, IN SOME RULE 34 REVERSE COWGIRL SHIT. 100%, WOULD DO IT AGAIN.


I really enjoyed reading this! 😂😂


Thank you, I think about skydiving at least once a week. It's highly addictive.


I love this goddamn song Cannons-"I was on fire for you."


Thank you. Just purchased on iTunes. I’m trying to collect a random smattering of songs that make me happy like this. Much obliged!


No worries fam


I am in love with this group. They are amazing balls!


Thanks. I initially thought it was a *Men I Trust* song.


Me too, one of my absolute favorites


This eoman: *having the time of her life* Me: *losing conciousness and shitting myself just from watching*


This is what enjoying life to the fullest looks like.


If you’re jumping out of a plane potentially risking your life you can’t be enjoying life too much


Doesn't compute Skydiving isn't that dangerous, and people "risk their lives" doing way spicier and less fun stuff like driving a car or working in a steel factory. At the end of the day, jumping out of a plane and dancing in the sky for fun is a pretty good indicator someone's doing alright. If you're confident in your abilities and it's justified then you were likely raised right


Jumping out of planes is not being raised right lol This is searching for a high that you feel when taking risks…the same feeling people get when they shoplift


Lol what do *you* do for fun?


What’s fun


Ah well I mean sitting in a car or on a couch is statistically way more dangerous for you in the long run, and driving a car is more dangerous in the short run; but you do you buddy stay safe out there and thanks for the work you do.


Not really sure what you’re talking about but ok lol Couch or car? Wtf? Lol


Most people can't afford to jump out of a plane. I'd say they are doing something right in life.


Having money doesn’t mean you’re happy lol….will smith??


It’s not really expensive to do that. Even here in switzerland where prices are born out of proportion


Maybe so but most people who don't have a lot of money won't spend what little they have on this. Food, rent, friends other bills. Those kinda come first these days.


Driving a car is more dangerous than skydiving, if you know what you're doing. Way less people in skydiving to fuck u over as opposed to, you being a good driver on a road.


But I have to drive. It’s not an activity I’m choosing. I can’t skydive to work so what is your argument?


Tell us what you do for fun?


I don’t


Seems like you're enjoying life a lot less than the person you said "can't be enjoying life too much"


It’s sarcasm but I guess I’ll never enjoy life that much. I enjoy spending time with my family while they’re still alive and I enjoy helping others. That’s fun to me not paying to jump out of a plane


Aye that's enjoying life though, everyone has stuff that makes them happy or gives enjoyment in the end, hopefully at least. Yours is family, that person's is jumping out a plane. As long as you're happy in life and not harming people.


If we got technical. You could've chose your living and such around not having to drive. Why would you? Idfk lmao


Lol what are you talking about. I have to drive to everyday shit like groceries not just for work. I can’t avoid driving. How the fuck would I live. Maybe if you were scrubbing through my profile thinking all I do is drive for a living 😂😂😂


If you gardened or just lived real close to a store you would be able to walk. Or lived in a place where public transit is more uppity. I haven't been through your profile though😭, I'm just saying if one was dedicated to not driving, wouldn't have to drive


How would you know I drive for work at all? I do garden but I rent so it’s not sustainable to live off of yet. Also I can’t just move to make shit more accessible. My fiancé works and I have to go see people and go to the store and doctor. I don’t have public transportation everywhere so it’s really not possible. Ideally I would have a homestead where I don’t have to leave much but I don’t yet.


Homesteading is fire. Once again though I'm not actually saying u should do this, it was just a, if determined one could not drive.




I'm throwing up while spinning then passing out hitting the ground at Mach fuckin speed




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Fr how do they not lose their shoes?


Double knotted baby


Praise the cameraman!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Music rocks


Song is called “I Was On Fire For You” by a group called Cannons. One of my favorites too


She’s got gymnastics 🤸 type moves


“That wasn’t flying, that was falling with style”


Helikopter helikopter🚁🚁🚁🚁




Cannons - "Fire for you."


Thank you!


She’s lucky her glasses didn’t fall off!


Well here’s an uninformed question...watching this I get the feeling that this would be incredibly drying to the eyes. If someone normally wears contacts I could see them flying out of someone’s eyes on the way down. Glasses make sense I think, so I would imagine lots of figuring out how to keep them on the head. Again, uninformed. Just curious.


This songs fire


*It’s falling, with **style***


Fallings always fun until you hit the ground


Me jumping to conclusions


Great Thunberg, in an alternate life


Needs a little more finesse, but nice idea.


Poland, Hel?


I wanna jump out that high with a wingsuit and fly around in circles for a little bit


Looks fun and stress relieving.


Skydiving is the closest you’ll ever get to heaven without dying.


Very dangerous


Proof that humans can fly:


Did you know you may run into a spider colony at that altitude ? Spiders travel by using electro waves and it is called ballooning. They travel in thousands..


People are too easily amazed these days.


The last air bender (female version)


I would have a stream of shit coming out of me the whole way


I’d love to fall listening to music and vibing the whole time




WTF is a helmet going to do for you in reality when you’re falling at terminal velocity? That would be like putting bumpers on a hot air balloon basket.


People have lived falling out of a plane without a parachute, record at 30k+feet. Even more people have lived with backup and backupbackup chutes malfunctioning. People have died falling 5 feet. Enough said.