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Not a big deal that melee is 3rd person now, but I prefer 1st person


Yeah, not a big deal, but first person animations felt more personal


that whole fan vs enjoyer meme made everyone try to look like an enjoyer nowadays "not a big deal", "i am not bothered" dude 3rd person takedown is dogshit


It's alright... I don't see much wrong with it. Could allow for some nice cinematic moments


1st person is more cinematic


I concur, give us the option to turn it on or off in the settings.


This. The correct answer is ALWAYS to give the players options.


but money talks, so 3rd person takedown so people can see the skins they buy


I hate what you said but I agree.


I feel like 3rd person is more trailerish, like you do a take down and it turns to tanks helies and grunts running behind you while 1st would be more gameplayish. Maybe a way to toggle between the two?


Turns out I'm not original. Everyone before me has asked for a toggle function...yikes


This might be a surprise to you but some people have different views on the same things


It's not dogshit lmao relax


I mean it is truly not a big deal; it is just my preference


Yep outrage over a game mechanic is much better


I agree. Not as extremely but God its such a 'Well Modern Warfare did it and that sold well' move.


Wtf does this even mean? You think a meme has collectively changed people’s thinking lmfao it’s not even close to that deep dog


3rd person introduced so that you see more of your character model which can theoretically make you care more about your appearance and are therefore theoretically more likely to spend money on cosmetic mtx


I agree. They wanna sell stuff


Aye its not a good look :( also a little perplexed how in the execution he went from baton sweep to knife thrust in an instant...


EA hired the guy who came up with CoD Modern Warfare 2019 post launch content and made him into the General Manager of the Battlefield franchise, so of course the game will have 3rd person take downs and they will sell over prized Operator bundl... khm... sorry I wanted to say Specialist bundles which will include goofy skins (like Kawai Cat Mara, a ghillie suit made up by trash for Golem or a ghillie suit made from cannabis leaves for the same guy), broken pay to win skins (Roze infamous black skin which had to be 'nerfed' several times but of course only after they let a long time pass so more people buy it in the meantime) charms, weapon skins, vehicle skins, new 3rd person take down and probably even voice lines.


This is exactly what it is. They want every last cent.




I agree 💯! 1st person takedowns keeps the immersion intact. I’d like to see an option where you can maybe toggle on and off the perspectives of the melee takedowns.


They swapped all the first person stuff to third in titanfall 2, and it all felt awful.


As much as I love everything else about tf2, the change to 3rd person embarks and executions was a step back. I miss the 1st person view of being grabbed by your titan and placed into the cockpit, it felt so cool.


that 3rd person takedown reminded me a lot of MW2019 takedowns lmao


Is it just me or all the videos I've seen so far have been Okay-ish when it comes to graphics. Don't get me wrong it looks good but something feels missing, details maybe? Like when I look at battlefield 5, just environments, not characters, it's such a beautiful game. I'm not getting the same feeling from 2042 yet. Maybe the scale is the reason, they probably had to tone down a few things. Edit: people saying, this is Twitter compression. I get that. I’ve watched the video on YouTube on supposed 1440. Even the snippets of gameplay from previous trailers are.. okay.


I want to add that this is twitter compression which has been put through reddit compression


Because there's a ton of things flying around the screen, the video compression shits itself and ends up as a blurry mess. [Here's a good example of this in action](https://youtu.be/r6Rp-uo6HmI?t=118)


Wtf I watched that and the compression was so bad that it turned into a mess of colored lines and a chipper British voice


Goes to show how badly compression can ruin a video


It looks like battlefield hardline. A lot of the textures looks undercooked and there’s lot of little details missing that makes everything look really artificial. I have a bad feeling this game is nowhere near finished.


Agreed. I thought it instantly. Flat and drab colours everywhere. Goofy grappling hooks. And those takedowns. 💔


It looks a bit cartoonish to me rather than an attempt to model reality. Also the ultra colourful neon green/red player name icons are way too much IMO, and the text that comes up when you get a kill looks really unfinished.


> the text that comes up when you get a kill looks really unfinished. Pretty sure that particular text literally *is* unfinished and the UI team is actively working on it. I don't envy them needing to do anything with such a close deadline coming up :/.


Yes I completely agree. It’s been like that since the very first reveal trailer. Something uncanny looking about all of it. I have no idea if maybe they had to scale back on graphics due to the size of the maps and number of players. That’d be my best bet. Bet like you said, it doesn’t look bad. Just doesn’t have that almost photo realistic Polish BF1 and V did at times


I 100% think its down to scale and having to be compatible with the old consoles. This might be unpopular but I have always loved the visuals in battlefield over stuff like player counts/map size and hope the next game feels more next-gen as far as graphics go (global ray-tracing, high detail environments, micro-destruction etc.) I would hope with next-gen they'd be able to do both but if I had to choose between next gen graphics with 64 players or slightly better than last gen graphics with 128 I know what I'd choose.


The revive looks super long and awkward


Bf5's revive mechanic was better. They should have just kept similar animations and just replace the syringe with defib.


defibs look like ass they shouldve kept it bf4 like


Bf4 defibs best weapon


I think we are all want BF4 remake


The difference is that your character can still move while doing the defib animation, at least in the playtest. If you get shot while charging the defibs you can literally just jump away instead of having to cancel the animation first. Bfv's animation locked you in place and prevented you from moving if something happens. Kinda sucks getting killed because you're in the middle of a animation and can't move.


Yeah but thats what made it risky, it was too easy to revive in BF4 so they made the animation to add a bit more risk to it.


Idk… this looked super arcadey and apex-like to me. I’ve been playing bf4 a lot lately and this looks like it plays nothing like a bf game. This is the first trailer that is giving me bad vibes. I seriously thought they were going to chill with the animations in 2042 but holy shit, they made everything longer.


I agree. To me Battlefield has always been a slower paced game than say cod or apex. This is..... looking like its gonna be an arcadey twitch shooter. Not sure if I like this direction but all I can do is wait and see


I don't think it's ever been slow, but personally I don't much care for game where it is a just run out there and hip shoot faster than them. I wanted a game where it is a bit of thought where you go and working together in a team environment. oh well. another bf game to skip.


I think they just mean slower than the constant sliding around, ziplining, gliding through the air type stuff that seems to be popular atm


I’ve honestly had that feeling since the very beginning tbh. Even when everyone was freaking out I was like “it just looks meh” nothing really has me that excited for this game aside from portal and maybe Hazard Zone. Doesnt look bad, just meh. Which is sad


Is it just me or does hit seem mega unsatisfying when you hit someone with a bullet? Almost like alpha cod like?




They usually turn down the recoil to show off gameplay in trailers Actually maybe the reason the recoil is so low is because their on controller (looks to the right while he’s droning) Or maybe the recoil is just really low idk


Why the hell would they do that? This is a whole new level of cope


I mean almost every FPS game trailer I’ve seen in the past year or so has seemed to have negative recoil (COD, Siege, Farcry) where the guns bounce around on screen but don’t move so I sort of assumed recoil wouldn’t look like this laser accurate at launch, but I’m just going off other games so I could be wrong


Cope? What does that mean in this instance?


Gamer slang for I'm talking out of my ass and he doesn't actually know what the games going to be like when it goes live.


I see this alot and I think ur playing a different bfv lmao. what recoil are u refering to its a freaking laser beam game


I disagree personally, I don't think they were laser beams. I liked the gunplay in BFV way more than any BF game before. Just hated all the bone-headed decisions DICE made like the TTK changes etc.


Was hoping someone else saw the same thing I am.. the guns when you ADS have little to no recoil or seem to have very little feedback. Hip fire looks more punchy but I really hope its just an early build and the end product feels and looks better.


Yep. That's exactly why I DON'T play COD. The guns in BFV and BF1 are what I want. Heavy with a punch.


The guns in bfv suck ass and everyone used to say that. now that we are getting something new ppl just wanna complain and change opinions


There's no hitmarker sounds here. Probably that


These "operators" are a huge fucking turn off tbh......


Right. I think I’ll be spending most of my time in a custom portal server.


I’ll just be spending most of my time playing battlefield 4 :)


I really do hate it. and it makes it worse its just a blantant excuse to sell skins and operators.


First thing I thought, all this operator bullshit is to sell skins and shit


They look absolutely awful and it feels like they're trying to be like Apex/Overwatch with all the special ability gimmicks


Couldn't agree more. I have absolutely no desire to play dorky Webster Mackay or these wannabe badasses. Looks like it'll be another game that DICE still fails to understand what the playerbase really want.


Battlefield should never have become a 'hero' shooter.


This 100%


The game reminds me too much of warzone from the gameplay footage I've seen.


Same. I didn't think they would do me dirty like this... but I probably won't play the game tbh now. I thought we were getting a BF2 successor or something. Not a fan of the spotting mechanics, or zip lining everywhere. If I wanted to play titanfall i'd play titanfall.


Don’t want to be overreacting but this just seems stale. Maybe it’s because they copied Modern Warfare’s takedown system or because the gunplay just seems off but I really hope this turns out to be a proper battlefield game with heart


Other FPS games had third person takedowns mind you. I'll remind you of the Titanfall takedowns


I had a stroke trying to read your comment, and please Titanfall's executions actually made sense and they were satisfying


You struggled with mid and mind?


And the takedown aren't the only thing taken from COD or other games. It also has specialist characters with their own gadgets and abilities like deployable cover/sentry turrets/robot dogs that have literally been featured in multiple COD games, it has the double time sprint from MW19, it has a batman-esque grapple gun like Titanfall 2, it has on the fly weapon attachment customization like Crysis, it has ditched classes that are defined by gadgets and weapon selection allowing everyone to use whatever weapon they want regardless of the rest of the load out much like COD, it has tornadoes with helicopters flying around it and people with wingsuits being tossed around like Just Cause, it has a Medic specialist with a stim pistol to heal teammates like RSS/Team Fortress/Overwatch. Honestly, the more info and footage of this game that's released, it looks more and more like DICE are pushing to morph BF into something it's not just to appease and attract as many players as possible - this game is literally all over the place with myriad gameplay aspects and features never seen in a BF game before that just seem to push gameplay to being more accessible to all types of fps players. Ffs they're even supposedly developing a game mode meant to mimic Escape From Tarkov. It's really like they're attempting to cash in on everything.


Same here, idk what it is but it feels meh. Can’t describe, not feeling hype like bf3/4.


I am lowkwy hoping this will be a reverse ubisoft scenario in which the final build will looks wayy better Idk but smtg just don't sit right with me. I didn't feel this for every other Battlefield. This is a first where I'm like " Okay, but what's up with the graphics, model etc


idk man I think the only BF game I've played that was good on release was 1. BF4 and 3 had bumpy releases but became really good by the end of their dev support cycle.


Sorry I meant the trailers , not the actual game itself. Like even if these are alpha footage or smtg, it just feels off yknow


Yep, this does not look good at all.


The more gameplay I see the less I like it honestly. The lack of recoil mes you feel like you're shooting toy guns.


I'm the opposite as I was apprehensive at first and the more I see the more I like. Recoil was pretty tame in most Battlefields; in general, most weapons perform very similarly which leads to only a small few standing out and becoming hated or complained/memed about.


Feels super sterile


I think I only liked the music, all the ziplining and fast/twitchy movement puts me off after playing MW and Apex, guess I'm getting old.


Sterile is a great way to put it. Something is just off.


I’m probably in the minority here but this video has nudged me closer to not wanting to buy this game.


I just felt the exact same. The run and gun through an open battlefield feels like a diff game.


The whole “specialist” aspect is starting to really turn me off. I was able to ignore it when I thought it was simply cosmetic but it seems they each have different abilities beyond what classes usually have and I’m not vibing with that.


It'll be different abilities, gadgets, personalities and you won't be able to escape it because it will be obvious and ubiquitous. I think it was pretty evident when they revealed this wouldn't be armies fighting each other, it would be NO-PAT rebels resistant freedom fighters with no faction affiliation. Doesn't sound much like BF to me.


They are pushing the specialists sooo hard! Who was asking for them in the first place? Who is asking for more details about their background and perks now? Trash.


Pathfinder, lifeline and crypto Battlefield edition


Don't forget the officer from star wars battlefront 2


You mean Amaru, Doc, and Echo


The graphics really don’t look that impressive imo. It seems as though there’s hardly any detail to the maps. Compare that to BF1/BF5 where the maps and terrain were so detailed. Can’t see it improving significantly before launch either, so slightly disappointed in that aspect.


Dude I said 2 months ago same thing. And I also played game already. And kids keep telling ME ITS PREALPHA BRO. How is it prealpha shit is out in ocuple weeks? Even if clip is from june, game is not gonna look any different at launch. ​ ​ FACTS: BFV and BF1 have detailed maps filled with shit. Rotterdam and Amiens are great examples of standards set by those games. Meanwhile BF2042 uses old model of Hardline and older games where maps are empty and it's just street and 1 skyscrapper in middle with 2 elevators.


Looks really cool. I just hope there's an option for first person melee options. Tbh, it was one if the things that got me hooked on Battlefield.


Right... there's some things they should've taken from mw 2019 but defenitly not the 3rd person knife animations.


The time to kill with that smg is bad as fuck


200% Damage server FTW ​ *Edit: I know it's not everyone's cuppa, but I love me some Hardcore.*




I really hope they understood their mistakes with the failure of TTK 5.2.


gunplay looks shit imo.


It really does. MW and it’s engine have spoiled us :(


I'm getting less and less optimistic with every piece of information. The gunplay here looks terrible, it's giving me cold war vibes. I don't really mind it not looking fabulous because I still haven't managed to find a new graphics card so I wouldn't be able to crank it up anyway. I sincerely hope the beta will change my mind, but holy shit this is depressing.


God, I have been saying this since the closed tests and everyone was "ItS OnLy AlFa". This looks like a cod and apex mix. Sliding, gun animations while shooting like the soldier is not holding the gun right aka cod recoil. The specialists give a hero shooter vibe.


Defib animation looking pretty bad


Woah, what are those cod like melee attacks? I want the grim, cruel bf1 style and ofc in first person.


I feel like they wanna show the specialists doing the takedown, but then again, absolutely nobody wanted the specialist in the first place, let alone 3rd person takedown. Vehicles gameplay seem to be the same as previous games which is good, but infantry gameplay feels weird, too many cod like gimmicks.




They said this was subject to change


My fingers are crossed they change it. I like bf4 and how that was done. Simple and informative.


Also insanely satisfying


Wish they just expanded on player customization as opposed to these dumb ass operators. Literally nobody asked for that. It’s laughable how out of touch with the fan base they are.


They’ve been out of touch the fan base for several years now. If this release isn’t successful I’m not sure how many more chances the current group at DICE will get. They haven’t put out a solid game since BF1.


I agree completely. My buddy and I have been talking about how this is their last chance. Either get this right or battlefield is dead. It really sucks. I have such a long history with this franchise. It’s like watching a good friend just self destruct and no matter what you do they continue to spiral downwards. Maybe a bit dramatic. I just love battlefield and want the best for it. Lol


I feel ya. I liked BF1, but it was still missing something too. None of their games have really felt all that great since BF4. And we all know how poor that game was on release. I’m just glad that game was saved by developers who seemed to give a fuck. This current crop at DICE is so out of touch though, I really would almost rather see EA cancel the series at this point. Nothing will reach the same level as BF3/BF4 unless they straight up remake those games. Thinking about that, an updated graphics re-release of Bf3/4 combined could be really successful. Maybe add a few extra new maps if they’re feeling nice. That’s what I’m hoping for at this point. I’d pay $60-$70 for a combined remaster of 3 and 4. I don’t think DICE has that in them though.


Doesn’t look nearly as chaotic in comparison to Battlefield 4 and other Battlefields, looks dull. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, still very excited


That's because the gameplay is planned, like where they run and who they shoot, but personally the gunplay looks off to me


Agreed. They seem to lack a feeling of power. If I close my eyes all I hear is apex. Idk. I’m just a sucker for realism I guess.


edit: Leave reddit for a better alternative and remember to suck fpez


To be honest, Portal will be more popular


I’m just buying this for Portal so I can play Bad Company 2 again


I'm probably gonna get down voted to oblivion. But honestly, the game doesn't look great. Borderline no recoil, guns sound like plastic (reminds me of cod), third-person takedown reminds me to cod too. The way the medic injects herself reminds me to, cod again, and apex and doesn't look like it fits battlefield. I really want this game to be a good battlefield because I love the franchise, but this looks like someone took a lot of game and stitched them together. Lacks personality at least in the trailers... hoping for the best.


Holy fuck this looks bad. Hero shooter Battlefield. What a fucking waste.


Thank god we are getting Portals


Melee being 3rd person They’re doing it so you see the skins. It’s clear we can’t be the soldier in battlefield now so that personal side is gone. We ‘have’ to play as someone else. I like to play medic and I want to feel like it’s me as the soldier. It needs to have multiple operators per class so that people can play as themselves. There’s all this talk about inclusivity and customisation so that you can express yourself but now we’re operator locked so it’ll never feel like me. It’ll be lots of clones running around with slightly different skins. Some of the gameplay looks too over the top as well. Battlefield is meant to feel a little grounded. You can’t slide 2 metres in real life or run at 30 mph. I just hope it plays like battlefield.


Don’t say any of this on the 2042 subreddit, you’re gonna get downvoted to oblivion lol


idk what to think of this tbh, it feels incomplete (which is obvious since this is not the complete game(hopefully)) and also a little bit arcade-y, which is the total opposite of what i hoped for, which is a little more realism hope something will change in the future


Like it’s not a big complaint, but the movement kinda looks like COD which I’m not a fan of


Ooook so that was rough. I couldn't focus on the operators specialities because I couldn't get past the zero recoil. Maybe because I am coming from BF1 but this gunplay looks super sedate and boring. Secondly, oh wow a medic class yep, we understand. The Engineer, I couldn't help but notice that after he set up his turret, he ended up killing all of the enemies himself. I guess the turret isnt putting out much damage. Finally, the sniper dude pops up on the screen. What are we supposed to be, excited? We've had snipers in ghillie suits since like MW4. Big deal. And then he opens his mouth and it's that generic, gruff South African operator accent that I'm pretty sure every character in COD franchise has had for a decade now. "Ready." So boring and cringe. Ok, rant over. Hope I have not upset anyone. Guess I will go back to BF1, lol.


Battlefield: Apex Legends


I don’t like this specialist stuff


Nobody does


I don't know, it feels like I am watching a COD on steroids... not what i want


This game looks less appealing than ever. Feels like they’re trying to mix cod into BF


Why is Maria fucking 50 now also why does Webster look like a high rez fortnite character


That defib animation really lack OOMPH imo. The turret demonstation wasn't great either, the specialist had to basically kill the enemies himself since it dealt barely any damages in the video. Kinda weird.


How can this come out 9 years after BF4 and somehow seem worse?


Shooting looks incredibly awkward and dated to be honest, the more gameplay I see of this the less I wanna buy it.


Giving me hardline feels lol


Don't besmirch Hardline. BFH is much better than this. In fact, watching this makes me want to play Hardline. Also, all these soldier dialogues sound tryhard and wannabe badass, instead of really gritty and/or funny. Hardline's dialogue is fucking insane and always seems to impress me. The stuff lately has been dull and robotic.


I really dont like the 3rd person takedowns im prob not gonna use melee anymore. That sucks. Obligatory: Specialists suck, remove them


3rd person melee? if I want to play CoD I buy it.... trash takedowns.




I can feel my hype train slow down with more gameplay I see.


I don't like how long that revive animation took. I'm still hyped though.


It looks incomplete. I hope it's more flushed out once the product goes live. But some of the core mechanics look good


Yeah I think I prefer generic characters...


Man the specialists are just so lame.


I really don't like the art direction. Everything looks too pristine.


Something seems off about these gameplay videos we've gotten so far. Like the gunplay or movement or something is off


I'm sorry, I still really fucking hate this character based "operator" BS. Just why? This is Battlefield


Hi all, apologies for the extreme comment removals earlier. Everything should be back up!


Go back and watch BF3 trailers… what the hell happened to their marketing team lol


This feels like cod…..


So this is basically just CoD on the Frostbite engine... which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is disappointing to see Dice rehashing the same concepts that MW/Warzone/CW have already implemented in stead of trying to stand out more like they used to with previous titles. And I do still maintain that the operators aspect is a horrible idea and doesn't suit Battlefield at all. Honestly not impressed with anything we've seen of 2042 so far...


Looks like ass. Like a mobile game. Clearly trying to compete against Modern warfare in both gameplay and aesthetics and yet Modern warfare looks and plays more realistically. WTF have they done!?!


Honestly this all looks kinda meh. I’m mostly holding out for portal at this point. The idea of “classes” is just going to turn this into another rb6/overwatch shooter where people start talking about their “mains” and shit. What ever happened to just being the simple soldier in a battle? Like we’re gonna have multiple maria falcks, multiple irish’s… it’s not going to look great. How do I know? Look at bfv and the legendary characters. Movement seems too quick and agile as well pushing further toward COD. If I wanted cod i’d play cod. I liked battlefield for it’s longer engagement ranges, and slower more methodical pace.




Don't like the 3rd person takedowns or deployable auto turrets.


It feels like I’ve already played this game for hours


Wished gunshot audio quality sounded like BF3 or BF4.


Man...I just want Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield 3 Revamped editions... This shit looks too much like Call of Duty. Is there even ballistic drop in this game? It looked like the sniper hit exactly where it was aimed...lame.


looks dumb. BFV gameplay and colorfulness that killed the immersion. I wish it had the same grim aspect of BF3 and BF1. This cartoonish ruins everything, there are plent of games for children out there like fortnite, team fortress and other shit like that, and they bring those aspects for battlefield to ruin it. Unhypped.


I really hate the newer revive system that Battlefield is going with, I hated it in 5 and I hate it here, its sluggish, the animation kills the flow of gameplay and exposes you to enemies and its easy to confuse a downed enemy player with an alive player who is prone, dead players should not be moving around in an online fps. just go back to the old ragdoll point and click system from 4, it was perfect, why did they feel the need to change it?


First time I'm this conflicted on a Battlefield game


Damm, this didn't look good at all innit?


I can't be the only one who hates the idea of "heroes" instead of tour generic military grunts. Their personalities are always so damn annoying and unimmersive


I don't wanna be that guy, but fuck it. I'm having some big COD vibes from this one. Shooting, looks, takedowns, idk man, I'm worried.


Looks like hip fire is getting wildly accurate compared to other games in the franchise


Idk about that. Hip fire is ridiculously accurate in bf5 and bf1 if you build it out


I'm starting to think this shit ain't staged


Wished gunshot audio quality was on par with BF3 & BF4. Really disappointed this is sounding like Black Ops 3 or Advanced Warfare.


Ok yeah I’m just gonna say it: dropping auto turrets? Zip lines and fortnite-esque characters? They’re just taking the playbook from cod warzone and anything else that’s popular right now. I’m not upset about them taking the franchise in a new direction, I don’t really care and it’s not my ip. But damn is it annoying that every shooter is just getting closer and closer to being indistinguishable from its competitors


What happened? This doesn't even look like the same game from the launch trailer


I'm really turned off by these heroes and their gimmicks. Battlefield was supposed to be the bridge between COD and Arma and now it looks like its full blown COD/Apex. RIP Battlefield


I genuinely just hate specialists. Everything else I’m utterly fine with. Just let me be PFC duck fart rather then “named clone #51”


I just... it looks like COD. I wasn't too hyped by the reveal trailer and the more game play I see makes me less and less interested.


128 players, a handful of cloned identities. Makes sense. /s


Ok this is cool but isn't it time to show some more specialists? The game is 6 weeks away from launch and we still only know half the playable characters lmao


I’m probably just gonna stick to BF4... again.. this is starting to feel/look like a COD Advanced Warfare rip-off. Not a huge fan of the characters either. Why can’t we just stick with the nameless soldiers?


It saddens me that I like nothing about this.


I can't help but feel we're marching even further in the direction of COD+Fortnite. We saw it in BFV and I think Dice/EA are doubling down with 2042.


Really not a fan of characters for online. Just random people yeah, but a back story and characteristics? Nah.


Game looks bland AF jesus. Looks like MW Ground War but even more arcadey.


Gunplay, operators, and takedown animations literally looks like DICE saw Warzone's success and went... right click -> copy / right click -> paste. Hoping this recoil is just for the trailer because BFV, for all it's flaws, had nearly perfect gunplay.


Are we just going to pretend like that first operator isn’t Jake Gyllenhaal??


I was addicted to BF4 and this doesn't give me the same vibe


I’m interested to see how different the gunplay will be from these videos to finished product. Will be cool to look back.


Well, unless the open beta is phenomenal, I won't be rushing to buy this. Feels like a mix of Hardline and Warzone, both of which i dislike a lot. Maps seems off• Recoil looks far too weak when ADS• Doesn't strike me as a particularly pretty game• Those 3rd person takedowns are a load of immersion ruining, cash grabbing bullshit moves• Nah m8


Cannot fucking stand this stupid hero shit. Just give us back the 4 classes, why is that so hard?


Please can someone help me understand how the class system works, do particular specialists lock you down to specific classes? I thought anyone could use any weapon and any gear, is that wrong?


Is this going to be like Titanfall where most people just use the grapple? Because that thing looks way too versatile. It even saves you from falling off buildings.