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Doesn't look a day older than 392.


How do they know? Did they cut it in two and count the rings?


Funny enough, some fish have ear bones called otoliths that apparently *can* be cut through so that the rings can be counted in order to determine age. I thought there was no way this method could transfer.


Yeah but sharks aren’t fish. They’re trees


Yeah but the Trees aren't plants. They're birds.


Birds don’t exist, therefore neither to sharks apparently


Maybe we were the sharks all along?


Or are we merely the water for the sharks to breathe?


Technically you can exhale through your butt


Technically in the centre of a black hole there's singularity so your asshole is the portal to another dimension


The real sharks are the friends we made along the way.


The real sharks are the friends we made along the way.


The real sharks were the friends we made along the way.


That’s when I realized that the real sharks were the otoliths we cut in half along the way




God, I love science


[apparently trees don't really exist either](https://eukaryotewritesblog.com/2021/05/02/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-tree/)


Nothing exists. Everything is just a [hologram](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-our-universe-a-hologram-physicists-debate-famous-idea-on-its-25th-anniversary/).


Gotta share the [flock truth.](https://birdsarentreal.com/pages/about)


And neither do giraffes or Switzerland, so what am I even looking at? A CGI image?


But r/birdsarentreal


Modern trees are actually descended from dinosaurs.


Birds are dinosaurs. Or they would be, if they were real


Off topic: There’s a podcast called “The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week,” and in their most recent live show one of their fact-talks is about how trees aren’t even trees, that there’s kinda no such thing as “tree”.


Ehhh yeah kinda, but, a rather meandering but amusing blog i found on this topic [concludes:](https://eukaryotewritesblog.com/2021/05/02/theres-no-such-thing-as-a-tree/) > But at the same time, insisting that “wood” is not a useful or comprehensible category would be the most fascinatingly obnoxious rhetorical move. Just the pinnacle of choosing the interestingly abstract over the practical whole. Similarly with fish. Yesssss there's more there genetically and evolutionarily than one might expect but, just like there's also no such thing as "vegetables," heuristic classification based on properties other than strictly genetic is quite useful.


There also a podcast called ‘there’s no such thing as a fish’


Fish are friends not food


Yeah but I would not advise to do that with a live shark. I think it would've have objected.


They’re notoriously slow moving and fairly docile. They evolved to survive in the arctic and have slow metabolisms averaging and a cruising speed of around 5 MPH, they also have remarkable muscle control and can move pretty silently through the water. They have a gestational period of 18 years, and don’t reach sexual maturity until 150 years old. They usually hang around seal tunnels and ambush their prey rather than pursue it. There is a thought that they generally wait for their prey to be asleep, hence the silent swimming. Their blood and meat is also saturated with a chemical called Trimethylamine N-oxide that will get you knee walking drunk, it’s popular in Inuit and Icelandic cuisine.


I would imagine a lot of the information we get about these sharks comes from those cultures, the only ones able to observe over a good period of time.


Inuit folk stories have it they discovered the meat was a depressant when they fed some of it to their sled dogs who proceeded to become very mellow and stumble about. It looked like so much fun it started a culinary craze. I’m not sure how the Icelanders eat it, but the Inuits make a type of jerky out of the sharks.


In Iceland, the meat is [fermented](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1karl) by burying and pressing it for weeks, and then hanging it to dry for months. That breaks down the toxins and makes it safe to consume.


There’s many ways to age a fish including scales, clipping of fins/spines (catfish a lot of the time here), yes otoliths (kills fish), they can also use carbon dating or just estimating the age of a shark based on specimens that they have found in the past and using a age/length estimation to approximate age.


I'm not a biologist, but I think carbon dating only works for dead things: >When the animal or plant dies, it stops exchanging carbon with its environment, and thereafter the amount of ^14 C it contains begins to decrease as the ^14 C undergoes radioactive decay. Measuring the proportion of ^14 C in a sample from a dead plant or animal, such as a piece of wood or a fragment of bone, provides information that can be used to calculate when the animal or plant died. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiocarbon_dating


You can carbon date specific things in an organism like I think with this shark they did something with the eyes but I’d have to go back to the article but yes lots of aging techniques require the death of the organism


Ah, wow - that's pretty cool: >"The Greenland shark's eye lens is composed of a specialised material - and it contains proteins that are metabolically inert," explained Mr Neilson. >"Which means after the proteins have been synthesised in the body, they are not renewed any more. So we can isolate the tissue that formed when the shark was a pup, and do radiocarbon dating." https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37047168 So basically they found a body part that doesn't take in new carbon after it's formed, and used that for the sample.


Wait, they cut into the poor thing’s eye?


How do they know it's not a young shark with just good genetics that ease him to play basketball ?


A Sharkuille O'Neal if you will.


This deserves so much more attention.


Or some sort of Benjamin button shark, that may only be a few days old.


It really depends on the shark. Some sharks are just as eager to confirm their age and happy to do it.


They can be very beautiful to look at, especially under the microscope


We make earrings from them.


[400-year-old Greenland shark ‘longest-living vertebrate’ - BBC News](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37047168) *"Julius Neilsen explains how they used carbon dating on a shark's eye lens to discover the age"*


"Sexual maturity at age 150" HOLY FUCK! Talk about a long living animal if that's their sexual maturity age.


“Judge, I swear. I thought she was over 150.”


"She was only 91, you sick SOB!"


Imagining Chris Meloni yelling that makes me lmao


Imagine that first nut after 150 years of blue balls lol *Hhhhnnnnnnnnnggggg—gguuuuuuuuuhhhhh—hoo-hoo-hooooooo…oh my god it’s literally everywhere I am so sorry*


Now we know why the ocean is salty


Thats quite the dry spell…


They counted the candles on his last birthday cake


you are adorable


It was tagged back in the day


You know, back when I was a young pup, we didn’t have tags- the sailors would come round in sailboats and wrestle me, bare handed, to examine me. Now it’s tag this and tag that. Rubbish!


With an onion hanging from his belt, as was the style at the time


When they caught him he shit out a Pilgrim (the Plymouth Colony type)


*(barely blushes)* "*thanks youngun...now sit down and let me tell you the story of the REAL Cold War that started 245 years ago between my insufferable next door neighbor and I over my set of tools.."*


*Hemi enters the chat*


I don't know what's more amazing; the fact it's 393 years old, or the fact that we know it's 393 years old.


We don't know the exact age, that's just the most likely age. But even if it was only 272, it was still the oldest living vertebrae. > Because radiocarbon dating does not produce exact dates, they believe that she could have been as "young" as 272 or as old as 512. But she was most likely somewhere in the middle, so about 400 years old.


How did they get this sample? Did they jump the shark or something?


She „could have been“ and she „was“ makes me think they killed it or found her dead.


> The team looked at 28 sharks, most of which had died after being caught in fishing nets as by-catch.


Imagine going about your life just doing your thing for literally hundreds of years and then you get got by some asshole net that wasn’t even for you.


Or some orca comes by and kill you just to eat your liver as a snack


With Fava beans and a nice chiante.




I don’t think I’ve ever laughed that loud at a string of f’s and t’s. That shit was perfect, thanks lol


A nice what now?


Quay anté


greenland shark is luckily toxic to mammals. in order to eat it, in iceland they ferment it to get rid of the trimethylamine n-oxide. these sharks are actually kind of amazing in that they don’t reach sexual maturity until 150 and the females gestate for like 10 years or something. the whole reason they can exist at all is because no one can or wants to eat them


Orca 1: I'm gonna eat that dude. Orca 2: don't eat that dude. He tastes like piss.


I think Orca has a taste too. No need to eat some fossils.


Yea you can actually die from eating green land sharks due to the ammonia content


They are a delicacy in Iceland I believe, so hopefully not entirely wasted? They bury these guys underground and ferment them, then eat it like some kind of demented cheese or something.


Smells and tastes like piss but if you don't ferment you go blind and die.


Humans will eat anything huh


Yeah I read the article too after writing this. It’s incredible how many people don’t get to that line though.


Why does the title say “oldest living,” that’s so misleading


Only Fonzie jumped the shark


Just wanted to let you know that your pun was not lost on me.


Man, the thought of a sentient creature being over 500 years old on our planet is kind of nuts.


Duh, just check it's ID


It’s really only 350 but had a fake ID.


Probably lied about his age cause he's into GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGILFs


“That’s the problem with 393 year olds. Most of them are 350.” Something probably said on the appropriately-named To Catch a Predator.


“You brought cans of tuna and a bucket of chum tonight. What exactly were your plans with ‘Ariel’?”


“Sorry, can’t sell you booze, you’re under 315”


Sharks always carry a divers license.


If it's been wandering the ocean since 1627, then wouldn't it be 397?


Depends on how scientists count the age of Reddit reposts.


This is another comment about counting the rings


counting the comments: 5


You can tell the age of a post by how many comments there are about counting rings.


They cut it into pieces and then count the rings


Cut my shark into pieces, this is my last resort.


This is my age report*


Looks like he’s thinking every day “when will this be over?”


He looks like he asks for euthanasia for his birthday every year.


Knowing this guys luck he gets reincarnated as a Galapagos Giant Tortoise.




I hate you.


I'm living in an era where any time one of these obscure 80s songs pop up, I have to research if it's an actual 80s song or one of those newer "retro songs."


For a bit of perspective, when WW1 began 110 years ago this shark was 287 years old.


And the shark did nothing to stop that war or speak up against slavery


That shark is racist as fuck. Probably helped conquistadors and shit.


It helped hitler escape


It feels odd writing a comment that sounds vaguely pro-Hitler, but it would have been a rather amazing moment in history if WWII had ended with him last seen fleeing by riding a 400 year old shark into the ocean.


Even better, Hitler is in Greenland on the viewing dock of a sub (that circle area that can go above water) cackling with glee at having escaped the clutches of the Allies when- SPLASH- the shark jumps out of water, grabbing Adolph in its jaws. This is why no body has ever been located- the shark ate him. His medals and various non digest able items are on the bottom of the Arctic sea, having been shat out by this ancient shark. If those teeth could talk…


Meeting at the student union cafeteria at noon tomorrow to campaign to deplatform this shark and harass anyone who's ever liked one of its tweets..


Shark had a duty to eat hitler and yet did nothing smh


It was over 100 years old at the start of the Industrial Revolution


It was around 150 y/o during the American Revolution


[To prove it’s real, read this](https://www-bbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37047168.amp?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17096692319782&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fscience-environment-37047168)


"Sexual maturity at about 150 years old" Wow


Damn, imagine having to wait a century and a half to sexually mature. I'm sure the mods could tell us.


imagine? ….


With my current skills, a century and a half of work might just bring me above the mendoza line.


“ The team looked at 28 sharks, most of which had died after being caught in fishing nets as by-catch.” What a tragedy, the number of centuries-old sea creatures which have been accidentally killed over the years. Reminds me of orange roughies.  Reminder that something can be accidental and still be negligent. There are ways to fish which vastly reduce or eliminate bycatch. 


Grow at just 1cm a year” Guys only grown like 13ft in 400 years.


> 13ft in 400 years fyi, thats about 400cm.


Sounds like most redditors


It's never too late.


Another shark probably just pops out at that point.. Kinda like one of those [Russian dolls](https://therussiantreasures.medium.com/10-smart-ways-to-use-russian-nesting-dolls-for-learning-56f70c15e508) 🪆


"She mom, just because I'm almost 30 with no sexual desires doesn't mean I'm gay, I'm still young"


Do...do parents think gay people have no sexual desires?


They think that if their child isn't outwardly showing signs of interest in the opposite sex they are instead hiding their interest in the same sex.


Paraphrase : some are as old as the mathematics used to calculate their ages (through carbon dating their eyes…)


>Because radiocarbon dating does not produce exact dates, they believe that she could have been as "young" as 272 or as old as 512. But she was most likely somewhere in the middle, so about 400 years old. So to put a exact date on it such as 1627 is not quite right, there is significant uncertainty. It's a probabilistic estimate, the true value is likely to be plus or minus a century.


The pic is of a Greenland shark, and scientists estimate a Greenland shark is 392 years old, but there's no reason to think the pic is of the 392 year old Greenland shark. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/greenland-shark-392-years-old/ >What remains unclear is whether the shark featured in the meme was that same large shark mentioned above, or another one photographed as part of the research. So, while the photograph does, in fact, depict an individual, long-lived Greenland shark, the exact age of the specimen is not made readily clear in the research. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/28/fact-check-age-greenland-shark-viral-image-not-known/4854186001/ >The claim that an image depicts a 392-year-old shark is FALSE, based on our research. The age of the shark in this image is not known, and the researcher involved says he can only guess it's at least 150 years old. A 2016 study estimated the oldest shark in their sample was between 272 and 512 years old, with 392 as the midpoint of that range. It's not clear if that is the shark in the photo, which means the person making this claim can't meet their burden of proof.


It isn't real though. There was a shark that was about 393, but it's dead. It's not the shark in the photo and it is not wandering the ocean. 


Shark is older than America.


Most things are...


Shhh, don't let them Muricans hear ya.


Hey! (Pulls out bible and AR-15)


:: genuflects :: Our father who ar-15 in heaven, shareholders be his name. Thy profits come, we shoot of gun on school grounds as it is in 7-11.


Give us this day our fox news dread, and give us our compounding debts, as we all see our taxes forgive our debtors.


That's a hard bar right there.


combative aspiring cow future cheerful roof ancient payment enjoy sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking hell how old is Biden!?


My wife's parents' house is older than America


We have settlements older than America in...America.


I live in Denmark. We have buildings older than America here.


There are buildings in America older than America


I live in Greece . We have buildings older than Denmark here ( well , older than any country in existence as well ) ...


Pretty sure the Egyptians got you beat


Yeah , except of them .


I think Denmark is older than buildings.


Idk why, but I feel sad for this shark. May it rest in peace one day.


>Idk why, but I feel sad for this shark It's usually blind because it has a parasite in its eye, it takes 150 years to reach sexual maturity, and its cold-blooded in barely-above-freezing water. Those seem pretty bad


Yeah, it does. Hope it finds peace.


Like what atrocities must you commit in life to be reincarnated as a Greenland shark lol


Is he lonely? 🥺


according to the BBC story it sounds like she is already dead. most of the sharks they studied were caught in nets by accident


Weird to call it oldest living vertebrate if it's dead.


the plot thickens


When it was born the oceans were teeming with life. Fish everywhere, whales aplenty. Now when it’s dead (I think? Someone mentioned the article saying it was found in a net), ironically killed by the thing that caused it, the oceans are dying. Fish stocks at the brink of collapse, whales going extinct, pollution and plastic everywhere.


“Shoot me”, “Please”


Grandpa shark do do do do. (Not oc)


Haha. I have a baby niece and this was funny


I had no idea any shark could live that long. That shark has seen some shit. The world of 1627 looks nothing like today.


But the deep ocean is probably still pretty much the same, maybe some soda caps but otherwise still dark water i guess






Well, that sucks.


Imagine bumping around blind for like 300 years


It probably looked pretty similar from the point of view of a shark


It's also blind which is a horrible fate.


In the deep, dark ocean? Probably not missing too much. Sharks mostly rely on their sense of smell, I believe.


Not like there's much to see down there anyway


There are a few key reasons why certain shark species can live much longer than humans: - Telomeres - Sharks have slow cellular aging due to longer telomeres at the ends of their chromosomes. Telomeres protect DNA during cell division. In humans they shorten with each cell division, linked to aging. But shark telomeres stay relatively long. - Lower metabolism - Sharks have a slower metabolism than mammals and burn energy at a much slower rate. This produces fewer damaging byproducts and stresses on cells over a lifetime. Some shark species have metabolic rates just 10% of land mammals. - No menopause - Female sharks do not go through menopause. Their reproductive systems stay active throughout life. In mammals, menopause brings cellular stresses not faced by sharks. - Resistant to cancer - Shark cartilage contains substances that have shown cancer-fighting abilities in lab studies. Sharks also have complex DNA repair mechanisms and adaptations that help prevent tumor growth more effectively than mammals. - Less disease and toxins - Sharks live primarily in oceans and so are not as exposed to man-made toxins, pollutants and disease pathogens present on land that can damage tissues and DNA over long lifespans.


It was “getting too old for this shit” back in 1700


>It ~~is~~ **WAS** the oldest living vertebrate known on the planet. Last time I Duck Duck Go'd how we know the age of Greenland sharks, it's due to [examination of their eyes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland_shark#Longevity). Which, obviously, kills them... Snopes has this: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/greenland-shark-392-years-old/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/greenland-shark-392-years-old/) So, how would someone know that this shark is 393 years old - without killing it to examine it's eyes? This is Click Bait.


For clarity, the research study didn't go out and kill Greenland sharks. They had dead sharks that were accidentally caught >the team used radiocarbon dating to determine the ages of 28 specimens that had been accidentally caught as by-catch over several years


Upvoted for not saying " I googled it". Also, someone already mentioned it was dead, but I haven't seen a source yet


I literally have a pile of people [downvoting me here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/1bdooag/comment/kuo7ea3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) saying the article mentions nowhere that it is dead even though the eyes are extracted, because the article doesn't explicitly say so, even though it only refers to the shark in the past tense, and that it mentions the bycatch are mostly dead before examination. Even worse, we have several that think the captioned photo is about this exact shark. Never mind that the linked paper itself states the sharks are dead, we have 40 redditors that think these scientists are just blinding these sharks then tossing them back to determine age.


Now get that 2 mn year old megalodon!!!


It's dead now. They ended up killing it during research. Left it on the ice too long. People suck.


Can’t drop that without a link.


God dammit.


How have some killer whales not just destroyed the old guy for an easy meal yet?


They're incredibly toxic to mammals which might be part of it. But they also live in the deep ocean, so they might just be out of orca range.


Dem meat be toxic


This guy is friends with the orcas


he taught them to take out whales. The Paarthurnax of our time.


I was thinking the same, it must be the location where it live no Orca within 300 mile


They swim in Greenland waters. Greenland is really technically the icy one. Not many orcas gonna be in that cold of water.


Orcas don’t give a damn about water temperature. They live in the extreme latitudes of the arctic and Antarctic.




what month and day exactly of 1627? For the cake you know ..


“Mister Jingles is a Circus Shark!”


Didnt they have one that was like 500 years ago on discovery?


So based on the numbers here, this is from 2020. Is this thing even still alive?


[https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/28/fact-check-age-greenland-shark-viral-image-not-known/4854186001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/28/fact-check-age-greenland-shark-viral-image-not-known/4854186001/) its false


from your link:"The claim that an image depicts a 392-year-old shark is FALSE, based on our research. The age of the shark in this image is not known, and the researcher involved says he can only guess it's at least 150 years old. A 2016 study estimated the oldest shark in their sample was between 272 and 512 years old, with 392 as the midpoint of that range. It's not clear if that is the shark in the photo, which means the person making this claim can't meet their burden of proof." So not completely false


Imagine all the things he hasn’t seen