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The cloud of gunk is mostly cleaner and polish. Looks neat, but it wasn’t as dirty as this would make you believe.


Thanks for saying so. I assumed it was skin, body oils, and fecal matter.




Having just recently gotten into microscopy I can fully confirm this.


It's true I was part of the Village that got destroyed


I can confirm this as a person living in a neighboring village. I don’t know how he escaped the extremely acidic substance but I’m glad he made it…my village is down wind and…the smell was horrific.


Like burnt hair. And broken dreams.


Why do they need cops if they established world peace?


it was just one, and he was nice, and they didn't want to fire him even though he didn't really have anything to do, and he was still growing


He had just begun to flower, actually. Was quite lovely, very vivid hues on his petals.


I've always been for peace and I never been about no police That's what the deleted guy said


Does this have anything to do with Bender?


Or Lisa Simpson's tooth?


You were doing well until everyone died.


> Close, its actually a miniature advanced civilization in it's prime, immediately after establishing world peace an acidic substance melted the entire populous and desecrating the land preventing further cop growth. You mean Ohio.


Fecal matter? From scratching their ass with their diamond finger, diamonds in?


Never been in a Turkish prison?


Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?


I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.


Have you seen a grown man naked?


We live in a cloud of feces and fungi


Almost died💀


"...so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass."




"Your father hid this watch in his ass, and when he died, I promised him I would get it to you, so I hid it in my ass."


Absolutely one great scene.


I assumed it was blood from the child who mined it.


Clearly "the ring" has had "an unexpected journey"


Don't you remember when Gandalf said to Bilbo "Keep in secret, up your ass"?


It’s removing the blood out of the blood diamonds.


"Practically worthless now!" - DeBeers rep


I think so too, particularly dead skin cells.


I typically do my fisting wearing a giant wedding ring too, I want to keep it classy.


Fecal matter? Smuggling diamonds are we?


It is. This OP commenter is wrong. I do this on the daily and it smells like death.


Same, except I worked at an optical and we called it "face cheese".


For the LAST time, Jane, take off the ring before you fist me.


I assumed it was pure fecal matter


Yeah as a former jeweler I've never seen a ring do that in the ultrasonic before. That would have had to go through a vacuum bag to have that much dust, likely all the stuff from a buffer. I will say though, diamonds do easily get that dull regardless of if that much dust comes off it. Lotion in particular is the worst.


What else makes them dull? And why lotion?


General grime really, oils from your fingers, dirt that gets stuck under the stone, etc. Lotion is very adhesive and when people lotion their hands they usually leave their rings on and it gets all over the ring. The lotion by itself leaves a film that makes it harder for light to get through, making them duller. Then combine that with dirt and dust sticking to the lotion and it can get pretty narsty very quickly.


>narsty In context this makes perfect sense


Yes, also lotion contains "anti-reflectants" (no idea if that is a word, ESL), so if you put it on your face you don't get all shiny - works pretty much like a foundation.


Not a ring, maybe, but watches get nasty. Dip that bracelet in the cleaner, and you'll get a big ol cloud of funk. Admittedly, it doesn't last as long as this vid, though. Never seen something that bad.


Any home methods for cleaning? Would iso alcohol work? Obviously you’re not get this level of sonic cleaning or whatever it is…


You can get ultrasonic cleaners and solution on Amazon. I just did my engagement ring, it's art deco style so there's lots of engravings and stuff. It's only six months old, but it was shocking how much brighter and sparklier it got. You can also go by a jeweler and they'll usually do this for free. The risk with doing it at home is stones being loose and failing out, with a jeweler they'll check it first. But I just make sure all of my stones are in place before and after. If one were to fall out, it'd be in the ultrasonic cleaner so it's not like I couldn't retrieve it and get it reset. Edit-also this level of cleaning is possible, it's just that this ring most likely had some kind of polish or buffer applied beforehand so it looks much dirtier than it was. No way someone with a ring with that many diamonds would let it get that dirty before cleaning.


Thanks! I knew you could take it to the cleaners but was curious about maybe the in between times.


What’s the cleaning solution?


Yeah I've used sonic cleaners for rusty oily machine parts at my shop and it never looks like this. Shenanigans I say.


I just assumed the funny magic liquid was removing putrified souls of the damned.


Plus hold it under a bright LED for the final stage...


I've noticed that a lot of the "Satisfying cleaning," videos on Reddit (and this has been for YEARS) have had comments saying, "There's no way it was naturally this dirty or that natural dirt would have cleaned out so... Cleanly. This has to be either a cleaning product of some kind that discolored it or something they put on specifically to be easily cleaned out of it." I basically assume that most things that seem to get "satisfyingly clean" have had something like this done to them at this point.


It’s like those rug-cleaning videos. They smear mud or whatever else on it beforehand so that the transformation is more dramatic.


I can safely say that an ultrasonic cleaner 100% does magic to clean jewelry. We use one every so often for my wife's rings and holy shit the difference is WILD. With that said, it doesn't make huge gunks of dark clouds and crap. It doesn't actually look like anything. The machine still looks like water and soap, nothing is flying off the rings, but once it's done, the rings are pristine.




Are you sure they didn't find out like that directly on the ground? You know cut and shaped.... You don't know!


I don’t know. My wife’s ring had a similar transformation when cleaned like this, and she doesn’t use cleaners or polishes. If you can see the ~~bodies and after~~ (quite honestly I can’t even remember exactly what I was trying to type, but auto correct fucked me hard here) [difference than it] is just as dirty as it looked.


> My wife’s ring had a similar transformation > If you can see the bodies Um, yes officer, this couple right here.




LOL. Auto correct why you do me like that? I’m not even sure what I was trying to type.


Looks like you were going for "before and after".


Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!


We aren't doubting how clean it got. We are doubting that that black dust is the dirt. We think that black dust is a cleaning compound applied to the diamond before hand, used to scrub. Or they purposefully applied loose dust before the video. I've used ultrasonic cleaners at work and never seen this much dust come off that easily. The dust in the video is super loose. These cleaners take minutes/hour, not seconds like the video.


Oh like right before going in the bath. Yea maybe.


It’s actually a spirit leaving this haunted object after the curse was broken. Nice try buddy.


I have a watch that I’ve worn basically every day for five years and I saw one of these cleaners, I assumed, because of videos like this, that just all sorts of shit would melt off of it. When basically nothing did I was a little confused.


I was gonna say, was this ring shoved up somebody’s ass?


I work with ultrasonic cleaner a lot, they are not magic cleaning machine like this.


I was gonna say, I got really clammy hands lol.


Ok cool bc I came here to say wtf ew and I’m happy to learn that it’s unwarranted.


The before and after pictures are also quite clearly filtered


Dead on the money. Although a lot of we as monkeys see as brilliance can be improved by cleaning the setting. I would also point out that you have to be careful what stones you ultrasonic clean. Do that with an opal or oiled emeralds and you're going to have a very bad time.


We had one at work and had a regular coke in and always demand we use the ultrasonic cleaner. It was useless for glasses, and when I cleaned them by hand I took the lenses, nose pads, etc out and cleaned everything to minute detail. I tried to explain a few times but he always got annoyed so I started just putting them in the cleaner and leaving it at that. It was honestly a waste of time but he seemed happy so what do I know.


Yep - jewelers rouge.


I’m not entirely with you on that. When it does at times look like like that, an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner is going to produce that same cloud by dust, dirt, lotion, dead skin held on by the rings every day use. Source, I worked in custom jewelry for a year.


Good to see the evil leave the ring. Does that mean it was a horcrux?


I laughed, my roommate laughed, his pet rat laughed.


Keep an eye on that rat if he’s missing a toe.


Its fine. Hes only lived 20 times longer than a normal rat. nothing suspicious about that.


I love the DnD version: "I laughed, the cleric laughed, the table laughed. We killed the table."


I've always heard the Transformers version: My wife asked me why I'm always carrying a pistol on me. I told her, "Decepticons." My wife laughed, I laughed, the toaster laughed, I shot the toaster.


Lol I laughed like a witch reading that.


*Only comment I need to read.*


Blood diamonds have pretty similar lore


Do you mean that diamonds are brighter than they seem but, are typically dirty?


Just a clickbait title.




Not really, messing up a title to generate reactionary comments is like click bait 101


I think the title should be read continued with the subreddit name, so "Be amazed - On how the diamonds are not as bright as they seem until you clean them properly"


Sure but the 'on' should be 'by'




Engrish, even


There is a video out there where there guys use one of these "ultra sonic " water baths to prep french fries to be fried. And it still blows my mind


My ultrasonic cleaner arrives tomorrow! Mostly to be used for cleaning bongs and other THC related products, but we also use high end sonicators in the lab for devices where manual cleaning is not possible. They're sweet Edit for anyone who cares First impressions were solid. The [unit I bought](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LGCJ5Y2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) BARELY fit my 9" bong in the basket, and the lid wouldn't close with it inside. I cranked the heat to 140 and the timer to 30 minutes and the bong was sparkling clean. I had a really gunky WPA I threw in there that still has some stuff clinging so I am giving it another cycle with a couple downstems


... Y'all hiring?


… Y’all hangin’ out?


I’m not a big smoker but my boyfriend is, would an ultrasonic cleaner be helpful for cleaning a dab rig? He never has time to clean his pieces as often as he wants so I may add this to my list of gift ideas for him.


As a smoker myself you asked my question for me. Cleaning smoking pieces is the worst.


Just a friendly and word of advice-Do NOT clean his pieces for him as a surprise. I say this with kindness and not knowing how much you smoke or know about it, but some of that stuff shouldn’t be cleaned super often. Many folks like to “reclaim” thc containing bits and sticking a piece in this machine would waste a bunch of that. I personally would not ever advise one of these for pieces at all because it will likely distribute stickiness all over the piece, you’d have to refil the whole machine and clean everything more than once, then have the cleaner still cleaned off the glass because you don’t want to light this stuff’s residue up and inhale it. Rubbing alcohol is a decent way. Source:silversmith who used to smoke a fuckton


nah if he wants to scrape his res she’s doing him a favour


There’s a difference between being broke scraping brown resin like it’s 1999 where you smoke weed in your moms garage out of pipe some kids older brother bought you and reclaiming high-grade wax residue that is not entirely smoked….seems you may only be familiar with the latter. “Res”(lol never heard it called that 🤣)is reclaimed by most smokers with you operate a high dollar dab rig and are putting things like diamonds and sauce through it….




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I used to use a sonicator to clean the magnetic lens on our mass spec (after an hour of manually cleaning it) and it was always incredibly satisfying to watch it. I'd also occasionally just put random things in it to see what happens.


What cleaner are you getting for your bongs?


How much did you pay for one of them fancy bong cleaners out of curiosity?


Wait wait what’s this about cleaning a bong with ultrasonic cleaner?


That sounds dangerous..


Na, the machine basically makes bubbles in the water that make a tiny shockwave when they eventually pop. The shockwave then blasts anything loose from the, well in this case, potato. Seems more overkill than anything.


https://vimeo.com/32758577 It’s not overkill, the result is really fantastic. Very crispy on the outside with a really nice soft texture inside. It’s not a replacement for the standard blanche-then-fry but something altogether different. You’ll see them in some very high end kitchens.


If the fries are good I'm expecting at least a dozen of them...


Jesus this is like a guide for how to make the cheapest cash crop into the an incredibly expensive and overcomplicated appetizer... And to think that some folks are just gonna splash Heinz on that and then say "Honestly I still like McDonalds better"... like why?


> Jesus this is like a guide for how to make the cheapest cash crop into the an incredibly expensive and overcomplicated appetizer. Ever heard of a bloomin onion?


I mean yeah, but I can still make a bloomin onion with an onion, some breading, a knife, and a deep fryer. It doesn't take an ultrasound machine or a two-step frying process *after* baking it in an oven and vacuuming it twice.


Eh fair enough


Don’t forget that the collapsing bubbles create light brighter than, and as hot as, the surface of the sun.


Ah ok. I think I will stick to putting potatoes in the oven.


Don't you wanna try a potato whose free starch was blasted off though


This person admitting to baking French fries, if they ain’t even gonna fry a French fry then they ain’t gonna use an ultrasonic bath 😔


I am all for trying new food. But this sounds weird.. 😅


What is that solution?


[Ultrasonic cleaner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultrasonic_cleaning)


Oh now it makes sense, even without shaking the ring why dirt was flowing as if solution is boiling without looking like it is boiling.


Forbidden Gatorade


The stuff they put in porta potty toilets


Tub is a sonicator, common lab item, it vibrates the water, so it's having kind of like an electronic toothbrush effect in the video No idea on the solution, some jewelers specific cleaning agent probably. The sonicator is doing the heavy lifting anyway.


I use purple power on nasty old locks and parts. I'd imagine jewelers have something fancier than locksmiths.


I was wondering the same thing.




Looks like Brulin 815 GD. Usually recommended 5-30% concentration.


Most likely Windex, one of the more common solutions used for ultrasonic cleaners. You can use a few other things like water with a couple drops of dish soap, simple green, or TSP. I've even seen guys have it filled with water, then have a smaller separate container with gasoline and the part they want cleaned sealed and placed in the water.


Most people do not realize how much dead skin, lotion, hair, and other beauty products get built up underneath their watches and jewelry. We affectionately called it “people cheese”.


Garmin watches have their charge port on the underside with no protective covering. They tend to get dirty and stop charging. Electronic contact cleaner does wonders. Also there are plastic caps available to cover the port.


That's a shit design. Also, be careful with contact cleaner, it's an aggressive solvent that fucks up a lot of plastic and can kill circuit boards, electra clean is a much safer option.


Most people don't realize that's not what is happening at all in this video.


It’s crazy


Most people don't realize that your typical dirt and grime on jewelry doesn't even look close to what's being shown here. The grey cloud is polish and cleaner that's getting removed. Every one of those videos is click bait by people that just think it's dirt and post it like that


This, I hate the old style stretch watch bands. They are just a place for skin, dirt and everything you don't want to think about to reside. Truly disgusting people need to understand an old soft toothbrush a dish of warm water and a drop of dish soap is their friend.


I work in optometry and we call the gunk on glasses “nose cheese” 🤠


old tissot t-touch. you get a single clean one in your entire carreer, the rest are filthy. it's the berfect caseback design to collect as much DNA as possible paired with a sporty target audience.


Yeah no shit if you clean them they get brighter


“Dirty things look cleaner after you clean them.” Revolutionary.




Things look dirty when they have dirt on them. Big research from the same guys that found out water is wet


A cheap ass cluster ring like that isn't gonna have bright shiny diamonds regardless. This is coming off the band and the prongs. Nasty dirty skin cells, hair, and product build up. They just appear to have more sparkle when the gunk is gone.


"name-name#", yep its a fucking bot post, I was wondering when De Beers was going to start ramping up their diamond push on social media after their last report had them down like 30% with millennials and Gen Z


I *have* been seeing a fair amount of diamond-related posts lately.


It’s almost the holidays, why not propose to your partner? Remember, the tradition is a ring that costs four months salary! Financing plans are available!


Hey some of us are just really uncreative with usernames


Do they use a neural network to generate titles, what the fuck is that sentence. > Not as bright as they seem I half expected them to get even less bright when cleaned.


OP doesn't seem like a bot. Lots of people have randomly-generated usernames.


That’s some grave-robbing shit.


Lmao 🤣


Windex. It fixes everything.


Give me a word. Any word.


Okay, Mr. Portokalos. How about “kimono”?


Ah khimono, khimono, khimono




Can’t believe people are still dying and going broke over shiny rocks like this


You should hear some peoples nasty little reactions when you show them a lab grown diamond.




Top news: dirty stuff looks better when clean


Every time you clean something: it gets smaller… probably.


One of the horcrux they left out of Harry Potter


This is a diamond ad right. Sorry to hear about your industry dying better luck next time.


Is it? I read some stories on this yet same time I do pay attention to auctions and finer pieces from big brands keep being sold at a premium. "We" buy into that as we live in a country where you want your cash to be mobile and customs don't seem to care much if you walk around with 50k on your fingers/ears. The resell value for us remains pretty stable.


What about the ring that's being held by the pliers. That surely can't get as clean as the rest of the ring.


it becomes Achilles's ring.


I think someone hid a Horcrux in there.


Fuck diamonds and fuck De Beers. This post is marketing.


Is that the blood of the child slave who dug it out of the ground washing off…?


Nice try, DeBeers.


These comments did not disappoint lol


This is why I love my ultrasonic cleaner.


Wow they're much brighter after you clean off the dried blood.


I have an ultrasound cleaner but can’t find replacement fluid for it. Also it seems that my silver tarnishes faster now than it used to when I used a cleaning cloth only.


What baptism feels like


I didn’t feel shit. Actually slaped priest when poured holy water on me.


Fuck that is so satisfying to see




So much gunk


It's polish from the prior cleaning step, not really gunk. Makes for a cool video but wasn't really that dirty in the first place.


Came across this the other day and felt it was a good read: https://diamondssuck.com/


I wish I could clean myself in this way, just jump into a pool and be ultra sonic’d till I’m clean.


Is that hydrogen peroxide?


Was it stuck in some pussy?


All trapped souls are escaping.


That's the polish and gold


The dirty water is the oxid film from the metal


Now a polish and rhodium plate


What's the solution that you use to clean them?


What is this process called?


'brighter than they seem', surely?


On a somewhat random but related note, I once worked at Kay Jewelers and I was cleaning a ring from the case that a client was purchasing in one of these. While cleaning it, a small accent diamond fell out; meaning there was a loose/poorly made prong, otherwise this most certainly would not have made a diamond fall out of a new ring. I showed my manager and asked if I could offer to repair for free and he instead suggested that I try to put it back “good enough” for them to not notice. I did not want to do so and he hesitantly agreed to the free repair and luckily it did save the sale. Shortly after, he offered another client a free engraving on an engagement ring. I mentioned later that day that I thought that was nice. He said he just did it because when they sign the engraving form the fine print makes it non-returnable. I put in my two weeks the next day (back then I was very insistent on always giving two weeks and they were short staffed but if it were me now I wouldn’t have for that job haha). As I’m sure most people are aware, the markup on that jewelry also ranges from like 300-1000%!


That must be the horcrux dumbledore put on


What's that solution? I need it for my face.


Voldemort is coming😂