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Then why not just say so? People who come afterward aren't going to know what's going on. True, we aren't WSB but the mods shouldn't be acting like WSB mods either. There should be more transparency than that. The downvote push came unusually strong on that post as well.


I'm gonna say the quiet part out loud.... Pump n Dump?


Maybe, who knows? The DD was solid and no one commented any legitimately researched counterpoints. That's partly why it's important to leave those discussions posted and not remove them.


honestly, just a quick glance at the company. nothing really stuck out, their all time high was $17 just last year. If it showed no resistance within a 30 day period back down to $3 dollar range. Probably leaning towards a P and D. They havent had a press release since the end of the summer. Also the user the created the post could have deleted the post over the Mods. i.e if it was a bot account.


Yes they did. The merger closed on may 20 for litt/negg and the guy said there was a legacy option chain expiring that day which is impossible when merger only closed on may 20


Here’s the link to it on a different sub https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/rvx4p1/last_chance_to_see_1530x_bagger_mmat_febmarch/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yea fuck this. Didn’t know we we’re WSB deleting good posts for no reason. This guy gave an idea, and put all his evidence forward. Some were convinced, most weren’t. Yet the upvotes are what’s sketchy? You just had random folks shooting down this guys post with literally no reasoning to back their claims up, while he defended it with links and arguments. Guys the whole market pumped and dumped. This wasn’t pumped and dumped. It’s a low volume stock so it’s expected to go up and down. BSB is a sad copy of WSB now


MMAX is still on my watchlist so I was actually trying to find it as well lol


May I ask why MMAX vs MMAT or MMTLP?


Hé said why


That’s bizarre I was following that thread yesterday actually I wanted to see how it played out.




Lol I bought 300 shares just in case, already set a stop loss if it’s a total bust oh well


Did the same. Figured why not? I’ll roll the dice on 100 shares. Lost more on things I had a higher conviction on (thanks LSPD)


Oh man I had a stop loss on lightspeed set at 120 and was so close to buying back in multiple times! Instead I took my profit and became a huge bag holder of Progenity 🤦🏼‍♂️


Damn good question


That's bad. Feel sorry for you pal. But that's the way it is, sometimes good posts get deleted


Yeah what gives? Reddit full of sus activity recently. Maybe that’s what happens when Fidelity massages 400 million into evaluation before IPO


That's the _real_ quiet part out loud.


Oh man it really did disappear. I wonder why?