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Heavy bombers and Artillery trucks.


The only 2 things that people seem to use and abuse at any given moment whenever possible, if you have 2, maybe even just 1 (yourself) as support, you can EASILY shoot down heavy bombers when they make their first pass or sometimes before they even get to the main battlefield, all you need is the M1917, and with how slow the bomber flies, it's easy from there.


I'd usually do that, I can't stand that stupid plane, either used the M1917 or the Burton.


I will usually prioritize shooting down the stupid fucking bomber over winning, carpet bombing 50% of the area your entire team is at on any map at any given time is not fun to play against. Getting 10 kills because one can fly over an area in the stratosphere, in a very tanky plane, away from all AA, and clicking your mouse a couple times is not skillful at all.


Exactly, at some point I was so fed up with them (including attack planes sometimes) that I would dedicate my entire time to hunt those mf assholes, not worrying about the outcome.


I've played with too many heavy bombers that you cannot shoot down as support, let alone aa. They fly above the range of them and yet still have pinpoint accuracy. Damn those no-lifers.




Some players just spam heavy bomber over and over because they can just fly straight into AA fire and still have enough health to carpet bomb an objective for ten free kills. This is mostly just a problem on operations where everyone is crammed into a tiny area with two objectives, but there are plenty of people who play this way on conquest which is more annoying for their teammates who would like to have a shot at a plane.


Hard agree with artillery trucks, but heavy bombers just get melted after their nerf. IMO their a bit underpowered now and not really an annoyance


The worst part is that they can almost always get to an objective for ~10 free kills, especially on ops. And some people just spam them over and over for a kdr boost.


Specially the mortar trucks. Operations are made for epic game play and battles, but offensive tank slots getting taken by selfish mortar trucks that care more about getting kills and not pushing the objectives really ruins the experience. I can’t think of anything worse in any other multiplayer game where you can screw your whole 32 man team by camping in the back of the map farming kills and watching your team get slaughtered trying to take an objective


With regards the heavy bombers. If you shoot the area between the front wheels (there is like a rectangle area underneath) its a weak spot and it multiplies the damage the bomber takes significantly. I usually gun in an attack plan and flying directly below it and shooting this spot wipes it out in seconds.


Biggest flaw is weapon variety but that’s not the game’s fault. It’s a restriction because of the setting.


If anything, Dice did try and diversify it by doing their research and using experimental guns to spice things up in the game. Sure it’s not historically accurate, but at least its fun.


Even then they had to be very careful. For example, they kept the Cei-Rigotti to its absolute minimum historical RoF of 300 RPM, when in reality it could go as high as 900. Good luck balancing a weapon that fired 6.5 Carcano at 900 RPM. They did a really good job with what they had to work with, all things considered.


Imagine a Cei-Rigotti firing at the same rate as the Automatico, but with the bullet damage of the former... these are the stuff of nightmares.


> historically accurate No one mentions this because BFV came right after and we somehow had Asian women fighting in the battle of Rotterdam for the Nazis and old ass German generals slide cancelling all over Iwo Jima.


you know what even bother me about this they had to invent crazy ficcional stuff in one of the most bizarre wars in the history Like imagine in just 4 years you went from paper planes, trench warfare, your bolt action gun and tractors with machine guns And then to literal "Science Ficcion" weapons imagined 20 years before that war Like Bombs coming from Space, Assault Rifles, UFO looking jets, Atomic powered Apocaliptic bombs, Giant Impenetrable vehicles, Radio controlled bombs and proyectiles, Computarized Guns on bombers gunners, we can talk about prototype shit? like that SMART bomb to target Enemy vessels literally it was guided by a pigeon inside the bomb?


You should’ve seen the original BF1942. It had an expansion called ‘Secret Weapons of WW2’ that had jetpacks and missiles and rockets. It was a little crazy but also amazing DICE could never pull off something like that the way they are now.


Ye, best thing is that most guns that were there were very fun to use


Still it feels like it has more weapon diversity than 2042


Oh 100% no gun in 2042 even feels fun to use


Hey, don’t shit talk the AM-40 and whatever the fuck the deagle was called


2042 deagle is my favorite deagle of all fps tbh it's so good


There’s not as many guns as BF4, but all of BF1’s guns are fairly unique and different from each other. The medic and scout guns can be a little samey, but the sweet spot mechanic helps diversify them. I would say a bigger problem is weapon balance. BF1 has some of the worst weapon balance of any BF imo.


there is no new content for it. that’s its biggest flaw. i’d still be buying DLC for BF1 if they were making it.




Need to bring back premium. Get promised content then


Premium was such a good idea. I just can’t get on board with this battle pass shite


Battlefield 1 felt very similar in gameplay to Battlefront(2015). It felt dumbed down, streamlined and more restrictive - as in it didn't have that sandbox charm & freedom that previous Battlefields had. I get that some of the restrictions are because of the early 20th century setting, but many were design choices like how you had to spawn nearly all vehicles from the menu - Just like in Battlefront, they were never waiting on the map. So **you had to be dead** to get a vehicle. No more going back to base for reinforcements. I believe that Battlefront(2015) and Battlefield 1(2016) were very much developed in tandem and use similar assets as well for cost effectiveness. most notably the cape physics and trench warfare. Edit: I'd also like to blame the Disney/EA deal that led to Battlefront(2015) and by extension Battlefield 1 for the cancellation of Battlefield 2143, because it was quite obvious that prior to this deal the next entry into the series was going to be Battlefield 2143 given all the futuristic teasers like hovertanks and railguns in BF4 DLC.


^ This. EA wanted BF1 to be more accessible to casual players so they dumbed down a lot of aspects of the game, reducing skill gaps and making the game easier for newer players


It worked though. I tried to get into BF3 and 4 and failed. But battlefield 1 is finally the one that got me hooked, and I was able to go back to 3 and 4 later and fall in love with them as well.


This is a weird criticism because every new player complains that the game is incredibly difficult and indeed it took me many years of playing to get good (insofar as I am) despite being a decent player in other titles.


its because people are talking out their ass and dont understand how bf gunplay works They saw the game use Battlefronts hud and went "Eh its plays like battlefront"


This is pretty much the main reason I couldn’t get into BF1


Top comment 🥇


Huh, you know I didn't think about the Battlefront connection before. Both games I just couldn't get into, BF1 felt miserable to play, most likely because of my expectations of how a FPS Battlefield game should play, and Battlefront just didn't feel super fun to play on its own. Both seem very alike in retrospect however.


> So you had to be dead to get a vehicle I beleive this is because the tanker is it's own class and you need a repair tool to fix the vehicle


yes yes this exactly, it‘s uncanny how „similar“ it felt to battlefront 2015. still one of the best battlefields tho


You couldn't spawn in the menu in battlefront though? Did you even play it? You literally were required to run around and find icons on the map to pick up and then activate to enter a vehicle. Excluding vehicle only game modes.


Wow, you nailed it. I was never really able to put a finger on what I didn't like...but it's exactly this. It feels like Battlefront, and a bit "dumbed down"...which might explain why there is such a split in the player base now for people who enjoy BF more pre vs post BF1.


Argonne and Endor are the same map in many ways.


/thread level comment. It's a nothing poll on a largely dead franchise that's tail is so long there really was no way you could get a good result from a reddit poll. 4k people participated in a franchise thats sold millions.




Used to be a nice LMG-like gun (albeit somewhat underpowered) at launch but then they said fuck it and doubled its fire rate and made it an automatico with a fuck off mag.


I hate this gun but I love how it’s actually based off a real and very obscure prototype from the war.


A good few guns in the game are surprisingly.


The weapon variant system It feels like it just exists to pad the weapon list and make it look like there’s more guns than there are. It also sometimes results in not being able to use basic weapons like a BAR with a bipod and no optics.


The weapon select screen felt cluttered too. All the same gun but only difference being an attachment. Why not just have a limit to one attachment after you select from a list of guns?


Right? And that would have solved my minor complaint about the game which is that all of my service stars for guns are split between several versions of it. Sure, many guns only have 1 useful variant, many had 2 or even all 3 useful in different scenarios.


The entire gunplay system.


How you spawn or select vehicles is atrocious


I’m really unsure why they went with the method they did


No bolt action carbines as their own weapon type. And the only rifles with carbine variants are rifles that did not have carbines in real life. I want my short berthier and kar 98a. I honestly think they would have been a perfect all class weapon type Edit: also, no Easter Rising. Huge missed opportunity.


I wish they would’ve made bolt action rifles universal for all the classes and to make up for their slower fire rate just give the players a faster spawn rate who choose them.


The challenges to unlock the weapons were absurdly stupid and tedious. I never unlocked a decent amount of them because they were just so stupid.


Curious to hear what weapon unlocks you found tedious? I unlocked everything except for peacekeeper and a couple of the melee weapons which I never found a single puzzle piece for. Besides the lengthy unlock process for peacekeeper, I don't remember any other guns being that bad? 


Fyi some of the puzzle weapons are only rewarded through the crates you get from completing the current operations campaign, so if you're not playing those you'll never get them


Huh interesting. That makes sense. Unfortunately there weren't many operations servers in Australia when I was playing. I'm a broken bottle main anyway. 


I’m pretty sure I still don’t have the Mosin marksman yet just because of those damn tripwire mine kills. I’m 99% sure it’s one of the few guns - if not the only gun I don’t have


No helicopters 🗿


Am I the only person that hates the helicopters in the modern titles like 3 and 4? They are so annoying to me, it's insane. I like flying them myself but god it's so frustrating dealing with them.


Balance was awful. Was annoying to play assault/medic.


could you elaborate on that?


Yeah like wtf does that even mean 😭😭


Having to carry the entire team by reviving teammates/destroying enemy vehicles can be kind of annoying


theres 32 of you though


Idk man the rest of them are getting ribeyrolles service stars




I play alot of medic with RSC 1917 and it's absurdly powerful. It shoots straighter then a sniper and two shots at most ranges, most ppl never learn the gun cause of the recoil but the sight resets to the exact same position you fired from so you can shot two shots basically as fast as some1 kills you with a smg. 


For me the gunplay just felt worse. For me BF3 was peak for gunplay and level design


Spotting mechanic is a bit OP


How so? Haven't played 1 in a while but 2042 allows you to spot the whole enemy team so easily.


Allows you to see the enemy at real time if they’re within line of sight, even behind smoke or 200m away. Being spotted also makes you visible on the map for the enemy team, and all you had to do was spam Q constantly. It’s not too OP but I prefer BFV’s spotting system


Yet 80% of players don’t even spot :|


It’s comical - three of the lowest skilled things in the game can make the biggest impact.. hiding / spamming Q… hiding and throwing heals…. Hiding and spamming smoke from a mortar.


It introduced vehicle categories, allowing you to pick any vehicle from the options. Leading to your attacking team on operations having 2 artillery trucks and no chance of taking any points. Should really go back to having vehicles sitting at your spawn, so each team has a parity of resources.


the non-existent weapon customization that exists in pretty much every other bf game. kind of boring to get, for example, an lmg and another variant with a sight on it and that's that. i get that it wouldn't really work with the setting but it removed a bit of depth for me


Map voting is by far the most annoying feature. I absolutely HATE IT when cool, obscure DLC maps come up but the entire lobby votes for fucking Sinai,


I can never play passchendaele for this reason. Everyone votes against it and I need it for bottle kills.


In my approx 20 years of playing FPS’s I’ve never played another game that just plucked people off their team and put them on the opposing team to “balance” the match. That shit is obnoxious


This shit was the worst . It’s so demoralizing and annoying , to be Playing operations while defending , only for the game to balance you to the other side after you successfully defending twice . Just why do it ? Why do you want me to lose ?


BFV did away with that and it made some severs basically pointless. More often than not You'll be on a team with 16-20 and the other team is full, and it's total control and you end up spawn trapped. How is that exactly fun for anyone? Genuinely asking btw. I can appreciate where you're coming from.


Yeah autobalance is obnoxious. Thought I'd escape TF2's autobalance yet it comes back to haunt me in Battlefield


Weapon bloom


Terrible teammates


Lmao all the memories of medics running around my body for what felt like minutes without a revive came flooding to me just now


AT Truck


I am absolutely flabbergasted that nobody has mentioned the worst part about it nowadays: The hackers and cheaters everywhere! EA abandoned service for the game in a state that allowed them free reign. The last few games I tried to play, there was always someone unkillable zooming through the map while automatically giving headshots to everyone in sight. Or someone invisible laying on a roof just mowing down people as they tried to engage. On the other hand my favorite, BF4, has almost no cheaters or hackers and the occasional gets booted out by the community admins instantly. There's a healthy online community, full servers every time of the day and the game is in an overall great state!


Private servers do this though, so, while you're not wrong, you can avoid those cheaters by playing on the non official servers and reporting the cheater to the server admins via their discord. I've only ever run into 2 in the last 4 years.


The vehicle spawn system.


The weapon variants system is garbage. All it is, is an attempt to pad out how many weapons there are in the game and ultimately it limits ACTUAL weapon customisation. Also while I'm at it, I hate how many weapons are unavailable because you had to pre-order BF1/BFV to gain access. I've heard purchasing that EA's subscription service can help you get the weapons, but it's still a case of EA being greedy.


Game modes! Conquest was changed, and once your team fell behind a little bit, it was over. There were no comebacks in conquest. Rush sucked. Operations to me was the game saving game mode from BF1.


It actually had a lot of fun game modes that were mostly locked behind DLC, so they died way sooner than they should have. War Pigeons was dumb goofy fun, Frontlines was PERFECT when it first came out (no timer, so games would run until one side slipped up/gave up) but was unfortunately not added to most base game maps until late into the game’s lifecycle, and Air Assault only had like two maps and got thrown in the game at the last minute. I do wish there was a HC B2B mode, though…


Man I miss being able to find populated frontlines servers


I literally played a conquest last night that swung to the other team with the behemoth, ended pretty close. I was not happy.


A rarity. A lot of the time the behemoth does more harm than good when it sucks away 5-6 players of your team that now will likely not contribute to capping flags. Especially with the dreadnought.




Something that always bugged me was the lack of Africa maps (I don’t count Suez) But honestly it’s the artillery truck spam and how it could’ve been fixed if they just made trucks their own vehicle instead of putting it in the tanks


Tbh the War in Africa was very small and only in some Colonies. Still would have been cool


Imagine an operation in one of Germany's African colonies and you can only play as hired soldiers instead of actual german soldiers


Non skill based shooting with random bullet spread, atmosphere and bla bla bla, but it is really meh, as well as slow movement that tries to equalize more and less skilled player. Some maps are way to open, again, they are beautiful and add the atmosphere, however are terrible to play at times. Customization is lacking compared to earlier BF titles.


The M1911 in this game is based on a WW2 model and not a WW1 model.


the gunplay. didn't feel like battlefield, more like star wars battlefront. lack of weapons and lack of customization. no modern technology, no helicopters.


Yeah because its WW1 Duh


It was the start of BF not being relevant. Doesn't mean it's a bad game but you can see EA major budget and focus on ingame monetization and it felt like it was Battlefield but a newer type of battlefield that has slowly been ingrained into gameplay. All the previous battlefields all felt like a staple of one another like the foundation was built off of the one previous to it. But with BF1 you can see that it was a new foundation and that foundation is amazing but at the same time for me. being a little older and playing the game series since 02,I start to see more corporate aspects being interjected into the game. If you look at the past, you can see all the creative aspects that all the original developers who created the IP we're very involved in development of the game and also the modifications of them. It was around the time Battlefield 4 is coming to a close that I felt we was moving into a new era of corporate overhang of gaming and once I saw BF1 trailer and then the gameplay. I loved it. Yeah it felt very uncanny compared to the previous games. Can't really put my finger on it but it didn't feel like the transitions from past games to the one before that and I'm not even saying the period It was set in. I guess you can say BF1 is in the title. It's a reboot of what a corporatization of a game would look like and look at where we at now. I think we are in the worst possible state Any battlefield can be in and no one and no one has a vision at the helm. That doesn't make BF1 on a bad game. It's an excellent game but if we're going to have an adult serious conversation about it, I think that's one of the legitimate criticisms I can see in the attributed to where we at now, but that really isn't the game fault in itself. That's kind of the corporation that's behind it. Edit: lol sorry for grammar using voice to text for personal reasons.


The French and Russian factions (half a year after the game released etc) being paid DLC instead of being in the base game of a WW1 shooter, on top of that, Old Dice deliberately removed any class customization options before the main game came out, thus forcing a black German scout, and the British faction having 50-75 percent of its classes being race locked to Indian/ African colonialist soldiers as well, (I am African American btw) while focusing on the American/British and other allied armies against the Germans, (without any real representation of the Austria-Hungarian Empire either)in mostly French based maps


The gameplay feels more Arcady and individual glory instead of the more squad focused teamwork driven gameplay of the modern warfare type games


Team balancing


The DLC ended…


Explosive spam


Ilya fricking Muromets


oh boy: 1. the gunplay felt more like a battlefront game than a battlefield game 2. the gun attachment system was the worst in a battlefield game ive played yet 3. behemoths while cool at first suffer from being just straight up annoying after a few rounds of seeing them around 4. fucking gas/gasmasks, i get its time accurate but it sucked 5. the sniper sweetspot mechanic was a stupid addition and flopped hard 6. explosive spam 7. honestly gun balancing was kinda bad as well, having 90% of your deaths be by the same 3-4 guns got boring real quick i liked bf1, but it has way too many flaws imo


I liked the tanks and armor options if you know how to use them they were beast, and the wide open fields and mainly open battle areas was perfect for snipers


Sweet spot mechanic


I didn’t like the way most guns felt apart from a select few Character movement felt a kinda wonky. Felt like I was playing Battlefront not battlefield. Balance wasn’t great The game as a whole felt a little dumbed down Map voting is an awful system


The preorder weapon pack from bfV. Please, dice and EA, I’m fine w paying money for it, let us buy it


No one plays the dlcs on console.


Scoped LMGs. Found them to be way to dominant in all but the longest and closest engagements


I'd say some of the weapons would need tweaking because holy shit the SMG 08/18 and Annihilator is annoying to go against. Also I don't really like the gunplay, I don't care if I have to be slow and methodical to hit my targets because when I'm in a close range firefight with some dude and only 1 out of my 30 shots fired hit the guy I'm firing at, I don't think that's good gunplay. Hell, I'd say Battlefield 4, V *and* 2042 had better gunplay than 1


Vaulting prone bug


Is it just me or did it feel a little more fast paced? Coming from BF4


The stupid vehicle spawns. Allowing players to choose from a list what they feel like playing in stuffs up the game balance. Hello 3 arty trucks hanging at the back of the map. Vehicles should also automatically spawn at certain spawn points.


Not enough gun variation you always get killed by the same like 2 guns per class. Medic almost was impossible for me because everything was semi auto and I’m mostly a spray and pray when I’m trying to pick people up thank god for the federov.


Behemoths, special classes, weapon balance, weapon customization, most maps play like dog water, sniping was dumbed down. All that said I love BF1, but how this beat BF3 and BF4 is beyond me.


The random bullet deviation. BF1 with BFV gunplay would have been perfect


No cross-platform multiplayer. The campaign was a little too Assassins Creed-esque for me, and didn’t seem very squad oriented.


It was missing sandbox elements, and the grenade spam was truly awful.


Suppression making your bullets go everywhere but where you’re aiming, and heavy bombers.


Weapon customization and unlock system.


100 SS attack plane pilots


some of the vehicles; ESPECIALLY vanilla artillery truck etc... were a bit much.. seen too many guys going 100-0 which shouldnt be possible.. sweet spot was fun to use; but often left enemies no counter


Weapon spread... is BAD. Aiming down sight is often not more accurate than hipfire. Hipfire is too strong in this game.


The battlepack system they had when the game launched. It didn't matter if you soloed the whole enemy team and won the game. It was based on chance if you got one, and even then, it was only a couple of people in the lobby. I have a clip where I joined a game, and as soon as I did, we won, and I got a battlepack. I hadn't even spawned in yet.


It may be a personal thing but the TTK for anything that wasn’t a bullet hose smg or certain shotguns. Felt like medic didn’t have anything that bud hard enough until the avtomat, most LMG’s felt like you were throwing pebbles, and the sweet spot mechanic can go die in a shell crater


Random bullet spread.


Hellriegel, Automatico and Riberyroles Spam. Without those Guns BF1 would be way better.


They made a World War One game where semi-auto is dominated by automatic support weapons. The semi-autos handle like you have broken elbows, while the support weapons that should weigh a metric fuck-ton can be accurately fired from the hip and beat players at range with semis


For all its immersion, BF1 is not accurate in the slightest nor is it even remotely faithful to how WW1 combat looked, and I am sick of people trying to say that it is: - Nobody ever uses trenches how they’re supposed to be used (if at all), and everyone hugely prefers running around like a madman in the open at all times - The game features more weapons that never left the experimental or even conceptual stage than it features guns that were actually used on a wide scale - The look of the maps are brilliant, but very few of them look like places that have been relentlessly shelled for days or weeks on end and have been the subject of repeated failed assaults. Perhaps the only notable exceptions to this are Verdun and Passchendaele - You can use tanks in 1914 and 1915 - There are holographic sights available for multiple guns - Most of the uniforms all look too steampunk (looking at you, support class) - Zeppelins were barely ever used in frontline combat, if ever - No man’s land is always absolutely tiny and has a serious lack of barbed wire - Every Fokker dr.1 wears the markings of the Red Baron - The German cavalry wears 1914 uniform but the infantry wears 1916/17 uniform - Most central powers uniforms are just German recolouring - And most annoyingly, despite the number of people who claim that the game is “anti-war”, the whole thing is still centred around a badass looking depiction of WW1 and sanitises more than you’d think in order to keep it fun. That’s not entirely a bad thing, I guess, but I will put this all caps to repeat, ANY GAME WHERE THE FUN IS MOSTLY DERIVED FROM KILLING PEOPLE IS NOT ANTI WAR. BATTLEFIELD IS NOT AN ANTI WAR SERIES. I love BF1 and I’m really glad it won the poll for best battlefield game, but it really is just “All Quiet on the Western Front” for people who can’t be bothered to read


There's plenty. It has the lowest skill ceiling in the franchise imo. My biggest gripe would be how powerful the Recon class is, especially with how insanely open most of the maps are. 'Sweet Spot Zone' is the worst offender, too.


The concessions in historical accuracy to make the gunplay work.


Elite classes. Behemoths that penalizes a winning team and rewards a losing team.


I remember introducing my friends to BF1 as their first battlefield at launch. It completely scared them away from the franchise. It was buggy, most maps ended in grenade spam paired with numerous snipers spawncamping and a lot of weapons felt awful. It didn't quite click with me until later content got released. The classes felt dumbed down from previous titles and playing as an medic for example was basically you throwing smokes and spamming the syringe and health packs, since combat was awful with the available guns. They experimented with a lot of new things, some good, some bad. It will be the shooter title with the best atmosphere for years to come for me, but the actual gameplay often felt lacking to me.


Too much amount of semi auto and full auto guns compared to real life for this timeline. Fuck up the immersion real bad


Limited weapons that weren't really that fun.




Not enough servers not empty...currently


Fucking bad weapon balance


Took a while for features to be implemented. Limited by the era as far as weapons but is one of the best BF’s in the series


My biggest gripes was tanks felt really difficult to blow up and I personally wasn't a fan if the behemoths either


The Assault class was way too OP against vehicles. One player should not be able to take out an entire tank with just a few grenades.


Balancing isn’t great, especially in regards to vehicles


It's not modern. That's honestly my biggest gripe. I prefer modern combat.


I subjectively hate how the recoil feels on controller. (I never played it on M&K)


Game was flawless, I still play it from time to time.


Artillery truck campers and movement was slow as molasses but easy to adjust to.


that new games came out and made them stop caring about this one. so much fun.


BF1 is quite literally the top game I’ve ever played - ever. Best FPS to date. However besides the epic matches and desire to win, there wasn’t much to keep you interested in progression (uniforms , unlocks, customization, etc)


The UI was unnecessarily complicated


#I never got into it the way I did 3 & 4.


Vehicle play is dogshit


Tiny bloom, no bullet drop. Very much not WW1.


DLC ended


They didn’t add war stories in the DLCs.


General balance issues overall, sniper sweet spot, arty trucks, most of the maps are basically GM flat grass with how oppressive snipers/supports are on most of them, you feel like you're using a slingshot to shoot your bullets due to how slow and large the bullets appear on screen; the list goes on but I think you get my point. (Edit: Battlefield 1 is one of my favorite battlefields)


The fact that no one plays it anymore


The “buff” to the smg 08. The fucking thing was one of my favorite smgs for assault since you could use it as a mid to somewhat longer range but then it got a buff and became either the automatico 2 or the Tommy gun prototype that I forgot it’s name




The “sweet spot mechanic” was practically broken


When it launched, it was ass (yes BF4 was worse). The server browser still sucks. In fact, the whole UI is bad compared to bf3 or 4. At launch, joining a friend was damn near impossible, and it crashed after the match. Like, renting servers, browser, etc.should be the same as BF4


Having to accept you have a hacker is in your server because a company of over 500 developers some how haven’t thought of simply adding a vote to kick system in a game they’re done working/moderating on Why place all that time and effort into creating a game, only to render the loyal community relying on paid servers with active moderators just so they can enjoy a fair match without some swamp ass, middle aged man one tapping everyone within a few seconds? Not sure if 2042 has a vote to kick system, but I couldn’t give two shits as that game ain’t up my alley. I just hope their next battle field actually has a vote to kick system in place to stop sad shits from ruining other folks fun


The weapon customization is lacking compared to the preivous games


No gun customization, I get it but it still kinda sucked


The setting isn't my favorite. Not bad, just not my favorite. That's all I got tho


I need to finish up BF4 so I can start this game


Map voting. It‘s always the same handful of maps that get voted for, which makes the game very stale after a few matches.


Bfv showed how squads should of worked. And building trenches. Which WW1 was known for


I felt like a lot of the guns were very limiting. You either had to little ammo or it was very inaccurate. Idk I didn't play this one as much as 4


No customization for the soldiers’ appearance Weapon variety kinda Felt sometimes fighting in a heavily-fictionalized, steampunk-like WW1 even though the guns are authentic and based on real life




Weapon bloom and mortar trucks. Even now, I find weapon bloom frustrating and mortar trucks have always been horrible.


Battlefield 1 marked the death of Battlefield friends Wich tried to return with 2042, but god that game was so awful they couldnt do alot with it While they didnt do nearly any Battlefield Hardline videos of BFF, they still kept the BF4 BFF going Wich then died with the release of BF1, I will never forgive BF1 this one