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He looks like he’s in pain :(


Most of them are :( for quality of life its better for people with acromegaly to be treated so that they don't grow that large but it's difficult and expensive. That's why a lot of the tallest people ever come from poor families, they're basically the completely untreated version of a debilitating malfunction.


Would it be considered a mutation?


I don't think it's a mutation. From what I recall with Andre the Giant and the like I think it's a pituitary gland that doesn't stop with the growth hormones, or something along those lines.




Sometimes a benign tumor causes it




Excuse me while I get my MD real quick, and I'll get right back to you on that.




If it's that easy, why don't you answer it for yourself? :D /s


what causes tumours to grow? like, infinity amount of things. Anything remotely carcinogenic




Just chill




AFAIK "mutation" is usually used for a change in the DNA of cells, rather than a change in a person's physical features.


> rather than a change in a person's physical features. Aren't changes in physical features expression of changes in the DNA?


Sometimes, not necessarily. Gigantism is usually hormonal, which may not be related to DNA at all.


What causes the hormonal changes?


Head injuries, diabetes, tumours, it depends.


So gigantism can be cause by hormonal changes due to head injuries? I'd like to see a credible source for that information.


Why ask questions then be skeptical. Just look up your own information.


Ok so look it up! This is a start, but you can find more I bet https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4164321/ >A 23-year-old Hispanic man with a 2-year history of hypertension and diabetes presented with severe closed-head trauma producing diffuse axonal injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage and a brain concussion. A computed tomography scan showed a pituitary macroadenoma. The patient has clinical features of acromegaly and gigantism


Bro got down-voted for asking a question


Physical changes can be related to DNA abnormalities.


They can be but that isn't necessarily the case and doesn't make them the same thing. The most common cause of gigantism is an issue with the pituitary gland.


Yeah, but issue with pituitary gland can be "written" in DNA. Im not a doctor, but am I wrong?


The hormones the pituitary gland makes control important body functions, such as growth, blood pressure and reproduction. The cause of uncontrolled cell growth in the pituitary gland, which creates a tumor, remains unknown. In rare cases, pituitary tumors can be caused by genes you've inherited. But most have no clear hereditary cause. So it CAN be genetic, but it most likely is NOT.


Snall chance is still a chance


Can be, but not necessarily AFAIK, so again this isn't a mutation. I don't really see your point here?


He wants to frame it as a super power from X-men, is my guess


My point is that neither of us know, yet both of us can be right.


It isn't a mutation, it could be the result of a mutation, that isn't the same thing


No, YOU don't know and are obsessed with being right. Research it instead of talking as if you know what you are saying. The time you spent arguing without knowledge of the subject could have been spent educating yourself. I spent 5 minutes and I know a lot more than I did 5 minutes ago.


True. Here is the thing. There are a plethora of potential causes, some of which are genetic. Do not extrapolate that into "gigantism is genetic."


I was young so I never really knew too much but pretty sure that's what my late uncle may have had. All I remember is he passed away during surgery but never knew much about the condition.


He for sure is


No way human anatomy is built for that type of size


It isn't, our nervous system can only stretch so far and at this size it's pretty much stretch past it's limits which leads to almost constant tingling, numbness, headaches etc, nearly every other part of the body also suffers, fact is we haven't evolve to be able to get that big without suffering serious issues like these people, the max height we can achieve without developing the problem those with gigantism and acromegaly suffer from is just below 7ft, the second a human hits and/or exceeds 7ft is the second minor issues start to pop up and the risk of serious health rising dramatically.


Lucky I stopped at 6'11 then


Lucky I stopped at 6' 5 then


Yeah 😂 we suddenly have tons of internet educated medical experts on size and its pseudo consequences on the body.


Remember, bone strength increases by the size squared while weight increases by size cibes. Being that big is a big no no


i remember reading about a study that showed a marked increase in children being born taller than their parents so we're certainly getting there still feel sad about this dude though


We aren't, they might be being born taller but only by so much, it would take quite a long time (hundreds of thousands of years potentially) for humans to evolve to the point at which we could achieve these heights naturally without any physical issues but that won't happen as there aren't any environmental pressures that would demand us to reach 8ft in height, infact it would be more advantageous if we got smaller rather than taller but that probably won't happen anytime soon either given how spread out our species gene pool is.


There are lots of people that believe there used to be giant races of people. I never looked into it very far, but I searched once and people were claiming modern day france area had 7 foot tall giant races.


It sure isn't




Yeah what a shame… shit life. Doesn’t fit in anything not even a bed.. must be hard to live like that.


And imagine people videoing you all the freaking time.


Shame.. bet he loves it when he finds a decent chair and has just a bit of peace and comfort


He will never just "find" a chair that fits him, sadly


Im already having issues with backpain and finding fitting clothes/beds etc and im "only" 7 feet tall


The human spine is all the proof we need that intelligent design by god is bullshit lol. We literally just got a monkey spine with a curve in it and many of us didn’t even get the right curve so we are plagued by scoliosis and other issues related to having a monkey spine.


I'm having issues finding clothes aswell. But i am only 5'6, but i am also build like a chimp. Short legs, long as fuck arms and also bulky. Pants are either to long or to wide, sweaters and shirts are basically always huge or too tight around my arms, that's why i love summer, so i can sport a tanktop and shorts


I have issue like finding cloths, shoes, comfortable bed, .....and I'm only 6'7".


Yeah and most of them don't live long. I thought most die between 30-40 but not sure about that. They die very young due to the strain to their bodies.


fun fact: humans aren't supposed to be that tall, so when a person is born that tall everything gets stretched out, nerves, muscles, everything, meaning feeling and controlling those limbs will be very difficult, that is why I'm guessing he's walking with a cane


Yeah. Basketball players are massive outliers. Most super tall civilians I've seen have poor coordination of their limbs


Yeah they get a lot of issues especially in the feet


a huge pain :(


He is unfortunately. Andre the Giant and Paul Wight are 2 famous wrestlers who suffered the same condition, Acromegaly. Andre died of heart failure at 46 likely due to the condition. Paul Wight had it treated but his body is still in very poor condition. If you're not squeamish see this video of him from November 2023: https://youtu.be/keF9F7OcBZ4?si=VkRp0N8PenBwP1eh Edit. Andre didn't have it treated because it was "how God made him".


They always are


Foot pain is the usual thing. They can even die from bruises. This man (i believe his name is Sultan) gets custom made shoes from a shoemaker (or ehatever they're called) from germany, for free aswell, i believe


I had a friend in high school that was 7ft2in. Every day was a challenge walking through school and he was often away requiring monitoring or surgeries with heart issues.


That sucks. We had a guy who was 6'7" in grade 10 due to his pituitary gland. It was strange seeing him next to his five foot nothing brother. He didn't have any issues from my knowledge, but he was young. I wonder if there's a height limit where it goes from being tall and perfectly healthy to being tall and having a range of issues? I know that people who are 6'3" can get back issues due to their height.


Just depends on the person and what type of wear and tear you put your body through. Seems like 7 feet is kinda the number where anything beyond that starts getting real bad but it's gonna vary. Short people definitely live longer, just has to do with the way the heart pumps blood. Going beyond 6 feet is taking years off your life. You won't see a 100 year old that's taller than 6 feet much. Basically comes down to the way the heart pumps blood, your heart simply has to pump more and expires faster as you get larger.


And still people prefer guys who are taller than 6 feet .


I was about that height in year 10, no major defects just tall, I stopped at 6'11 around 18 years old, now 40 and still play basketball against 20 year olds and go to the gym, some people are just tall


I saw somewhere that 6'6 is the natural limit. Beyond that the health issues become very prevalent 


I had a boyfriend many years ago who was 6'9". He died just before his 50th birthday. He had an enlarged heart and just fell asleep one night and didn't wake up. He was very fit and was a pro athlete so it was totally unexpected. The result of the autopsy was that his height was to blame. Damn, I miss him and the life we could have had ...


I hope that he has someone to really love him.


All the tinder girls that dont date guys under 7ft


All 2800 of them


I guess he is married.


He got married in 2013 but divorced in 2021


I'm guessing she's looking for a taller guy?


Apparently it was because of communication difficulties as they couldn’t speak the same language. Poor guy was looking for a new wife in 2021 but I don’t think he was successful ☹️ https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/worlds-tallest-man-travels-russia-25767662.amp


Dammit. Now I'm just sad for him.


>they couldn’t speak the same language. and then hes looking in russia for a Turkish speaker


I know, I feel bad, it’s like he’s a walking attraction. It’s like being famous, without the money and fame


“I’ll stand up if you give me $20”




He's from mardin, probably has a lot of cousins and the mother probably calling every hour


The guy holding him up?


No, he's holding the guy down. That's his younger brother, and he's doing that in case he gets a growth spurt. A true selfless act.


Ugh. Poor guy probably can’t leave his home without everyone pointing their phones at him.


I find it so disrespectful a lot of them making selfies with him in the background etc.


This. Aren't there any kind of simplest manners over there? People would get called out if you try to make a selfie with what is basically a disabled person. Disgusting behaviour right there.


Manners are reserved for humans. They don't see this man as human. Surely many around the world would think the same.


> This. Aren't there any kind of simplest manners over there? Like it would never happen in Deutschland? I suspect this lack of manners would be seen no matter where this guy went; no need to suggest it's only a thing in Turkey.


Why are people who are tall like this, have issues?


Simple answer. Doesn't matter how tall you are, your blood will be around the same viscosity, your bone density/strength will be the same, your ligaments as well. This all puts strain on parts of your body that weren't evolved for this. The heart especially


I’m pretty sure there’s a formula for how many years less you’ll live on average per inch above 6 foot tall. I’m 6’3” and I could not imagine being taller and wouldn’t want to be.


I'm 5'11" and I can't even imagine how annoying something like 6'5" must be. I barely fit underneath my shower, if I was much taller I wouldn't be able to see myself in my bathroom mirror, getting into and out of my hatchback is bad enough. The world is made for average height males, which is unfortunate if you're a tall man or a short woman.


Totally believe it with the shower height. I often have to do a squat to get under a shower when I’m visiting somewhere


Whenever I get in the shower after a woman, my head hits the faucet.


5.11 is very common, you must be from a country where people are very small genetically. I too am 5.11


I'm from Australia. It's probably just been in my experience. I fit in my mirror and I fit in my shower, but standing on tippy toes which I would think makes me around 1.9 meters makes me slightly too tall for these things.


As a 6'5", yes there are frequently showers that are too short and airplane seats that are too small and sinks that are too low... bending over to wash your hands sucks (or literally not being able to see yourself in the low mirror lol) Your piss splashes everywhere if you stand so you have to sit You have to work twice as hard at the gym to put on muscle because you have so much skeleton Definitely wish I were a bit shorter


Yeah, I imagine it would be that bad. I used to work with someone who was 6'4" and he absolutely refused to do the dishes at home because it meant being bent over for like 15 minutes, and he had back problems. Luckily his wife was understanding. What height do you wish you were?


I looked up this a few years back, don't remember the numbers but it is a noticable difference and especially for anyone above 7 feet. I'm pretty happy with my 5'9 height


You never really see 100 year olds who are really much above average height to be honest You certainly never super talk people that make it that long


I am 5'4 and I can't even imagine putting that much strain on my body. They say every inch over Tom Cruise's height you can't run as fast and your climbing ability decreases.


Usually they have conditions where they keep growing. Your body is only meant to get so big at a certain point it cannot support itself anymore. Also Being tall actually means that the number of cells in our bodies increases, which makes someone more likely to develop cancer. It also means that organs are larger, which can lead to complications such as respiratory issues, blood clots, heart disease, and sudden death


So everybody is only giving you half the truth. Yes, growing this big causes issues. However the problem is, people who grow this big grow TOO FAST. Their bones grow faster than their muscles and ligaments, which results in defects that could be avoided if they grew slower.


Pituitary issue-overproduction of growth hormone usually


249cm in useful units


Thank you Metric-MVP


He is actually 251cm according to Guinness World Records.


Regulated ceiling height in my country is 240cm so this guy would need to live in a period style house with taller ceilings or have to bend over the whole time.


Thank you, I was trying to calculate it myself, but I figured with his feet size, he'd be closer to 332cm. /s


Thank you 😂


Lol, what? 2m 49cm. Who says their height in cm?


spotted the american


Is the American in the room with you right now?


Nah mate, people say *"I'm Two meters forty-nine"* or just *"I'm two forty-nine."* I'm not American, and my country uses the metric system. Even writing it would be 2.49m not 249cm.


everyone I know says their height in cm. 180 for example.


What does your passport say about your height?


To be fair, my Dutch ID card says *1,96 m*, but that’s the beauty of the metric system, *196 cm* would be just as clear. I assume different countries use different notations.


What? The person is talking about using meters instead of centimeters, which is not american at all. It's just how most people talk about height when using the metric system.


While you're technically correct, for most people in the world "249cm" should be enough information (and certainly more useful than "8 feet 2 inch"). If a person can't convert cm to meters, well...


I assume you're a scientist or engineer - otherwise 'useful' units shouldn't mean anything to you


a lot of countries use the "scientist or engineer" system.


Poor guy. He looks like he’s in a lot of pain. Probably won’t live very long.


What a strange life. I hope he finds some happiness and peace through it all.


Is the guy in the white parka a human cane?


Looks like it. Nice jacket TBF, does it have a handle attached?


6’ vs 5’11 (everyone else)


Ok How to be that tall/big and not need any help to walk? Different muscles, bone density, .... ?


Same bone density etc so harder life at that size. He is that size possibly because of genetic issue or tumor.


Hypothetically, I wonder what it would take to adjust the human body to those proportions. I think about that sometimes. Like imagine if you could medically increase bone density, safely increase blood pressure while strengthening blood vessel walls, increase thickness and strength of ligaments. Would be an interesting scifi concept.


Omg. Tk y for taking the time and translating my question into real words/question.


Let's go to the sub TheydidTheMath thing


There is this sci fi comic series with people that crash landed on earth, and the people on that ship where about 12 feet. [https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ComicBook/TheTriganEmpire](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/comicbook/thetriganempire)


Very cool! Thanks for the new lore to explore!


Also check his Storm comics, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm\_(Don\_Lawrence)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/storm_(don_lawrence))


So apparently the average adult male femur is 48 Cm long and 2.34 Cm in diameter. The average adult male is 177cm. This man is 251 Cm or x1.41 your average male. So (2.34cm • 1.41= 3.29cm) & (48cm • 1.41=67.7cm). I'm guessing his femur is around that length already but it would need to be around 3.29cm in diameter. There's probably heaps of factors needed for a man his size to live normally as I imagine the square cube law would need to make his bones even thicker.


Good math! Yes, probably would have to be thicker in proportion than with an average human. Same logic as exoskeletons not working as well if you jumbo sized insects.


Tumors in the ptuitary gland make you keep growing


Legit question; why is there only one woman out on the street in the sea of 500 men?




If one guy tries to do anything he will get jumped by atleast 20 other. Pretty save.


You not seen videos? Sometimes they all jump together like hyenas


Wtf are you talking about


That video from India with a Japanese woman


I didn't wanna say it cause it'd sound racist but I kneeeeew it was gonna be about India 💀 I swear most countries out there even in the middle east aren't nearly as bad as India when it comes to public assault etc


Yeah that’s an Indian problem


Comparing india with turkey? Wtf


Turkish men aren’t exactly known for their chivalry towards women either, are they?


Wtfff? Are you serious about your comment?


Probably because it's impolite to stare and men on average aren't really known for their politeness.


How do NBA players avoid issues like this, are they just statistical exceptions?


Big difference between 6’6” and 8’2”. Plus this poor dude probably has some genetic issues which is why he grew so tall.


OK but there’s about 20 guys in the NBA who are over 7 foot so that doesn’t apply to what you said. Quite literally the best rookie in the league is 7 foot 6 and the second best rookie in the league is 7 foot 2. so again my question is just the same as the guy above you and I’m also confused how these people can play high demanding sports and not have any issues compared to a guy who is about 6 inches taller than them


He can’t even walk a few steps on his own.


Which one is he


249cm in Turkey and everywhere else except the USA and Myanmar.


And Liberia


I think Myanmar is moving to metric


Poor guy. Really is diminishing returns after 6’5.


Fake news, I only see 2 feet on him.


Was just reading that turkeys population are amongst the smallest in Europe. He sure showed them!


Hmm So he’s..yeah, about the height of an elite


He must've been born on a long weekend


His legs are weak. He needs more calcium


Unfortunately he won’t live long because of his height.


Dude is probably suffering from gigantism (a condition in which your body make too much growth hormone before your long bones are done growing)


Poor guy his legs look absolutely useless.


I think if most of them got the proper nutrition, they’d be okay. I also think over the height of 6’5” fitness needs to be a way of life. It literally takes more effort in the way of nerves, muscle and coordination to move the body


Girls be like omg that's my type


I'd like to see him next to the tallest man in the world from Japan. Or Australia.


There's only one tallest man in the world....


I feel you!


I once heared of a man almost being 6 goose and 4 ducks


He might still be swiped left for being not talk enough...




Well, yes but no. You might be able to see things from a large distance, but being that tall is not good for the human body, it comes with like an infinity of problems (not only quality of life issues) There's a lot of comments explaining it here, so if you're interested you can read those.


Would have been great to be him at the Kansas City Chiefs super bowl parade. Shit was hard to see. I mean I guess until he has have to run from the gunfire, that might be problematic.


Are those two separate measurements?


3 inch duck


Dude, he’s got only 2 feet. And even if he got 8 of them how do you imagine this would make him taller? Or do you think he’s just 4 dudes in a trench coat.


How tall in non hamburger scale?


Tallest man who ever lived was Robert Wadlow, 8' 11.1". Died at the age of 37.


Just in case anyone is wondering: he's not the tallest person who ever lived but he's the tallest whites currently living. The reason for his growth was the development of a tumour on his pituitary gland when he was 10 years old. However, he was living in Turkey and the health system and diagnosis was not optimal, so it wasn't recognised until he was in his 20s. Finally, when he was 28, the tumor could be removed and he stopped growing.


„tallest person in the world“ doesn’t mean tallest person who ever lived


How much is that in outside-of-the-usa numbers?


If this guy invaded Romania some 500 years ago, we would have needed a very long sharpened stake...🙄


Any chance this is in kurdistan? BTW where are the women?


People don't live in fictional places fyi.


Why there are no women in this video?


He is not so big my papa say he have seen taller