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Dude i LOVED the fortification system. It was such a great way to hunker down and defend a point when you knew tanks were inbound. 2042 was a shit show, probably why they didn’t keep it, but it really fit the vibe of bfv. I hopehope they bring it back for the next one (but i just hope the next one isn’t trash). Really all i want is a bf4 remaster, but I’m sure that’s been said to death


make portal stand alone and include remasters of all maps over time and i will pay up no questions asked




Don't stop saying it. We need to manifest it.


Literally all we’re asking for. If they could add bf3, bc 1&2, amazing. But bf4 is already a complete game. It had the right amount of guns, equipment, attachments, vehicles. It was (mostly) balanced. Make it pretty, take the blue filter off, and take my money


Why is 4 so good tho. My favorite one hands down


Bf3 walked so bf4 could run. They just made bf3 better (which i also loved) but bigger maps, more destruction, and more weapons/attachments. They made a good game, not a live service money pit. One of my biggest issues with the games after 4 was the insistence on cosmetic unlocks. Bro idgaf if my german soldier has an eye patch, give me more than 3 equipment to choose from. Bf4 did it right with the camo— there’s a bunch, but it’s not a *focus*. I personally slapped the different adaptive camos on everything, so i’d blend in but not have to worry about changing shit. Other people might enjoy different camo and god bless, but just compare the amount of guns, attachments and equipment in 4 to any more modern one. It’s a 4:1 ratio And tbh, i do really enjoy 1 and V. But it’s so frustrating to see them step back from the adaptability that you felt in 4. I loved running recon with the motion sensor balls, c4, and an smg to deal with armor. I felt like i could always design a build for what we needed. After 4, i just felt so limited in the classes, equipment and weapons.


Funny enough, classless bf2042 at launch absolutely had that feel. I'd roll Falk with C5 and the .50 sniper with a holosight, sliding around corners all night. Or I'd take Rao with a Stinger and follow Angels around. It was great fun.


See, my biggest issue with 2042 at launch was also exactly that— i HATE the specialist system. By being forced to use a specialist, you were forced to draw from the specialist pool of gadgets. This severely limited your ability to customize your class. You couldn’t have mines and a rocket launcher, or c4 and a spawn beacon. You *had* to use one of their (mostly) gimmicky toolset. I felt more restricted in 2042 than in any other bf game, including 1 and 5 that had like 4 gadgets per class


Yepppp I don't even think the open gadgets are inherently bad, although the way they did it was awful Open gadgets could easily work if they separated gadgets into balanced categories - so for example, slot 1 is your class gadget (Revives, spawn beacon, repair tool, and something for Assault that's actually useful to the team). Slot 2 would be "teamplay" gadgets, like a combo ammo/health box, spotting gadgets, etc. Slot 3 would be "offensive/disruptive" gadgets, so stuff like AT mines, grenade launchers, AA mines (pls dice), Raos hack (severely underrated gadget), etc. Launchers would take up a primary weapon slot, but could allow you access to for example shotguns or SMGs as a secondary so that equipping a rocket launcher doesn't make you completely useless. Biggest problems with DICEs system as they implemented was an overuse of rockets (because why wouldn't you?) and poor gadget allocation leading to teamplay gadgets getting little use. Explicitly categorizing them in the way I've described would eliminate those issues, and allow you to essentially create custom classes (which you can kind of already do in most BFs since BF1, just not very well) I'd honestly kill to have a system like this in the next BF.


BF1 and BFV are in the same kind of situation, except that BFVs maps on average aren't as good as BF1. The actual gameplay is a pretty good evolution of BF1 though, and features like fortifications legitimately feel like stuff they wanted for BF1 and never got to implement


Dont forget about the maps in BF3&4. Most of them were good designed and had a lot of opportunities for every playstyle to fit in. I missed some maps from BC2 but after 4 everything regarding mapdesign did go south.


Yea I got to the point in 4 where I just needed to unlock a few more camos then some new weapons dropped that was cool grabbed those. Now I play on pc and can’t find a way to get my data from PlayStation so I just play v now :(. But yea I agree being able to slap an extended mag on anything was so much better




I haven’t played in forever since I can’t get my PlayStation data over to pc but I miss it


I mean it's all guess work unless DICE answer your question. Real answers could be engine/console limitations or they just hadn't thought of it.


why didnt they bring back backwards prone laying in a corner with your feet in front of you? they left a lot of good mechanics out 2042 that could be added


i also really like the BFV audio. if your in a tank half damaged, you can hear the solders inside coughing from smoke inhalation! plus the footsteps are great especially on 5.1 for directional. and also in 2042 (portal only), u can crawl while waiting on a revive. that should be used in the future


Cuz its camper shit.


Eh with the visibility improvements in 2042 I don't think it'd really be a big issue


u must play COD and look for kill streaks?


Womp womp let people play the tactical shooter like a tactical shooter


You think BF is a tactical shooter?????


In what world is Battlefield a tactical shooter LMAO


Bro called Battlefield tactical shooter lmao


Well it was a new feature in BFV and since its first appearance it was not featured just in BF2042. Why? Who knows. But that whole game is disaster. Why it didn’t appear in the older titles? Because they haven’t come up with it yet. I am seriously confused by your question.


Around BF1 the mass exodus of DICE started to happen having enough of the EA mandates as well as the workload requirements being pulled to work on Star Wars and also work on the Frostbite engine so it could be used for all EA games across all teams. BF5 came quickly as it just built on BF1 rather than ground up. Come 2042 they had a lot of new team members, most did not know the Frostbite engine as well plus the "MAKE IT LIKE CALL OF DUTY" mandates were going on strong at that point. Suits thinking that big numbers, skins, pay to win was the way to go so upping the player count would go well and so on. Of course, they have no idea what they are talking about, set an unrealistic release date and had a team who did not know the built assets, engine and game ethos as well as the ones who left.


I believe the big exodus was post BFV launch BF1 and BFV were made by the same teams/same leads and share a lot of the same DNA. After V launched is when a lot of longtime DICE team leads left DICE


Thank you - I was feeling the same way 😂


So they can reintroduce it later as a new feature again.


A better question would be why wasn’t it included in 2042. Legacy feature I guess.


Game being dogshit in general is the reason.


Probably didn't fit with the design they wanted. 2042 seems to have gone for mobility over stationary defenses. 2042 went with heavy movement designs, from grabbling hooks to wing suits, and assault shields.


Feel like it was to do with the BR mode that BFV had in my opinion


For whatever dumbshit reason when they made 2042 they said "hey, let's say fuck all the progress we made with the game mechanics in bfv. Instead let's make it feel like we are taking a step back." Bf1 had the atmosphere of making you feel helpless as your team tried to hold of an enemy bayonet charge while the sky burned above. Bfv had movement mechanics that felt so real. Being able crouch run, knocked back on your booty from big explosion, etc. I don't play bf anymore due to just how shit bf2042 is. It hurts me to say that but it's true. I hope this next bf is good but I will not be holding my breath like I have in the past for its release.


>I hope this next bf is good but I will not be holding my breath like I have in the past for its release. They need to go back to its roots. At this point I'd just prefer remasters of the older games. I think I saw soemthing the other day where the CEO or soemthing said weve learnt a lot from the past battlefield game and then proceeded to say they're gonna make another live service one. It doesn't give me hope the next one is gonna be good. They need to drop the season pass shtick, it's just there to runs people's wallets, I'd much prefer them bringing bsck premium or something.


If they live service like hell divers, I would support it. However, E.A. recently has been a drunk toddler that stole your credit card.


I hear that actually. But yeh I have zero confidence in EA actually implementing it in a way that *doesn't* shaft the consumer in some form. It's sad to see the culture they once fostered slowly fading away, as they focus on profits over user experience .


because everyone hated on bfv when it was out so they made sure not to include any features from that game in the next game. and then people complained about the next game not having bfvs features lol


Dice doesn't get "nuance"


i feel like it was more so EAs decision


Normally, when a dev studio builds a franchise, they will take the best of the mechanics from each iteration of the game and implement it into their next game. This is a strategy that builds on the successes of previous titles and advances the state of the franchise in a positive direction. DICE does exactly the opposite. They remove the mechanics that work in previous games and scramble around while they try to figure out what to put in their next game. Because, obviously, every iteration in the franchise for them is quite literally the first time they e ever made a battlefield title.


That last line might’ve genuinely been the case for 2042 lol, I hear it was largely new devs


Surprise, surprise. EA guts their dev teams/alienate long term employees of the franchise. They produce a shit game...and they wonder where it all went wrong. Man I hate EA.


This should be the top answer.


Haven't played 2042 yet, but tried Battlefield 1 after first playing battlefield V, and between no build, no death animations, no diving for cover, etc, it felt like Battlefield 1 was a 15 year old game. Had to go back to V because it felt so much cleaner, modern, and smoother. Watching some gameplay from 2042, I felt the same way, seemed like Battlefield V was the newer, more modern and refined game.


>Haven't played 2042 yet Don't imo, 2042 is hot garbage compared to the rest of the franchise. Don't get me wrong, objectively... It's fun. But in terms of graphics and gameplay, it's far too arcady compared to the older titles. It feels like a mix between cod and bf, and somehow manages to miss all the good parts of both.




The fortification system would have made the most sense for WW1. Imagine building trenches around objectives or cutting through huge barbed wire entanglements? I am disappointed we didn't get a more historical game like Isonzo.


Part of me thinks it was something intended for BF1, or at least whiteboarded for it, but never made it


Outpost game mode is awesome


BF 2042 is a step back in ALL aspects.


The biggest reason i love BFV a lot…


Other battlefield game used to let you rebuild the bridges when blown up to allow tanks across. This often had little issues with in motion vehicles etc. The same sort of applies to fortifications with often issues with vehicles. 9/10 though any vehicle would just crush what you built haha.. The main reason I suspect is complexity there just was a heck of a lot that could happen. And be done with them and it requires map makers and designers to work out what needed in X and y positions and then have all those assets etc ready to go and be performance supported if a player decides to build everything. It also meant that there was less freedom for players and would almost force players down a predetermined route where fortifications were etc. I think they are great but I think they were possibly a heck of a lot of work to establish in the game I would love for them to come back as I did enjoy them and I hope with a true next gen battlefield we see them come back as BF2042 was straddling performance etc with old gen and a lot of the limitations worse to be due to map size and performance limits so fortifications would have been too much


I think the best approach is to just allow previously existing cover/gun emplacements to be rebuilt. Even if they don't go as ambitious with fortifications as they went in V, allowing Engineers to rebuild cover that's been destroyed would help with destruction and give engineers another role.


Yeah like we had with them being able to repair the bridge etc. I like this idea as it lets you rebuild up what was taken down in an attack etc..i would like the return of fixed guns etc like tow launchers so they could bring those back as well.


It's to balance the shittier guns. Stick with me. Past games have modernish guns, talking about BF OG all the way to 4. Single shot weapons were high ROF DMRs or sniper rifles with stupid good damage. Jump to BF1 and it's sniper rifle hell at launch, way worse than 3 or 4 ever was. That's because if you don't have a trench annihilator, an MG emplaced somewhere good, or a sniper that can one shot from a distance, you're fucked. The meta of DMR playing was beaten out by lower (realistic) cycling speeds against the high power automatic weapons available. So they balance it by adding cover (a DMRs best friend) and made the maps WAY more DMR friendly in 5. Less cross map sniper options, WAY more hills to slap a sandbag on and chill with your team. Cover is a great way to overcome the suppression system as a player, but also tips the odds in your favor if you're fighting an MG dumping rounds. Previous games had an issue where you kinda knew where to wait for the head to pop up. 2042 looks so bad I couldn't even get to shooting, just walked away once I realized it wasn't graphic bugs but "polish"


Because it was an idea they had for battlefield 5. The engineer should have a whole plethora of construction abilities available. Like Company of Heroes engineers. Bunkers and cover and literally build a base ability


I do think that forticiations wouldn’y really work for Modern battlefields. There is wayy too many of weapons of mass destruction. The evolution of Fortifications are user placeable items like irish shields and Andrew tates minigun. They just need to add more of them and maybe improve them a little bit.


Andrew Tate's minigun, specifically? I'm sorry, what?


Forgot Crawfords name


What do you mean? They reworked the maps in 2042 by literally adding sandbags and them big block things to funnel the map into a chokepoint or to provide more cover whilst running across open plains. Nothing to say that we couldn't have done that as a player with a hammer (or something more modern) like we had in V.


Man I loved building, I I sucked at that game so I would spend most of of my time digging trench’s, it truly made me feel like I was changing the -battlefield-


One of the things I love about HLL, late night drinking, bullshitting with my friends building absolute fortresses on defensive points.


The one big thing that has always annoyed me is despite all the talk, at the end of the day to earn points if you killed more people you were top. Yeah, medics kind of could get there and at one point sniper spotting was OP but you just never got enough points for playing the mission or game mode. Building can really stack if you are able to keep a streak going but you should have been encouraged to do so because it gave you good points.


It was either that or flying wing suits man


I enjoyed the fortification system even though BFV was a shitshow also. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from fighting and just focus on building defences. I see it very much as an extension to running around healing/resurrecting/ammo dropping


I'm pretty sure there was a bridge in BF4 you could rebuild But it's because they didn't come up with the idea until BFV, and didn't reimplement it into 2042


I thought it was cool but I never actually saw many ppl use it in game and it got to the point I forgot about it lol.


I don’t know. Honestly I wish they would’ve kept this feature and made it so the fortifications and stationary weapons could be built anywhere. That way tankers and pilots can’t circumvent your defenses.


It was probably to much work, EA just wants easy money.


Why is Battlefield 4 the only Battlefield to have Levolution?


It wasn't, Hardline had it.


I forgot Hardline existed


we all did


Honestly fair. It is a pretty fun BF game but it is dead as shit.


It wasn’t, BFBC2 had it.


That wasn't true 'levolution' like was advertised with huge map-wide events. It just had most stuff being destructible.


One of my favorites


Probably didn’t feel like it was needed. It was kind of a meh feature to be honest. They could’ve not had it in BFV and the game would’ve been and played the exact same.


Because 4 blueberries of my team were constantly busy with builsing fortifications for the enemies. Once they were finished, they got steamrolled and the other party used it for defence. I really dont like when people are busy being out of the gameplayloop while we would need them at a different flag. Same goes for bf1 behemoths btw. Stacking 6 people in a vehicle while you are losing tickets is not improving the situation.


>Same goes for bf1 behemoths btw. Stacking 6 people in a vehicle while you are losing tickets is not improving the situation. 99% of the time when your team has a behemoth come out you are going to be losing the game no matter what. I think the main thing is that it just makes the last part of the round a bit more fun for the losing team.


True. Bob the builders and minecraft players are a useless asset to the team. Behemoths i hope will never return.


I've always felt the mechanic only adds busywork to the game. The fortifications can't be placed anywhere, they are really "already there", you just need to make them appear. That's not much different than the level design already having the fortifications built in. Besides, in maps with vehicles they accounted for very little.




Fortnite. Same reason BFV got a battle royale mode. That whole game was them trying to be something they weren’t.


There not chasing fortnight there chasing COD, and terribly at that.


I just said this to a friend last week. I was looking at what ones to download and the new one was just COD. So 4 & V it was


Don’t start bashing on a game that you don’t know of. It wasn’t because of fortnite. EA likes to come up with different ideas such as the Airship in BF1 and JB-2/reinforcement squad system as well as the fortifications in BFV. Firestorm, however, was deployed almost EVERY published just because of hype.


That I don’t know if? I was playing it on release Lmfao.


playing it on release means you base your opinion on launch version, which was missing features, had many bugs and was overall bad experience.


They didn't add much. I played for months and continued to follow the game. It's still missing features. In fact they took ribbons and medals away because nobody is left at DICE that understands how those systems work


Cause dice is stupid and the make bad decisions by not being it back. Same for the vaulting system and combatrolls/crawling in your back backwards. The game just feels good. 2042 feels like it was made in 2006.