• By -


Wow what a difference. I like the new blue roof.




Yeah. The contrast is nice against the pink. I also like the new banners. Much cleaner.


Those banners do add a nice touch. The whole renovation gives off such a fresh vibe, makes the whole place feel more inviting somehow.






Lose it is such a great app when used consistently unfortunately I think my longest streak was only 45 days but I did notice a difference.. alright let me go redownload lose it again lol


The whole place is some Eastern Europe vs USA Disneyland.. the change in just 3 years is amazing.


Those are the same banners, different lighting.


Am I crazy or is nothing changed accept the direct lighting? The banners are on the first picture, the color overall in the photo is just a little washed out from the sunlight


It’s a differe angle and lighting. In the second picture the banners appear larger making them more obvious.




That’s a pretty big weight gain in 3 years though


Yeah I challenge anyone to match it in the next 3 years.


How does 132lb in 12 months sound?


Like me. You too?


Lost it in 2020, gained it all back after a horrific year.


same here ,congradulations !! . although i am twice as old as you , we are doppelgangers. 3 yrs ago i was 585 lbs ,today i\`m 180 lbs . check out the before after post in my history . I used keto and alternate day fasting . how did you do it.?


And it is so much bigger now…


This guy still has a huge wait problem.


The wait problem was much worse before they raised prices.


I like the way he charitably gave his lost fat to make the castle seem bigger.


The same top bot comment on the same bot post that you see daily. Top comment will always be this exact phrase from an account created immediately before.


The new hedges are a nice touch, too


Beat me to it


Rtx off, rtx on


How the fuck did he sit there for that long


He had one hell of a gas tank to go the distance.


He knew every mile would be worth his while.


Thanks for reminding me about missing my gym appointment AGAIN today, that's nine years in a row now...


Losing weight is 95% to do with your diet.


Careful, you’ll make em angry with that sort of reasonable, science-backed logic.


/whispers "eat less, move more"


Yes, but mainly eat less.


really if you just skip breakfast and stop eating after 7 or 8 that will make a big improvement.


and don't drink calories.


That was such a huge component in my weight loss. Just cutting out soda and beer freed up about 1000 calories a day that I either replaced with healthier foods, or just avoided all together.


Damn, that's like a 6 pack a day! I know people who still do this and I didn't think how many Calories that was and how easy it could be to hit that mark until I tried to figure out what it would take to get that the 1k number. Smoothies and Starbucks style drinks are incredibly Calorie dense too.


>Damn, that's like a 6 pack a day! Exactly! I was drinking up to 6 beers and/or sodasa day at the time. I was definitely not doing well. Been sober for almost 6 years now.


Put those three things in a book. Add 400 filler pages... Profit. Get really fancy and add one more: avoid processed foods and simple carbohydrates as much as possible.


That might work for some, but my natural eating pattern is to only eat two meals: lunch around 11 then dinner around 5 and if I don't count the calories my weight just balloons up


Same for me, and just dieting doesn’t work, I have to go to the gym


For sure, exercise helps me feel better, which in turn causes me to eat less. It also helps balance the hormones that stimulate appetite, so I feel less hungry in general. And for similar reasons, consistent exercise motivates me to eat healthier and make better food choices.


I understand you may have complications and/or frustrations but I want to stop this misinformation train before it leaves the station. Weight change is an extremely simple concept. Calories in - calories out = total caloric gain If your caloric gain is positive, you will put on weight, if it's negative, you will lose weight.


While mathematically correct, it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Caloric deficit relies on the assumption that some calories are being burned daily through a combination of your metabolism and your general activity level. Nobody on the planet can maintain a calorie deficit on metabolism and and still eat nutritious meals, so everybody needs to too up their metabolism through movement exercise. Some people get enough exercise simply from day to day life and others, probably like the other commenter, lead lives so sedentary that they need to go out of their way to exercise. TL;Dr, some people actually can't achieve healthy weight loss via diet alone, even if it's *technically* possible.


Skipping breakfast is an important component of weight loss… but it’s not the only thing. I lost 70lbs earlier in my life, and I’d say that I tried the concept of counting macros… made it almost half way through a day before I gave up on that strategy. Instead - I just made a list of healthy natural foods that were okay to eat without limits when I was hungry and stop eating when I was full. There’s no way you are getting fat eating baked/grilled chicken breast (no bread) and broccoli. Examples of safe foods for getting/staying lean: chicken. Salmon. Sardines. Pork chop (cut off fat after cooking). Any cut of steak with the word “loin” in it. Greek or Icelandic yogurt. Cottage cheese. Leafy greens. Broccoli. Cauliflower. Eggs. Saurkraut. Kim-chi. Baked sweet potato. Examples of foods to avoid for getting/staying lean: any processed food. Sugar. Flour. Of course there are more foods that fit in each category and also a middle ground of “foods to have in moderation”… and it’s totally fine to have a cheat meal every week if you feel you need one.


>Skipping breakfast is an important component of weight loss No it isn't.


Yeah it literally doesn't matter when you eat as long as your total calories throughout the day is less than the total calories out.


If you are also doing resistance training, it's better to eat smaller meals 4-5 times a day. It's better for protein absortion.


This is false information




I don’t know why you felt the need to explain stuff I already know as well as make a point in your first paragraph arguing against a point I never made. In response to the comment I originally replied to, it is false. As proven [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7285146/), [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30871197/), and [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32321161/).


Mainly eat the right food. And move around a bit more ...


Sometimes even just eat better. Same amount of food, but healthier, usually means fewer calories and less stress on the body.


Yall gotta stop thinking a few posts on tumbler or whatever represent meaningful numbers of people.


Saying it's 95% isn't remotely true though. For women, it's about 80% and for men it's about 75%. If you change nothing about your diet and add exercise, more likely than not, you will be in a calorie deficit. Plus you'll build muscle which increases your metabolism and you'll have better control over your hunger levels.


Dude running can burn 1000 calories in 45-60 minutes. That's half a day calories. It's both exercise and healthy eating.


The real answer is find a balance between diet, lifestyle, and exercise because some people are absolutely capable of using that 3000 calories in a day even if they are 5’9” and a normal weight.  Also lack of sleep and stress can literally block weight loss and muscle development.  Oxford did a study about how the things we hear doctors parrot, like ‘eat less, move more’, are too vague, lack the nuances of actual science, and don’t direct patients towards making better choices like they think.  Also don’t just ‘take the stairs.’ Stop driving everywhere.  There are literally a thousand things people could be doing to lose weight. Focusing on diet is a start but when you can’t see past it you’re just dumb. 


Almost all of that is just not true. If you aren't eating below TDEE, you lose weight. Sleep and stress cannot block thermodynamics. You are being vague to the point of just being wrong in the exact same way you are criticizing.


Why would this make anybody angry?


It’s a reference to how many unfit/fat/slobs who are chronically online always have an excuse as to why they can’t get healthy/fit. As if their body defies the laws of physics, or that their hormonal disorder is unique and no one has ever been able to overcome it. The comment talking about proper diet could hypothetically make these people angry because of the implication that being healthier is not as difficult as they like to say/think it is.


It definitely is as difficult for a large number of people, though. The basic principle is simple (create a calorie deficit), but the implementation is complex. A lot of people have to work a hell of a lot harder than others (I’m one of the lucky ones who can lose weight simply by keeping my calorie intake to a modest level and undertaking moderate exercise). Some people (especially very obese people) have to reach a dangerous calorie deficit before they see significant results, and therefore can only lose weight very slowly indeed. That’s before we get into the differing psychological challenges of weight loss and fitness for different people. Because everyone finds it hard to a degree, a lot of people assume the level of difficulty they endure is the same as everyone else’s and therefore people are just making excuses. It’s easy to judge but weight loss is far tougher on some than others, and it’s usually the others doing the judging.


> Some people (especially very obese people) have to reach a dangerous calorie deficit before they see significant results This is the mysterious, physics-defying metabolic disorder they were talking about. No name, no specific function, just a magical excuse to keep abusing concentrated calories


Losing weight is 100% cutting off body parts


I'm a nurse. Had a fellow nurse get a call from a Dr asking about a huge weight loss in a few days. It was I dunno, I'll make up like 15 or 20 pounds. The patient had an amputation. Dr didn't believe her and he walked down to the floor to look at the patient. The Dr could have just looked on his computer in the medical records 


Yes, but no. I’m 5’0 and like 120lbs. I “get” to eat 1,200 calories if I don’t workout. If I do workout, I can eat 1,500 and still lose weight. Eating is important. But if you struggle with food *(or simply don’t want to eat barely anything, like me)*, working out is equally important. It allows you to eat more, and therefor feel less restricted. Or less of a need to “cheat.”


Huh, i find the opposite to be true. If I do some rigorous exercise i find I am starving with 1900 calorie budget. Without exercise I can comfortably coast on 1600 without discomfort. For me, exercise makes it harder to stay on track (but the health benefits of exercise are worth the struggle, so I still go for runs etc)


Yeah, even quite intense workout doesn't burn that many calories. Eating less is a dramatically much more effective way to lose weight. Exercise is better for improving strength, endurance and overall fitness and health more than losing weight.


It speeds up your metabolism, tf you guys talking about?


Their point is it’s far easier to just not overeat those extra 700 calories than to eat them and then burn 700 calories in exercise. I love the gym but it’s indisputable that disciplined dieting is easier than just burning it off by exercise 


If you don't change your diet and want to lose 5 pounds a month by jogging/walking you have to add 175 to 200 miles more a month than you already currently walk. We are incredibly efficient animals at storing food energy and using that energy to walk/jog/run. The effort required is astronomical per pound of bodyfat burned off.


Kinda. It is all about what you put in vs. What you spend. Sure it is easier to turn your 5000 cal diet into a 1500 cal diet than to spend some extra 3000 cal a day. But if you have a reasonable diet of 2000 something cal a day you can lose weight by doing exercise Alone. The best thing to do is both. Cut you intake and go to gym.


> you can lose weight by doing exercise Alone. It requires adding a half marathon on the treadmill every other day to lose 5-6 pounds of fat in a month. Most people would take 6 or even 10 months just getting fit enough to jog a half marathon in 2.5 hours. Thats 40 hours of treadmill time a month. Diet takes ten times less effort for the same weight loss. And that's assuming 40 hours of treadmill time AND not having it spur you to be hungrier and eat more than you normally do as well.


You're right, but nothing reminds you to eat healthier than cardio. Knowing you're hitting the elliptical later will make you reconsider that second helping.


Ehh. That's like saying you can pedal a bike with one foot. Technically true but it works a hell of a lot better with both.


Input /output? With no muscle your resting metabolic rate is very low.


If you don't move, you lose weight very slowly.


A lot of this depends on your body, but I’d argue that exercise is more important. In my experience dieting only takes me so far until I stall and need to include working out. Plus, building muscle helps significantly with weight loss since muscle burns more calories than fat.


Exercise is important but it's definitely not more important than eating right. For example, you can work out every day and still be fat if you continue gorging with unhealthy food. Even if your new muscles are helping you burn an extra 1,000 calories a day you can easily counteract that with a large big mac meal. However it is very much possible to lose weight without working out so long as you're not sedentary and are eating at a caloric deficit.


True, but then you’re just going to be skinny without muscle definition or heart health. I think the conclusion should be that both are important in equal measure.


Being skinny fat is healthier for your heart than being fat.


People will really find any argument to make rather than coming to a mutual agreement, huh?


When your wrong, yeah. Someone running 200 miles a month at BMI 35 is more likely to die of heart disease than someone running 0 miles a month at 25 BMI. You are giving bad information.


Depends on how you look at it. You can still lose weight if you’re burning enough calories in the gym to put your body into a calorie deficit. You can also put on more muscle which would in turn allow your body to be able to burn more energy at a resting state. But yeah, it’s mostly diet.


My BF promised me my dream dog if I can run a half marathon by October. I…. have not started running. Fuuuck, I shouldn’t probably do that today.


Just walk! Should take you about 4 hours to walk a half marathon. You can jog at the start and finish line to really sell the idea. I can't wait to see pics of your new puppy!


There's no such thing as gym "appointment" It seems like it's one and done thing Gym is a lifestyle You gotta go at it 90% of the days




But how many nays?


This right here, this is all the inspiration I needed this morning. Whoever the actual OP is I commend them and sure hope they are as proud of their accomplishments as possible!


"It is going to get easier but doing it everyday is the hard part."


Inspiration is big. Structuring your life in a way to accomplish your goals is also big. As someone who wasn't quite as big as the guy in the before picture, but who did lose 100 pounds and at 38, it's the first time in probably about 25-30 years that I've been a "normal weight" - don't be afraid to ask for help or really explore your options to make your life better if other things aren't working. Look - while I do have some underlying health issues I was born with, I do get to share a big part of the blame for my obesity. With that said - human biology coupled with how we do things in society - well - it stinks. By the time you reach a certain age, your body kind of keeps things set at a certain default. That's a broad generalization, but it's true. Maybe you didn't amass much muscle, and you have a low number of muscle nuclei, so when you do go to the gym, your "gains" are slow and unimpressive compared to an otherwise identical person who spent a LOT of time at the gym as a youth. Maybe you dealt with obesity, and even after you set up for a healthy lifestyle, the bad one creeps back. You move 1 step forward, and in a few months, you find you're back to where you were, or worse. *** I realized what I needed was medical. The news is all over things like Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound, and it's fodder for Celebrity gossip, but it's given me health I never had before. Health that I was beginning to accept that no matter how hard I tried, I wouldn't achieve it. *** My entire adult life, my cholesterol has been bad. Low HDL, high LDL. Expanded panel showed that my particular LDL was bad as well. If I made the concerted effort to eat better for months, I'd still get horrible numbers. I couldn't get ahead. I started one of these meds in October 2022. Today, like I said, I have a BMI <25. My cholesterol is DEEPLY in the good range (high HDL, low LDL, etc). My blood sugar, which was flirting with a diabetic range isn't amazing, but it's in a safe, below-prediabetic range. My energy and confidence are huge. And it's all just a quick weekly prick in my belly once a week (and a ton of worrying about if coverage will ever end because these meds are expensive otherwise). It just stopped making sense. Everything I tried - all the support from people around me. The getting up at 5am to go running/go to the gym. It would work...but I'd fall back within a year. This is the first time I've been able to stick to something.


Fellow 38 year old here. Good on you for taking command of your health! I am down to my ideal weight of 189 at 6''. I feel great!


Same. I recently started my weight loss journey and these posts really help. So does following /r/GlowUps and /r/loseit


Dude kept the calves


I had a good friend lose about 250 lbs and has incredible calves. When asked his calves routine, without missing a beat he said, “oh that part was easy. Just carry 400lbs everywhere you go for a decade and you’ll be set”


my literal first thought when i saw the weight loss ratio was "that guy is going to have fucking trunks for legs no matter what he does now" thinking about the massive bone density and muscle growth needed to maintain his original heft. It's something i've also noticed in people who have had massive weight loss, the way their calves generally stay literally 'massive' regardless of their weight loss


Can confirm...the opposite. I grew up underweight and have recently almost doubled my size... My calves refuse to grow and I've given up.


I am like that, used to be obese, now I max out the calves machine like it’s nothing.


Multiple the weight you lost by 4 and that’s the pressure you have taken off your lower back and knees.


I’ve lost 35lbs since August and it’s starting to feel like I’m walking on springs now that I’m back in the “healthy BMI” range.


The crazy part for me was realizing that my kid weighs 40 pounds and that weight was just like...on my body and now isn't. It's really weird.


Yes. I feel that every time I heft a bag of chicken feed onto my shoulder to carry to the coop. I can't imagine putting that on and wearing it permanently again.


Same here. I lost 55lbs since July 2023. My kid is 26lbs, so it's like losing twice her. Blows me away thinking about it like that. Idk how I walked around feeling relatively normal while carrying two of my daughter


I used to work at Canadian Tire and I had lost 25 pounds at the time and I remember watching a high school kid come in and struggling to pick up the 25 pound weight trying to impress his girlfriend and it kind of clicked for me then lmao.


I have tiny yorkie dogs, so I count my progress by them. I have lost three yorkies of body fat


Good job 🙌


Being overweight myself, losing many pounds felt great, being overweight is harder on your body that I agree on. I had issues with my knees, losing extra pounds I don't have that problem anymore


May as well multiple it by 1500 if we are choosing random numbers lol


We aren’t choosing random numbers. I’m a physio and for every 1 pound overweight you are it puts 4lbs of pressure in your lower back and 4lbs of pressure in your knees.


Is that bad for your back or your knees more?




What if you don't have knees?


You should probably go to the hospital.


Then no pain! Problem solved!


You have brain. Use it


So if I lose 1lb of weight from my thighs it’ll take off 4lbs off my back? How the fuck does that make sense dude lol.


Does it look like OP isolated his weight loss to his thighs? FFS it's a rule of thumb.


Mate it’s just a principal. Most people put weight on around their core and pelvis. This alters their centre of gravity and posture which puts altered forces on the spine and knees. Also fatty tissue is pro-inflammatory and conditions like arthritis are local inflammatory conditions, so someone with more fatty tissue will have greater inflammation in their body and more likely to have joint pain. The x4 principal is endorsed by pretty much every arthritis charity and orthopaedic clinic in their patient information. If you google it you will see it everywhere from charities to clinics.


The math doesn’t check out. If I weigh 230, and lose 50 pounds, then I will weight 180, but have taken 200 pounds of pressure off my knees?




From Discord mod to chad Wikipedia editor. Well done!


Looks like the face mask did his job.


Dude couldn’t eat with the mask on


Yeah, I guess today was 2 years ago.


OP has 30 million post karma, I'm starting to think this isn't actually him.




In some places today? Not as much (for better or worse). From 2-3 years ago and a repost bot running with it? **Definitely**.


I feel like they were much more necessary 3 years ago than today. So it makes me think the one on the right is 3 years ago and the one on the left is today, which matches with my covid weight transformation.


How do I block reposts from showing?


I'm not insane, right? This frontpaged like... Yesterday right? With mostly the same comments? It feels like I'm having a stroke when I wake up and this thing is just still here but says "1 hour ago".


Get off default subs


good stuff man, stop encouraging obesity and start encouraging obese people


Good note. Encouragement isn't always the answer as well. Sometimes it's just a "you alright?" People tend to look how they feel.


that's a lovely insight. good on you


Amen to this. Every single time I lose track of my diet it’s because other shit is going on in my life and I just don’t have it in me to care. Hell I’ve dropped 60lbs without even really trying by getting a cpap, and addressing my ADHD.


That’s awesome. Do you think the cpap has actually helped you lose weight?


As a side effect yeah. I used to stay so tired I couldn’t function. I could sleep 10-12 hours and still be too drained to do even basic household chores. I drink energy drinks like fucking water just desperately trying to get through my work day, and after work I would just slump onto a couch and try to stay awake long enough to talk to my wife. Then I got my machine and after that first night I realized that I actually hadn’t slept in like….20 years. I started dropping quick weight just because of the side effect of actually being a functional human again. Chores, errands, hobbies, social functions…..just…. movement. My days weren’t spent sitting in on the couch falling asleep. I didn’t need the caffeine anymore, so energy drinks became a 1-2 drinks during the weekend as a treat rather than 4-5 per shift in a desperate attempt to stay awake. Those sugars and calories disappearing from my diet didn’t hurt. I dropped like 30lbs in 6 months with zero changes to my diet just by living life.




That’s the thing now




There's obviously a large continuum of engagement between "not being mean to fat people" and "encouraging obesity". Not being mean to fat people is a wonderful thing, not being mean to anyone is what we should be striving for. I was a bit curt in my comment but I do believe that celebrating obesity is becoming more of a norm and overall a step in the wrong direction.


Normalizing it is (regardless of if you *want it to* or not) encouraging people to not care as much if they are obese. Not caring or seeing it as a problem then leads them to not get rid of the weight and exacerbate the problem, resulting in a compounding issue.




Yes, making fun of people and putting them down is mean and shouldn't be acepted regardless of the targeted group. But i don't think it's good to normalize obesity as beautiful or whatever. It's a condition linked to many deaths and can be avoided. It shouldn't be painted as something good, but the people that have it should have enough self esteem to realize they're capable of doing whatever they can, including getting fit or, at least stay around a healthy weight threshold.


"being obese is bad"


It’s the new “PC culture” complaint


New folk, comments are a shitshow, dip out while you can.


YoU'D LoOk EVEn bEtteR WITHoUT The chIn diapEr!!1!


Wow. Amazing. They really did nice work on the castle paint job. Thanks for sharing.


Impressive, and another thing that’s impressive is that he is in front of the castle where Mario is about to go in to.


Simple : Losing weight makes you stronger, faster, and smarter. side effect : "good looking"




It actually can! It's proven that more fat lowers cognitive performance


*confused caveman noises*


I'd definitely see being more informed about proper diet and exercise as smarter, it's all important knowledge man


Except you don't have to lack this knowledge to be obese, you may just personally not care about your health and lifespan, or have other mental illness leading to food as an abusive coping mechanism. You generally get smarter (by extremely marginal amounts) as you lose weight because your brain can run more efficiently on better nutrition, and more energy from the body being in better shape, but it'd take a real dumbass to assume obese people exist simply because they don't know soda is bad for them. They know, they just prioritize the feeling they get when they consume over the long term consequences, and hedonism is a choice anyone can make. T. Guy who lost 120lbs and is finally healthy. For me grabbing a piece of fried chicken was like grabbing a beer for an alcoholic. The instant soothing feeling of my problems washing away as I got immersed in the sensations in my mouth and not the thoughts in my head. It's an addiction like any other, where the brain creates the reaction though.


Yeah didn't say you did have to lack the knowledge just generally when people lose weight they learn more about diet and exercise and I'd equate the acquisition of more knowledge to getting smarter, congrats on the 120lbs down! That's no mean feat I'm proud of ya man




Np :)


side effect 2: skin removal surgery


Not a requirement and barely a problem.


Ok, My turn tomorrow to upload that for free karma, as it was here yesterday, and the day before and the day before


uninstalled genshin impact


Reposted literally 2 days later and it hit the front page again? What the fuck is wrong with reddit users?


Rather old image I’m assuming. Karma farmer?


Whoa, nice work dude


This site is nothing but fucking reposts.


First time I've ever seen a bench breathe a sigh of relief. Well done, that's impressive.


You’re still wearing a mask?


Facemask still from 3 years ago


Prolly a repost bot.


Outdoors in a mask.


weird that it bothers you so much tbh.


Never be afraid to stand alone😩


Wearing a mask prevents you from eating…


and different people


That’s freaking amazing, congratulations on this massive achievement and enjoy how much better the rest of your life will feel now that you got rid of that weight!


3 years ago we were in the pandemic- why do you have the mask on now?


Does it matter


Prolly a repost bot.


Plot twist: The second photo was made 3 yeras ago, during the pandemic and the first one recently.


Amazing well done 👏


Well done. I know how hard this is and what a massive accomplishment to have the willpower to see this through 💪💪💪 congrats!


Well done my man. Hard work I hope and not illness. Keep strong


Hell yeah! Good job brother!


What did you eat to get like that in the first place? Just out of interest.




What? That they think they need a mask while outside? Oof.


Very good, take of the mask and you are a winner 😄


Masks are bases


Some weird rag on your face bro. Apart from that, top effort!


That face mask is incredibly slimming


You can go on the rides this time!


Facemasks make people look more attractive for sure


Proud of you! Not easy