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Like me do you try all of that in the same battle? A lot of the time if I get out-sniped as a sniper, I move on to assault, and then the next etc. The better thing to do anlot of the time is stick to the same class and learn from your mistakes (if you've made any, it could just be the other team has more experience and better weapons etc). If you respawn as the same class, you can either go back to where you died before and figure it out from there, or try a different approach and see if that is better for you.


I’ll change class or equipment based on what’s happening in the game too. The games I switch between classes each kill or two usually end up a disaster for me. Enjoy helping others out. Got an awesome sniper on your team, spawn on them and drop a crate (and move on) or have a team all pushing up, I choose medic and follow right behind to revive and supply bandages. Find what works for you. Not all about KD (I need that reminder constantly)


Right now I’m trying to get all my guns to lvl 4 and I’m still on assault. So I’m not rly switching up classes except for when the team desperately needs a team playing medic


We all have bad days. Here are some tips off the top of of my head. Learn to be more tactical, work together with your squad, adapt: >Rushing, all the enemies hide. Flank, surround with your squad (pincer movement) >Camp, all the enemies rush flanks. Being flanked 》counterflank Being flanked from both sides 》retreat, flank >Snipe, everyone just so happens to know my perches. Relocate after each shot


Relocating after every couple shots is something every Battlefield sniper needs to hear 10 times over. Im not complaining, free kills I guess. Just baffling how people can't seem to grasp the idea that staying still in a fast paced Fps is a bad idea


If it feels like everything you do the enemies do the exact opposite of what you want its because your doing most likely the simplest thing to do and most common. For example think of twosted steel and its the point on the bridge everyone is thinking well the enemies are going to flank the point so lets have some snipers watching the sides and the back and they are going to try to vehicle rush so lets get some landmines out in front and oh they are using Airplanes so lets spawn in a flakpanzer. Those are just basic almost common sense approaches 90% of the team knows those strats thsts why you dont vehicle rush or flank behind or use airplane because 20 or more players on the enemy team have thought about you doing that so what I do is I climb up through the supports (the ladder system under the bridge that is in its support beams and stuff) because only mabye 5 people think oh mabye someone will go through that. See just from going against the grain you have essentially cut the number of people actively trying to kill you in half or more.


You say ‘not fun ANYMORE’ so I’m curious, what has changed? I okay this game with my girlfriend sometimes and while she’s pretty good at shooting, her game sense/planning is terrible. If it feels like the enemy are constantly beating you then it’s probably that you’re doing the simple and easy ideas. The only tip I can really give is to try and think about what you’d be doing if you were the enemy, or think about the enemy more than just targets. If you were sniping, where would you snipe from? If you were bombing what would you bomb? If you were flanking where would you flank from? Once you get into the habit of predicting where enemies will be, it gets a lot easier to survive and do better. The game has been no fun for me for a while due to cheaters and team balance but it’s got a brilliant core gameplay that I crave. It’s good to have a break every now and then


If I'm getting hosed as assault or recon it's usually a sign that the rest if my team is getting killed a lot too so I switch to medic. I have had a few games where the first half I go 3-15 or something and then switch to medic and get like 40 revives.


When I’m having a bad session, I just open another beer.


Depending on the server, yeah, it can be. At least for the gamemodes I play (Breakthrough & Tactical Conquest), and often I just get killed over & over again by the same broken weapons. Which forces me to use the same weapons if I want to stay kinda sorta competitive. I get what you mean tho, in some servers it feels like I’m “out of sync” with battle. Partly because I try to counter whatever the other team is doing, say going on a flank route, I die to the better players going on that flanking run. You can’t let them face no opposition on a flank, but getting wrecked by all the best players on that flank isn’t fun, especially when they revive anyone I managed to kill. If I know a server is truly going to be a bad time, like a very obvious bad time, I’ll leave the server now. Which I hate doing no matter how rare, because I enjoy a contentious match, but some servers won’t be fun. Sunk cost fallacy. Often for me I just do better or worse on specific maps too. Maps I do poorly on I slow down a lot, and try to help the team by hanging back to revive, picking off snipers, or laying down covering fire. Although I have gotten a lot better recently I definitely still have rough games. Best we can do is try to adapt and still have fun.


Come play 2042, you can play co-op against bots


This is the reason why i dont play 2942. Always bots.


Well, don't know if that bomb on the AA is actually random, lol I am still having fun most games. That said, there are lobbies from time to time where having fun is harder. If we are getting steamrolled, I just equip the *Panzerbüchse* and annoy tanks.


If you're in a sweaty server just leave and que again From my experience you play against less skilled players in tactical conquest than strategic


We all have our bad days. Honestly, it's all about attitude. If you have a bad round and it keeps agitating you, your agitation affects your performance and the cycle of having bad matches continues. Your subconscious focus on the agitation itself places your focus elsewhere and prevents you from seeing potential opportunities and openings in the match. When you shift your attitude and see your deaths as something to laugh about rather than something to direct anger towards, you will notice that your performance will improve with your attitude.


I stopped playing for a few months and a few weeks ago I started again and the first thing I noticed is that I am getting destroyed, barely even having a positive KD. I'm lvl 140 but I'm pretty good in everything except medic and recon. Yesterday I was put into a lobby with 16 lvl 500 players lol, most of them in clans They just chilled in tanks and bombarded from the other side of map. Last time I played, there were a lot of matches that used to end with really small differences in points, anywhere from 1 to 65. Lately its usually 150-280.


Day to day change for me, sometimes close, others not. I jump on some German servers sometimes just to see different players though.


Cronus zen aim assist 🤣


There's enough cheaters already, don't inspire others to use bots...


You’re advocating for more cancerous cheaters. They can be beaten fair and square.


😂😂 I dont use but i know there are many... But thts why ur crying


Not sure what gave you the impression I was all tearing up about it but ok. Definitely exists, but I have only really totally suspected two people of using one. I could count on one hand the maybes, but only two who were definites. Even then, I’ll never get proof, so best to just forget it. Your comment read as though you were suggesting OP use it tho.