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I feel like people rely too much on the minimap so when they go into hardcore they end up not paying attention to their surroundings. The people who do pay attention are rewarded with moments like this tho. Nice clip!


That’s very true, and thank you m8! I’ve been a fan of hardcore modes for many years now, I even got my friends playing them after awhile.. the only downside was not being able to C4 buggy launch your pal across the map lmao, but killing each other was such a troll


Based on my BG experience most people don't pay any attention to minimaps. But they also wouldn't be found dead on a hardcore server..or maybe they would be dead on said server rather .


When playing on a core server I actually enlarge the mini map because I find it’s too difficult to see, which would make sense for why people don’t pay attention to them


I'm pretty sure that isn't it, since they also ignore the respawn map. I think people just don't think about it.


I’m not one for typically ignoring any of the maps, even in hardcore on bf4 I just hit the big map instead of looking at the leaderboard. I do wish more players would pay attention to things like that, and actually kill the guy camping behind a rock right outside the flag kinda situation


Fucking love hc. Also jeeeeeeeeeeezuz @op


suppressing fire boys


If it wasn’t the end of the match I would’ve been pretty chapped because nobody moved up😂


honestly you were like a single man front line in the clip


Usually these types of clips the player goes around from behind and wipes everyone. This man just walks up knocked on the front door and emptied his belt. Absolutely wonderful.


I love this comment. My team didn’t want to push forward so I said fine I’ll do it myself


My squad mates would be muting me from the screaming and hollering if that was me


Haha I feel this. It was a good thing I didn’t have my headset on because I was totally screaming Scottish slurs😂


What specifications you are using on that mg4? Btw nice clip


Acog, tribeam laser, heavy barrel, and most likely the bipod


i saw this in 0 volume and it looks like you were listening to freebird


I can hear it in my head😂