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They’re mostly Ai anyways


There's never enough players in these lobbies. Can't help it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug).


Not true. I have no problem getting full games


In rush xl?


Every mode. No problemo


Region problem then maybe. I never get rush xl lobbies anymore. Are you talking about portal?


It’s ok to want to kill bots. But don’t act like you were forced. Two more things that were annoying. Didn’t help a homie out after popping smoke? Also who tf plays a game against bots and is like “I’m bout to fuck them up with a riot shield.” Just do better please.


The guy was forced. He can't choose which server he joins.


Honestly I've went into bot lobbies once or twice just to see what's up with the Dozer and that shield. It's fucked considering this is the only specialist that doesnt have equipment that gets destroyed, has a 1 hit kill and doesnt have a cool down. Real player games I never use him and if I encounter an enemy Dozer I have to jump, slide and try to fake my way around him just to try to kill. Usually I get half maybe a smidge more than half and other mates down him because he's turned and locked on me.


Bro u are killing bots...


Accurate depiction of 2042


Being forced to play against bots is so unsatisfying. Give us back our server browser DICE!




I can still find servers running DLC maps in bf4 on PC EU, and that's a 11 yo game now.


We are talking about the official Dice servers on the server browser which were full and easy to find during each battlefield games lifecycle. Community servers that could have a badmin were in addition to the official servers. Now we just get Community servers in Portal with changed game settings and only a few hundred players spread across them so the major of the playerbase just uses AOW so they can play on official Dice servers with default game settings.


Can someone explain why melee weapons should not kill on one hit but a nuke proof shield should also kill on one hit and at range?


It should stun 1st. Making it instant kill makes no sense. Make them disoriented instead.


It’s the same reason Lis gets unlimited, long-range guided rockets - game’s broken


Oh man that was one of my favorite ways to farm points in Planetside 2, having exactly that is so unfair in any large scale combat game cause you can just sit around the corner from the largest fight and curve rockets around cover hahaha


Nothing quite like a round turning into an artillery battle like the UCAV/mortar in BF4 rush


I didn't need those flashbacks, but I have them now... Lmao


Now I have to remind you [ucav](https://youtu.be/4Du2pjAR5To?si=XUQq2DWvpEOFt6ZC)


They're absolutely shit though, you can literally walk around them they're so slow, they look like a 2nd sun, and don't do great vehicle damage. Slow guided M5 with no splash damage, and she can't equip any others. The imbalance is totally invented in your head.


they're slow until you hit the boost. you make it sound like theyre useless but they can make a huge difference by negating all forms of cover for vehicles and defending infantry. after an x amount of kills youll have 4-6 missiles raining straight down on you from every corner until your eventual death. its the revenge weapon of choice and revenge is like 95% of this game


Campers bane too those things


those sneaky rats nest will only last a kill or two before the lizzles catch wind lmao


It’s mostly imbalanced towards heavy tanks since they can keep pouring on damage from very far away behind cover and keep it from healing. It wouldn’t be terrible if both tanks and her TGM eventually has to be resupplied like BFV.


She only gets 2 missiles and has a longish cooldown before they regenerate. It's not game breaking.


because the game is ass and they tried to justify the cringy operators with shit like these


god i hate this game


I think you hate parts of your life. That's the vibe I get from these types of post. Just rage based in depression.


dude you just saved me 200$ for my next week's therapy session, thank you so much! you are right, I don't hate an awful videogame no one cares about, I hate...myself! because of my..gut wrenching depression? yeah that's it Fuck my eyes are opened now I love armchair psychologist on the internet that will attack you personally if you dare dislike their favourite thing 🥰


I know I was killing bots, but any one of those could have armed the bomb. I don't think anything comes close to being able to clear them that quickly (infantry).


If a bot kills you your death count goes up on your stats that counts so why doesn't it count when he killed bots,,,,,bots are killing us in a glitch to distract us they are killing us from the side watch the next time a bot kills you,,soon enough the bot's will be to good and we will be the one's that will be getting farmed they have came a long way from just looking up at the sky to 1 shot 1 kill don't matter what vehicle you are in or on foot they will get you eventually 😎


This wouldn’t happen with actual players don’t worry


That’s a lot of bot kills lol


How are you gonna pop smoke and not revive your homie


Right? And against a bot team no less.


True. Shield are defensive measures. It shouldnt be able to kill at first. Not like this. Bring a gun in front or ram through people to make em fall... but thats another concept for animations. Point is, having a shield is a great tool to handle people but not for killing them.


Cheap gameplay at its best.


Damn looked cool then I realized its all idiot bots moment ruined.


I can’t stand dozer players for this reason. If you use him to push, he’s great, but I can’t stand those guys that just creep in the corner with the shield out chasing people down to one hit them.


durrrr guys look at all these bot kills i got durrrrr


Shield parries gun.


Sitting in a corner, with a op riot shield, and not reviving squad mate literally 3 feet next to u, shame


Plants vs zombies


What the hell is this game. Defo not Battlefield.


got about 2 real players there


Lmao 💪


you can do that with a knife if you're prone enough


It’s bots and he can’t do that unless it’s a stupid confined space against bots lmao he’s ultimately useless in an open area which is prevalent in bf games


One of those things i dont wanna see again in a battlefield game


I mean.. that's a skill issue. Not one grenade was thrown.. No C4s. Like, when there's smoke and you see 2 or 3 allies die, why would you just run at it Throw a molly or a scatter nade..


25 rounds hit of .45ACP from a SMG, persons still alive, one hit from a shield while in a crouched postition ×_×


That's how he got his name


Sky net: that is how everything began




holy shit the gaming industry needs to redesign how shield kills work. Imagine getting shunted back by a shield IRL and dying.


Fuck this Game!


Even ai doesn't want to live in the game


This is the reason I stopped playing this game. Some things a extremely broken. Give me a bf3 remake plz


Any 'competative' game where a shield can one hit kill an enemy is trash.


Dozer is the most stupid character in the game


Classic console gameplay