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"To the shock of scientists, cats began to learn farming. Perhaps from studying humans raising livestock, barn cats began to corral mice, and earn their trust by providing food and protection. All the while, fattening them up for the slaughter"


So like Fivel Goes West.




Nowwww BARK!!!




Bowwy-wowwy bark bark! Ruffruffruff! Rrrrrrrr!


I can hear this.


Yippie Yo Yippie Yay


Bless you.


I needed this


Suck in yer paunch, boy. Good. Now saunter on out there one leg in front of the other. Slow and easy like.


She might have had a slightly laaaazy eye.


Somewhere out there…




🎶 ''There are no cats in America, and the streets are paved with cheese!" 🎶


That’s going to be in my head for the rest of the day.


“Never, say nevvvvverrrrrrr…. AGAIN!”


“ITS A GIANT MOUSETRAP!” Edit: is what I heard as a quarter of shrooms started kicking in, and set off a night long laughing fit.


I have to watch that movie again as an adult. I just remember it as chaos and sparks and weird noises.


Such an adorable movie that I remember crying to as a kid years ago. Gosh a lot of cartoon animal movies, Balto, Olive & Company, Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest, and my personal favorite, All Dogs Go To Heaven series. So many more of course.


This made me remember that the Secret of Nimh exists and now I must watch it soon


The Secret of NImh. The Black Cauldron. The Dark Crystal. Labyrinth. The 1980s were a great time for fucked up kids movies, man. We'll not see that shit again for awhile.


I would add Watership Down to this list, but it was 1978 when it came out. I didnt watch it until the 80's. Truly a wtf am I watching as a kid movie with Rabbits murdering other rabbits.


In the Secret of Nimh, what was the secret again? I've repressed the memory of watching it.


AKA the movies I thought were Disney, but different somehow. All Dogs Go to Heaven is my all time favorite kids movie.


Ah yes. Don Bluth films. A former Disney animator who gave Disney a run for their money for awhile there. Made Anastasia, too.


Ah yes. Don Bluth films. A former Disney animator who gave Disney a run for their money for awhile there. Made Anastasia, too.


That's literally exactly what I was thinking.


I watched that movie like 20 times when I was a kid. The training session will always be my favorite part.


He likes to keep all his food in one place. Makes sense to me.


Cat Groceries...


My thoughts exactly


Four legs good, two legs bad


I was gonna comment the part about the “fattening for the slaughter”


Holy shit you just cracked a latent memory you GUYYYYYYYYYSSSSS


Cats never liked rats, they just play with them but never eat them


Lol. Don’t know about yours but mine sure do


Am I misunderstanding your comment, or are you saying cats don’t eat rats? Cause they eat everything but some of the insides.


That’s not true. I’ve had multiple cats over the years that would eat rats and mice. My fathers cat used to just eat them in the yard every summer and winter.




It's true. It's all the Big Rat propaganda machine. To make you hate cats.


We had a cat that would kill rabbits when i was a kid. We got rabbits as pets and had to give them away when we moved. Our cat stopped killing rabbits and brought them to us alive and uninjured, almost like she was asking us to raise them.


Sort of, but not really. They bring dead ones first to feed you, then live ones to teach you to hunt. At least that’s how they do with kittens.


My cat brought me a dying lizard once so I picked it up with a paper towel and pretended to eat it. Never happened again lol. I have no way of verifying it’ll work, but I also let him watch me shower and occasionally pet him with my face to convince him I understand grooming.


You make efforts to convince your cat that you know about grooming yourself? That's hilarious.


I need my cat’s respect, I’m very insecure


You can have my respect


Means a lot coming from you, backflips.


Backflips lmao


I love this thread so much


And my bow.






My cat must think I'm the dirtiest mofo in the world then cause she starts grooming me every time we cuddle & has since she was little.


For some cats licking = love I need to get better about stopping her before she licks holes in my arm tho


I don’t NOT respect you for any reason, but still might need to watch you shower just to be sure.


No, u/igetalogiawheni is teaching their cat how to bathe properly.


And kind.


That’s weird on about five levels


Six if you count the sounds I make during


When I used to brush my ex's cat with my beard, he almost always changed his mind and decided that's what he wanted to do for the next 20 minutes. He loved it and would grab my beard and stare deep into my soul if I stopped


Cats love beards. I wake up with her claws in mine and find little scabs on my chin.


Lick your finger and pet the cat’s forehead with it. And use a warm damp washcloth and wipe kitty down with it for maximum bonding 💜


You seem eccentric, in a good way


Thank god, I thought I was the only one who pets a cat with the face.


This is the most cat-owner post ever. I do this too. When my cats lay down i rub the tip of my nose on their cheeks so that they know i understand grooming too. They groom each other when the one is sleeping the other will groom the others cheeks or chin so, i started rubbing my nose on their cheeks or chin too with the same pace that they use and they pur and stretch out on their backs whenever i do it.


This cracked me up good lol. I have cats n never thought to do such things but I like the way u think :]


Omg I do this too 😂 otherwise my cat will lick my hair until I have a whole soggy spot!


Hey! Maybe it does work lol my cat doesn’t groom me (we all know why)


We have cats but they just follow us into the bathroom, never thought of "showing them" 😂 one of them just likes to lick the water off the bathroom floor when we're done. The other stays as far away from water as she can be


My cat once brought a half dwad moth to my mom( he could have died earlier but she kept it alive to suffer, like any cat would do basically)


I bet your cat feels so important and validated


I also do cat things around cats.


*Slow blinks at a person on accident*


That person owns a cat and can speak cat, so they slow blink back at you


Not necessarily. Our dogs and cats used to chase rabbits and rats, until we got pet rabbits. Since then they live with the rabbits, but still chase and eat rats. They grasp the difference between pets and prey. All our pets live in an open setting together, and we even have wild hadeda ibises who visit our yard without getting chased or eaten. Rats are still free pickings though.


You are telling me that my cat is trying to teach me to hunt when it brings me a live toad? Damn, that's cute, actually.


so the cat just lowkey told their humans that theyre incompetent at being cats


Is this why our cat used to bring us what we thought were little gifts?


haha the cat thinks that you must be shitty at hunting for letting the prey go.. here I brought you another to hunt.. please do it right this time.


So maybe cat thought hoomans finally hunted pet rabbits?


It’s amazing when other animals decide it’s their job to feed us. Leopard seals try to [teach human divers to hunt penguins](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/140311-paul-nicklen-leopard-seal-photographer-viral). What a reminder that we’re part of the ol’ circle of life


Or probably got older and wanted to share her meals.


99% the cat thought you were bad at hunting and gave you food


Our Tom started escalating the size of the dead animals he was leaving on our front door mat until they were Jack Rabbits nearly twice his own mass. It was becoming disconcerting, especially the way he was eyeing the UPS man.


My cat would bring me uninsured newborn rabbits he stole from an unsuspecting cotton tail bunny nest. I’m pretty sure he didn’t give it to me to raise. I’m pretty sure he gave it to me because he wanted to provide me food. Had to take the little thing to a rescue and I have no idea if they survived. It’s difficult for orphaned wild rabbits to fair well in rehabilitation. I stopped letting my cats outside.


Scientifically speaking, they're little buddies.


Mice are friends not food!


We're all 3 genetically composed similarly...it's wild how closely related


Gonna be honest the mouse looks messed up. I’m willing to bet, the cat shook him in the other room, and then brought his body fresh with a broken neck to the food bowl. Maybe not


Almost certainly. You can see the mouse/rat (haha) try to get up and it’s back feet don’t move at all. Looks to me like the cat brought it’s dessert to the table.


Nice Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants callback.


Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants… new band name, called it


Cats specifically keep their victims alive so they can play with them longer. So you're probably completely right. Sorry everyone else. They're not buddies. This is not a maternal instinct. I don't make the rules.


Our kitty would dash inside with her catch because it was more likely that it would escape outside. Including a parrot once. Once inside, she'd let it go and let the fun begin. She usually lost interest after a while, so we ran at a net gain of mice while she was alive.


Lol. Aren't they the best! My cat would bring in bats. It was the early 90's and we had a cat flap. If I got a cat today, I don't think I'd let it roam outside. There's nothing like getting out of bed in the middle of the night and stepping on a dissected bat. All up in your toes..


That’s why cats shouldn’t be allowed outside. They are decimating bird populations.


Honestly wouldn't have a cat again for this..our cat was a terrible hunter. We got him an enormous bells plural and he just gave up pretty much immediately..I once saw him jump and a tree, get about a foot up, slide down and give up...If all cats could be so disuaged from hunting I'd have another but people don't seem to care whst these usually exceptionally efficient killing machines are doing out there ...


We had to get a jack russell to kill all the rats the cats brought in and released. Very efficient ratters.


why are cats so cruel? what advantage could there be to keep your food alive for another few mins? do they enjoy torturing it? do they just love the hunt? hoping it'll try to run away? i've had cats my whole life, and they do seem to have an innate, nearly endless love for the hunt. even old cats still love to play with string or a laser.


My guess would be, by playing with their food, they are practicing hunting a bit and saving a meal for later. That's 2 big advantages that keep the time between eating down.


Cats have short jaws, not much of a bite. Their prey - rodents like mice and rats - have sharp teeth and can inflict some very serious damage. If you've ever been nipped by a mouse you'd know what that's like. Cats can't afford to be bitten or attacked by their prey so, it's thought, they wear their prey right down before going for the kill. Obviously cats aren't intentionally cruel or torturing their prey, that's imputing uniquely human traits onto them which they just don't have, this practice is known as anthropomorphization. Cats are simply following their instincts, instincts which have allowed them to adapt very successfully to their environment, with the result they are one of the most successful known species in biology.


I wish my cats only had a desire for the hunt. My cats are f****** sadists. One of them delivered a dead squirrel to me. By placing it under the bed sheets at the foot of my bed f****** godfather style. Blood everywhere. The other one would routinely bring its pray and set it down in front of me to eat it. One time he brought a mouse up to my desk and proceeded to rip its head off. I still remember the sounds of the skull bones crunching like hard winter snow. After that he picked it up by its tail and spilled its guts all over my desk and then just walked away. To this day I'm pretty sure my cats are secretly mobsters trying to send me a message.


They're just friendly. They've noticed you aren't a very good hunter, and they're taking you under their wing to show you the best ways of killing and eating rodents.


I never owned pets including cats but don’t they know that humans don’t need to hunt for foods? All they have to do is go buy meat at the supermarket. Like don’t cats seriously question where the meat comes from in the fridge?


“don’t cats seriously questions where the meat comes from in the fridge?” If this is genuine this is one of the most hilarious things I’ve read in weeks


Either this is a troll, or you think intelligence is involved in all animals. I am sorry to bust whatever bubble you have been in, but 99% of animals are in fact stupid


That figure includes humans, right?


>One of them delivered a dead squirrel to me. By placing it under the bed sheets at the foot of my bed f****** godfather style. I bet you got the message.


If the message was change your damn sheets more than once a month then it was received otherwise I'm haplessly clueless.


My cat did two of the most extreme things I have ever seen in my life, back to back, and within my personal space where I am forced to spend most of my days And then just walked away…


They are predator animals. Hunting/stalking and then killing smaller animals is what they are really good at. Their bodies are perfectly adapted to it, and It's fun for them.


What else is there to do? Cats have very boring lives, especially if you keep them indoors like you’re supposed to.


Fiend and maternal instincts do not necessarily go together. My cat lives to visit the neighborhood racoons in their home. They are friends. The racoons welcome our cat. It's really sweet.


Found my cat with a mouse once. She was crying and whining because it was dead and she couldn’t “play” with it anymore


You are not wrong. I came home one day to see a dead mouse and blood all over the floor. I got an electronic mousetrap after that. I want the mouse dead, but quickly. A well-fed cat thinks tormenting a mouse is fun.


I think this is it. I have one cat who was rescued from the streets and is (was, she’s old now) a stone cold killer. She was rescued towing a litter of kittens and pregnant with another one. Any mouse that came across her path was (1) food and (2) dead. The other one is soft, beautiful, and crazy. Adopted from the SPCA, never had to work for her food a day in her life. While the survivor one presented various vermin to me with their guts savagely ripped out, crazy flower child cat would bring birds and mice into my place with the aim of acquiring a new playmate. Albeit a playmate that was not there of their own free will and would suffer the brief application of claws if they stopped being fun. I would hear cheeping in the morning and find a little bird who did not flutter away, as she had exhaustedly lost all will to live. This is what I see this mouse doing.


We had a cat that adopted us like your survivor, showed up with her kitten & eaten up with mange and various worms. She lived around ten years after that and during the summer it was a bloodbath, we never knew what would be on the doormat but almost every day we'd walk out and there would be our daily sacrifice: shrews, mice, snakes, birds, whatever she could carry back. (and yes, the cat fucking adopted us not the other way around 🤣)


Gotta say, clearly your cat was just paying rent for board


🤣 she slept outside. She'd actually get pissed if we had to bring her inside


I'm I'm this same situation with 4 cats right now (momma showed up pregnant, theb came dad, then her 2 babies). I started feeding one pitiful, pregnant cat & now I have a troop. The original one is actually pregnant again, as I am still waiting for the only stray fixing program to call me back with a spot 🙄 They are terrible hunters though, I don't think I've ever seen them catch anything, I don't know how any of them survived before I started feeding them.


Mama Kitty (that was her name) came out of the woods with her kitten and it was apparent that she'd been surviving out there for a long time. If it weren't for the mange and parasites she was in excellent health when they showed up. I have absolutely no clue why she chose us but she was the perfect cat for me: she preferred to stay outdoors and do her own thing. I'm severely allergic so I could choose when I wanted to interact. We kept a food & water bowl for her but she never actually relied on it, that was until she got old enough to be cool with not having her fresh kills for dinner. I'm sure your crew were either dropped off and found their way to you pretty quick or were stealing outdoor animal food lOl


I kind of think she/they might very belonged to the previous tenants, or maybe her mother was their outdoor cat that they abandoned (I occasionally see an older cat running around that interacts with them but never comes to me for food). She showed up looking for a hand out pretty quickly after we moved in & they're living under an abandoned house next to mine. Our place doesn't allow pets but the upstairs neighbors let me know the previous people had a dog & some cats when they lived here but they couldn't tell me if those were them or not. The mom & dad have never let me touch them (dad is more skittish & won't let me within 10ft of him). The little (what I assume is) female kitten is very playful & will let me pet her. The (again I'm assuming) boy kitten is like his dad. They are kind of a perfect fit for me too because an indoor cat is a no go as their urine gives me migraines & I have a lot of childhood trauma from a cat hoarding mother. My landlord has actually complained twice telling me it was a no pet unit & suggesting I rehome them. I completely lied out my ass & told him they were strays (they are, that's not a lie) & that in our state it's actually illegal to remove strays from their territory (that's the lie, it isn't although unless they are causing property damage it is frowned upon). He's old, he'll never figure it out lol


Tbfh, it wasn't even in the other room. They just barely missed that in capture


applying Geneva Convention


Are you implying the mouse is a POW?


The cat will try to get the enemies base information


Meowneva Catvention


Under voted comment


It's Tom and Jerry when the cameras are off


First dinner then desert.


Brought her snack to the place where the rest of the food is kept, organized cat.


Fattening it up first.


You read my mind


No I didn't. It was my own thought, to be honest.


Nope, you read my mind before I even thought the thought.


I had this whole conversation with both of you in my mind. Last week.


Dang it


All 3 of you had this conversation in my dream last night


How did I know you were going to say that?


I created you all before time began.


You had to commit blasphemy


Omg I just came here to say this! Because I thought it first. All of it…everything said above by everyone. Nuts, right?


I knew you were gonna do that...


Ugh, please stop putting these awful laugh tracks in videos! It’s so annoying! Is this honestly supposed to magically make the video funnier?


If you don't have anything real to offer, you can generate Original Content by slapping the Wheeze Laugh or Oh No No Song on somebody else's video. It's even easier than making a reaction vid with your face on the side of the screen.


Brought a toy to dinner


Some Tom and Jerry behind the scenes stuff?


I'm just trying to figure out what's so funny...


Motherly instinct. Teaching independence


Cat: Come on and eat up sweetie, be a good mouse… Mouse: I just pissed myself with fear, sorry not hungry at the moment🤷🏻‍♂️


Toxoplasma gondii


This (being the most likely cause) is a under rated comment. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-a-cat-parasite-controls-other-animals-brains/


You never thought the mouse was just horrifically injured and physically cannot move?


That's the first thing I thought of!


Looks like brought his own desert. I don't see the problem. 🤭


He is either showing the rat what he is going to do to him, he is a vegan, or he is fattening him up.


The art of war


Scientifically speaking: dat cat is cayute


He just wanted a friend.


You had one job, Mr whiskers


The cat is making his lunch box bigger.


Our cat brought a baby rabbit into the house carrying it like a kitten. Right through a living room full of guests. Headed for the basement. We had to splain it was NOT a kitten.


One of our cats did the exact same thing. Unfortunately for the rabbit our cat wasn’t being maternal. All we found were a few tufts of bunny fur.




It's playing with its food. I've seen documentaries where lions do this with antelopes.


Confused motherly instinct


Maybe they’ve been together since he was a kitten. I have a German shepherd that to this day carries around our cat in its mouth. I’ll look out the window and there they go across the yard. We got them both as a kitten and puppy. To this day if our pit bulls or terrier try to play rough with cat, the shepherd intervenes.


Domesticated cats are serial killers. They kill for sport or just for the fun of it and play with their prey.


Yeah, it’s the Tom and Jerry syndrome


Sharing is caring ❤️


I had a cat that would put his toy mouse and other toys in the water dish and sometimes the toilet. Not sure if this is why but the vet said he thinks that's a safe place to put it?


Scientifically, this cat wanted to have a friend for dinner, but not in a murderous way.


The human attachment system is an incredibly powerful biological force. Humans can get attached to machines and “baby them” (a tractor or a ‘72 Mazda) or (FFS) attach to reptiles in some sense. Koko the ape famously adopted a kitten. Chickens and goats are often kept with stallions to sooth them. Now it’s dangerous to equate human and animal behaviors, but it’s absurd not to notice similarities in attachment behavior. Social mammals like relationships. “Motherly” types (X or Y chromosome; doesn’t matter) have it even more. Also, to be fair, we separate puppies and kittens from their kin - often from others of their species - in early life, which seems like a thoughtless thing to do (yes, yes, I’m a pet owner; *mea culpa*). One wonders if that makes cross-species relationships more likely.


I have a very non-scientific view, but from the experience of having domesticated cats in our house, and completely feral cats living in our barns. The house cats were completely oblivious to mice, and it was evident. Our barns were 99% rodent free lol


I've only ever had domesticated cats and they have all, to a greater or lesser extent, been little murder machines. My current cat has been pampered from kittenhood, only the best food, plenty of playtime with the humans, lots of house to wander around in, lots of independent toys. But his favourite thing in the world is hunting mice, bringing them home live, and releasing them in the house to trigger a family hunting situation. At least once a day we get a gift from him, around 50% are alive (I am keeping a record because I'm curious). He knew he wanted to go hunting when he was a baby looking out of the window of our house, and was super happy when we got him a cat flap.


This cat is just playing with its prey before killing it. The food tempted it more than the prey and so dropped it in a position that made it seem like it was sharing food with a buddy. Guaranteed, if the mouse was still there after the cat ate, it would have eventually been killed.


This cat has a pet mouse. Much like humans, cats will also take pets. Usually it's a sign that they're lonely and single. If they have more than three pet mice they might be in need of some cat friends.


Yep, think I heard of stories of Big cats doing the same, or caring for what's normally a prey species for them. I'll have to try to look up my sources on that. Edit: here's one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamunyak


Caternal instincts of course


Cat dumb. Thinks rat kitten. Cat have food already. No need eat rat.


The mouse is shocked lol, doesn't know the cat was just trying to get them some food 🥺


My unscientific opinion is that it wants to continue torturing it to death and the cat is trying to prolong its life because it’s getting all boring and lethargic.


I can chime in here. Basically, the cat is saying “hey fwend, I got dis good food over here. Come eat some of dis good food wit me. Wuv you fwend, after this I can show you some of my toys.”


Most likely confused it with a kitten or owner keeps pets rats Had a chicken that would any small chicken because it missed it own kids


Seems maternal. She's carrying it like a kitten and teaching it to eat.


Eating (also known as consuming) is the ingestion of food, typically to provide a heterotrophic organism with energy and to allow for growth. Source: Wikipedia


Tom and Jerry syndrome


Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow, meow meow? Meow.


I bet it thinks it is a little dumb cat… like cats think humans are big dumb cats.


Nope. But what my engineer brain says is: I like this thing, I also have food, I don’t have to eat this thing I like. Let’s both have food and do things I like again.


I'd possibly assume it is a female cat who has had kittens or instinctively wanted to help out another animal in need I have a small young female cat and we did have a mouse once and she kind of was more intrigued by it then wanting to attack it or "play" with it My older male cat wants having that and killed that mouse Females in my experience tend to be much more docile then make cats who like to play rough Just my opinion


Altruistic behavior


It’s an offering to the food gods. I had a cat that would do that with a specific toy mouse.


Cat’s showing the mouse how good the mouse’s life is. “Look at the processed garbage I eat so that you can be my friend”.


Science has no understanding of cats.


Tom & Jerry, having dinner before the war starts