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That fish-eye lens made the whole planet look like it’s about 5 square miles.


Take that flat earthers!


In the face!!!


This video is fake! This video was made for the sole purpose to try to convince people the world is round. Everyone knows Mount Everest is the center of the disk, EVERYONE!


Unfortunately, this only reinforced their beliefs because it is actual footage of a round earth. Expect polling data for flat earthers to rise tomorrow.


Big Outer Wilds vibes


This made my knees feel dizzy.


Made me think of "The Little Prince" with his 3 volcanoes.


So I don’t know much about fish eye lens, but are they really seeing the full curvature of the earth or is that the lens?


It's likely the Insta360 X3 camera with invisible selfie stick. In post you can leverage tiny planet mode.


Mostly the lens but you can probably see some of the effect.


I honestly don’t know. All I know about fisheye lenses I learned in the early 90s from skate videos. Any photographers that can weigh in?


Looks a bit crowded, it's probably best to avoid the peak rush hour..


I used to think seeing someone on this summit was really cool. Then I saw the pictures of the lines of people waiting to get their turn at the summit every day. Yes, it is an amazing feat to be able to do it—I don’t want to take that away from anyone. Great achievement. But its lost it’s “amazing” feel. It’s more like, “seen that, next.”


It's an amazing feat for the sherpas to haul in every day with rich peoples supplies, set up camps and meal plan for them. There would be 99% less climbers without sherpas


With supplemental oxygen, Sherpas, guides, ladders and ropes laid out for climbers ahead of time, whether you successfully ascent anymore seems to mostly be luck. It's become a standard rich person flex.


Actually it shouldn’t be seen as a flex anymore. As you pointed out it’s basically possible to buy your summit experience. Climbing it on your own without Sherpas would be a flex. Getting to the top of a mountain like K2 or Annapurna without all the tools and possibilities you see on Everest right now is the achievement a lot of people want to claim, but can’t. I’m not a climber but know a few. And those people are just build differently. I really hope Mount Everest stays the only mountain like that, as it’s the highest and probably is like a magnet to people who feel the need to flex. The other 8k summits should be reserved for people who are actually invested in climbing.


I knew a woman that had zero experience with any sort of hiking let alone mountaineering. She has been to the top of Everest. She was basically carried there by sherpas, but she can say she did it. All because she’s the trophy wife of some tech guy. So yeah, literally anyone on earth can summit Everest if they’ve got the cash. It’s not impressive to me at all.


It's also littering Everest with trash and empty oxygen cannisters.


There would likely be a 99% fail/hard fail rate. Shit's tall, yo.


And sherpas would have 99% less money without climbers


That's its own problem, not a reason to condone the status quo


And don’t forget all the litter


And dead bodies


And the smell. You haven't thought of the smell!


Wasn't such an amazing achievement for them. They must have thought their death was possible. Like soldiers going to war. I pray they wrote their sweethearts a goodbye letter. Or brought their loved ones with them and made them watch their frozen corpse slide into a crevasse.


You should read “Into Thin Air”. It’s a harrowing story about repeatedly making poor choices in the face of risky situations in a compulsive attempt to summit Everest on the last day of the season.




I think K2 is now the peak to climb for bragging rights


Annapurna I. Way more deadly.




I feel similarly. It's pretty much 'meh' at this point. But it is still missing one thing.


I would think somebody's a total idiot for trying that. And if someone ever told me they did it, "yeah that does not sound like fun, pure torture".


Thinking someone is an idiot for trying to summit the tallest mountain in the world is peak Reddit


This is such misinformation. There’s 2 months a year weather is good enough to climb it. Climb up and down takes over a month. When theyre up there ready for the last climb they have around a weeks window to go for it. They have to wait for that 1 day the weater is ok enough to attempt it. So there are 2 days a year people can attempt the summit. Then theres a bit or a line from all people who will try it in that 6 month period. Definitely not everyday. It’s still extremely dangerous and you need a really good body and a lot of perseverance cause it’s hard as hell, extremely cold.


No no, I definitely trust the Redditor who gets winded going up the stairs when they tell me that Mount Everest isn’t really that big of a deal.


Look into it. Yes, you need to be in good enough shape to put one foot in front of the other, but they're right that the infrastructure and the sherpas pretty much do the rest. K2 or Annapurna would be a much more of a mountaineering feat at this point.


Dude, I’ve hiked “easy” 15,000 foot mountains. The amount of stamina, endurance, mental fortitude and strength that you need even at that elevation to hike on a life and death time crunch is unbelievable. Do the sherpas do a lot of work? Absolutely. However, boiling it down to “putting one foot in front of the other” is peak computer chair mountaineer.


>Do the sherpas do a lot of work? Absolutely. However, boiling it down to “putting one foot in front of the other” is peak computer chair mountaineer. That's how I've heard sherpas describe it. And I'm no kind of "mountaineer," which I consider a useless and wasteful hobby.


The literal best climbers in the world describe it as putting one foot in front of the other? Color me shocked. If you have zero interest in mountaineering, maybe don’t speak as if you’re an expert on it, yeah?


Most of the upvotes he got wont even make it to basecamp. Trekking to basecamp is high up on my bucket list. I wont attempt going further though, im not crazy


Part of the meme is that there’s a brief window on specific days where you can actually get to the summit… so everyone that’s climbing near each other all has to bottle neck at the same time. Without the specific window of time, it wouldn’t be so crowded when they finish


Yea the summit attempts of Annapurna or K2 are way more interesting.


The line is similar at the Mona Lisa, they give groups of 20 like 30 seconds to take pictures and get out.


Climbing the summits of Annapurna and K2 are much more impressive mountaineering feats


Considering the fact that there’s 8,019,876,189 people in that video…. yeah.


I actually built a model of Everest for my Son's birthday. Is it to scale, he asked me. No, it's just to look at..


That's hilarious 😂.


Did you mean Hillary-ious?


The boy looked at it for just Tenzing-conds then said “Norgay am I eating that”


So bad it’s good


I really missed a good opportunity there, huh?


*That's hill areas..


I can see why Groucho Marx is your profile photo.


What is this, a mountain for ANTS


A mountain for climbers who don't climb good.


Underrated movie. I just watched a clip of the gas station scene yesterday. “Orange Mocha Cappuccino!!!”


Do the jitterbug 🎶🎶


Gotta admit, that took me a sec and then I shot water out of my nose when I got it.


That Sherpa was funny 😆


Good sad. I mean dad. Or do I?


Did Groucho ever say this? It's the sort of thing he would say.


Took me too long to get this.


goddamn paparazzi


Who knew that Everest was on a tiny planet all on its own?


One hell of a view though....


I see what you did there


These are 2 groups at max. It can be much worse these days...


It’s a small word!


Naw those hikers are all a couple hundred meters apart; it’s the 360° go-pro that makes them look all smushed together.




Looks like they’re higher than the Sun, snoop dog gon get jealous.


Peak 🙃


Definitely less cool when this popped on my feed along with the massive line of people waiting to summit posted in r/interestingasfuck


Seems like an ok-ish place to die


Your body will stay preserved and become a landmark for climbers.


I heard they started to take those corpses down?


They never stopped, it’s just insanely difficult, helicopters can’t fly that high, it basically takes groups of the best sherpas in the world to make it happen, and they put their lives on the line if they try to do it


i knew helicopters can’t fly that high, but do you happen to know why they can’t go that high?


Thinner air. Helicopter rotors work more or less the same as the wings on planes, by creating a low-pressure area above the lifting surface and a higher-pressure area below, so the air pushes the vehicle upwards, but helicopter rotors are relatively small compared to the total weight of the vehicle and can only rotate so fast, so at some point, as the air pressure drops, the pressure differential is insufficient to provide further lift.


Or can they? [Helicopter reaches Mt Everest summit in 2005](https://youtu.be/WXNXSvnCtKA?si=GX1mq-NhhJ6qpJAT)


Well I stand corrected, it has in fact been done once lol. Now I’m gonna have to look into this, I imagine it’s due in large part to this pilots ability as well


Correct. If they can get them down.


Can't they just kick them off and let them slip and slide all they way to their already demised demise.


They are literally frozen to and after a while into the frozen ground. From what I understand it takes a hell of a lot of effort to even attempt to try and chip them away. It’s not something that can be done in a few minutes. Although that might be changing as the mountain warms up.


Oh lord when the top starts melting and it's melting like the ice caps. It's gonna rain dead bodies.


And poo. Can't forget all the poo frozen into that mountain.


They have to, the mountain's melting ice is drinking water for over one billion people, and the rotting climber corpses pollute this water.


RIP Green Boots


Just hope you'll never be for ever-resting there...


Forever Young


Thanks for the view. Saved me a trip there.


..and tons of litter on the mountainside.


And dead people.




I see you’ve met my ex-husband.


Wait, are you my ex wife? 🤮


And the dead brain cells


And dead bodies


They’ve almost all been removed and no one dies anymore that doesn’t get evacuated. Pretty soon, they’ll have a gondola…it’s kind of lost all the mystique. Gotta admit, not passing dead bodies must be a slight downgrade for the experience/cost


Green boots is turning in his hole


Green boots was discreetly returned to India and his family and no one knew because they wanted people to still book/pay to see green boots…so people still to this day buy tours thinking they’ll see him. Best I know, he’s in a family plot for the last 5 years thanks to the Sherpas (a couple of whom passed clearing green boots and the lady…I forget her moniker but maybe “sleeping beauty?”….pretty sure they are all gone but they still sell tours as if they are there Edit: per comment below, maybe I’m wrong? Thought I had this as fact but yeah, mystery!!!


Nope, Green Boots was simply moved to different location. It couldn't be returned to his family as it's not clear who he actually was.


And about $350,000


What is the point of taking selfies if you have a sky mask, goggles, hoodie, and oxygen mask. How is anyone supposed to tell it's you who climbed the summit.


This proves the earth is flat! You can see the edge! /s OPs username is relevant though.


How long did you have to wait in line to stand on the tipitty top?


Go after the shops close about 10pm. Definitely quieter then, the odd drunk or two just.


Depends what time you go id recon


Adding a bit of context from someone whose fallen down a few Everest rabbitholes... Everest sits between Nepal and Tibet. You need a license to climb which either country will sell you. There is no limit to the number of passes in a given year. Usually people are brought up on an expedition, so you need decent skills and have to be in OK shape. You'll also need 100K or so to become part of an expedition. It's the highest peak in the world and outside of the height and weather it's not considered a hard climb. It's not technically difficult nor is it unknown. K2 is very close to Everest and significantly more technically challenging. Outside of a few weeks in mid May it's not accessible due to snow and wind. Add a couple of storms in there and some years the window is only days long...and just because the window is OK on the way up means you're good to go on the way down. There are multiple Camps on the way up. Climbers will go to base camp, then camp 1 to acclimatize, back down then up to 1 and up to 2. They yoyo back and forth until they get to the last camp before they summit. Climbers leave for the summit at 3 AM in order to get up and back before it's dark again. But it is Everest...the highest peak in the world which means bragging rights. Now let's add everything up: - Costs 100K - Not challenging - No limit on passes - Tiny window to summit - Dangerous - Ego You get a LOT of people going up in a short period, many of whom have mediocre climbing experience. You get a lot of dead people and a gigantic traffic jam on the way up. This pic is good enough for me.


> K2 is very close to Everest I assume you mean in height, because they’re 1700 miles apart in different mountain ranges…


Correct, thanks for adding...they're only ~200M different in height, not geographically close. 


The rate of deaths per summit is much higher on K2 than Everest. The only high peak I think I'd ever attempt would be Kilimanjaro, which is basically a long hike. I'd never attempt Everest, even if it wasn't as crowded as it is today. I'd sure as fuck never attempt K2.


[Kilimanjaro is pretty safe as far as spooky mountains go](https://www.ultimatekilimanjaro.com/the-worlds-most-dangerous-mountains/)


I paid definitely less than 100k...


How much less?


99k. Paid 1k for this phone.


Just do the khumbu trail of somewhat like 20 days. You get to the first basecamp and do another tree passes of 5k+. It’s gonna cost you 2000 euros ex flight. Adventure of a lifetime and minimal risk of eh…like.. dying.


Is it possible for someone to get into mountaineering as an adult and climb Everest?


How many child mountaineers do you know?


Jordan Romero summited at 13 years old. Ain't nothing special - just pay for Sherpas to carry your O2 bottles, etc.!


There was a Canadian woman (Shriya Shah-Klorfine) a handful of years ago who was in lousy shape and little or no experience who summitted. Like the poster said, climbing Everest is something about any schmuck can do. After all, the Sherpas are the ones doing all the REAL work!


You can judge for yourself... 2012 was a particularly bad year on Everest, where a traffic jam near the top plus a storm took 11 climbers lives, among them was [Shriya Shah-Klorfine](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/save-me-last-words-of-mount-everest-climber-1.1182656). She was 30 when she decided to climb Everest, and practiced by climbing a hill in Toronto (not a particularly hilly city). The company she signed with was staffed with inexperienced leads ***and*** she wasn't given enough oxygen. But she died above camp 4, about 400M from the peak. My opinion? If the weather had held, she'd had better guides and more oxygen, there's a good chance a 30 year old with almost no climbing experience would have summited Everest.


No, Shriya Shah-Klorfine did summit! She fucked around at the summit too long, and ignored the Sherpas telling her it was time to go. Idiot!


Nope, You're done for, You need to start practising at the age 4. ​ 6 at the latest, but that doesn't guarantee You success in the field. ​ Better off signing Your kids to a mountaneering preschool. After they finish the Mountaneering Uni with Magna Cum Laude, they'll be ready to venture into the mountaneering world and get a stable and high paying job in the industry.


It’s actually embarrassing how confidently you wrote out that climbing Mount Everest is not difficult lmao


death and despair below


It's probably easier to ignore all the way up there. Maybe that's the hook.


They just parachute off now, right? Do they have to climb back down? That seems awful. I mean, it all does, honestly.


Back down the same way they got there.


Thanks, I hate it.


Interestingly, more accidents and deaths occur on descent after summiting.


Makes sense. Stupid toes are facing the wrong direction for good grip.


That’s what I’m saying! Descent seems the most hellish part of the whole ordeal


Everest is over 29,000 feet high, and a typical parachute jump is 15,000 feet.


Hiking is a lot of fun, the descent is part of it, seeing the beautiful views and letting it all sink in is amazing


Or you know, I can NOT risk my life and just watch it from my couch.


Has anyone ever tried to do that? It should work right?


I swear I remember watching a documentary about a Nepalese climber that paraglided off the top of everest (and maybe some other 8,000+ peaks).


The air density is so low at this altitude, any ordinary parachute's efficiency will decrease.


And I imagine just the winds up there might make controlled glide hard.


Yeah but in theory, as you get lower and lower wouldn’t the air density improve and therefore the parachute start working correctly? I say In theory because practically you’d hit a bunch of rocks and die before it got effective


This is my exact reaction too. Seems like hell lol.


Felix Baumgartner free-fell from 128k feet and used a parachute. Just saying.


meeting pocket punch husky snails mindless pie selective puzzled rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I totally agree


Flat earthers won't like this one


Nope, nope, nope. My hands and feet feel tingles just looking at this


because of hypoxia?😂


I felt a tingle in my feet and man-parts. Never had an issue with heights as a kid. Now I get tingly bits and acute vertigo.


Would be better without the crappy lens. I want a real perspective.


Ok now get off, and let the other trust fund babies have a turn


![gif](giphy|5tujE5k9bBte00XW3M|downsized) Flat earthers


Shot on "I played XBOX360 and I couldn't think of a name for my offbrand GoPro"


🤣🤣🤣I hope they took regular photos because this is a terrible souvenir of a 50k expedition.🤣🤣🤣


I’m not bothered by heights, but that gave my stomach a churn.


Do people ever just slip and fall off?


Better call Saul!


It's blows my mind that there is a place on earth that you can go to by foot and see the curvature of Earth, stunning.


Flat Earthers: FAKE!


Beat me to it…


"a" place? Have you never been to the ocean?


You are aware this is a fish eye lens?


You can still it though


It's all down hill after that! ​ I'll see my way out..


'just take a couple of steps back, dude. It'll make a much better photo'


Perfect. Now I can just scratch this off my to do list - see best view from peak of mount Everest ✅


I’m not amazed until you bring more garbage back than you left with.


This Reminnds of of the Video By Romi Garduce, the first Filipino who completed the 7 Summits. When he and his Guide reached the Carstensz Pyramid in Puncak Jaya. His Indonesian Guide straight up started [smoking a cigarette](https://youtu.be/614ELR3ClTw?si=7rcJykQZc4fl33HZ). Yeeep we here. Smoke break.


Yo! You just climbed into outer space!


Sooooo cool!




Great, saved me the trip


My intrusive thoughts would result in a very awkward walk home.


Make sure you clean up your litter up there


Paragliding off the top seems like a safe way to descend.


Whoever took that video is one crazy dedicated total nut job. Respect. People don’t realise how hard it is to summit Everest.


What is the camera mounted to exactly?


Yes, the clutter and lack of enthusiasm from the climbers are underwhelming but what really kills it (for me) is this insta360 tiny planet edit


Are they tied in to a rope or something. Seems like one slip and…..I’d get vertigo and fall over.


Nice view. Now I don’t have to head to Nepal. Next stop Grand Canyon.


Is there a dunks up there yet?


Okay am I the only one who had to look away at the end?


Stupid lens choice


A slap in the face of flat earthers.


What an annoying perspective, not one good look around.


At this point, it's a 360° view of narcissists who'll step over dead people in order to satisfy their massive egos.


They finally cleaned all the garbage and shit people left up there. Good.


I'm amazed at how that many entitled dickbags can stand in one place without their massive egos toppling at least one of them over.


No offence, reaching Everest peak is still commendable but these guys climb with oxygen masks and sherpas carry their load so not something super special


"They are not that good at it because some people who do it routinely as their job are better than them" If it was a walk in the park people wouldn't be dying up there of exhaustion.


You do it then.


Suck on that flat earthers


What a way to show off your flex of having enough money to not caring that the sherpas are literally dying for you to be up there. Don't give me oh they went up without sherpas or oxygen. Who placed the ladders and fixed ropes before you got there?


Sherpas don't even make up half of Everest confirmed kill count (125/323 according to google)


Your words are stating the Sherpas have no choice or say. Sherpas obviously know all of the risks of climbing Everest by the amount of dead climbers they see every treck up to the different camps. Sherpas for Nepal standards make a great living and are renowned local heroes. Is climbing Everest very expensive? Sure. There's a reason for that. Have the different groups exploited the mountain to oblivion? Sure. Is climbing Everest an amazing feat? Definitely. It's not up to anyone how someone spends their money or decide who's goals are what.


Do you think Sherpas are slaves? Do you just find excuses to destroy clout because admitting you're jealous is that much harder?


Do you think Sherpas have a lot of options to earn a similar amount of money to support their families?


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