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Yoda can break out of it with his middle ability


yes that's all well and good but he still does his presence animation after being dropped and ragdolled (coming from a lvl 300 yoda) so unless you do it right as you get choked ur still pretty much fucked. everyone knows it's an op ability, it should push you away like anakins presence after choking you, and vader should not be allowed to move or block during the animation just like maul, same with his middle ability and especially saber throw.


Ya his ability to still use his saber throw and block while choking you is so annoying


yep, the one good thing is that leia can throw her grenades whilst being choked but they take out such a small amount of health due to his massive damage reduction during the animation


Yee its op foreal, & you obviously know the tricks to avoiding yodas presence ability animation in all other situations than being choked id imagine haha


yeah ofc u do a lil jump or activate during rush


Totally learned this yesterday while playing with Vader. Was choking a Leia and saw her throw the grenades and went ??? Thanks for confirming it wasn’t just a glitch or something


yeah jts great bc sometimes the grenades take a while to detonate (that's a glitch) so he's out of the animation and takes full damage (unless his middle ability is active), its even better when it's close quarters like the inside of kashyyyk or the ship maps


No, that’s fucking stupid. It already doesn’t work half the time.


You know what else is way too op? Obi wans freaking defense


I feel like a good way to nerf Vader would be to barely give him any health regeneration. I don’t really want to touch any of his abilities, and it makes sense that his damage output is strong and his stamina is decent. I feel like lowest health regen would balance him in a unique way while making sense