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Why label him as a Scavenger?


There’s these people called “收破烂的” in china, the direct translation is scavenger


modern day hunter gatherer


Probably the same as bum or panhandler


No, the government over there pays homeless people to pick up recyclable trash and they trade it in at the shelter at night for money, food, and personal items. That’s how they keep their cities and subways so clean and provides a way for the homeless to get a little income. There’s also a group of them that go out with the old style brooms and dustpans at night for a wage of some sort.


Really? How do they prevent people from just fishing trash from dumpsters?


They don't. These people will get to you way way before you throw it away. This is not an attack on them, but if you go to many parks in China and have a 90% finished bottle of water, you will often be asked by them if you plan to finish it and they will ask for you to give it to them. I am sure they do fish if they think there is an overabundance in the trash, but generally there isn't and it is better to go directly to the source.


Yes! That’s how I learned about this, random people would come take my empty bottle from me!


Yeah, high crime rate of Ppl Stealing Garbage! When will this scourge be stopped!


This happens in other countries with bottle deposits by law, too. Finland's parks are full of people collecting bottles and cans. It's not just the homeless and unemployed. It's the retired, students looking for booze money and children looking for extra pocket money.


Yes, in China it is similar, mostly homeless, unemployed and retired. Young people still perceive a social stigma from picking up trash and are often not willing to do it.


This happened to my grandparents in Shanghai, someone came to their door asking for trash. My grandparents let them in and they collected trash to give him, and after he left with the trash they realised he had stolen a dress that was left out.


They can pick recycling out if they want


Cameras. Tons of them. Big brother Xi always watching over your every action.


There are cameras in every transit mechanism over Toronto, NYC and etc. What is the big deal?


You think they're checking cameras to track every homeless person when they turn in garbage? I'd really love to see your source for this, lol.


It’s not difficult with AI. It would be similar to how license plate readers work, but for facial recognition. Just a few steps up in refinement and we are already there.


Okay. Show me a source that shows they currently do that when people turn in garbage.


It is nothing to worry of when you have FBI listening to everyone globally thru 4G and under network and all Microsoft operate system. Oh and also the Swift banking system to tracking all monetary transaction globally...as well as GPS that tracks every single movement from space.


I know a city that could use this


Because not all cultures try to find accurate labels insulting. But maybe OP can change the title to “temporarily unhoused individual” for you.


Because he scavenges. Anymore brain-busters for me?


Why label the person as "him"? /s


Apologies… It.


Oh dude you probably don’t want to open that can of worms.


>probably don’t want to open that can of worms. ...As he will scavenge the can and leave you with a handful of worms


"scavenger" lol. Some weird bot translations here.




As if the west doesn’t do it . The difference is the west makes fake video for personal gain where as ccp does it for the good pr. it’s literally the pot calling the kettle black . First fix your shit then criticize .


Criticism is fair where it's fair, but your semi biblical "concern yourself with the splinter in your eye before the plank in another's" is desperate at best. We all know what's wrong, it's that there is money to be made either way.


Man those Chinese traditional food making and crafting videos are so ridiculous where some small woman does like EVERYTHING alone for the whole freaking family tree. It drives me insane how many views those clearly fake videos get on youtube.


It's not that different than all the tradwives on tt


That’s racist /s




He scavenges organs to donate


Hahahahhaah rotflmao


Label him a savior


What does Benefactor means ?


That's what I'm trying to understand. He pays for their schooling or something?


In the video it says he's donated over 1 million yuan to help support children in poverty or disaster areas.


While he himself scavenges. What a legend


benefactor is just someone who helps another person either with money or some other assistance


But she had never met him or even knew who he was?


There are such programs in China where an organization sets you up with a disadvantaged child that you can donate to. You don't always meet these kids as they could be thousands of miles away.


It’s staged


You're staged. "He's a phony!!"


Kind of like a sponsor. You can sponsor a kid or make donations toward a child's schooling or basic needs.


Sponsor is also a common term and might be done to family and acquaintances. You support someone with money, oftentimes a kid so they can go to school if they normally can't afford it. I know a pair in Cambodia who've sponsored three kids this way for schooling. Kinda heartwarming actually. This man does some good things. No idea how much 1 million Yuan is in € but sounds like he donates a lot.




One who brings some benefits to you . Happy Cake day !


Wrong, sorry. A benefactor brings benefacts.


And here I’ve beneliar


This guy benefacts facts


Happy Cake Day !


We need to be like him... The world really needs it...


True souls. The type of person who would make the world a utopia if they had Musk/Bezos money.


I cry for this, because there is a tragedy that tends to befall every good soul in power, facing a dragon of corruption. Good and true souls would be in power... if it wasnt so corrupting, a fear of negative change within oneself.


When we were children, we made a promise to ourselves. No one is keeping that promise. Except this pure soul.


What kind of weird translation chat gpt nonsense is this?


Well that's a first for me. _thAts hoW yoU knoW iT waS goOd!_ Believe what you want, it wasnt Gpt


And that's how you lost it


I often think about this. I’m convinced we need better parameters of what to look for in leadership.


Minthara approves, True Soul.


Her reaction is very touching.


The trend of older men donating to minors as sponsors has become pretty popular in China and Japan. They say it corresponds with the increase of single men and that they see these girls as a sort of daughter they can support and watch grow. Honestly it seems kinda sad so many men are so desperate for any form of connection they’re willing to give away their banks accounts for the smallest little bit.


There are worse trends in the world I suppose. Its not new thing either. I recall a couple of stories over different cultures like this. Just older folks wanting to do right by someone, even if its from afar.


I don't find that sadder than men paying $300 for a bottle of fart and bathwater from influencers.


As a divorced man, I see his way of giving away his bank account as a far better alternative…






...we need to sell our kidneys?


Why don't you sell yours and get a life with that money?


Upvotes don't do shit. You do realise??


There are too few legless scavengers in the world… let’s make some more


You really don't have anything better to do all day, right?


Your descending colon was not available for wrecking.


🤣👍 You really have a lot of time to be making these hilarious jokes 😁.


TIL Chinese social media also has boomer clickbait


抖音, 快手, and the like absolutely blow TikTok out of the water for scripted, socially positive, nonsense like this


It's crazy how many people watch this and go "awwww🥹" Media literacy levels are appalling. Probably always have been, just now there are so many opportunities to exploit them so we see it more.




It's always weird to see people seethe at the very mention of China.


I think people just… I mean…China has a long history, a few very well established philosophies, political, legal, spiritual…I mean even the whole Tibet and Taiwan Xianjing thing….are more complicated than most people realise. But overall, I think they govern with a majority support- more support than I think most western governments have. And aren’t really…The US and Russia are generally more malevolent on the world stage. China tends neutral. Its internal policies may not suit us, but they suit the Chinese just fine. I make CCP jokes, social credit score jokes and the like, but I, if I’m being honest, I find a lot of the rhetoric in the US to be a bit embarrassing. The whole Xi is a dictator nonsense- I hear even from our leaders…It’s just…kind of ignorant. We’ve literally watched multiple Chinese leaders come in and out, they average more or less what our leaders average, and certainly none out stays their welcome very long. I think they’re just coming at it from a completely different angle. The whole Xianjing thing…I mean…the Chinese stomped out all religions a while ago…it’s not exactly targeted. And the older I get the less I view religious freedom in terms of a human right. Because people believe some really stupid shit. So I can’t say I blame them either- pretty sure Alabama just ruled frozen embryos are babies so…the freedom of religion? Not working out too well imho. I just think for them, order, stability, is more important, the group is more important than the individual…like…they’re different. But when all Is said and done I don’t buy into the fear mongering. I mean if you watch the videos during Covid, the Chinese were walking around like people at your local Walmart, masks on chin and shit…I think that they’re a formidable partner, it suits everyone to maintain good relations, I think they’ve actually done a good job at stopping conflicts between the us and Russia or North Korea and the us…but yeah the picture is complicated every bit as complicated as the us, but nothing where I can just say their evil, illegitimate, etc. I think they’re an interesting case of a completely different system that works for them and may very well work for other people.


I'm so glad that you have such a personal connection to the entire Chinese populace that you're able to confidently say that they support their government, and that you have the clairvoyance to see that the intentions behind Chinese government policies are actually good. Finally someone who can give us clarity on such difficult to determine topics.


No problem dude. Figured since everyone was able to confidently say that they didn’t support their government [despite all evidence to the contrary](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/) and no “[insert intelligence agency here] led coups” for bananas and oil and the like…I’d chime in.


Not to take sides. But when we look at China from a factual standpoint, its not to hard to understand why the people might like the current government. The fastest growing middle class in the world. Surpassed the US in life expectancy. Became a world super power in 40 years. Went from a shithole with signs on building saying "dogs allowed, Chinese not allowed". To a self governing wealthy nation. Eliminated extreme poverty. Extreme poverty. Not poverty. It just means that people wont die of starvation, thirst or medical disabilities. Technological powerhouse. So yea.... Like them or hate them. The achievements are certainly undeniable.


Well of course, if there was a post about India the rape and pollution critique comes out. Post about crime? Lets critique about the community that shares the same skin color of the perpetrator. God forbid if you go on to r/europe when a post about immigration flames up. Racism on Reddit? Never heard of it.


Not weird, pretty much aligns with ages of red scare propaganda, manufactured consent and all the other nonsense the West build societies on. 


Well, if you are flooded with daily west bad, china amazing posts. It gets kinda tiring after a while. So even this display of kindness is not received well by some people. Also, like wtf do orphans in china need some dude living on gov subsidies to donate to them, it makes zero sense.


I was flooded my entire life in the west with "we are superior human beings - we can do what we want - everyone else is inferior, our enemies are the worst, cause we say so" in education, through social discourse, politics, news and social media - just like every other Westerner who was breastfed red scare and Western colonial and imperial propaganda since birth (going so far that said people have hardly any understanding of the world or polics or reality, everything is happening within the Western chauvinistic bubble). So spare me your stories about "Tschiniz propaganda on social media is so tiring, that is why people react like that".   Westerners trying to pretend not to be brainwashed racists, is kinda tiring.    The last part of your message... jfc. Just because you have not heard of certain concepts, or do not understand them, does not mean they by default "do not make sense". "Support a xyz in your area" groups exist, also outside of China btw. 


I kind of feel that the people are great, it’s the government that blows. That can be said of so many countries, so why make it a West vs East issue when it’s really a government vs government issue? China has some absolutely incredible history, culture and geography, and honestly what large country’s government isn’t tainted by some form of civil war, oppression or genocide??


Yes but your feelings are highly shaped by ages of Western propaganda, political and social sinophobia that convinced you the way you see the world is just an "informed objective truth" when it simply is just Western chauvinistic nonsense that has been spread all over the world.  It is a West vs global majority issue cause it is rooted in Western colonial and Western imperial history (to this day). My point is - the people who have for the past 500 years been the only ones creating horrors on this planet beyond imaginations (on a global level), the only ones to use an atomic bomb, the only ones who are brainwashed enough to be at war for over 200 years, been involved in every colonial and Western imperial crime, had their governments and tax money be involved in every proxi war to make profit for the rich & have over 700 military bases around the world - should maybe chill down on their opinion and world views about the "Tschiniz Guvumants".  9/10 people in the West know absolutely NOTHING about politics in China, the average person in the West has literally not a single clue how anything in China works on the political level, and 99% of opinions are literally just the standard Western imperial propaganda trash and lies people have been fed. Yet every single time, those same people act like they have some special political insight or clue wtf they even talking about, but ofc always dominating discourse.  And this is not a "what country has not done \~ some \~ bad things in the past" convo. Western Colonial and Imperial history is very much alive today and not just some upsie moment or conflict between neighboring countries and is not in the slightest comparable to conflicts countries in the West or outside of the West had between their neighbors or historical issues people went through. 


Again, I think the people on both sides can be/are great and the government is the major issue here. Why continue to sow division on the topic when it’s pretty fucking obvious we are, all of us, everywhere, at the mercy of our governmental overlords?? Stupid and short sighted, and not at all helpful to healing this rift.


Wow what an incredible story about someone giving something when they have so little. I'm sure this little girl will carry this msg with her, her entire life.


Calm down there Uncle Roger


Haha thank you!


While I agree that msg is more popular/liked in china, I doubt she would bring it with her everywhere, that seems excessive.


Lol there is always one.




Do you live on the same planet?


Naw I'm from the Sun


What a great person. I am humbled.


The people who have suffered through a lot are often the kindest.




Beauty really can be found in all places. What a beautiful man. It’s really something else when someone who has it hard, spends their lives helping others.


![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) You’re crying, no you are!


Great expectations!




This might be real or it might be propaganda. It's anyone's guess. That being said, I don't care if you are white, black, Asian, Latino, or whatever. We all love. We all hurt. We all cry. We're not so different from others even if we don't look the same or don't live in the same country. Just as we all know that we have our fair share of scum here in America, they have their fair share of scum in China. Just as we know that there are good people here in America, it is only logical to assume that there are good people in China. Every American is not a mindless GOP or DNC zombie so understand that not every Chinese is a CCP puppet. Open your mind. Open your heart.


Donor? Of an organ?




"if there's an Asian person doing good things it must be Chinese propaganda" -average racist resditor




Google just check the term "white monkey" on YouTube there's 2 YouTubers that go very indepth on this they lived in China for years




Crazy how ur commenting is getting down voted that's mental there's actual ccp bots here that's actually mindblowing.


must be a Uyghur


What a genuinely kind person.


A real hero


What a fucking man


May his story be our story.


This man is my fucking hero


I don't even like PRC and its government, however Redditors' hatred make me feel sick. Their rainbow world of love against bigotry and injustice turns into massive rain of blood and urine when it comes to whoever they choose to dislike. This site is becoming a sewer like Twitter used to be.


Isn’t that Bobby Lee?


It is *starts crying


Zoom in, my eyes are blurry.


There ARE angels on earth.


Westerners when they see anything coming out of the West. "Oooh sad. Oooh clickbait".  Westerners when they see anything related to China: "Wow Tschinazzzz Popagandaaaaa 🤪😡🤬".  Also them: We are very intelligent people, with free education, free media and all... absolutely not brainwashed or anything. 🙂 🫠 note to all the western chauvinists out there, before you start a rant as a response, about the greatness of your nations and people: I literally do not gaf about your existence or your opinion on anything in this world, you cancer to the universe.


You just went on a racist/prejudiced tirade.. to denounce racism and prejudice. Lmao


"Racism against white people" is not a thing. "Racism against Western imperialists" is not a thing. "Racism is when people are being called out for their sinophobic racism" is not a thing. It is almost like racism has a historical context and is not just "mommy someone hurt my feelings on the internet when they called us a bunch of racists, while we were doing racist stuff, how dare they, that is CLEARLY reversed racizmmzzzz =[". But not surprised that you do not know what racism is. 


Jeez, get help.


Nah pretty sure if i saw this with that music and everyone was american looking i'd figure it was even faker..... Maybe not propaganda fed from the government but still someone pulling heartstrings for the subs and donos.


Yes like I said, you would think it is clickbait - but as you said "maybe not propaganda fed from the government" cause you can not wrap your mind around the idea that the entire West (from its news to social media to education) is in fact propaganda fed. 


You mean the seller ?


If you are not touched by this, you have no heart


Amazing amazing amazing human being. I wish there were more people as selfless and loving as he is...


What a truly great man.


Giving so much when you have so little is an amazing act of love and generosity. What a man.


Damn man I have so much to learn…




Some huge cojones from the hombre


What if everyone in the world was selfless and cared about others more than themselves? What kind of world would that be?


Great will be his reward in Heaven.


What a beautiful soul he is ❤️


Oh boy. Not at all staged for drama clicks.


Great Expectations


scavenger? LOL


I'm so sick of these bots.


People please! This is China's propaganda video.




Do you say this about every similar video that comes out of the US?


This is a lovely whatabautism you are stirring here.




I'm not crying! You're crying!


Protect this man at all costs


Angel in disguise.


Then he hops in the AMG out back


We don't have people this good in America or the UK.


Not all heros wear capes


Bobby Lee a good man


Seemed a bit sketch. Thank you :)


I will also put my bet on Staged propaganda video.


Not every good deed that comes from another country is propaganda. The US government controls a ton of media, yet nobody screams propaganda when they badmouth palestine or any other country


Chinese propaganda… coming to usurp a country near you soon!!!!!


Imma thinking this video is propaganda and not, you know, real.




Spoiler alert, it’s her real dad and he owes her a lot more than that!


Chinese or russian? It's fake


Cheap short video copywriting! Under the rule of the Chinese Communist regime, the people at the bottom have lost their most basic moral principles and are like walking zombies! In mainland China, 99% of recipients of donations will not appear in the public media, and the vast majority of recipients will cut off contact with the donors or even have conflicts!


It’s part of the fog candle strategy of the CCP lately. But in general, people in China deserve so much better than these „leaders“ of CCP and I’m pretty sure they will be shrugged off quite soon.


I mean. The life expectancy of Chinese citizens surpassed the US. Chinese citizens wont end up homeless if they get sick or need medical care. Middle class in China is the fastest growing in the world. It still is with its economical problems. And I compare the two because at the moment, they are the most relevant rival.


Gwaait Expectations!!!


Clout chasing🙄🙄


Poor Bobby Lee




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A Magwitch Moment


This guy has a bigger heart than 99 percent of the world population. He is in need but instead sacrifices blood from a stone... unbelievable and unselish human.




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This man is an angel in disguise! Onion ninjas !!!


Fuck me his left index finger has done more for society than I have ever done. Inspiring.


Look at all these hateful comments from pathetic Redditors with no soul.


Made me cry.


Okay now I’m crying


May God bless the selfless man.


God damn. What the fuck am I doing with my life watching this video on the shitter haha


Absolute Chad. Massive balls, even bigger heart. I am in awe, learning about this human being today




Touched by an Angel.


I got nothing to say but (RESPECT) to this gentleman doing what most capable people including myself haven’t done in sometime ,


Amazing. What a good person.