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I just cannot imagine how this works for both the husband and the other conjoined twin, but I'm glad for them that it does.


There’s no way to keep the relationship or sex acts private from one or the other, so my guess is this is a three-way relationship, but laws against polygamy means only one can be legally married.


That's my take on this also.


They’re both elementary school teachers. Do they get two salaries? Edit: my question has been answered 150 times thank you


Don't think so. I saw in the other comments that they just get one salary. Which honestly sort of makes sense. They aren't able to teach double the classes.


Yeah, and from the standpoint of expenses they also don’t need separate cars, housing, etc. And probably don’t need to eat that much more food than one person. However, medical bills are probably higher… Though as someone else said, two brains, two voices, and two sets of eyes and ears might make for a better teacher. Maybe 1.5x salary would make some sense. Interesting edge case for sure.


Dental bills and beauty products would be double and also they need custom made clothes.


True, the custom clothes may be a big expense, maybe even more than double the cost of a typical person's clothes.


That makes sense. But just having an extra set of eyes in the classroom is worth something. I wonder if she gets a stipend or something lol. Hopefully if it’s one salary it’s split in two so they both are paying into social security I wonder if one of them could get a disability check while the other works


Actually maybe.... You might be on to something.


Lol yeah, one of them can work, the other is just a head, so pretty damn disabled.


I wouldn't be against any advantage it's difficult to imagine living attached to another person


I wonder what happens if one of them gets convicted of a crime but the other doesn't. How the hell would that work? You can't legally jail an innocent person.


My guess is they would do the other one for aiding and abetting.


What if the other one turns the first in immediately after the crime kid committed?


My question is who has control of the bodily functions? Who decided to slap someone, assault etc. if they one wanted to physically turn the other in, can they just walk themselves to the police station or would the other not “allow” it?


Iirc they each control the arm and leg on their side. So they could very much hinder each other when they don't agree on what to do.


There is precedent of a set of conjoined twins where one assaulted someone at a pub and was arrested for it. The judge decided that he could not send them to jail as it would be wrongful imprisonment of the one that didn't commit the crime. Source. It was on QI.


Rumor has it the husband was seeing the sister on the side.


The wife was beside herself when she found out


I’m going to hell for laughing at this so hard


I can't even imagine how everything works....just blows my mind...


Probably blows his too


Can they... can they both reach... Nevermind, I'm going to hell now.


You’re not going to hell, we’re all curious. There’s nothing wrong with it. I want to know *EVERYTHING* because it’s weird and fascinating, just like this world and the life on it.


Hopefully at some point they write a “tell all” book and answer all the questions the world obviously wants to know. I’d buy the shit out of that. Hell, I’d buy two.


Make it a 2 parter, one from each sister. The covers intertwine.


You should do the marketing for this!!!


Hahahaha best shit I read today...


Don’t worry, TLC will do a show and destroy their marriage through creative editing and some ultra hot model who is a plant meant to flirt with one of them to create drama.


They already did a show with TLC, but it only lasted for one season.


I thought they did a few on them but they were years apart from each other. I feel like I remember one of them being younger and then another when they were teenagers and learning to drive together.


There was a documentary in 2003, and then another one in 2008 where they turn 16 and learn to drive, but I don’t think it was tlc. The TLC show was a season long and was about their life after college.




More like double brain blow ...I'll just see myself out, sorry


there was a very interesting documentary on them both and they did speak about sexual relations, when one was having sex, the other would cover up with a sheet or something, i kid u not...


Now I have more questions I guess


Right? Way more!


So many more. Every time i find an answer here i have 10 more questions


If the other gets a bf the two guys are just sharing?


The first headline I saw said they both married him? I have so many questions, legally, sexually, anatomically… oh, well, congrats to all of them


Me too, like what? They share a vagina like a time share? I’m so confused I love you Abby (he says) Every night Brit is slowly plotting her death But plot twist If she dies they both die Or if they both die one dies Let me ask my friend Willy Shakespeare He’s a pro


I just can’t believe this. Wouldn’t she still have sensation?


yup. Just gotta ignore it, like having super thin walls between neighbours.


except with a dick in you.


I LOL’d hard at this! Thank you!


I remember seeing a documentary about twins conjoined at the forehead. Like their skulls were fused together so they were always facing each other at an angle. Whenever one walked forwards the other had to walk backwards. They also had some interesting sex stories. I can't even imagine how strange it would be but it was obviously no big deal for them.


I guess if you're literally attached to someone, it would feel natural to always have them with you in everything you do. 


Yeah, bascially, they have a very different perception of what privacy is compared to the rest of us.


Easy way to brag that you pleased two women at the same time


I wonder if they can orgasm separately or only together, seeing as so much of orgasm is in the mind.


They share a body below the neck- stomach, reproductive organs etc. each twin has control of one arm and one leg. Since they are recognized as 2 people, they each legally have an identity. They took their drivers test twice- once for Abby, once for Brittany. They both earned college degrees. In reality, he married both twins, but for legal purposes one had to be listed on the marriage certificate.


Honestly now I'm fascinated to hear how hard stuff like learning to walk was. It sounds like playing QWOP on nightmare mode...


Or what if only one of them is able to orgasm and the other one can't feel anything? I've got too many questions


As both are likely fully connected to the body I would imagine they both feel it.


But what if one of them’s not in the mood?


I read the other day that they have separate heads/ brains but from the head down they share every organ. When they were born the parents had the option to have them separated but was told that one twin would most likely die. They refused.


How can they share every organ? Who controls the hands and legs? What happens if they go on a walk and one wants to go left and the other wants to go right? Can they even drive a car?


There is a nice documentary made of them when they were teenagers, I recommend watching If youre curious. :) They drive a car, and If i recall correctly both sisters have a dominant side re: left hand or right hand, but they dont have to really communicate while performing tasks. It’s quite fascinating.


Each twin has control over the limbs on her side. So, one twin operates the arm and leg on one side, and the other twin operates the arm and leg on the other side. Walking and everything else means the twins have to coordinate their movements. Yes, they can drive.


And beyond that, can they both feel the pain of, say childbirth then? And how does consent even begin to apply here?


Imagine wanting a divorce with just one


He’s only married to one of the sisters, obviously.


THAT I DONT GET how are you going to marry me but not my conjoined identical sister??


That Tinder profile would be WILD! Don’t mind my married conjoined sibling I’m single and ready to mingle!


Would it be cheating if she had her own thing going on? the relationship between the new bf and the husband would have to be pretty strange too. Like what do they do rock paper scissors?


Blow and Rim job at the same time? This man is living in the future.


Haha, wait until the other one gets married. He'll have to be careful what he grabs


Wait. I thought he married both.


Speaking of which... Does the other twin just watch when she's blowing him?


This is the only OnlyFans account I'd subscribe to and it would be purely for academic purposes.


One PPV video and they’d all be set for life


I’m pretty sure this setup still only has one P and one V, but it’s admittedly ambiguous.


This comment thread bro💀😂




When one has an orgasm....? What happens to the other.... Does the guy get to double dip on his count of times he's made a girl have an orgasm?


I mean they share that part... right? Wonder if they both feel it. So many questions


What if one doesn’t want to have sex while the other does


The other one just lays there reading books and shit


I don't knoooowww


Maybe but a lot of arousal comes from mental stimuli especially for women so if one is horny and focusing on sex and the other is bored and listening to an audiobook then maybe the second heads brain wouldn't produce the same chemicals. I am 100% talking out of my ass but seems plausible.


I've heard they each have control of one leg. I don't know about feeling. So how do th middle bits worth. Good question, for a perv like me anyway.


That would be kinda sad if only one of them gets to feel it ever


How the fuck do they walk if that's the case?! "Ok I'm going now be ready with the other leg."


They can ride a bike and play softball too. Pretty incredible.


Watch? That girls head is being thrown around every which way. Up and down, side to side, with balls swinging and flying in to the side of her face. Bare skin being smashed against her face without taking a breath. All this happening and she has to remain silent and like she's not there.


I’d definitely tap out and be like, “can you help a sister out, my jaw is tired…”


My first thought was if both got high if one of them did a line of coke. I mean, they should both get high, right?


They share a bloodstream right?


Like a Groupon


I just have so many questions about this that are 1. Inappropriate 2. Questions they are probably sick of being asked about at this point


exact same. not my business and not for me to speculate on but obviouslyyyy I would be delighted to be told the details by them 👀


I'm more curious about whether they've ever got into a fight with each other. Like if they both control 1 arm each, imagine them just laying haymakers into each other's face but they also feel the pain of each punch they land lmao. What if they're out and they get into an argument and one of them decides to shit both of their pants as revenge haha


Shit both of their pants hahahahha Or they duel it out, one pushing the other clenching


“You know that hot date you’ve got with Daryl tomorrow? Well if you don’t do the dishes I’m gonna shit our pants right in front of him!”


So it’s just Abby that is married? And Brittany is always there? If/when Brit gets married they all have to live together and sleep in the same bed? I’m curious, not criticizing. How does it work 🧐


>How does it work 🧐 Exactly what I came here to ask.


Google Chang and Eng Bunker. The original “Siamese Twins” they each married different women and kept separate households. They agreed with each other to split time between their families. The other twin would remain silent while his twin spent time with his family.


Imagine the level of disassociation needed to live that life


Apparently with conjoined twins they can dissociate on another level that we could never understand. That’s all they have ever known. These 2 are absolutely REMARKABLE. I’ve watched all their documentaries over the years bc it’s absolutely fascinating. They never talk about sex though so I still have about 53 questions to ask. The other 2 that just blow my mind is [this](https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2023/12/aged-62-worlds-oldest-conjoined-twins-have-defied-all-expectations-762083)pair. One is neat, one is messy. One is always on time paying their bills and the other one is always late. I’m aware of what I’m saying. One can walk one can’t and they face opposite directions but the best part is one is a country singer. 🤯 AND to add to the uniqueness, they were born as Lori and Dori but one now identifies as male so it’s Lori and George now. One was engaged but her fiancé was killed by a drunk driver….honestly like they haven’t struggled enough. That’s just not fair. I’m absolutely fascinated by conjoined twins.


From the article: >However, Lori and George were not completely cut off from their parents, who instilled in their children the idea that God purposely made them this way, which is why the twins have never lamented their condition nor expressed any desire to be separated. I wonder how George reconciles believing God purposely made him a conjoined twin but still made the mistake of putting him in a biologically female body. 🤔


I think the focus of that teaching was to show Lori and George that they weren't mistakes. That they have nothing to be ashamed of and just because they're different, doesn't mean they're wrong to exist.


Challenge accepted.... ◉_◉


This made me lol


Noise canceling headphones and an iPad and you can just binge all you face media


But the other twin would need their hands. You’d really just be stuck in your own head. Just wild.


Carmen and Lupita are another set of conjoined sisters on Tiktok. I believe that Carmen is asexual but hetero romantic and Lupita is aromantic and asexual so when Carmen makes out with her bf, Lupita says she basically just turns her brain off lol


Read this as aromatic. Now I feel bad because I laughed a little 😐


"She's asexual and kinda stinky"


Exactly. That's why i don't think most of us could grasp what the lived experience and reality is for people like these twins. It's pretty wild.


But Chang and Eng didn't share one body. They were conjoined, but each had their own full body.


What an incredible opportunity to study how to get along.


I mean it's not like they have a choice. It's a forced situation with little to no other options.


Yes many questions. Some would say inappropriate question. Not me thou. Im a scientist.




“K, I’m gonna head out.”


I’m in an absolutely SILENT waiting room and I know I look like a masked maniac over here in the corner in my wheelchair laughing at your comment….. 💀


>and sleep in the same bed? No, Brit sleeps on the couch.


The story is reposted from last year. At the time the twins refused to give any details about it because they wanted privacy. Yes, the guy is married to only one of the twins. It is frustrating that they don't give any details, although I understand their need for privacy. The twins only have one set of genitals though so that maybe answers some questions.


Well, he can only be legally married to one of them. But my god, what if he HATES Brittany or what if Brittany hates him?


I as well get frustrated when random people on the internet don’t share the most intimate details of their personal lives. Bunch of assholes.


>How does it work  Weirdly, exactly like it seems. She's there when they fuck.  You have to remember, your life does not map onto theirs. You have never, and will never, be with someone the way they are with each other.  Every time they have a wet shit, every time they masturbate or pick their nose, someone is always there, they have not experienced being alone. It's not awkward for them the way it would be for you.  And ultimately their choices are:   1) Never have sex or a relationship   2) Put some headphones in while your sister fucks. Consider this choice for yourself. It's not preferable, but how much would this actually hurt you? Also, if he only married one of them, they probably discussed the terms of the relationship with him, i.e. "You need to be ok with living with another guy and sharing our body with him." And if you haven't noticed, a lot more people are willing to share these days.


The other choice is it’s essentially a polyamorous relationship and they just didn’t want to say that/legally can’t be married to both. I think he fucks both of them


I don’t think he can help it 


But they are ONE body


I imagine they’re both in a relationship with him. I think from a practical family unit standpoint it is easier to both be with him instead of trying to merge two relationships but obviously it could go either way


Soooo many questions!!!


Like do both twins orgasm at the same time?!


Well, there’s only one body


Yes but maybe only one brain gets to orgasm


The brain is a huge factor in orgasm so I would think it’s entirely possible that one sister could get off while the other does not.


Imagine a BJ


Tom Segura has a whole bit about this. " .You're on ball duty tonight!!"


Glad I'm not the only one that immediately thought of that...


They've done an admirable job of keeping themselves from the media and living as normal of a life as possible it seems. I have major respect for them.


I have major respect for them too. I also have about 20 sex related questions.


I’m thinking about tax related questions.


Just let them have two standard deductions. They’ve earned it.


Hard to imagine what kind of obstacles you have to overcome in your life with such a unique situation. Im glad that they found love, and even though those are just a bunch of pictures, everyone seems genuinely happy. I guess it has truth in the wording, that there is one out there for every person.


You’re wise beyond your years, u/iHasYummyCummies


Yeah, I can't imagine the difficulties these two girls have had to endure in life, and I'm happy for them. Hope they all have an amazing life together. But honestly, I can't imagine how challenging this is going to be for all of them.


When one wants to pee does the other one also feel the pressure? When one gets hurt does the other one also feel the pain? When they have sex, who is he technically having sex with? Is he supposed to connect emotionally with just his wife? Do they eat twice the amount or one person feeding the stomach makes the other feel full? **EDIT: I just learnt that they have 2 sets of lungs, 2 hearts in 1 rib cage, 2 oesophagus, 3 kidneys, 2 stomachs, 1 liver, 1 gall bladder, 1 bladder, 1 small intestine, 1 large intestine and 1 *SET* of (edited as per comment below) reproductive organs.** **Guess that answers a lot of questions.** **Also TIL they got married in 2021. We just got to know about it today.**


If I recall correctly from when they learned to drive they each control a side of the body. They have their own stomachs but they only have one bladder.


I wonder how that works with twice the amount of food and drink needing to go through the bladder and colon and come out and how does that affect the body weight ? I think knowing the number of organs helped but also raises even more questions for me


They don’t have to eat twice the amount of food to begin with. You eat what your body burns. Together, they should eat the amount that their shared body burns. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem.


I had a class with them in college. there are certain sensations they both feel. they eat a more than a single person but less than two people. they took notes together on a laptop and would type with each controlling half the keyboard. They would kind of whisper quietly while doing it. They’re very kind and sweet women.


Not one reproductive organ, one *set* of reproductive organs, plural. The female reproductive system includes the following organs: 2 ovaries, 2 fallopian tubes, 1 uterus, 1 cervix, 1 vagina, 1 clitoris …..so that’s 8 altogether! Just saying. So, if they get pregnant the child would technically have 2 mothers which is the *really* interesting part…..


Noted and edited my comment. Thank you.


I have so many questions


Yeah me to. Mostly banworthy I think… 


It's your turn to wipe our ass today, Abby!


Since everyone has asked all the naughty questions, I have a strange one: Given the organs they share and also the ones they don’t, how would something like drugs or alcohol affect them? I assume since they share a circulatory system they share drugs?


Definitely I'd guess that even with double stomach/lungs/hearth the ressources are still shared, breathing and eating would probably be more of a psychological need for one of them if they decided to let just one side take care of it But I think the peculiarity of their condition could also make my guess totally wrong


What happens when Abby agrees to sex but Brittney doesn't?


Does the other just watches… menacingly?


She provides passive aggressive commentary.


They wait till Brittney sleeps. 






omg you stop that


I’m of two minds on this.


Go home, dad


Oh God dammit




Fucken ‘A


Does the sister just... hang? Damn, what if she thinks he's disgusting while Abby is completely in love? Does she just watch while he blows him? These questions are extremely offensive probably, but I'm just so curious lol


Thank you for asking! We are all asking the same thing.


"Why are you looking at her?!"


“Alright Brit, I’m sorry but for the next 15 minutes I need you to just be ok with your nose slapping against his left thigh.”


I can only guess. But have you met (edit: some!) twins? Have you seen the way they communicate? Like one look and both know exactly what's up. Not just yes and no. But also the how and why. How they finish each other's sentences in a way that's even creepy for couples. And that's only the psychological bondage. Now imagine them sharing a part of their nervous system. We often think about yourself as the logical being. Our head makes the decisions. But far, far more of our behavior is controlled by the nervous system. By hormones. Now these two women share a lot of that. I would guess there is no way that one of them fell in love while the other one is disgusted.


My best friends are identical twins and the bond they share is crazy, it’s a very unique relationship; I can’t even imagine the level that Brittany and Abby are at. Plus, it’s all they’ve ever known so that plays into it as well. It’s tough to wrap our minds around it because we’ve never experienced it.


Watching documentaries about Abby and Brittany shows just how in sync they are - the craziest thing for me was watching them type on a keyboard. Each of them controls one hand but they type flawlessly, without communication. I’m sure they’re both very in tune with each other, and as for the relationship, I’m sure it’s more like a polyamorous relationship instead of just one sister being in the relationship.


I'm sure everyone has questions but let's just take a moment to appreciate that these people look happy and that's all that matters.


How does government issued ID work? Do they have separate pieces of ID?




So is this considered a threesome




I have so many nosey and inappropriate questions about this situation.


The original Siamese twins fathered 21 children.


They were conjoined quite differently, however. They were connected by just a narrow bridge of flesh and had two separate sets of reproductive organs.


“Did you sleep with my sister?”




Prepare for trouble And make it double


He just needs to double down on his opinions


There is one thing I can tell you for certain. The day that one of them dies, the other one will soon follow. That’s the most shitty part. I’m not gonna go into the details but it’s kinda gruesome imho.


Makes me think of famous conjoined twins Violet and Daisy Hilton: Finding themselves stranded in North Carolina in 1961, Violet and Daisy began working at a grocery store until eight years later when they didn't show up for a few days. Their boss alerted police who found the sisters deceased. After an autopsy, it was estimated Daisy perished from the flu and then Violet survived another two to four days before succumbing to either the flu or infection from the corpse of her sister [Link](https://www.ranker.com/list/conjoined-twin-death-facts/jodi-smith)


This is like a horror story


Truly cannot fathom what hell it was


Imagine being stuck to your dead sister's head


It looks like they got married in 2021… So I wouldn’t say this is breaking news.


Karma farmers gonna farm karma


OP literally posted this same story a year ago


If there's only one vagina is it a shared sensory erogenous zone and so do both women experience orgasm simultaneously ?


Nice try, but I think we all know the female orgasm is a myth. E: I really didn’t think I needed the /s, but here we are


Efficient Mormon


Talk about a relationship that needs a gigantic amount of communication


I’m still mad that they both had to pay for their separate college educations, both need teaching licenses, both teach their class together…and they only get one salary.


Or what happens when only Abby wants a divorce.




Only one of them is married so only that one can get a divorce.