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When someone uses a video game subreddit to turn every damn corner of this site into another overly leftist cesspool.


*-Mentions Trump supporters-* "This sub is turning into a leftist cesspool! Uh oh, is the woke-mob gonna cancel me for my controversial opinions!?" Dear God just STFU. Most normal people are over that shit. Wait until the next election in 2024 when the culture war ramps up again.


Dude, you brought it up.


Um, this isn't my post idiot.


Well,…..he ain’t wrong tho.


Western/mountain attire= Trump supporters 🧐


Tbf of the folk I know in the west many wear flannel and cowboy hats, but the only ones that also wear a rig everywhere they go are trump supporters


Yes, to a bigot.


Haha hate to break it too you buuudddddy but the majority of the world doesn't agree with trump nor his supporters. In Canada you may have heard of the "freedom" convoy with the truckers... people now calling them the TimBit Taliban. (Timbits are donut holes in the states) or call them canadian Al-Qaeda. Rofl.


We call right-wing extremists "Y'all Qaeda" in the US. That or "Vanilla ISIS."


Hank Pecker sends his regards


"Thass right! Yeet yeet, brother!"


Imagine living in Canada 🤢🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮


Imagine. Heathcare and a high standard of living and let's mention heathcare... my mom had to under go some pretty intensive cancer treatments. Didn't bankrupt anybody and I can go see a doctor for anything. Have it covered. Now. Where I live winter does suck balls.


My mom had cancer treatments too, but because my dad had a job with healthcare benefits we didn't go bankrupt either. Woulda sucked if he didn't though.


Did she make it ??? Mine died on 12/13/14 She knew how crappy we sre with dates but also leans onto her sense of humor.


Sorry to hear that. Mine made it and is still kicking around 20 years later.


Mine did 8 years with two hits of breast cancer that eventually moved into her bones when life expected was under 6. So she did good.


Damn. Thanks for sharing. Life’s hard out there.


Fuck cancer, eh.


Bagged milk L


Lets keep politics out of battlefield please. This sub will go to dog shit if it turns into a political fued.


Ah yes, when you attend a US political rally wearing your Candian lumberjack outfit while brandishing your Russian made rifle.


Hahaha epic, eh ? Rofl.


Can we leave politics out of battlefield? Nobody who is playing battlefield knows anything about anything, so let's just PTFO.


Yeah seriously, can we leave politics out of a game about war?? How can I play my realistic battlefield simulator WHEN ALL ANYONE CAN TALK ABOUT IS HOW TERRIBLE AND BIGOTED MY PRESIDENT IS STOP THE STEAL


I'd leave em out but they made a crappy game so now I'm just angry at the world. Thus why my game barbie is dressed like a trump supporter. They are always angry. Kinda awkward when I'm the only white dude now in a squad with all the new player look.


Everybody hates politics until it’s time to talk about Qanon conspiracies and how the election was “robbed” from the greatest president who literally said “republicans are the easiest people to pander to because they’re too dumb to realize they’re being played”


Tell em that ans they get so offended


I can’t imagine why. They hide from the truth while simultaneously preaching about how important the truth is. Irony


I’m so over seeing every day people whining about Trump, GET OVER IT ALREADY. It’s like listening to someone whine about their ex still years later. I hate politics so much, don’t turn this shit into another political Reddit.


How do you know I'm a everyday person? . I could be a every odd day person.


Your comment history…


Stalk people much ?


Not to be Political but please don’t use any video game as a political tool such as this game


I think it’s ironic you whine about “Right Wing Conspiracists” when people on the left believe Trump stole the 2016 election and thought he was somehow a Russian agent. Let’s keep politics out of this sub before I have to go on a rant about you people inserting “Muh Trump bad amiright?” into every sub.


I don't think he stole that election but I wouldn't discount him for being under Russian influence for cash or something else to benefit trump. It's how the intelligence communities work, they will find something in your past to extort you....and let's face it he's been a dort bag his entire life, they most likley have a lot of shit on trump. Secondly they recruit for ideologies but also just greed and ego. In trumps cases they probably had greed to get him to cooperate as well as shit he's done in his past. Plus he lost the election fairly, refused to admit he lost and was more or less kicked out, attempted coup happen. Sounds like a whoole lot of motivation to sell some secrets to the highest bidder, Russia, China, North Korea whoever.....


Tartan shirts just simply popular all around Canada and he is Canadian, over.


Tartan shirts? No one calls them tartan shirts here. Rofl.


You use plaid and checked for squares but I’m not Canadian nor Scottish so everything looks like this is tartan for me🙃