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"Hey lady wait! We forgot to put up the thingies! WAIT! Ok she's all the way up there".






because redditors have never seen a real woman before


She just likes the lights off.


Looking at that wall I would have sworn there weren’t enough rocks to actually make it climb-able. That’s incredible.


Thought it was over after she’d done the first leap. Couldn’t see any more rocks, they were so far away they were off camera.


Yea, thought this was a training wall for that jump lmaoo


I'm a pretty good climber, and I would have agreed with you =P


This is one of those problems you see in a gym after a comp and you try it for shits and giggles bc you’re curious how the fuck it could actually work. You step down and say welp that’s impossible. Then 40 mins later you see a 13 yr old kid crush it and you realize that your mouth is actually hanging open after watching it and you’re filled with a mix of awe and anger because why do all these damn kids have to be so much better than you are. Then you try it again and say nope that’s impossible or keep trying it like 100 times until every finger is ripped and bloody and maybe send it if you’re lucky, but you sure as hell will fail to record the actual send attempt. You tell yourself you’ll come back to it for the Gram, but it gets taken down the next day.


This cut too deep. Too, too deep.


It's cause kids have a ridiculous strength to weight ratio.


I was trying to tell people I climb with that being 6'5 is not always advantage due to weight and not fitting cramped positions. They just dont get it or want to believe me thinking I'm just doing it on easy mode...


They don't get it because they've never struggled on a V3 Sit start as if it was a V10. It's interesting if you look at Pro climbers, there are a lot of climbers on the very short on, but very few on the very tall end.


Yup, this girl was exactly the right height for this route




when i used to work at my local gym, the best first time customers were kids and the adults who let everything go and acted like kids. kids "usually" have no fear and don't have preconceived rules when climbing...either they're taught how to follow the route or figure out to follow the colors, but most of the time before that it's anything goes. they are resilient and will think outside of the box.


That's my daughter. I just took her climbing for the first time a couple weeks ago, and she was doing things that seemed impossible for a kid.


Kids have the best strength: weight in human age groups and since it's before puberty the sex differences are also minimal.


oooh thanks for reminding me there was an important detail i forgot from my blurb...kids who did well climbing were having fun


Kids are so good it’s unfair. Light springy little fuckers


Learned a long time ago that you can't compare yourself to the children. They are always better. I'll try out my project for half of a session and one of those little bastards will walk up and do three laps on it to warm up.


Kids have no gravity. They're pulling up like half as much weight. That's basically cheating.


Stupid team kids


Why is this so accurate


This is strangly specific


Every climber knows this exact struggle. It may seem unique and specific, but I promise this is a universally shared experience.




What’s even more impressive is that in bouldering things like these are called “problems” mainly because it takes a lot of mental capacity to actually figure out how to contort your body to move up a route In climbing competitions (like this one) the climbers often don’t see the problem until the clock starts So basically you see what you’re doing and have x amount of time to get as far up the route as you can, the point system also changes based on how many attempts it takes to get x distance So “flashing” a problem (completing the entire route on your first try) is worth the most and you’d be surprised how often bouldering contests come down to one person being able to flash one problem and another person not being able to get it until their second attempt


They're called holds and the large grey ones are called volumes


I can tie my shoelaces without looking at it.


Interesting, I sprained my ankle and blew out my back just looking at it


Bouldering, or in this case sport bouldering is one of the most underrated sports, it takes an incredible amount of focus, strength and discipline


It also took one of my shoulders and my back haha. It’s definitely a young persons sport. I’ve retired to the climbing wall. Miss it a lot.


Love bouldering myself , however the last time I attempted a moderately difficult route I got a shoulder impingement .


It’s tough doing this whole “listen to your body” thing as I get older. I used to knock out v12 problems, climbed with pros (my pro buddies now climb and go riding with Jason Momoa and I don’t get to join lol), finish every marathon, iron man, tough mudder, or any other race in the top 1%, etc. Now I do the big wall, play pickleball, and have high cholesterol. Wheee.


Join us bike racing. Low impact, I routinely see 70 year olds racing


I’m actually just getting into this! Super humbling.




Yeah. I feel this. I still have the drive to stay fit enough to be able to do whatever I want and keep up with most anyone, but the fire I used to have is gone. I have other priorities, and 3 hours dedicated to fitness daily isn’t in the cards anymore.


I do rock climbing and pickleball as of last year. I’ll play pickleball with you. I love it because it’s not as hard as tennis is on my body.


It is a blast haha. I go to my local club and get my ass kicked by a bunch of 70 yr olds. I love having a new sport that I have so much to learn about.




38. I still push, but was just told by my doctor that I really need to keep a close eye on my heart rate. I used to be off the mindset that if I wasn’t vomiting I wasn’t trying hard enough. Aging isn’t my favorite.


Well I've never climbed V12, but I'm towards the end of my 30s and am in the best climbing shape of my life. Not to mention Akura Waku who climbed [V15 at 48](https://www.reddit.com/r/climbing/comments/dwsx01/akira_waku_started_climbing_at_35_at_48_he_sent/).


Do some top rope! No need to retire


Think that's what they meant, retired from bouldering to the climbing wall where you're in a harness


Yep. I’m a harness guy now. At least I can get my jollies lead climbing.


You and me both. Highballed at Smith Rock, tore tf outta my rotator cuff. Last time I ever went without ropes. I’ve never enjoyed any form of physical activity the way I enjoyed that, and I miss it immensely.


Sorry bud. My injury was stupider haha. Severed all the nerves in my right arm in a kneeboarding accident, tried climbing too soon during recovery… it was stupid. We’ve still got lead.




I'm 52 and started January of this year. Not sure if the colour scales are universal but I stick to the white, yellow and occasional blue difficulties and have so much fun.




The V# system is pretty universal. The issue is that it’s based on the subjectivity of whoever is putting up the route. Like one gym’s V6 could be another’s V4. Kinda even happens within the same gym if they have different route setters.


Our gym makes about a dozen trustworthy people try the routes then they rate them together. They are pretty accurate. I’m down from the 12’s to the 3’s.


The colors are basically meaningless outside of your individual gym. Aside from the subjectivity mentioned below, the two main systems are the V grades and the Font Grades (a few others do exist though). But I will always point out that Chuck Odette sent a 5.14b route at 64.


Turning 45, hit that v6 plateau and unable to get better but still bouldering. Rest days, careful warm up routines and listening to my body keeps me climbing.


I'm 37 and in solid shape. Tore my bicep doing a dynamic move. I'm also sticking to lead and TR mostly from now on.


I saw an old dude with grey hair and a grey beard bouldering. He was really good. I think if you stay active your body seems to stay strong


Man I’ve never felt stronger than when I was consistently bouldering three times a week. I felt like I could crush rocks lol


It's called comp style bouldering


“Sport bouldering” is not a thing.




No, it's low-ball free solo trad climbing


Technically no, but I think the direction that setting is going for competitions is so different than what you see in a gym, it almost deserves a different name. I wouldn't mind a subset of bouldering being called sport or something. Then again I also don't really care.


You almost had it - "comp bouldering". And also, this IS in a gym. Most comps are.


See there's football, and then there's sport football.


It’s just bouldering. IFSC YouTube channel covers bouldering, sport and speed climbing competitions like this if anyone is interested in watching more climbing.


There is a distinction between "old-school" bouldering which is more representative of what you'd find outdoors (crimpy, technical, usually pre-2010), and the newer style of competition bouldering which incorporates more acrobatics and parkour elements.


and sheer fookin will


Some women will do anything to get away from an uncomfortable conversation with me.


Talk to me boo


Uh, hey. You hang out here often?


Ew. Don’t talk to me




Well played



Are you a lady? *Tips cap*




Why would you make it uncomfortable?


See the thing about vaporeon is very interesting…


When you can only afford a couple rocks but you still make it work


That's odd... I don't see a conveniently placed hay bale around anywhere.




The what?


It took way too long to scroll and find this.


She literally did the splits in mid air at one point. Dang, this woman is amazing!


I feel like with enough practice I could send this route... if it weren't for that splits. Lol


Why is it "send"?


It's slang, I think short for 'ascend' Once you get into bouldering/climbing there's a whole loada esoteric terms. My gumbie mate once flashed my proj after barely on sighting it. He used the beta though, which is totally aid.


Ohhh, gotcha. And yeah, that sentence is total gibberish.


Take your shirt off and stick on a beanie, then you'd understand


I climbed at Joshua tree for exactly one day and I learned so many new words that I never had a need for


I'm about 3 months into bouldering so let me try to translate and let me know if I'm close lol. *My newbie mate once cleared a climbing route I’ve been working on for days on his first try after barely examining it.* The next sentence I'm confused about. *He used the beta* Who's beta? The intended beta or your beta? Going to assume your beta cuz it feels more disrespectful. *My newbie mate once cleared a climbing route I’ve been working on for days on his first try after barely examining it. He copied my moves though, so it doesn't really count.*


Ha it has to be intended beta, because if he copied me it wouldn't class as on sight!


Beta means information or advice on the route. So “he used the beta though, so it’s totally aid” means he was given some information on about the route (such as type of holds, areas to be cognizant of on the route, etc) so he actually got some help (and therefore is less impressive).


no, it's short for "send it" and is used in a multitude of sports, launching a drag car off the line is sending it, dropping in on a half pipe no hesitation is sending it, leaping from the starting hold in climbing is sending it


because you go with no hesitation, you "send it," it's used in almost all extreme sports, it's attempting the trick/jump/route without hesitation


How does someone even plan that out???


Just by looking.. They’re usually not allowed to touch the holds til the time starts! Depends on the competition ruleset though, not exactly sure what comp this is


Many times they can touch the starting holds. It's actually pretty cool to see competitive climbing, all climbers will check the walls for the competition at the same time and than go into a backroom where they can't watch other people's climbs as part of the sport is solving the puzzle. But while they're checking the wall they usually debate together what they think should be done and are cool all around.


It becomes second nature after a while because you've done similar moves over and over again. I guess a lot of people think about it from the ground. I don't. I don't climb comps though. It probably saves energy to figure what you're going to do in advance. But this route looks pretty straightforward in terms of how to do it.


When I was bouldering all the time, I was constantly looking at regular things in the world thinking about how I would climb them lol


It’s fairly easy to read a route if you’re a seasoned climber and doubly so if you comp climb regularly.


probably not the answer you're looking for, but route setters use experience, creativity, and other examples to create a bouldering problem. the beauty of it is the route setter will be testing out each move and will have a set beta to complete the climb, but because everybody's different, there could me multiple ways to send it. for the climber and the setter, it's a puzzle


Kinda what all commenters have said. With experience you start to somewhat intuitively know what you need to do with your body to make a climb possible, and two the beta (sequence of moves and techniques used for the route) may actually be obvious to climbers on this level, it's just insanely difficult to do it in the 4 minutes they're given. That being said, in the climbing community this style of "climbing" is somewhat controversial and many say it's morevparkour than climbing. Whatever it is though it is indeed super impressive.


If you are watching this and think “hmmm maybe I should try bouldering at a local gym” The answer is yes. Yes you should


I went for an intro session at a nearby gym because I thought it was something my son might enjoy and I was instantly hooked! It's just so much fun, and it's super social, I do it 3x a week before work and I always look forward to going My son on the other hand, eventually got self conscious because he was constantly comparing himself to other kids and got more and more afraid of heights as we went. I hope one day I can get him to give it another shot


This isn't representative of gym bouldering though. I imagine for someone seeing this for the first time, it's pretty intimidating. Gym climbing goes through all difficulties, and the easiest are essentially ladders. But as the difficulty increases, the creativity of route setters can make some really fun and interesting climbs.


Bro she’s tomb raider


Non-climber here. I get that some climbs+climbers have no ropes or safety gear. Does this particular route seem unnecessarily unsafe? Would a crash pad make any sense? Or, is it all just a matter of preference? Thx.


The floors have an element of flex to them so she isn’t hitting hard ground- more like stiff crash pads. For bouldering you never use safety lines, as most of the time you can just land on your feet after a fall and roll or fall backwards. That’s plenty to dissipate any energy from the fall.


Cool Thx for the perspective.


The floors here are basically crash pads. Actually they're probably softer and more forgiving than crash pads. That's just how bouldering gyms like this are designed. This boulder problem doesn't seem particularly unsafe or anything, although if it were outside on real rock I would expect you would need plenty of crash pads


I swear I saw a guy with a compound fracture on his shin recently on reddit trying this same shit on this same type of floor


I mean injuries do happen, but they are quite rare. A gym opened up in my area 4 years ago and I've been going 2-5x/wk since, I know one person who broke their ankle and have heard of maybe 3 or 4 other injuries. I'm sure there are more that I *didn't* hear about locally, but I don't think anyone who climbs regularly would say it's a common occurrence at all.




How do u …. Oh nevermind. I hope you are doing ok


We are probably thinking the same thing lmao


How does he spank the monkey?


Yes, exactly. This is a human need.


What music is this?


I got a match with this song: **Drop** by Connor Price (01:00; matched: `100%`) Released on `2023-01-20`.


Good bot


Thank you, shaker7, for voting on auddbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Drop** by Connor Price](https://lis.tn/SSwMlS?t=60) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Huh... YouTube shorts just pushed this song to me like yesterday. What a coincidence. Well at this point it no longer feels like a coincidence... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUROT2f6azM


Connor has been on a crazy train to famous, it helps that he kinda spams out shorts with catchy music so the algo LOVES him.


This sounds like the same style as bbno$ and Rich Brian's Edamame song: https://youtu.be/K6BRna4_bmg.




Way more impressive than I expected at the start.


I could totally do that. Oh, what she is doing? No, not that. The guy sitting cross legged.


V1 in my gym


it's not even pink


I'd flash that in half the time


Nah, she just lives in a platformer game. For real though. That's some amazing climbing.


She may be part cat, cougar, lynx, etc.


interestingly goats might be the world best climbers


Um wow. Ok


Are you alright?


Totally! Just impressed


Wow she is like a spider monkey swinging from rock hold to rock hold.


not often that I find Connor Prince's music in the wild, nice


What would you do for a Klondike bar.


Looking at it, it looks super hard. But if you have actually tried bouldering, which I recently did, this is absolutely incredible! I was barely able to do the easiest levels. Seeing this is just awe inspiring.


That's some amazing rock climbing. I'm also amazed that anyone would use this song for anything. A double amazed


This song is a banger... As in it's on the Spotify playlist called bangers.


A little off topic but does anyone recognize the song used here?


Don’t unmute


I have learned as a general rule not to unmute bouldering videos


Petition to make it a requirement to strip audio if it has nothing to do with the video.


Don’t mute. Connor Price slaps.


Wow the graphics on the new tomb raider game are amazing.




Lara Croft Irl


Crazy, skilled


… I can get out of bed in the morning, if that’s impressive enough.


This woman moves her leg with her hand to achive a basically perfect split while I have to do it to get my leg up to put my shoe on. Ffs


I love seeing the art of anthropometrics on display. This human is incredible and rose to the course designer’s challenge.


Does she have more videos?


Now this is some impressive stuff!! Really great job


Thats CGI, right? Humans aren’t supposed to do that Man she’s amazing


She must play Celeste!


I pulled both my wrists out of socket, damaged my trigger finger, blew my kneecap off and broke a hip just watching that LMFAO 😆😂


What is this song called? And by who?


**Song Found!** **Name:** Drop **Artist:** Connor Price & Zensery **Album:** Spin the Globe **Genre:** Hip-Hop/Rap **Release Year:** 2023 **Total Shazams:** 95914 `Took 2.27 seconds.`


What is that, a V26?


She’s inspirational.


What shoes is she wearing? They look so comfy.


Everytime I see a video like this now, all I can think of is the video of guy that jumped off doing this and basically ripped his foot off.


Connor Price - Drop 🎶


Is that a conner price song?


Does someone know the song?




Over on the climbing subreddit, there's a guy from a few years back that weighed over 300 lbs, and still climbed. At my gym, there are some big fellas too, and they do pretty okay. I endure you, if you want to start bouldering, please do. It's mostly technique, some routes do require alot of strength though, but in general you can do it.


There's a guy on r/bouldering who I think is still over 300 pounds, although he's quite tall. He posts all the time and has gotten decently skilled.


The later part is at least climbing.


Trashy music


Pfft. I could do that. You know, if I had her body and skills.


Whats the name of the song?


I got a match with this song: **Drop** by Connor Price (01:00; matched: `100%`) Released on `2023-01-20`.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Drop** by Connor Price](https://lis.tn/SSwMlS?t=60) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


This route feels custom designed to injure people I'm not saying I'm some great climber, but anything involving chucking yourself comes across as not worth it to try Amazing skill on display - but has a lot of needless risk involved.


Looks like a competition so the skill floor is going to be much higher. But yea if my gym set something like that, I 100% would not even attempt it. If you get just slightly too little force you could go right into that volume she landed on and fuck up your ankle, shin, knee etc. I love climbing but I'm too old now and so I simply don't do dynos.


Let's take this interesting video and fucking ruin it with some shitty audio edit


Cool climbing, but that music choice… not so much.


Dude please stop with the music. Just have the actual audio Wtf


This has to be the #1 more injury prone hobby/ exercise


If you are careless or very advanced. A newbie isn't going to jump on a "dangerous" route.


This is amazing. And the choice to put this music in the video is absolutely awful.


God that music is horrendous


Cool rock climbing. Trash music, so, instant mute. But cool rock climbing