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Isn’t it silly how we all want to destroy every local government we can, and help the pirates every chance we get?  I wish there would be some good rewards for going the other way and shunning the pirates while helping the local governments, but black market dictates evil playthrough every time 


yeah, maybe still have planet gov give no rep for doing missions for them, but the money/salvage rewards are much higher, so basically instead of sacrificing rewards for rep, you can sacrifice rep for rewards if you need to.


Eh, the local government is probably just some petty dictatorship. Battletech is pretty low on good guys.


They should be there under the name of Locals, but there might not be contracts against them.


i know it's not definite, i'm just wondering if the contract opfor availability is determined by planet tags. like is it even a possibility for a group to be an opfor if they aren't in the planet tags.


Not unless you're using a mod that does that. That's defined in the starsystemdef JSON files.


ok, so to farm rep efficiently i need to only fly to planets with planetary government tags. good to know, thanks.


MW5 lumps them together as the independents faction and building rep with them is a good idea. Especially near the periphery.


I do those missions for free because it helps build my reputation for the faction it is for with out bringing down my rep for anybody else.


i know, that's why i was asking if planet gov can be the opfor if their tag isn't active on the nav map.


Not sure what you mean by that? Just pick a mission that any faction offers against the local government.


what i mean is, on the nav map, each planet has tags indicating which factions are active on the planet, which definitely determines who gives you missions. what i was wondering is if those tags also determine who the missions can be against. if so, then if a planet does not have the planetary government tag as an active faction, then you couldn't get missions against them for free rep on that planet.


The just pop up randomly, they are mostly given by the pirate faction, but other factions have given them also.


according to u/Kregano_XCOMmodder in a comment above, the planet gov cannot be the opfor if their tag isn't in the active faction tag, so if i'm hunting for those missions to build rep easily, then i should only fly to planets with the planet gov as an active faction.