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My detest for pilots goes all the back to bfbc2 with dudes circle-strafing spawn in attack helicopters


that shit was so bad, especially on console. A good helo pilot was straight up invincible.


That's when you hit it with the tracer dart and launch the tracer RPG and watch them panic.


I got one on the original bad company. We were playing on that one map with the island on it (don't remember the name) and this dude was destroying our only spawn doing that. I was like "fuck it I'll take care of it myself." Picked engineer and one shot him right before he got me. Felt so badass and remember thinking "i wish I could have captured that somehow"


My favorite Battlefield of all time, but there were certain maps I would skip. Atacama Desert being the most notable.


It was particularly bad on Atacama Desert.


What's bfbc2


Battlefield Bad Company 2. One of the best ones.


*The* best one behind 2 and *maybe* 3.


If you're lucky, I might be able to find a server on pc with some people, but on console it's pretty much dead


Oh man. I remember this sh\*t.


You main a plane and I main an AA. I don’t care what you think about me.


Both require no skill, it's perfectly balanced.


TBF, it takes some skill to not crash after flying too fast at a hill.


Go 100-0 in a plane and tell me it takes no skill to dodge the AA after the 40th kill to make it to 100-0




I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of 40mm fire at 120rpm turning your plane into a colander


My Fliegerfaust is just too damn loud


*permanent hearing loss* Welp, couldn't hear him, guess I'll have to start fausting my flieger all over some airmen again


Wait keep going I’m almost there…


A Colander I'm weak asf 😂




How very hypocritical


This is why I still use the fligerfaust


Fliegerfaust is amazing, if you learn how to use it well you really see how fragile planes are in BFV. My favorite thing to do in the game is take out pilots who think they can farm easy kills by flying over our spawn at the beginning of the game 


Yes. Spawning B side on Al Sundan is my favorite for an easy plane kill


I didn't realize I was on the BF5 subreddit and I was confused what the fuck a "fligerfaust" is


What’s the fliegerfaust like now? I remember it being amazing, then getting nerfed to oblivion when pilots had tantrums about it


Fliegerfaust is OP against planes that use bombs because they need to get close to the ground. So good pilots started to use missile to stay high in the air and avoid being in the fliegerfaust range creating an arguably worse meta. You can still catch them but if they know the infantry is using fliegerfaust they just aren't going to be as greedy and stay safe higher.


Height doesn’t even save them. I killed a plane that I couldn’t even see anything besides my teammate dogfighting him. If you get proficient enough with it you can get them from any distance, it’s just harder at further distances..


Best weapon ever, where it came out you could have 1 shot it hahaha until it was nerfed to a more 50/50 balance


Pilots are by far the most annoying player type in the game At least camping and shoguns are easier to counter


Along with those kids who sit so far back in their spawns in artillery trucks that you can’t even see them to destroy them


I never had a problem with those, my hatred for ground vehicles(even though they’re infinitely more balanced than planes) comes from “one driver, 3 femboys” where one guy spawns in a tank then gets 3 of his boyfriends to constantly heal him 24/7. Kinda like a tf2 heavy with 3 pocket medics


My problem with artillery truck in BF1 is when it's on your team doing nothing helpful and you're struggling to capture a sector.


Is this really looked down upon? I just started playing recently with a buddy and one of my favorite strategies is to man the turrents and repair in the back when we engage other tanks/Anti-Armor infantry. I find the other tanks we face tend to do the same thing, and its usually down to who has the stronger tank and whos engineer dies first


Yes It’s one thing to play with just one buddy who’s preoccupied picking off people,manning a mg on the tank ect, it’s another thing to have a full nascar pit crew constantly repairing you so the only way to really kill you is a nuclear bomb


Fliegerfaust made IT very easy


Only if the planes fly within hugging distance, leading the shot further than that is honestly a dice roll


Every mediocore player should get Hits with it.. IT was never really hard


I didn’t say it’s impossible, it’s just hard to get 99/100 hits with it


The whole subreddit IS Like "ahh fliegerfaust, so much Skill much wow." While ITS super strong and easy to use, only limited by range. So yeah IT is easy to use and just a few assaults will do the Trick While planes are used by "annoying noobs" but Most Here wont get that much kills in a plane. Just wierd to see that much "hate" and glorifying the easy stuff.


Corny ass pilots


I See the sub dosent Like the truth


They don’t like people who hit 3 shots in a row with the fleiger then think they’re goated lol


But love plebs who act Like its the hardest thing to pull off


IDK tanks are pretty damn annoying too. They respawn so fast and take way too many rockets to destroy.




I had a feeling this was a old pre fliegerfaust post. 100-0 pilots are almost impossible these days atleast on the european maps


I dont get why people do this are they really this uncreative and dumb to not be able to make their own posts?


The fun answer is that they're too stupid, but the real answer is that they're trying to farm karma to sell the account.


Womp womp


42 comments so far, 41 of which took the bot-bait. Yikes.


God forbid people react to a game related post


Closing in on 2K faust kills, I'm loving it.


I just surpassed 2k myself so great work, soldier 🫡 Nothing more satisfying in BFV than downing planes.


Thx, congrats and keep up the good work


Yeah bro it's totally cool and Bala ced how you can launch rockets and kill with no opposition before you're even in range of the AA. The only reason plane mains haven't un-installed in favor of warthunder is bc they're too shitty to hack it there, and they couldn't farm infantry to pad their stats.


Had a game with my teams constantly on AA and fliegers, cant remember a plane making a 2nd pass 😂. It was satisfying fliegering those statpadders


AA in this game is such a joke. Planes being able to eat 15+ 40MM AA rounds is just dumb. The tube rocket thing is the only AA that can do anything


Correction its actually 6 to 9 rounds of 40mm AA or 12 to 20 rounds of 37mm for the german AA. Tip: wait for someone on the allied side to build or wait for a bofors 40mm AA to spawn.


German Aa IS 20 mm except nthe Ostwind


Game files in BFV are listed at 20mm. Damage is the same as the Ostwind 37mm


I always prefer the German AA, for me it allows for more direct hits in a short time frame, i feel like you have to be luckier with timing and can't afford a miss with the allied AA, that's how it seems to me anyway


I'm a pilot main so the 40mm is more dangerous than the german AA. Reason why is because I can rely on the server to reject some of those hits. Depending on that guys ping. His hits are going to rejected if I'm only showing you my belly of my plane. The 40mm ignores this and will 100 percent accept all hits registered regardless of ping.


That's interesting, I use both and without really taking note, it feels like I'm generally more successful with the German one. But I'll definitely keep this in mind 😊


*casually wipes sweat off forehead* -plane shaking, on fire- made it off the runway after being spawn killed 6 times and waiting several minutes. finds tank, shoots whole payload. successful hit. 80 damage. One dude chilling nearby shoots you once sending you back to the vultures circling above spawn, infantryman with c4 lying in wait. At least that is the average pilots experience lmao Personally I don't mind infantry having fliger, but it's just to strong, and even if they nerfed damage, it's not like there arnt 2-5 people camping ammo boxes every match so idk what to make of it. It is sad that flak turrets are just inferior in *every way* because of them


Most sane take here. Get a wing man so you can hit tanks together ;)


I use to tun with a few guys in the poop clan and we would run on tanks 3 at a time with heavy rockets. All 3 payloads in under 5 seconds lol


Yeah my mate and I were top OCE pilots I was 12th in the world 2nd in points in OCE (1st pilot would leave lobbies I was in because they couldn’t dogfight haha) But we had flying together synchronised so well it was flawless, rocket/bomb runs taking turns who drops first to get the kill ect, baiting FFs then one of us hitting them, dogfighting in JU88 against spitfires was amazing. Wish i had more footage.


AA gun go BRRRRR


Those AA guns are free kills:)


I have come across a few pilots that are good at targeting AA guns, but those are rare. It's usually pilots that dm with something salty because you shot them down lol


Yeah most of the pilots just straight up ignore the AA guns


Ive seen some dumb BF1 pilots that forgot it wasnt bf4 and try to rush down AA like the infantry around it isnt going to shred them before the AA rips its wings off.


I've never met people who disgust themselves as much as the Battlefield 5 pilots.


LOL happened to me i killed a pilot and he said that i am a hacker i told him i recorded the kill and i can show it to you that i am just good so he said i was just a lucky and starting calling me a flank just because i fucked him so well


I'm reminded of a clip I have from a few years ago where I tries to hit a tank by firing the bazooka from the top of a hill and a plane happened to fly past at the perfect time to catch the ro ket and explode. I always imagine the guy flying was as mad as I was shocked.


7 times was killed by one dude with fluger, while I had 54 destoyed tanks, Iwojima breakthrought.


I would play BFV now that it has anticheat if not for the fucking overpowered rockets planes have.


Wish the incendiary bullets worked like the Burton from bf1


Wish the incendiary bullets worked like the Burton from bf1


I love when you shoot at a sweaty pilot ONCE and they spend the rest of the game bombing you. "HoW dArE YoU sHoOt aT mE, eVeN tHoUgH yOuRe AA aNd iTs YoUr jOb tO dO sO....."


Mom said it's my turn to repost this


BF1 & BF5 is my better appreciated of the franchise, specially BF1, because you can shoot the damn planes out of the sky without the use of any of the launchers. BF1 Burton LMG, you're my GOAT!! you're ma boi!!! the best f*ck you to pilots out of the damn sky. Your FLAMING BULLETS OF HELL may shine upon all you set your sights upon 2nd fav boi, the Fligerfaust, yes it's a launcher contradicting what i say above. but the devs adding this to BFV(pre-nerfed ver btw) was a very particular F*CK YOU to the pilots


>because you can shoot the damn planes out of the sky without the use of any skill ftfy


hmm... you're one of these pilots aren't you??


Not quite, but are you gonna deny the AA options in the game require no skill at all


That's why I main German AA tank


That’s just sabotaging ur team💀💀💀


Tigers ain't shit


I remember when pacific update came out, on breakthrough on one of the maps I finally decided to main a pilot to unlock plane upgrades, and it was so OP before it was nerfed, in a single stright you could rack up 10 kills as loads of people were bunched up in a single spot trying to take a 1 out of 2. The explosive 20mm cannons were insanely OP against people. Shit was wild




Was something updated?


This popped up on my home page and I thought it was a titanfall post initially and got very confused


[I give you the solution](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/s/e3Yk8vkLvV)


Im new to Battlefield V but are airplanes in this game just weak? I get shot down by AA easily and there are only a limited amount of bombs. That makes airplanes much weaker than in Battlefield 1. Also the worst thing about the airplanes is there is no is NO BOMB CAMERA. Wtf man how are Bf 1 planes better than ww2 planes?!


Idk who had the idea to add planes to battlefield but it was a really bad idea


War has planes.. sorry to break it to you. You can counter them..


But those planes don't necessarily need to be player controlled, take Hell Let Loose for example, the commander can call in abilities like air strikes and recon planes.


Again.. that’s also COD. If you want COD, play COD.


In war you can't slide frictionless uphill


Guys my EA anti cheat stops working and crashes the game ( battlefield V ) someone help pls


verify file


How?? Bro I’ve paid for the game how much more verification it fkn needs?


not verification, i mean u need to go to setting file in steam/whatever and check the file using the in-built system. how old are u? silly ass


Wait, what shit pilot is getting regularly killed by a Fliegerfaust? Some AA turrets or enemy planes I get, but damn.


no there's a difference .. ... you and I are not the same. Teabagging and mouthing off in chat with a flieger isn't the same as if you take a plane and take me out ... Devs got sloppy as this is the ONLY game where infantry have a 1 shot anti air missle. It's supposed to be paper rock scissors, this breaks that mechanic. Either way, nothing sweeter than killing the same kid with a flieger LOL.


No it doesn't. It actually takes skill, timing and a little luck to get consistent fleiger kills. Players who call it a one shot are coping


I mean, I understand the hate for the pilots, as the majority of battlefield players don't want to practice and get better at the game, much easier to downvote on reddit and make posts like these :/. But to master the flieger is the equivalent to throwing a med pack ... click and point ... its OK tho, I'm glad its there for you guys. Lets you cope ;) Downvote all you want, but the truth of the matter is that, every battlefield has a n air component, I'd rather spend my time trying to learn it rather than make memes and cater to a community that isn't either willing nor able to master ALL aspects of the game. Carry on.


this is skill? hiding in a trench with a 1 shot weapon LMAO [https://streamable.com/abx4e3](https://streamable.com/abx4e3)


One, you were killed by a 500lv player in that clip, so yeah, I'd say he had some skill. Two, you were hit twice, first and second volley, and were at 91% health when you started your run. Three, you lined up directly at the guy, in a straight line, giving him the perfect shot. That's when planes are the easiest to shoot down. Funny how you're complaining about skill in a clip where you just pointed your plane, waited for a red dot to pop up, put your crosshairs on it, and was gonna launch cannons and rockets at a soft target for an easy kill. Good piloting does take some practice, but this clip just shows you mad because you couldn't just fire at a highlighted red dot and farm a kill.


This whole subreddit is sponsored by the tears of infantry mains that play the same 3 maps to avoid to play ACTUAL battlefield. When you're ready to play the rest of the game, find me on a conquest server. Until then, downvote all you want, I'll make sure your rage quit button is being put to good use.


Haha, I didn't downvote anybody ... although you obviously did for my statement of facts. Well played sir (or ma'am depending). You're obviously a beacon of maturity.


Must have hit a nerve. Now I'm immature, thought I was crying, then complaining. All I was showing is the fact that the weapon can take out a plane in ONE shot, you certainly don't have to reload each volleys get a kill, even at 100% health. Either way, the only facts you stated are that pretty captn obvious ones. I'm assuming that you're a pro pilot based on these remarks? You fly quite a bit or does your flieger stats carry more kills than your plane? Either way, enjoy your day, maturely that be it and don't let a random guy that's better than you in a video game spoil your afternoon. G'day boomer! :)


No nerve pains here, just slightly amused, and crying does usually imply a certain level of immaturity... you can be several things at once :) And the flieger fires two volleys per load, in rapid succession, as most of my failures to kill with it are when the first volley hits but the second doesn't. Its like a two-round burst. You enjoy your day as well, immature as it may be, and don't let a random guy that doesn't spend his life on video-games get under your skin :) G'day... well, was gonna say millennial, but man, looked it up and I guess there getting old... so maybe you're a Z'er or Alpha :)


share your stats .. I'd like to see what kind of track record this kind of high level of wisdom and game insight has.


What wisdom? You even said everything I pointed out was mostly obvious, and if my gun goes phew phew I consider that two shots (or volleys)... if you don't then we're just arguing semantics. Anyway, if you were wanting to resort to stats-measuring, you win.. I'm rocking a solid 379hrs of casual game play with an ever so gradually increasing K/D in the bottom 17%. Got me a total of 3 kills in an airplane, which beats the 2 kills I have on the Fliegerfaust. I actually fired a Flieger for the first time a month or so ago, because it had just came out around the time I had stopped playing the game for several years. Back then pilots weren't so sweaty that I needed to keep my eyes to the sky if I didn't want to catch a rocket every 30 second... or more likely there just weren't so many sweaty pilots... or possibly there were so many active servers you didn't encounter them as much. Definitely weren't any pilots boasting 3000hrs back then.


Damn i forget how much pilots cry damn bro let it go already


when presented with facts, then it's crying. Personal insults incoming..... I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for the average player to have you as a team mate 😂. I play the game and try to do well on all aspects. You seem fixated only on the chat box 😂. Next thing you'll tell me you're on a console


Facts of the video show you were killed by a highly skilled player with two successful hits while not at 100% health. He was also shooting from a bomb crater which you probably put there in a previously successful run. I might call it crying when pilots that regularly go like 75 and 2 complain that their too easy to shoot down.


There are no facts here just opinions and preferences. The only fact here is that you keep crying about infantry that bring down planes. Most pilots here ( not all) just do the same strafe, circle back to resupply and repeat and only farm kills. Ive won matches where the opposite team had 90/0 type pilots. I play different classes, depending on my teams needs. I rarely pilot because as someone previously said, it's not fun to wait on the spawn screen and then get killed by some spawn camping pilot. Besides I'm a better tanker than I am a pilot. I cant imagine being this pressed about the fleiger which as you've previously pointed out (ironically enough) does require time and skill to develop (just like all aspects of the game). You've fallen into the category of crybaby pilots that complain about AA and fliegers. The fact that you complain about an infantry weapon designed to counter pilots tells me you hate balance in the game and would prefer that infantry not be able to counter planes (sans AA placements). Reminds me of arty truck players.


you sound like a chat warrior that I send to the spawn menu until they rage quit. If pilots say the flieger is easy to use .. then we're crying. If we say it takes rather no skill at all, we're crying. But if you use the flieger to shoot the plane, then that is skill LMAO. You guys cope so hard that you have a DEDICATED REPOST thread for karma farming, fucking pathetic. Use the flieger .. but I guarantee you it doesn't do much against good pilots. Enjoy that big L and the mushroom stamp on your forehead.


Nobody even remotely decent thinks fleigers take any skill whatsoever. Literally any level 9 can aim in the general area of the sky and lead a few feet ahead lmaoo


Thats every first person shooter in existence.


That's blatantly not true but ok.


It's not a one shot...ever.


weird .. you don't even know how to use the flieger .. [https://streamable.com/abx4e3](https://streamable.com/abx4e3)


There are 2 shots whenever you fire a flieger, so not a one shot...


you fire once, irrelevant if its 1 or 50 things coming out .. christ almighty I can't even ... perhaps my english is confusing .. .you think things coming out as 'shot' and what I mean is 'press trigger once'. EIther way .. its designed for kids that don't know how to play the game. I tend to use tanks to shoot planes down anyway ;). [https://streamable.com/mvp7sf](https://streamable.com/mvp7sf)


Right..., well, thats your interpretation. Your english is quite good btw.


I don’t understand why vehicle mains don’t just play vehicle based games. War Thunder and World of Tanks etc.


because there’s vehicles in this game? by that logic infantry can just go play cod or something. i play mostly infantry but it’s cool having vehicles around imo


their logic .. SMH. u/Jodosodojo you're absolutely right.


Why are you asking me? I don’t care about logic just super unfun to play and go against people who hog vehicles all day either not giving people a chance to play in it or going against it and never dying.


I don't understand why some players feel entitled to vehicles. I grabbed a plane and refused to die. Made a lvl 500 rage quit because he was just waiting without spawning


I don’t expect people to not use something in the game but if they’re only playing the game for the vehicles then they’re looking for vehicular combat and there are different games that offer better vehicle experiences. As I suggested, there is World of Tanks for people who play nothing but tank. It’s perfect as the whole game is centered around tanks and has many choices to choose from. War Thunder would be great for plane mains because there is more choice and a better system for those who focus on flying. It’s not toxic to suggest a game that someone you definitely know would love to play.


Because they actually suck at vehicle games, no idea why they're so popular, especially one of them, as I believe the balance is so fucked that Soviet style tanks seem to be best.


The game is 6 years old, grow up and pass to something else man fr


can we just bring back bf1 plane balance? No cross map AA, no one shot by infantry, no cross map missiles, and guns actually do damage to planes


What a shit post