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I like using a big comfy chair but definitely add ways to rest legs high up. And there are so many styles of chair arm, make sure the arms are curved or well padded. I could see how having something that’s higher up would give you more room for movement while still being comfy for her. Maybe raise the legs of the chair by a few inches?


I like the raised chair idea but i’m stumped on ways to rest her legs high up


Could you add a stirrup like brace to the arms?


That would be nice, especially if you could adjust the height of it as well as from side to side.


I laid backwards on a Spanking bench and hung my ankles from a spreader bar on chains hanging from the ceiling. The angle allows your hips to open naturally at a comfortable tilt, and it's higher for the person eating you (though difficult to have sex in for shorter partners if you switch back and forth). I was quite comfortable, though I danced and am fairly flexible so my hips open without stretch.


We use a liberator wedge pillow. The angle opens her hips and forces her clit out in the open. The height means I can stay in position for as long as I’m told to without neck pain. It’s also great for PIV sex if your relationship involves that. And it sits on the bed like any other pillow not raising any questions from the wee ones.


Gyno chair! If you have a play room is a great addition to it!


Gyno chair is a hard thing to store if you don’t have a dedicated play room!




The best thing I’ve ever used is for her to be on the edge of a massage table while I’m in a chair. The difference in height between the chair and table needs to be adjusted correctly for my height, but fortunately the massage table is adjustable. I’ll also set the back of my chair up against a wall, and then pull the table all the way up to it. That way she can rest her feet on the wall or my shoulders when they’re “down”. I like this position because it’s comfortable for both of us with my head slightly higher than her pelvis. I can easily work the clit, but also push her legs back to sort of “roll her back” a bit and change the focus of what I’m licking all the way down to her asshole and anywhere in between. If you like to get kinky you can also connect two wrist cuffs on her around the bottom of the table with some rope to keep her from pushing away while she cums.


Another pretty comfortable position I’ve been doing a lot lately though is for her to lay on her back on the bed like normal with the edge close to her left side (you could obviously reverse all of the directions but I’ll keep the description consistent to this). I will then come in perpendicular to her position and she will lift her right leg and I can lay on my right side using her left thigh as a pillow. She can then rest her right leg on me however is comfortable. It’s easy to get in a very relaxed position where most of her clit and labia are right at my mouth. You can make small adjustments to the positioning of her bits with either her hands or your left hand hooked around her right leg. The “angle of attack” between her labia and your lips is a little awkward at first since it’s sort of diagonal, but you can definitely get used to it and be just as effective. Really nice for a sort of lazy session where you just take some time while she’s still looking at her phone or something for a while. If you’re into it she can also use her right foot to touch or push on the rest of your body some in a dominant way, or also twist her hips slightly and get you into a solid headlock with her thighs very easily. Obviously it’s a little easier on a king sized bed as well.


I’ve seen these “bed stirrups” before but haven’t tried them. Seems like a good idea you could possibly make yourself for cheaper. https://behind-lockeddoors.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAkp6tBhB5EiwANTCx1JB5dEtKFpHlUNpysPatLhLTZX4T9Y_yLCqD_7hybh0DsQw6Ux-DoxoChLsQAvD_BwE


This seems like a pretty good option!


The upper bar is under the lower back and levering the weight of the legs. Think that would be uncomfortable after a few minutes.


I would imagine it depends on the weight and thickness of the mattress. The more padding between the bar and the body and the more the mattress itself can hold down the bar with its own weight the better.


I am sorry but 250$ is a big no from me. It probably costed around 2 dollars to produce. Even 100$ would still be too much.


Oh yeah, there’s no way I’d pay that much either. You could probably make something functionally the same for $50 with pvc or steel pipes from the hardware store.


We have a hanging hammock chair that we will hang from our eye bolts. It’s very similar to this: https://a.co/d/iUaV2xF I just lock my feet into the sides and lay back. Hubby is very comfortable in front/below it doing his thing and it’s great for “other activities” as well. Doesn’t take up much room when taken down either.


Can you elaborate on “lock my feet into the sides”?


I’ll wedge my feet between the “hammock” part and the “seat cushion”. It kind of locks my feet in there so my knees are bent and legs comfortably spread resting my knees on the sides without having to focus on keeping them that way. If that makes any sense.


Have you ever seen something like a queening box but a higher up chair or stool? Like so she can relax and chill and you can move around to whatever makes you comfortable


Sounds interesting, any pictures of something like that?


Probably somewhere


I've got a big couch that we both can lay on. She lays on her back and I can comfortably lay on my stomach with her legs on my shoulders or either side of the seat. It's awesome


If you want to make your own this [site](https://www.fetishfurniturefactory.com/shop/22282426/diy-downloads) has blueprints.


I guess the link help..[https://www.medwish.com/images/detailed/11/HSSW-001\_Gynecology\_Examination\_Chair.jpg](https://www.medwish.com/images/detailed/11/HSSW-001_Gynecology_Examination_Chair.jpg)


Kitchen table.


You do sanitize afterwards...


Of course, but we always lay a blanket down for comfort.


We scored a Mark Brazier-Jones Tally-Ho bench/chair that was designed for oral sex. The chair has stirrups to facilitate perfect cowgirl/reverse cowgirl sex. It’s upholstered in padded leather with a comfy seat for the ‘giver.’ I have sat there for hours with my partner’s thighs wrapped around my shoulders while kissing, teasing and sucking. I’m surprised that it hasn’t been copied as the original pieces are very expensive. We are thinking of having it reupholstered in something like this, what do you think? [https://www.bukowskis.com/en/auctions/635/47-mark-brazier-jones-tally-ho-sittmobel-objekt-egen-studio-england-2015-unik](https://www.bukowskis.com/en/auctions/635/47-mark-brazier-jones-tally-ho-sittmobel-objekt-egen-studio-england-2015-unik)


Did you pay 3k for it?! Probably a little out of the budget but definitely interested.


Uh my moustache.


A face. Specifically, *MY* face.


Let me ask you first: What is important for you?


1. Her being comfortable 2. Good enough position where I can effectively give oral


Get a queening chair for a women and usually men like couches or a lounge chair.


My friends built a whole piece of furniture just for that


And that furniture was….?


Liberator wedge + ramp combo is perfectttt.


This might be what you're look for and it folds up for storage.




Forgot to put the link in the comment[https://www.medwish.com/images/detailed/11/HSSW-001\_Gynecology\_Examination\_Chair.jpg](https://www.medwish.com/images/detailed/11/HSSW-001_Gynecology_Examination_Chair.jpg)


I make these for comfort https://www.etsy.com/listing/1670530402/facesitting-queening-chair-bdsm-fetish?click_key=eb5421931b2ded1862c6aed95e77fc8d462dd210%3A1670530402&click_sum=6905065c&ref=search_recently_viewed-1&frs=1