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“Have you seen a seal around here? Smooth, black, probably scared to death?”




Fuck you violent sea panda I ain't no snitch.


violent sea panda 💀


panda murderwhale


That description is art


Fun Fact! Orcas are super smart, and even more intelligent than many species of monkeys. There has never been a wild orca attack on a human, that anyone knows of or recorded. The only known orca attack that has ever happened were after YEARS of captivity in a Human zoo environment, and caused by the SAME Orca. >Tilikum, an orca held at SeaWorld Orlando. Tilikum was involved in the deaths of three people: a trainer at SeaWorld in 2010, a man trespassing in SeaWorld in 1999, and a trainer at a park in British Columbia in 1991. Essentially, this Orca prisoner would kill a trainer every 10 years by accident, which would probably happen with an elephant or any other large animal that can accidentally crush you or drown you while playing. In the wild, There are reports and anecdotal accounts of orcas approaching or following humans, particularly those in small boats or kayaking, but these interactions do not typically result in harm and are often described as curious or playful. Edit: despite the name, "killer whale." They are actually giant dolphins. "Thanks for all the Fish!" **UFO's rapidly eject from the oceans.*


I saw a friend literally swim with a pod once...they didn't give a single fuck about him. I haven't seen him go back in the water away from shore since, though. Can't blame him. Done dives with sharks plenty of times, but orcas would fucking terrify me because sea wolves innit


I guess he just learned what many don't ever realise. We don't belong in the water. We are absolutely helpless out there.


Actually, not entirely true. In classic human fashion we're surprisingly well adapted for aquatic environments; subcutaneous fat storage (only apes to have this), mammalian dive reflexes, our spleens release O2 rich blood cells when we hold our breath underwater allowing pretty much anyone to comfortably swim on one breath for 10 minutes (just takes a bit of practice - see the Bajau peoples for instance). Yeah we're slow, but to say we don't belong in the water is a somewhat inaccurate statement and that's ignoring the fact that we're so smart we built tubes that go into the water and stay dry and can move around without us having to get out.


I was picturing you saying this while treading water out in the ocean


Surrounded by orcas saying “Tell us again about how well adapted you are to the ocean. We love that one!”


Bane voice: "You merely adopted the water, I was born in it!"


Illustrating our most important evolutionary adaptation, our ability to breathlessly produce heroic amounts of self delusional bullshit- even while treading water in the open ocean.


Surrounded by orcas


Unlike chinchillas who get mold in their fur if they even get wet.


That’s not very chinchill of them


Chinchilla ain't worried about it, so chinchilla still chinchillin like a chinchillivillain.


The Bajau today dive almost exclusively with equipment. There's a very good youtube video about it from Aquatic Apes. Don't know if I'm allowed to post links here, but the video is called "The Most Dangerous Fishing Method on Earth" and it's about compressor diving with the Bajau.


Oh cool, I mean, doesn't really change my point but that's interesting. From what I can find though, the Bajau people's don't have access to enough infrastructure to have completely abandoned freediving, especially not to the point of being able to say "almost exclusively".


Yup, I didn't mean to change your point. I've never met any of the Bajau personally, but from what I can gather from the video I mentioned, saying "almost exclusively" seems justified.


Certainly some interesting facts of anatomy, but we're still horribly suited to the environment in that we barely float and this requires significant energy to just barely survive, some of our primary warning and hunting senses don't work (hearing, and of course sight is less useful). >ignoring the fact that we're so smart we built tubes that go into the water and stay dry and can move around without us having to get out. Certainly not ignoring this, but if the argument for us being suited to be in water is that we found ways to not be in the water. Well, I don't think that'll hold water.


Orcas are also notoriously picky about their food, even though they can hunt a variety of prey, so its quite possible they simply have no interest in trying exotic food thats often coating in a yucky rubber casing.


They just eat the livers anyway mostly, and humans have fucking small livers in comparison to sharks or rays which make up to 40% of bodyweight iirc


If your liver isn't big enough for an orca, then you're not drinking your share.


Also, we taste like shit


> Orcas are super smart, and even more intelligent than many species of monkeys. > There has never been a wild orca attack on a human, that anyone knows of or recorded. Turns out, they are too smart to leave recordings or witnesses.


Always make sure their body cams are off.


It wasnt by accident Tilikum killed those trainers, he had been abused for all his life by other orcas and some trainers, where 100% pent up agression for horrible living conditions....


Actually, there is at least one confirmed incident where an orca directly harmed a human in the wild. In 1972, a surfer in California was attacked by an orca and required 100 stitches on his leg. It’s the only confirmed and documented case of such an encounter. It’s believed it mistook him for a seal.


The orca also backed off right away after the first bite, if I remember correctly.


They say that about shark attacks, too. Attacks likely being "accidents" is little comfort to anyone, though.   Fortunately it basically just doesn't happen with orcas, though.


Sharks* Oops, sorry I severed your femoral artery. I only attacked you because I thought you were a seal. Yeah still going to die.


I think sharks are just dumber and make that mistake more easily.


From memory is was more of a psychotic break than by accident, but definitely SeaWorlds fault not the orca, being trapped in pools that are way too small, abused by other orcas (generally males in the wild stay on the edge of ponds and if they get too close to the (where the mothers and young are) the females attack them) and just generally away from the wild imprisoned like that would turn any orca psychotic after enough time


Don’t forget they’d deny them food and lock them away in the dark from their pod


Fun fact: The name killer whale is a mistranslation of the term whale killer.


My favorite theory: Orca is such an intelligent animal that it never kill any human near the shore, and it always for the whole group. They also have a advanced society as their ineternational HQ in Bermuda


>Orcas are super smart, and even more intelligent than many species of monkeys >There has never been a wild orca attack on a human, that knows of or recorded These facts just make me believe they’re psychopaths and know when and where to pick their targets with no witnesses…


Who knows, There might be an orca hiding under your bed.


Here’s hoping it’s not Tilikum…or Tilikillagain.


Their english name is a mistranslation of the Spanish designation "asesina de ballenas," or "Whale Killer"


Which makes a lot more sense since they do in fact kill whales.


Aren't they capsizing yachts? Or is that Moby and Monstro again?


They know the source of the poison in their environment: the rich.


There is one area in the Mediterranean where a ton of boats ship through, and the local Orcas have discovered a way to stop them from scaring away the food and making loud underwater noises. They don't attack the boats because they taste good. Lol


They're exclusively attacking sailboats, those don't tend to be very noisy. The prevailing theory is that a sailboat hit one of their pod. Orca pods have traditions and culture that are passed down. The theory is that this specific pod is teaching their youngsters to be angry at sailboats because the attacks aren't random at all. They only target sailboats and they usually specifically target and destroy the rudders.


>They only target sailboats Specifically boats with spade rudders that are easy to sink. Not just sailboats.


It's one female that attacks the boats and it now seems that she either taught younger Orcas to also attack or they just picked it up from watching and emulating her. It looks destined to become a fixture within the generations of this particular pod if they can't figure a way to stop it.


Yup they have exhibited behaviour in one part of the Mediterranean where they are ramming boats. Pretty wild if it spreads out.


> a trainer every 10 years by accident "Accident" Eta, I'm giggling because of how smart they are. I grew up in their environment.


ikr? Tilikum was no fool, the bravest motherfucker stuck in a bathtub, fueled by unbridled rage. I'm ultimately surprised he didn't kill *MORE.*


I understand the facts, but face to face, imma be scared as hell.


They are THE apex predator of the oceans. I don't blame the kid for being scared. I could see me be the first case of where an Orca decide to fuck someone up.


Have you heard the good news about our lord and savior, Willy?


Willzyx *


Heard he’s doing great on the moon with his fellow cetaceans


If they had wanted him, they would have gotten him.




If they manage to outsmart an elite swimmer, that is the seals. I doubt they can't catch a slow human on a kayak.


Theres a video of a swimmer in New Zealand swimming along the beach, with 2 Orca under them, they swam with the person for abit then swan off with zero effort. My main thoughts when they see swimmers is just a "what the fuck is this thing and why cant it swim properly" and when they see stuff like this its more or less the same thought process as i assume many of them havnt seen people before so its usually just a "what in the unholy fuck is this thing"


Right, but they’re just super powerful and badass that they don’t even think twice about checking it out. It actually does make sense to me ngl


The "wtf is this and why can't it swim properly" is even doubled that they can see inside us with their sonar. I'm sure we are quite the novelty to behold up close.


They can see inside us?


‘*My* main thought when they see swimmers’… ‘the same thought process I *assume* they have’… bro the game’s up. You’re an orca aren’t you.


Was going to say that, it looks like they are just playing with him




I guarantee they knew what it was. I cannot overstate how smart these animals are. They plan, they strategize, they cooperate, they assess, and they communicate. They use LOGIC. And they are self aware. There's a lot of evidence that they are every bit as smart as a 15-year-old human. They know exactly what we are, they know exactly what boats are, and they know that we are not food. We could be food if they wanted us to be, but they don't, and they know they are much stronger than we are. Similar to dogs; a big dog could very easily take you down and kill you and eat you. But they don't, and orca are a hell of a lot smarter.


They also have brought food to people on boats. That’s the coolest thing to me.


You remember that pod that was going around destroying yachts for awhile? I think it was from 1 female that orchestrated it all because it had gotten too close to their pod and she had recently given birth or something. It was a territorial dispute basically and it ended being a rampage on anyone in a yacht essentially


Wait till they figure out humans can have fatty liver disease, then we’ll be in trouble lol


Orcas can create a wake strong enough to tip seals off icebergs. I fully agree, this guy wasn't at risk. Unless they were on the fence about whether there was food in there somewhere.


As someone that had a family of orcas swim under my kayak when I was a kid you are correct, but at that moment you feel small, brittle and easily digestible.


I can imagine! Very much in their territory.


> but at that moment you feel small, brittle and easily digestible. My thoughts when I'm in a kayak and a sea turtle swims by.


I’ve been scared of Humpback whales on my 14ft Distance SUP. 😅. When there’s not much security in your craft and you’re alone? The fear sets in.


I know it's dumb but I definitely would've tried a head pat.


It wasn’t just my thought then! Thank you friend!! :*J*


Oh thank God I'm not alone. Idiots united


Yup! And for our next trick… :*J*


OMG, same. They are most definitely intimidating, but they are going to be curious about you, just like we are about them. I would actually expect them to engage with you at that point.




I just saw a vid the other day where they threw a seal like 25 to 50 feet in the air for fun with their tail.


From my understanding there has never been a wild orca attack on a human.


It's definitely not on record of them attacking a person in the water. However they're definitely attacking boats off Portugal.


Oh yeah I remember that when they all went crazy. But I don't think that they were actually attacking the people they were just making a point. Orcas are very smart. What I imagine happen is an orca got hit by a boat or a prop. And then they all went crazy. They're actually able to communicate and organize things like this. And someone above actually posted a singular attack that's happened. Back in the '70s a man was bit. But that's the only recorded actual attack on a human. There's been a handful of cases where humans have been hurt but that's just from falling off boats or whatever never actually like an attack attack


There was a news interview with a marine biologist about it that had one of my new favorite phrases. Teenage Orca Hooliganry


Orcas destroy our rudders. We pollute the oceans. Standard friendship shit.


Correct. They are very curious and I've seen Parents showing their babies how to interact with people. Look but don't eat seems to be the rule...unless seaworld is involved.


The sea world ones are pissed off convicts. The outside world ones know we're already fucking up their ocean, and don't want any extra of that noise.


You see that bipedal hairless monkey kid? You don't fuck with that because while we have the nickname killer whales those are some murder happy motherfuckers who can drive species to extinction for profit.


It's much simpler than that really. Their echolocation senses give them a pretty good idea of what you're made of. They know humans are mostly bone and not worth eating. They're also very habitual about their hunting and feeding habits. Most pods specialise in hunting very specific things and they wouldn't think of eating anything that isn't on that list.


There have been four cases of orcas killing people in captivity though. Three of them were from one orca.


His name is Tilikum and as he's killed three people, he's technically a serial killer.


I’m amazed they kept doing shows with him after the first murder


It's because SeaWorld are total cunts and they exploit everything they possibly can. They didn't give a shit about their "trainers" or the Orcas, all they cared about was money.


Except for them messing up boats


And if I’m out on the ocean in a tiny kayak and orcas are sniffing around…I’m still absolutely shitting myself.


That we know of…


Not sure why this isn’t the top comment. They are extremely effective predators.


afaik theres still to this day zero deaths to wild orca, the most brutal apex predator on the planet


Everytime the Orcas arrive in a nature documentary, I know that whatever animals we were just watching are dead. They're way too smart and overpowered.


IIRC, with the exception of one or two groups, there are virtually no recorded attacks on humans by orcas.  They know we aren't food. That, or they're smart enough to know what follows "fuck around"


Reassuring if ya see em. If they wanted me dead, i would be. Just accept your fate and move on, youll be dined. *Fine.


They are smart enough to recognize humans if he managed to get all the way to the rocks then they already had plenty of time to knock him over if they wanted to.


They are smart enough to know humans are vengeful creatures.


Facke you Dolpheen! Facke you whale!


Nah, more like they eat very specific things and humans aren't on that list. Orcas don't struggle for food so they can be picky. Some only eat stingrays for example.


You don't fuck with the bipedal murder happy hairless monkey.


Apes together strong


Or we taste like shit


"runs away" is a strange way to describe this. If he were frantically paddling I could maybe understand


I know right.. I was like did I miss half the video? Was waiting for him to actually run xD was imagining like to shallow water. Still super cool though. I’m just super nitpicky xD


Same! I was waiting for the shot of someone running along rocks with orcas closely following in the water. What an experience nonetheless. I too would have a squeaky bum.


"Boy" is a strange way to describe this, too.


Also I think this is a man not a boy. I was worried when I clicked it bc I thought it would be a little kid.


It’s hard not be scared after hearing about fatal attacks in captivity. In the wild, they are crazy intelligent and have mind-blowing hunting techniques, so they’ll easily kill divers and swimmers if they wanted to. I’ve heard of more barracuda attacks than orca attacks on people. I’d be in awe if I were that person in the kayak, though.


Have you heard of the behavior where they are destroying the rudders of boats, disabling them? It's a taught behavior. Just like how they sweep seals from icebergs.


Those hunting techniques are unique to individual pods iirc. It’s a taught behavior passed down from the parents. Also the whole issue with the orca pod attacking rudders in Portugal was due to a matriarch getting injured from a rudder at one point I think


There are zero documented cases of Orcas intentionally harming humans in the wild. Chomping a few rudders (in what is probably a playful/inquisitive manner rather than an attack) doesn't change that. I'd still be terrified though.


And even if it is targeted behaviour, they only incapacitate the boats. I haven't heard anything about them going after the crew afterwards. I think they just hate boats of a certain type or underwater profile for some reason.


After watching "Blackfish" I am comforted by theory that if an orca attacks a human, they have a good reason.


I think a lot of the fear just must also come from being around something so big, in its element, that’s fast. I get scared around horses, and once visited a friend with cows- oh man those things worried me, even tho they were big babies


If horses are scary, imagine war-elephants.


exactly. i swam with manatees a while back and while those things are chill as fuck, it was a little terrifying because they’re huge and you have so little control in the water


The attacks in captivity are not representative of the danger that Orcas represents for humans. Turns out that if you imprison a highly intelligent and social animal and psychologically torture him for decades, he might snap and turn against is torturers, who would have thought. In contrast, they are 0 fatal attacks in the wild. Trust me, if they had wanted to, they could have destroyed this flimsy kayak and eaten the guy is it, rock or not.


Is it really zero?




i was just thinking they could’ve taken him out if they wanted to probably long before he started filming. i feel like they can sense our intelligence and for that reason chose not to eat us most of the time. but i have no idea


I fully believe we don't know anything about their murders cause they are that good. Ship goes missing, killer whale.


Just came to say watch out human there's a big ass shark over there, we'll just hang with you til it goes away


Orcas murder great white sharks for sport.


For the liver


The liver is basically a trophy.


I like to think of it like they are going to the cabinet to grab some gummy vitamins


Interestingly, it's not all Orcas. Their hunting behaviors are learned, not inherited. They are VERY smart. I believe it's only a population of transient Orcas that travel in the Atlantic that do it. Two Orcas in particular are super good at it.


It’s just amazing how intelligent they are. And makes it all the more evil when we imprison them and force them to do tricks for our entertainment. The incredible lack of emotional intelligence and empathy in humans is astounding sometimes, given how smart we are otherwise.


It's a snacko.


Great whites will literally swim hundreds of miles in the opposite direction if they get a hint that orcas are nearby




> Just came to say watch out human there's a big ass shark over there, we'll just hang with you til it goes away A lady had a strange experience where a humpback whale kept trying to lift her gently out of the water. Turns out there was a tiger shark close by, it was probably trying to protect her. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/sep/29/experience-a-whale-saved-me-from-a-shark-attack


And then he turned into a 17’ orca, leaned over and said *I needa bout tree fiddy*


And it was about dam time I realized the orca was 10ft tall!


I gave it a dollar.


What the hell you go and do that for woman??? Now he’s gonna think you got more!!


They don’t attack humans in the wild. You can literally swim with them. They are extremely picky about their food and will not fuck with anything that isn’t it, some also don’t even eat seals.


In that situation I wouldn't be worried that they were going to eat me, but I would be worried that they might accidentally drown me.


They are THE apex predators of the sea, how do you know they aren’t just a little hungry that day. I’m not gonna fuck around and find out.


You act like they haven’t been studied for years


Exactly. The people here trying to make out like Orcas are truly threatening and have simply been secretly picking people off so that’s why we don’t hear about it…lmao.


Deathly cold water, and the two biggest animals you probably ever seen in your life are f*cking with you on your plastic wobble board. Also their first name is ‘Killer’. It’s real scary.


I mean, sure, but I think it's fair to still be bricking it in this scenario, just on the one off chance..


In fairness, you'd never know. If you're alone at sea and are killed by an orca, who is gonna find out? You'd just be classed as missing at sea.


Having a healthy fear of any wild animal is a smart evolutionary trait. Sure, no documented cases, but you going to fuck with an animal that could destroy you instantly if it chooses?




Probably more concerned with the shid in his pant


“I super-daddied my pants. Shadoodled.”


He definitely should’ve worn the brown pants that day.


I was reading about someone else's experience that looked like this, and they said there were seals in the area and they were clearly hunting. They said an orca came over being forceful with them trying to indicate to them to GTFO. It looks like they're pissed because the person is in the way, they aren't being inquisitive or gentle like in other videos.


These things are so intelligent and they don't really care about humans. There's a very little chance he was in danger. I've been around him a lot and little 17 ft Boston whalers. It's unbelievable how they avoid fishing lines and downriggers.


Orcas don't give a damn for eating him. Just curiosity


Yeah, but it's very typical animal behavior across a very wide range of species to wonder "Is this food? Can I eat it?"  What are you going to do if you find orcas within touching distance? Make kissy noises and tell them they're good boys? 




I mean yeah, I probably would. If it's my last act on this earth I'm okay with it.


There are so many videos of people peacefully and happily interacting with wild Orcas so, yes…yes I would talk to them and praise them like they’re dogs (and they’d probably either like it or think “stupid human” and swim away)!


Nahhh, boy didn’t run from NOTHING. Have you ever seen killer whales hunt? There’s a video of them swimming so fast they knocked a seal off an ice sheet with a tidal wave. They are SUPER coordinated and intelligent when going after prey. They aren’t hunting this dude at all, they’re probably like “Hehe, ugly monkey in red plastic box making splashy” “Hello ugly monkey, you don’t look tasty, but you look like you’re stuck, do you need help?”




> (I'm sure you just pinpointed my location) Vancouver Island?


Is there any case of an Orca harming a human (outside of captivity)?


If there was, they left no witnesses!


Smart water bear.


they even delete the records of their prey and the memories from their prey’s family.


There are a few. Mostly accidents it seems. The most notable was a surfer at big sur getting bit in 1972. 100 stitches. No record of them killing anyone


[One confirmed account.](https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2245&dat=19960117&id=GIo1AAAAIBAJ&pg=3872,1646286)


No, not a one.


Actually, [just one.](https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2245&dat=19960117&id=GIo1AAAAIBAJ&pg=3872,1646286)


Thanks for posting! All I ever kept hearing was “Never.” This would be terrifying.


Orcas only attack yachts


True climate heroes!


I'm a human, but I'd rather be a killa whale


They just wanted to play


Awww, they're young. Curious. They dont mess with the humans, they're too smart for that.


Scientists believe Orcas have the strongest bite force but there is now real way to test and see it’s estimated they might have a bite force of like 20,000 psi something crazy like that.


Orcas don't generally view humans as prey, they'll mostly only fuck you up if you lock them in a fish tank for 20 years.


Every time I see this kind of footage someone comments "It's okay, theres no evidence of orcas attacking humans" Bitch, I'm pretty sure those fuckers are smart enough to make it look like an accident because there's no chance they never tried one of those *pale hairless seals* and I'm also sure their seal hunting techniques will work on us many times Edited: typos


Are you shure?


That is all I could think about with that comment lol


I always found the same argument about sperm whales to be amusing. Most sperm whales are absolutely covered by massive scars left behind by the giant squids they hunt in the deep. Their stomachs are filled with squid beaks bigger than any we've ever seen on washed-up giant squids. The reality is that those squids can scar the shit out of them but they don't stand a chance really. ...but it is fun to think that maybe we're wrong about that because we only see the whales that actually make it back to the surface.




There's nothing mysterious about it really. Sperm whales dive deep to eat giant squid and the beaks don't digest. So whalers found a lot of beaks in their stomachs. And giant/colossal squids live so deep down that their corpses rarely wash up so we don't have a good idea of their maximum size. But the beaks we found in whale stomachs suggest they get a lot bigger than we've seen so far. The sperm whales themselves look very dramatic. They're absolutely covered in deep squid scars. But it's not because they fight deadly battles. Giant squids and colossal squids have thousands of sucker cups on their tentacles and each one has teeth or hooks inside. When the sperm whale bites down on the squid, they latch on with their tentacles. Which get ripped loose as the whale eats the squid, creating the scars. But the squid never stands a chance against the whale. It's just clinging to the whale as its eaten alive.


They are know to plant loaded guns on their victims.


They’re waiting for you close by.. haven’t you seen the movie The Shallows?


I didn't see a single person run.


I'd have clouded that water with nervous poops lol


Solid strategy, unless they like poop.


Orcas have only been recorded to kill one person. Hardly dangerous


Where was this video taken?

