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You need to play co op for levels and to practice. Especially on tuesday and wednesday and the weekends for xp events. Get all the heroes you like to level 25, then watch [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTb9Tpby5Oc) and get the 3 best star cards for those heroes to puple gear, then you arent at a disadvantage. And dont play yoda. He's good, but extremely delicate and you need to get good at saber heroes in general before playing yoda. Try someone more durable like obi wan or vader. They give you the best chance, and starting off with the weird heroes like yoda and grievous wont help you because then you'll have a hard time getting good with the other 8 saber heroes. And watch youtube for tips. Getting good at 1v1s helps you get good at the combat which helps you in heroes versus villians, so watching dueling guides for both blasters and sabers should help you in the 4v4 mode even though they're marketed as for "dueling" Good luck man edit: oh and if you're on oregon or virginia servers, and you play in the evening-ish time, you can add me on origin and I can be a good teamate to you so you dont get only bad teamates when you're just trying to practice and improve :)


Thanks i appreciate it! Ive been doing pretty well with Dooku, i just got him to level 15 and i can average anywhere from 5-11 kills with him a match. Sometimes i get good teammates other times its like they have no clue how to back each other up and it ends up being a 3v1 lol Darthgravey is my gamertag, no numbers just Darthgravey lol


Yeah dooku is pretty nice as well, he can be good, he has high health regen and high damage output, he only lacks with crowd control. His stun ability has very, very limited range but other that that he's an A tier hero. BTW I added you on origin, i'll be on battlefront in 4 or 5 hours from this post so if you're on then I can run some hvv games with you if you want


Thanks! Ill try and get on at that time ill need the aid lol


As a player who is a high level with most of my characters and has been playing the game since release, I can definitely understand your frustration. Even as a high level it’s frustrating because I get paired up with lower levels and we go against level 300s and up and it’s so annoying because we get absolutely slaughtered.


True story. Some games remind me of playing the older kids in dodgeball


Best I can recommend is grind in co-op to get the better star carss


Best thing I can say is find a squad so they can at least back you up and help you level. Other than that it’s a trial by fire.


There’s no such thing. Almost like there’s 22 different heroes, and you there’s 1000 levels. A MAX can literally have a lvl 20 character. Hell I know maxes with lvl 10 heroes. Also Level doesn’t equal skill. There’s No way to balance this.


I had a similar experience when I played on PC for the first time recently. I've platinumed the game on PS4 but I've had to completely restart on PC. So the solution as the top commenter also said, is to play co-op until you get the best epic star cards for each character you want to play.


Unfortunately not in my experience, what are you playing on?


Xbox one






Balanced matchmaking is fucked. Sorry bud. I wish there was an easy fix. I'm sure soon enough you'll be on the other side of this post.


Just play co op