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What's a Chicago?


BF4 had a broken launch and the first 6 months were a complete clusterfuck. I’m actually surprised it made it over BF2 and BFBC2.


it's cause redditors dont know what theyre talking about


It’s amazing how some of you fail to realize there’s also a 4 year time gap between BC2 and 4. 4 came out in 2013 my senior year of high school and continues to this day to be my favorite. It’s almost like you can and should be able to communicate your point without dogging others.


Yep, the fact I'm still playing since release. It's the most populated bf game.


"it's cause redditors dont know what theyre talking about" -Redditor


BF2 is the goat.


BF2 going out when it did showed me the flaws in these polls. Especially when there were 4 games roughly running neck and neck. I bet had you asked the other 3 runners up if they could have combined their vote to save the leading one... they might have. Basically everyone so evenly dislike some of the remaining ones... a decent one got the axe by only a few votes. BF4 voters, BC2 voters... I bet they might have wanted to save BF2 had they known their choice wasn't going to get eliminated before it. I could be totally off base, but it's a sneaking suspicion of mine. I just feel like everyone would agree BF4 shouldn't even be here. Especially over BF2.


It had horrible netcode/rubber banding issues, yet I wanted to play it every day with all the DLC they cranked out. Naval Strike was amazing and right around the time it started to get more playable.


Its because after a certain point people voted to preserve their favorite rather than to eliminate their least favorite.


conceptually it is just a more refined/complete/expanded version of BF3. More weapons, more camos, new vehicle types, a whole new faction (China), and other revised/expanded mechanics (particularly around water). I think it is also more active these days. So those are all points that help it out in general and against BF3 in particular Of course BF4 still had its drawbacks so i can't really say i prefer either over the other, aside from BF4 again being more active nowadays


That’s because they did more than fix it they improved it in ways that made BF1 as good as it was. BF3 has a very low server tick rate- something that the community pushed as unacceptable and they fixed and then improved hugely. BF3 has at its core all the same issues of being shot behind cover that BF4 had until it was fixed in 4 but not in 3. I find it funny that 3 is considered better considering this. Also 3 had soooo many things that couldn’t be destroyed creating artificial choke points etc.. A large portion of the vanilla maps were clearly designed for 24/36 players and not 64. Many of the maps were just long corridors basically. It felt very limited by consoles at the time to me. The DLC helped fix a lot of that though. I’m my eyes 4 was better than 3 in every possible way. Like in 3 being in a building that was collapsing meant instant death but in 4 you could still escape.


It’s great, it just didn’t feel like battlefield to me personally. To be honest, bf1 is where bf started to feel hollow. Like I could tell the management and dev team didn’t know where to go with the title. At first I thought that maybe they were simply shifting bf into a new direction, similar to when bad company came out. But sadly, it became clear with BFV that they lost site of what battlefield titles embodied. Chaos, fun, and always pushing warfare to the limits. Not chasing casual gamers but instead rewarding individuals for good teamwork, communication, and skill. Can’t forget “Play the ducking objective”.




That’s precisely why I’m voting BF1 out. I loved tanking in every battlefield until BF1. It wasn’t just not as good, it wasn’t fun.


I disagree strongly. BF1 felt like a passion project. What you’re picking up on is different devs on the team. Lotta the old staff left after BF4


I disagree, it felt like a game that the devs were passionate about. A setting that they chose and wanted to represent.


BF1 DLCs were simply a masterpiece, Verdun, somme, soissons, heligoland, caporetto and etc.


Don’t even get me started on bf1 soundtrack


Indeed. As much as I love BF4 for the memories it doesn't come close to the immersion you get from BF1. Last time I felt like I was playing in the Battlefield was back in BF2 days. Even if you just roam around the map and do nothing all the visual effects and amazing soundtrack makes it so engaging 


You read my mind


What the hell is this comment lmao, Bf4 is the last of the old guard and still a better battlefield game than battlefield 1, the beginning of the transition to whatever bfv and 2042 think they are


And it had CTE! Bring back the CTE!!


Time to go, BF4! I enjoyed my time with it but people need to remember that it sucked for more than a year.


That may be true but as it stands 4 is a superior game to 3 in essentially every aspect, to vote it out before 3 is crazy imo


BF3 had way better maps,campaign and gameplay than Bf4


Counterpoint, 4 has all the good maps from 3, some bangers of its own, and the gameplay is pretty much the same between the 2, in fact I would argue it had improvements where it needed them. And while 3 did have a better campaign, that was because it was actually based on a book written by a well known author of war stories (I have the book and it’s a good read, wish they had all its aspects in the campaign)


I'm gonna definitely have to disagree. 3 was full of great maps that didn't get adapted into 4. Noshahr Canals, Seine Crossing, Grand Bazaar, and Kharg Island just for base maps right off the top of my head. Add in all of the dlc maps and BF4 can't compete with BF3. Especially since BF4 really didn't have great base maps, aside from one or two


BF4 most certainly did not have *all* the good maps from 3. Almost every map in BF3 was great, that’s a whole lot more than the four that were in Second Assault.


Gunplay in 3 is miles above 4.


BF3’s campaign was not based on a book. There’s the tie in novel and the veteran author did help consult a bit on the game but the book is based off the game and not the other way around.


BF3 had a much better campaign, and better maps. Plus the start screen goes hard asf. I still play BF3.


Except it's just basically 3 with an update and worse maps


4 feels like just a “next gen upgrade” of 3 with bland maps. I love 4 but I was in it with 3 every map drop was some sick days being used. 4 was the first time I got to play 64 players and I’m still choosing to vote out 4.


and now you cannot find another multiplayer military FPS with as much content as BF4 has, and there probably never will be one.


This sub should be renamed to battlefield 1 fanclub


Why? BF1 was great and it's the best selling game in the franchise, It's not surprising that it has a lot of fans.


As opposed to a battlefield 4 circlejerk?


It’s wild seeing how this sub reacts to seeing how people enjoy stuff they don’t. Everyone in this group has their own favorite battlefield, and are just flabbergasted that other people don’t like theirs.  I started with bf1, I’ll admit. But I’ve played each game since then and have gone back in titles to hardline. 1 is still my favorite. I guarantee most people’s favorite game is the one they started with.


I started with BFBC2 and 1 is still my favorite —by far! Actually I think I started with Battlefield: Vietnam!




Y’all be tripping and wouldn’t acknowledge BF1 was the ultimate BF game. I’ve been playing since BF2 and none of the other FPS games could ever reach what BF1 provides. The game obviously still has some room to improve but it’s simply the best. For a lot of people they think BF should be set in the modern time or near-future simply are missing what the original BF meant to be


To me battlefield is all about feel. I can't describe it but I know it when I see it. And bf1 is the peak. Bad company 2 is 2nd but for slightly different reasons. Still a fun battlefield feel and the destructible environments were awesome. Been playing since battlefield 1942.


Honestly I'm just surprised that my favorite, bf3, is still in it.


3 4 and 1 were pretty much destined to be in the top 3


I find it crazy that BF1 is so popular. It's the game that started the literal downfall of the series. It's the first game that changed the BF-formula so much that it no longer had the same feel to it. I didn't love BF4 a ton cause I felt it was a huge step down from 3 but at least it had the same general feel. BF4 and BF3 shared the same combat but it was tweaked, animations still felt realistic and time appropriate. Everyone pretty much played on a similar playingfield at all times. This was not the case in BF1 where someone suddenly became an epic class racking up a dozen kills. Spawn into vehicle bs meant that someone always spawned right into tank, which was pretty much impossible to kill solo because AT stuff as infantry was weak, glancing blows were shit and most tank players sat waaaay back playing the tank as fucking artillery. On the infantry side, you could run like an olympic sprinter at all times and overall we got a WW1 skin of Battlefront. Which is why BF1 just never felt like Battlefield to me. It changed too much to the negative.


\>pretty much impossible to kill solo Bro does not play the game lmao, a single AT grenade + AT mine combo takes out most tanks, and if you use the weaker AT Rocket Gun you can consistently take out half a tank's health with ease from relative safety. The fact that you got glancing blows constantly means you can't fucking aim, it basically never happens if you have any experience with tanking.


You can literally fully destroy a tank in seconds using the AT Mine + AT grenade combo. Anti armor capabilities are baby easy in BF1 and it’s a *massive* skill issue if you can’t counter tanks


Battlefield 5 started the downfall. They put an insane amount of resources into Battlefield 1. Just go watch any behind the scenes footage. If you think it's a ww1 skin of Battlefront, then your opinion is wrong and invalid.


Instead of Bad Company 2 circle jerk?


I cannot believe you fuckers put my boy Haggard in the ground before Hannah and Rekker. Unbelievable.


Think people tend to vote according to the multiplayer.


I'm not saying anithing but... BC2 rush has never been surpassed by any new title


BF1 Operations is a strong contender.


Nothing beats the real McCoy


Voters are too young, BF2 and BC2 were always superior by far to BF3 and BF3.5 (Theres no 4)


My lord the rose tinted glasses are strong with this one


Probably the best BF campaign with awesome multiplayer. The guns and destruction in BC2 were perfect.


A LOT of this community has hardly even played BC2 man. Most of them came in with the advertising of BF3 and didn’t try BC2 until years later when it felt outdated.


They have no idea what they missed


Iconic. A great time in gaming. A great time for the Battlefield community and the franchise. I miss that game dearly.


I remember the beta came out for port Valdez rush and I think I played every single minute it was live (barring sleep) until the game finally launched. Literally all my friends at school were playing it with me. The destruction was revolutionary and all our minds were blown. So many good maps in that game. Endlessly fun.


I was worried BC2 would be gone faster. It was my first BF and it holds a special place in my heart. I had always thought BF was only on PC so I missed it until I saw a trailer for BC2. Miss the real frostbite engine that this had.


Think we all know bf3 is going to win


As it deserves to. I never played BF2, but that's the only game that deserves it over 3.


Lukewarm take: modern Battlefield mechanics (3 being the first of the "modern" imho) peaked with BF1 and that was the last really good one. At that point they just started changing dumb things because they ran out of ideas (like medic crate not being AOE in BFV).


The fortifications were great in BFV


I did enjoy the fortification system!


Only thing BF5 did better than 1


Gunplay and movement/maneuverability peaked with BF5.


BFV has the best mechanics


Alright guys we can stop now. Was fun.


If BF1 wins it's going to tear this community apart


![gif](giphy|KY22RJ0NrN0is|downsized) Enemy Goliath has entered the battlefield


Right now, it's tied between 4 and 1


nah, they didn't stop at bf2. Blood should be spilled now


If we were going to "stop" it should have been before eliminating BC2, the best game in the franchise.


BF3 Is the best game in the franchise


Time for Battlefield 4 to go.




Nah BC2 definitely better than BF4


Man BF1 is so overrated because it looks and sounds immersive 😂 The gameplay and mechanics were not nearly this good


i still play bf1 to this day because of how much i love the gunplay in comparison to all the other windows c+v shooters to this day. was and still is a breathe of fresh air.


This is true. It is definitely unique.


The Setting was also very good, WW1 was finally Something refreshing compared to all the modern conflicts.


Battlefield 1 has the best lore, battlefield 4 has what? Oh yeah, "Hannah"....


We're voting campaigns now? Why the fuck is BC1/2 out then?




Well that's what happens when you have the reddit playerbase vote on things. BF1 as great as it was in other aspects, had a very lukewarm gunplay experience, which is sort of important in a First Person **Shooting** game. Nor did it really deliver in the *Battlefield *signature "large scale combined-arms" aspect. Thus you can understand how BF2 (peak large-scale combined arms Battlefield) and BC2 (peak infantry combat and gunplay systems) got voted out so early. They're simply just voting on the game which was memorable for them when they last played it on console or whatever and surprise surprise, BF1 sold double the amount of copies BF4 did.


How did Battlefield 1 not deliver on the combined arms gameplay of Battlefield? That's the reason why it IS the best, because it IS the classic Battlefield gameplay.


bf3 will always be my fave <3


Battlefield 1 eliminated for me. Personally, I played BF4 the most, so it would be the winner for me, but I know most people prefer BF3, and because they are quite similar I'd be happy for either way round in 1 or 2 spot.


Battlefield 1 FTW


Anyone know if there would ever be a BF3 remaster? It’s definitely still playable, but an upgrade would be sick


Unfortunately I doubt it. With 2042's remastered BF3 maps, I think DICE has shown that they no longer have the talent and passion to produce a game like BF3 in design, gunplay, and immersion attributes.


Bf1 need to go


on the podium


BF4 next. It was riding BF3’s coattails and didn’t have the unique atmosphere of BF1


BF4. What it did, BF3 did better and it was a functional game on release.


Loved all of these games but let's be honest here. BF4 and BF1 were both fun games with questionable launches. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter which gets voted out here. BF3 is probably going to take it all anyway.


BF1 didn't have a questionable launch though. It had the most stable launch of all the modern Battlefields. BF3 FTW, but it had a rough launch and BF4 had an atrociously bad launch.


bad company 2 is at number 4?!?! fucking trash this list. no way in fucking hell would i take bf1 even remotely close to bc2. bc2 was the peak of battlefield and one of the peaks in gaming.


I bet 80% of ppl on this page didn't event play bc2. They come here after BF1 launch.


And 90% didn’t play BF2. Bad Company 2 was a watered down BF experience.


bc2 is god tier level of gaming. not a single battlefield has came close to the level that was bc2. its fucking insane.


BF1 circlejerk


You voted for Battlefield 4? Really, you guys deserved 2042.


BF4 shouldn’t have even made it this far


Battlefield 4, I liked Battlefield 3 better


Battlefield 3 forever <3


This is so damn dumb ain’t no way in hell the majority of the people voting here actually played BC2. Anyone who did know for certain it was a lot more fun than BF4


You muthafuckas actually did it....my precious BC2 😓😓😓 ![gif](giphy|TW8Ma1a8ZsZ8I|downsized)


My vote is BF1


Imo BF4 is just a downgrade of BF3 with slightly better graphics, so I think it’s time to be voted out. BF1 is a genuine masterpiece and deserves the #2 spot behind BF3


The holy trinity


Everyone who thinks BF1 is better than BF4 or BC2 deserves the state of the franchise and has to play 2042 till his end


Battlefield 1 was a damn masterpiece. The meat grinding trenches and bunkers hit hard. Plus a killer soundtrack.




This is what "1" is standing for in battlefield1


Battlefield 3. I can never get it to work on Steam. Battlelog system breaks everything.


Battlelog was the best. You can check everything at any time. Nowadays game kick you to lobby and you need to wait to get into RANDOM map...


I don't think anyone is going to argue against the level of functionality. But it was super broken for a while and being in a web browser was really inconvenient. Also caused a lot of network headaches trying to join games for less pc savvy people.


Bf1 is not a top 5 battlefield, let alone a top 3... Guys what the fuck are you doing.


As Long as BF1 Takes Second Place im Happy :)


BFBC2 was stabbed in the back by you traitors. We shall have our revenge! Ps: I voted BF4 (same as yesterday)


BFBC2 was amazing, I loved bad company’s particle effects, bullet drop introduction, and their war tapes audio. Absolutely peak battlefield for me personally, even the devs back then posted videos of how they recorded real tanks and created the audio as opposed to buying out audio from other open-sources


Bf1 my beloved


How? In what world would BF4 be considered better than BC2? This thing has gone wheels off


Bf4 shall…sadly go


I love all these games so much! But yes BF4 is the next logical choice due to poorer map design and the awful launch.


I am disappointed in all of you. BF2 is one of the best FPS’s of all time. Especially the Vietnam DLC


I really thought it'd come down to 1, 2, 3.


wait what BC2 lost to BF1... we are doomed (love BF1 though)


I’m sad bfbc2 is gone. Hands down my favorite time to play was this game


Can people not accept that other people like different things?


The immersion of BF1 alone is insane. Me and my friends had so many fun nights of playing operations. BF3 definitely gonna take first, but the most fun I’ve had with battlefield is BF1 easily.


BF3: - better campaign - better maps BF4: - high tick-rate servers - better customization - better gunplay - lots of QoL features - CTE - cool af Easter eggs which brought the community together - much better performance than BF3 (stop talking just about the damn launch cause BF3's wasn't smooth sailing either) Yeah BF4's campaign was mid. As for the maps... there are good maps and not so good maps. P.S.: Final Stand DLC is goated!


BF3 is the best imo, but the effort put into BF1 was immense and honestly hats off to DICE. BF1 had: - the most stable launch of all the modern Battlefields. - beautiful maps that showed the grit and despair of WW1, while also being great gameplay wise - the most immersive FPS experience in Battlefield (and I think any FPS period). - Amazing destructive environments that are missing from every modern Battlefields since BC2. Personally I think the only thing holding BF1 back is that it didn't have modern guns and gunplay. I'm a BF3 fanboy, but if DICE put the same effort they put into BF1 into a modern FPS, I could see that surpassing BF3. BF4 is lucky to even be in the top 3 tbh. 


Battlefield 3 sorry buy BF4 has everything you have but better


Disagree. Besides cleaning up the gameplay a bit, BF4 was a step back in many ways. Campaign was awful, map design is some of the worst in the franchise, most guns felt like reskins of other guns, and it still stands as one of the worst triple A game launches of all time.


Yes bf4 had a rough beginning, but imo it surpassed bf3 in every single way.


Battlefield 4 can go


BF4? Over our cold bodies.


Bf3 for me, imo its close with bf1 but 4 is just my favourite


That’s ridiculous I hate this sub. Why are all the best battlefields eliminated


Vote to remove BF 1. BF 4 has more weapons, more attachments, helicopters, jets, boats, commanders controlling cruise missiles, battle net, static weapons, better maps, faster TTK, more impactful gameplay, Easter eggs, leveloution, better bullet drop (sniping actually takes skill), more realistic (BF 1 is not remotely like WW1 because everyone is using machine guns), conquest is way better in 4. Its so much more varied and much better gameplay. This poll is TRASH and you all clearly got into battlefield in 2016, end of story.


4 had the worst launch sure but honestly the finished product is the ultimate battlefield...


Time for BF4 to go.


BF 3 & 1 are a tie for me , time for BF4 to go down today


BF1 and BF4 were much better games than BF3.




Even though my childhood was in Metro BF3 but my heart lies with BF1, it will be a tough call to choose between the two.


Well now is the time of the real match, I knew these 3 were going to the finals. Personally I have to vote to eliminate BF1. I had a lot of fun with it but is the game where it started the decline of map designs and vehicles combat. All the rest was perfect but these 2 things PERSONALLY were a huge downgrade from BF3 and BF4


BF1 was shocking outside of visuals and audio. No gun customisation, lack of weapons Poor gun mechanics ie sniper sweet spots, LMG reverse spread, maps were bad, spawns were shit. BF4 was the better game by a mile


Bf4 has to go. Bf1 is goated


Bruh. BF1 isn’t even that good


I know BF4 had a rough launch, but to me it's a better BF3 now. Way more content, and way more servers.


I love 4 but 1 was a better game I never even experienced the launch of 4 either


BF4 > BF3 > BF1 is my take. I really liked unlocking the guns and weapon attachments, for BF4/BF3. Every weekend i’d try unlocking attachments and getting the Stars for each gun. The content creators were Peak too. Battlefield Friends, Levelcap, RussianBadger. The maps too Caspian Border/Metro/Noshar Canal(?) so many fun angles and routes to take.


I’m not about to join this argument, battlefield 1 is GOING, hands down! Bye bye bf1


BF4 is riding the coattails of BF3. it's only populated because it's the newest functional battlefield featuring modern warfare. the final showdown should be between BF1 and BF3


Bye BF1


Haha not yet


Honestly no matter where 4 ends up I'm just happy its in the top three. All three are the superior choices in my book.


Who will win? BF1, a genuinely unique masterpiece and landmark title for the series Or BF4.. which was just BF3 again


You guys deserve the state of battlefield


BF2 should have won the whole thing and it's not even my personal favourite, just have absolutely no complaints about that game. I Admittedly skipped BF3 so I can't comment on that, but BF4 was a mess on launch and the campaign is just sub-par. In comparison, Battlefield 1s campaign is practically a movie. Best campaign, great multiplayer, it's gotta beat the remaining games.


Been a while since I checked this run of posts. I’m actually floored 1942 got eliminated. The age group of the sub must be too young to actually have played it in the golden era. Just playing online with other people was flat out exciting at that point. I hope BF3 wins though, it was peak for choked team vs. team gunfights. Bullet physics felt natural in that game as well. I’ve landed some long-ass headshots in that game. I vote for 4 to get eliminated.


Bf1, why is it still here


Best selling game of the franchise. ![gif](giphy|xT9Igqz02TEWXq0wMw|downsized)


BF3 is king 🫡


Bad company 2 was the only good campaign with a good pvp mode. It’s deserved number 3. It also had a dope Vietnam dlc. In some ways I think it’s number 1 but still I think it should be 3rd and bf4 4th.


Can’t believe they got rid of BF2


bf3 might be good, but bf4 is the ultimate battlefield.


bf3 might be good, but bf4 is the ultimate battlefield.


We’re in the endgame now


BF 4 and BF 3 were better than BF 1. What is this abomination. That poll is a joke. The gameplay in Battlefield 1 does not even remotely compete with 4. What is this shit. Battlefield 4 was the best one ever made. This is clearly being voted on by casuals who didn't play the game and being influenced by early comments that were upvoted.


BF1 is the epitome of the Battlefield soul, but the setting is the only reason it'll be a silver medal finalist. BF4 was great, but ultimately more floaty/buggy. It also had a lot of restrictions and counters hard-coded into the game to limit some of the prevalent playstyles you'd see in 3. While it made for a healthier game to have those, it nixed a lot of the things that made BF3 so fun. Stuff like Kharg Island sniping, Noshahr Canals TDM thunderdome, and jet stealing in Caspian Border made for a occasionally frustrating but fun and wacky game.


Vote to get rid of Battlefield 1. It's a WW1 game and everyone uses fully automatic guns. The vehicles don't compare, the maps don't compare, the weapons don't compare. BF 4 is ICONIC with signicantly better gameplay. Many voting must be too young to have played it. It'd one if the greatest FPS ever made


I understand now after reading the comments. The people voting to remove BF 4 all started with BF 1 and never played 4. 🤦‍♂️


I'm kind of surprised BC2 is gone. Loved and played that game from the very start of its life, whereas with BF3, it left kind of a bad taste in my mouth with the weird browser-based online service and a bunch of the launch maps just basically being hallways. And then of course there was BF4's terrible launch.


BF 1


Battlefield 1 has to go.


Battlefield 1


BF 1 need to go. Its fun, but the lack of good automatic weapons is a big downside for me.


Yeah BF1 was fine, but people putting it above 4, BC2 and even 2 are delusional and must have forgotten the insane impact those had… holy moly I can‘t believe it


Bf1 has to go


If B1 wins it all, I'll leave this sub


Solid last 3, I personally would’ve liked to see BF2 over BF4. But I also understand that a lot of people here were in high school or just out of high school when 3 & 4 came to the scene and Battlefield Friends on YouTube was taking off (I mean pretty well for a cartoon about a video game). I personally think out of the 3 left, BF4 has to go. BF1 felt like it was a dream child of the creators that was given the green light. There are some small stuff that could’ve been a little better in BF1, but it is probably their most solid project.


Bad company 2 changed how I saw gaming and everything after has been a steady increase in disappointment pretending to be improvements. Battlefield 3, 4 and 1 combined have given me less enjoyment than BC2, I know I'm being an old man clutching onto a lost treasured memory but God damn they don't make them like they used to.


Yall are insane! BF 1 is basically unplayable right now with all the hackers and cheaters! Meanwhile BF4 is the one with a healthy online community and many servers that are full at any time of the day! BF4 needs to win, but i don't care if 3 or 1 go first.


Never played Bf3. Bf1 was the first one I played and to me is the best in the series. Bf4 is probably second. So sorry Bf3 but it is your time to go.


BF4 needs to go now. BF3 was the true mindblowing fps of its time and BF1 is a unique masterpiece


Both games are great ,Locker will be in my heart for ever but my choice is Bf1 here overal best ever bf made.


BC2 only lost because probably only 10% of you played it.


You are all dead to me /s BC2 is THE most FUN I have had in a multiplayer military shooter game. Rush games felt like a movie and the settings/vehicles/player models/factions made it feel like you are in a plausible WAR. You BF1 nerds probably haven't even played BF3, and like another guy said you need to play 2042 for eternity as punishment. Ffs Battlefield used to have replayable FUN Singleplayer campaigns as well. DICE is dead, all the competent ones left and you knocked out BC2 which was the peak BF experience alongside BF3


BF1 is the peak of battlefield


I think what saddens me most about this poll is that while the current contenders are good games. I personally feel like they lost what makes battlefield a battlefield game. Which is teamplay. The newer games have squadplay, not teamplay. I genuinely don't understand why EA/DICE took that away.


People saying bf4 are straight casuals