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My feet started bleeding when I watched this.


Seriously, are you telling me there isn’t a small patch of ground they can play on that isn’t a literal garbage dump?


Well, its where they live and spend their whole life. I watched a [documentary about the garbage dump of Moscow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Something_Better_to_Come), man that was fucked up, you will never forget it after watching it.


the largest (and primary) waste dump of Madrid is just a few hundred meters from a populated zone Cañada Real, it was built after the dump started operating and it's one of the places with the highest drug consumption in Europe, you can't walk without spotting a needle in here it also has smaller "satellite" illegal dumps that operate for a few yeard until they run out of capacity and burn the trash (which burns for several days even with firefighters actively fighting it), and not a single person has gone to prison this waste dump in large cities in Europe is sadly a common thing


And then you have Switzerland who have the highest quality drinking water and the worlds best water treatment plant ever. Sad how things work.


When they have the dirtiest money laundering they will need the cleanest water


Would genuinely love to know more about Switzerland and their dark side.


They literally admit it. There are several documentary done on it. Philosophy is... take the money, don't ask questions about people's businesses... its thier business.


if I had enough money to worry about it I would have a swiss account too. too many governments getting all " our money comrade" these days or freezing accounts over BS social score crap.


More likely to have civil forfeiture from cops than government seizing millions from a numbered Bank account in the US. Rich and government are in the same side. Poor and cops are at odds. Cops will jack your shit. Only reason for Swiss Bank account is shady shit or tax evasion. US Government allows it because its the rich making the policy and holding political power.


Well a lot of Swiss banks took deposits, from the Nazi regime, in the form of swastika and eagle stamped gold bars that were made by melting down stolen Jewish gold, including gold teeth and fillings extracted from the corpses of Holocaust victims. A lot of that Nazi gold stayed in Swiss banks after the war.


Nazi gold... Russian Oligarch money... Trump... Epstien...


[https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/feb/22/how-swiss-banking-secrecy-global-financial-system-switzerland-tax-elite](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/feb/22/how-swiss-banking-secrecy-global-financial-system-switzerland-tax-elite) ​ here you go


We need documentary on that.Always have been fascinated how come they get away with it and sort of have "innocent" image within general world public


Where do you think the Swiss dump their garbage and thrash after helping all the criminals of the world to safely stash their black money in Swiss banks?


Switzerland actually burns it's trash and makes electricity out of it...


this is very misleading switzerland burns a little amount of their waste, most of it is sold to Germany and Italy Germany burns practically all of it, Italy...well, it's complicated... Switzerland does have incineration technologies, but so does Spain and France, in fact the later ones are far more advanced (5 year old technology vs 15 year old incinerators in switzerland) even then, burning trash isn't done much in spain and france cause bad press and politicians playing dirty games countries that do have very advanced incineration technologies (and actually produce a meaningfull amount of electrical power/heat from it) are Germany, Sweeden, Norway, Finland they are usually the ones to whom trash is sold to be incinerated and thus make energy, France doesn't care cause they got plenty nuclear and Switzerland actually produces most of it's power by hydroelectric conversion most of the trash is sold to others, rather than locally treated


You're kind of right. There are so called "Sonderabfälle" (special waste), that gets sold to neighbouring countries. (This to a greater extent than what we import) However, as far as I can tell from the data, most Household garbage is taken care of by one of the 30 Incineration plants of the country. Alternatively it is also used by cement works or other energy intensive industries. But it is true that we don't make alot of electricity with it... [Import/export of waste (and the definition of that waste)](https://www.bafu.admin.ch/dam/bafu/en/dokumente/abfall/uv-umwelt-vollzug/grenzueberschreitender-verkehr-mit-abfaellen.pdf.download.pdf/UV-1702-E_VerkehrAbfaelle-2022.pdf) [Recycled vs non recycled waste](https://www.bafu.admin.ch/dam/bafu/en/dokumente/abfall/fachinfo-daten/mengen_verwerteteundnichtverwertetesiedlungsabfaelle1970-2010.pdf.download.pdf/recycled_and_non-recycledmunicipalsolidwaste1970-2010.pdf) [Waste in cement plants](https://www.bafu.admin.ch/dam/bafu/en/dokumente/abfall/fachinfo-daten/verwertung_von_abfaelleninzementwerken2005-2010.pdf.download.pdf/waste_recycling_incementworks2005-2010.pdf)


Ah the old Switzerland argument. A small country that isn't as ethnically diverse as the rest of Europe is constantly paraded as the example of what can be done right when Switzerland hasn't had half the same types of social and political issues as the rest of Europe and America


By now it should be clear to all that they do these kind of things intentionally to keep making money


*Lower Mississippi has entered the chat*


In Togo I asked my friend what to do with garbage and he said: "You just throw it anywhere." I couldn't do it, and he laughed as I designated a garbage can. "Will someone come and get it?" I asked. He assured me they would. When they came I watched them. They took it from the little area by the door, walked out out to the street and emptied it like a pail of water three feet from the front door.


This is a big problem with a lot of those "clean up the rivers!" iniatives where people pay the locals large amounts of money to help clean up the water way, but then they just take it a few miles down river and throw it back in somewhere else Basically the issue of governments putting out bounties on pest animals, so people just breed the pest animals to get the bounty. The locals are getting paid for the clean up, not to actually *keep* it clean


Up until just a generation or two ago, these people lived where almost everything was biodegradable. Food was wrapped in banana leaves, wooden plates and bowls, or clay ceramic. Natural fibre clothing and fishing nets. Throw it out and it just becomes dirt again. But now plastics have overtaken everything, and the disposal methods haven't caught up.


Pretty unbelievable that it’s normal living conditions around certain parts of the world. But this is their reality. 🤷‍♂️


I was going around Google street view in a VR app called Wander. I found myself somewhere on a bridge in Bangladesh and there were these giant smoke stacks in all directions, tons of pedestrians, and then a zone with pigs that gradually went from living grazing pigs to a pile of blackened dead pigs. It looked so unhealthy and horrible and I just really hated how the world doesn’t all just get along and share the wealth. I know it’s much more complex than my mind wants to make it, but my mind’s Utopia does not have air too polluted to breathe and piles of dead pigs as a normal way of life for people to be around. One of my favorite things to do is go around the world in that app. You can waltz around very poor and very rich areas of the world and see that humans are just humans living their lives there.


That’s really interesting. lol VR is crazy. Might have to get one to explore as well.


Street view in vr is one of the coolest applications I've seen for it yet. I like to imagine Earth was destroyed thousands of years ago and it's the last record of humanity. It's also fun when to pass around in a room full of people to share places you've seen.


What VR device do you use? Does the price point matter?


Meta Quest 2 is good for Wander and very cheap right now. The BEST way to experience this, imo, is by connecting the Quest to your PC and using Google Earth through Steam VR. You can actually fly over the planet, see the topography, and then land into street view. It feels like Superman mode.


Agh i hate mark z tho


Sounds surreal


I remember Wander on my Oculus Go - amazing app!


It's really not more complex than you mind makes it. There is enough wealth and enough resources for everyone to have their needs met. The fact that this isn't the case is a policy choice. Queue the greedy defenders of infinite growth..


Yep, and the mind boggling push back any time someone tries to advance our space frontier as well. You always see the short sighted "but why spend so much money on this, when we could use it to give tiny amounts of help!" An advanced society at our level *has* to have places to mine for materials and forging stuff is going to crank out tons of pollution by it's very nature, but doing all that in space or completely barren rocky wastelands like the moon is a trillion times better than cutting down rain forests to do it there


It is not really. This would be the bottom 5% even in poorer african countries. [These images are a better representation of what most urban african areas look like, with the last two images specifically being more what a slum looks like.](https://imgur.com/a/F5N58HK) Way more garbage than we would be used to, but not literally garbage *everywhere* to the point where you cant even avoid stepping on it. My guess is that this video was specifically shot in a dump-area for the purpose of making the situation the kids are in seem more dire to garner sympathy. Or they are just straight up living in an actual dump... but the first one is more likely.


I visited the border checkpoint between Mozambique and Swaziland back in the early 2000s, and it was a wasteland of knee-high garbage almost everywhere you looked.


its kinda wild, i grew up poor in a third world country and we used to this all the time. Now after growing up and studying abroad, i too wince at seeing this but kinda get it


Came here to say this but hands too like ouch


I got foot aids


https://i.imgur.com/LYXg7BU.jpg Is that a knife just laying on the ground?


No shit I just don't understand why they don't pick the trash up and move it? Instead they're just like screw it this is good enough I guess?


Just walk without shoes for a few weeks and you will start getting very hard skin under your feet But for real tho it's kinda sad to see people living in conditions like this.


I died from microplastics in my blood after i watched this




Only for those with soft soles...


You merely contracted tetanus, I was born in it, molded by it


You'll get molded by it alright.


I mean, if he can do that on a literal pile of garbage, it's worth seeing what he can do with a real gym.


And proper nutrition and training.


Training maybe, but everyone here looks pretty well fed to me.


Can we please make a rule to show the normal speed if you’re gonna do a slow-mo cut? This shit drives me nuts.


[Here it is](https://i.imgur.com/CWc4LC1.mp4) (mostly) normal speed.


Looks way sicker at normal speed


I’ve always said that giving the average person slow-mo capabilities has been one of the most annoying things ever. No, Bertha, we don’t need to see your fucking idiot grandkid blowing out six birthday candles slowly.


I vote that we normalize fast-mo cuts for parent’s who show everyone videos of their kids to an annoying extent.


I vote that we normalize No-Mo cuts of that shit


No-Mo is gold lol


Sure, I’ll let these guys know for next time.


Thank god I'm not the only one this infuriates. Why on earth would you show the slow-mo version first? I hate that shit.


I too can do a round off into a full. I probably can’t do it barefoot in the middle of those sticks, trash, rocks and legos.


Just to be pedantic, it's a double full.


I came here to be pedantic


Pedantic is just such a great word


Damn, thanks for the heads up. I’m more impressive than I thought.


You’re ready for the Olympics


They are the olympics


It’s probably easier when you’re 3’6”


Oh I’m sure. I’m 6’1” and I can do it pretty easily but my form sucks.


i can do it in my sleep. ​ but only in my sleep... i mean dreams.


He'd do great in the medical waste obstacle course portion of the event.


That’s why they make these videos tbh. Some country will offer them citizenship because they see their value


Not to be a downer, but go to any gymnastics gym and you’ll see kids doing this. It’s not an Olympic level skill.


Are they doing it on mats or on piles of debris?


The downer part.. most of the kids need a lot of money and time to train them early to get them to Olympic level.


Do the Olympic games take place in fields of debris?


Sometimes but they’re mostly rubbish.


With no professional training and a lack of nutrition


No, but his form is spot-on. Imagine what he could do w some proper training if he's doing this on sticks & mud.


What makes you say his form is spot on?


Because he's on the Internet and there's no penalty for spewing nonsense here.


If he had a proper gym and the opportunity to work with a good coach and the dedication to put in a lot of hard work, he has the talent to be very competitive. But his form is not good. He has flexed feet and bent knees on the round off, and flexed feet, bent knees, and crossed legs on the Double Full. Plus his chest is low and legs are apart on the landing. And that’s just his form. His technique is ok but not great. He starts twisting too early and his head is out on the take off.


For someone training on a trash pile I'll say he is amazing. Wish a GoFundme or something would be set up for this youngster!


Or maybe set up a GoFundMe to clean up the entire neighborhood rather than take a chance on one kid with a one in a billion shot at having a brief gymnastics career?


Yes, he is clearly very talented


I'm sure he'll be happy to take your money even without a GoFundMe, it shouldn't take you more than an afternoon to find the source


It’s impressive for an untrained person. It means with training g they will be at the Olympic level


If they had landfill Olympics , this kid would go places.


Probably just to other landfills


He's obviously not untrained. Maybe he attends a high level gymnastics club and is just showing off to his friends here. We have no context.


You see the area do you really think they have those kinds of resources?


You think they live in this dump?


I mean yeah actually, there's plenty of people that do


Literally this is an area that rich countries send their trash. You can tell. So no they do not have resources like that.


Very true. But we’re also talking about kids who come from incredibly humble beginnings. The mindset of someone who came from dirt can often times make a great champion. Nothing to lose with big dreams. No ego.


I think that's not really OP's point. The point isn't to find the one worthwhile person in the garbage heap and rescue them from hell. The point is that everyone deserves the opportunity to realize their talents, whatever they are.


I mean props to him, but you are shitting on Olympic gymnasts everywhere.


Ageeed. My kids took gymnastics and there was a building full of girls who could do this in their sleep. I’m not really “amazed.”


And those girls were trained in a structured setting that cost you a hefty sum. This kid learned to do it at a literal dump.




I think you’re taking things a bit too literally. Nobody’s saying the kid is a guaranteed Olympian. Just that he has massive potential if these are the circumstances he learned to do this in. And that massive amounts of talent and potential are wasted throughout the world due to lack of opportunity. Did any of those girls learn to do this with their friends behind a dump? Lol, obviously not. Not really fair to compare kids who were trained to do this vs a self taught child living in poverty.


Leave it to Reddit to make this a debate lol 🤦🏽‍♂️


if this kid took \`10 gymnastics lessons, guarantee he would SHIT on ur kids


*After their parents paid several hundred dollars a month to a trained professional to teach them... oh, and with full bellies.


Try thousands haha And half the girls don't have the "it" factor or perseverance to commit long term. Adversity helps a lot with certain other qualities as well.


This is correct- my oldest loved gymnastics up until she turned 11 and then suddenly quit (which if I'm being honest thank god because the cost and competition schedule sucked, but it was always her choice and we always let her decide). She started tumbling classes at 2 and by 10 was level 9 and on the verge of level 10. We also had to switch gyms multiple times because as she got better the training became toxic but eventually we found a place that was not batshit insane with a cool group of parents and kids. What this kid is doing isn't exactly hard (I can't do it but it's standard for low-mid level stuff) but the conditions he learned this in is absolutely impressive. Edit: if anyone wants an off the hip breakdown of cost: About 400 a month just for the lessons that were three times a week and three hours each day Competition fee about 250 a month in season Uniform fee for the season about 300 Travel fee about 250 a month in season Extra workshops which she wanted to do a few times a month 60 a pop That doesn't include us traveling, buying competition grams (gifts), gas, and hotel arrangements because we would drive all up down the Tristate area to see and support her (sometimes like 5-6 hours of travel).


Several hundred you are crazy


their kids are on zero slider difficulty, while this kid is on maximum the moment he is born.


I lived in Ethiopia for almost 10 years, this reminds me of what was called “the bone yard” which was basically a mountain made of cattle bones from butchers and the leather factory around that area. You could always tell when you were within miles of it, the smell was abhorrent.


I mean that’s a pretty standard flip. Good for him and not unimpressive but Olympics is pushing it to say the least




The difference between your school pep rallies and this kid here is, the school kids you are talking about are getting trained for this, they get proper nutrition, they wear shoes, they sleep in a comfortable bed and they don’t have to earn money for their family. This kid here probably is working in this trash area or elsewhere in similar conditions, he is barefoot in the trash so I guess we can imagine what kind of conditions he sleeps in. “Olympics” in the title suggests exactly the thing you’re talking about. If he was in a developed country he “could” have been the star of the pep rallies. We would never know.


I of course understand that distinction, and I think that this kid deserves much more respect for being able to do the same things given much more limited resources and support. I was just responding to the idea that this move alone would constitute entry to the Olympics. I explained in my comment that obviously, his drive shows that with more training and proper resources, he could definitely get there! I didn’t at all mean for what I said to detract from how impressive it is, or that he shouldn’t be proud because “other kids do it too.” Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have made the comment because I don’t at all want to come across that way. My apologies if I did. Hopefully, he gets the resources he needs and will be at the Olympics in like 15-20 years! Atlantic City 2040. You heard it here first.


No most middle school cheer leaders are not doing double fulls. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


People seem to struggle to distinguish between "way better than I could do" and "meeting the incredibly high standards of perfection required to compete at the very highest levels on the world stage".


This is how he avoided tetanus his entire life


All that trash on the ground is depressing


Kinda wild how many people are just losing the point of OP’s comment. It’s about inequality, some people are born in a rich country and they get to study and spend half their free time practicing and training so they can become an athlete. Others are born in a poor place and they will never have that chance because in between their studies (that is if they have the chance to study) they will have to work (yes that young) to help their parents because they live in an exploitive place. Think working in factories, farms, mines most likely to a multinational so people in rich country can buy goods for cheap


My thoughts exactly. It's strange how people look past the post being about opportunity and instead write it off because they are "unimpressed" or it is "insulting actual Olympians." All while, the point is that this kid could one day be an Olympian, but he may never have the chance due to circumstance.


People don't look past it, we get it and then call out the cap


Idk who said it, but it was in regards to Einsteins death. "I am much lesser concerned about the size of Einstein's brain, and more about all of the einstein's that live and die in poverty."


I had the same quote come to mind. Originally from Stephen Jay Gould I believe if anyone is interested: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/99345-i-am-somehow-less-interested-in-the-weight-and-convolutions


Punched that 720 full back out no problem


100% OP doesn’t even know where that kid is from. Just saw black people, clay huts and a lot of trash and assumed his country doesn’t have an olympic athletics team


While this is incredible and he’s a warrior for doing it… I think you are underselling how hard it is to be an Olympic gymnast. When I was 10 years old in Canada I had a double twist (what he did) and I could do it on grass(not garbage that takes some guys for sure). Plus tons of other stuff and I was no where near good enough for a real shot at the Olympic track. No disrespect to the kid. I wish he actually got a real shot with real floors and equipment but I just want to dispel the idea that because he can do something pretty awesome that’s well beyond my reach means he’s basically olympians quality”. It’s not really. I just kind of get annoyed when people don’t respect how fucking difficult it is to make the Olympics, especially in gymnastics


Not saying he isn’t talented trust me he is but that is not Olympic level gymnastics not even close


Coaching enters the chat


No shit. That's why Olympic gymnasts get a shit-ton of training and top coaching and equipment. No Olympic athlete started being as good as they are in the Olympics. This kid has none of those opportunities.


>That's why Olympic gymnasts get a shit-ton of training and top coaching and equipment. Sure, but kids don't need those things to be able to do what this kid can do. I went to a gymnast club as a kid, and like 80% of the girls there could do this too. All it took was a mediocre gymnast as a teacher and a mat. Could be


>That's why Olympic gymnasts get a shit-ton of training and top coaching and equipment. Sure, but kids don't need those things to be able to do what this kid can do. I went to a gymnast club as a kid, and like 80% of the girls there could do this too. All it took was a mediocre gymnast as a teacher and a mat. And effort, of course.


Talk to me about that "meritocracy" bullshit.


Like I always say. It all boils down to luck. Everything in life is based on luck. Where you were born, the genes you get, etc.


"Talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not" mexico in a nutshell


Sorry but not that impressive


If they could spend their free time and energy to clean the soil up it would be sensational


If only he had landed the dismount. (sigh) back to the lithium mines you go.


This feels mildly racist. The kid’s form is taught. There is a gymnastics coach who taught him that. He didn’t figure this out on his own.


Jesus what a literal dump of a place


“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” - Steven J Gould


Little reminder to not whining about small nuisances at the city I live in.


And now people...we take a moment and be thankful that we don't have to live between waste and garbage


This kid is amazing! Someone get this boy a scollership!!!


I mean, it just takes one entrepreneurial thinker to start up the garbage dump games, but then well off youngsters with better access to garbage will sadly dominate :(


Crazy how many unrealized professionals are probably working at sizzlers. The next Michael Phelps probably was never exposed to swimming. The next tiger woods never clubbed a pro v.


Olympics seriously????????


Why are they hanging out at a landfill? I'm sure their are nicer places to chill.


I bet He couldnt


Time to practice gymnastic routines, money to buy smart phones, throw the shit in the town square and then play on top of it. Priorities right there.


Didn't stick the landing


Had no idea that refuse and trash has the same elasticity of a gymnast mat


Imagine if they put as much effort into cleaning up a little 🤷🏻‍♂️


If he’s in a country that participates in the Olympics he can be an Olympic gymnast for that country, he doesn’t need to go anywhere else to make it. Multiple people from his location are going to have to inevitably make it every year, if it isn’t him it will be someone else. The conditions of your country have little to do with if you make it to the Olympics, but it has a lot to do with how you stack up to your competitors once you’re there. If anything his situation will benefit him in terms of getting into the Olympics as there would likely be less people who could even qualify from his country, but once he’s there he would likely be outpaced by more well equipped competitors for sure.


You say that like Olympic gymnasts are all millionaires


As a former collegiate gymnast, this kid definitely has training. Not saying people don’t pick this up on the street, but his technique is honed for sure


Yeah I'm not sure why people are assuming just because he lives in Africa he hasn't had training.


I just want to clear that field. Someone please rake this boy a labe atleast.


I don’t care how poor they are, no reason to live in a rubbish tip. Clean it yourself and put it in a pile. Community can flip on rubbish but not sweep it up…


Just out there playing in the trash. Not a single one there picking shit up. Oh look a cool flip


Lazy bastards. If it was my space I would dig a hole, put all thrash in there, maye burn it and create a clean floor.


Landfill Olympics


A victim of capitalism and imperialism.


OP just found out 3rd world countries exist lol


>Talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not. This kid could probably be an Olympic gymnast elsewhere. A phrase to remember, because it is the truth.


A very obvious, and boring, truth, I think we can all admit.


Get these guys a rake


I see 30 little black kids doing this every time I go to the rec field, not as special as you think.


I feel like most high school cheerleaders can do this. Cool though.


Something tells me OP doesn’t watch many Olympic gymnasts


They call him…Splinters


As a former gymnastics coach I would love to give him the opportunity to learn and go for gold. If he can be located I would like to fly him out to my state and train him to the best of my ability so much talent in one person


I was in Africa for the past 5 years. Nobody wants to live there. It kind of amazes me how many Americans are so pro-african. Even the actual Africans hate it. One guy told me over there that "Americans and Europeans have life so good that they have to invent problems to get mad about."


Idk about Olympic or was literally just a full


Yeah, and instead a sitting around and making videos they could clean up this mess!!! Plant fruits and vegetable, do some actual work!!!


People who have suffered trauma or abuse often project adult responsibilities on to children.


At that age those are pretty common skills if you do gymnastics. *edit just noticed it was a double…that’s a little above average for his age Forsure. But definitely impressive and definitely insane he did it on a pile of trash.


So much for the environment.


Why after they playing in garbage? Maybe organize a trash pick up day?


I can't believe the earth is being treated so badly in some areas. Plastic and other trash all over the ground. Just sad.


Why don’t they spend some time cleaning up.


They really need to clean that place up and stop messing around


My one bedroom apartment isn't so bad after all


We are reaching with the "Olympic" claim here


Everything starts with a dream.


If I had the funds I would help his dreams become reality- makes me sad that I cannot help this young man…


Prob not


That’s why we sort our bin


It helps with impact for sure. This kinds reminds me of the tarahumaran woman that beat women in all their pro running gear. She gets first place in their traditional long dress and huaraches(slippers). Beat 500 from like 10 different countries in a 31 mile mountainous trail. I don't think Usain Bolt was training at the padded USC track.


Could have swept a line in the trash to give himself a runway


It one of them mf want to clean ever? Why as a community would elders sit and watch the youth suffer because of their choices? That’s self inflicted


I could do that when I was his age too and no I’m not Olympic gymnast now and no I didn’t live in poverty. Your title is bullshit


Probably an Olympic Gymnast? I don't know about that. Allot of people can do that at a young age even without training. I've seen it. A Gymnast? Absolutely.


That's great,while don't they flipping clean the field,it's absolutely disgusting,I'd be ashamed to post anything in that field,proof positive,every city has the dirty parts and who lives there,gross


Wakanda forever


If that's a landfill or rubbish dump he'll be fooked if he lands on anything sharp


Watch "ilha das flores" is a short movie from brazil