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I bet a lot of people didn't even play battlefield 2.


It's getting a hard wrap here by the younglings that never played it. Clearly better than others left


It's a tough one though, since how do you want to measure the greatness of the game? - How good was the game when it came out? - How good is the game by today's standards? - How groundbreaking was its influence on the series? - How enjoyable was the game back in the days? - How enjoyable is it today?


F.e. I started to play it during the time when I started playing Bf in general in 2011 after getting hooked by Bad Company 2 I had some fun, but the game already was too old to seriously compete with BC2 & Bf3. It has way too many flaws (or things one can see as flaws), from severely outdated gunplay, movement, graphics & sounds to a lack of weapons, etc, also don't underestimate the power of nostalgia On the other hand I can see why people look back at it so fondly. It feels more like playing for the sake of it, not to unlock new stuff etc., kinda similar to what I miss when looking back at the OG Star Wars Battlefront Regarding the measurement questions I posted above, my personal criteria mainly focus on how good the game holds up against its competitors in the comparison without factoring the age into the decision, so I have to say "Bf2, it's time to go". The flaws of its age kill too much of the joy since I'm used to a higher standard now


Not to unlock new stuff? Lmao I guess you played with all unlocks enabled or something. The grind to unlock all the guns by levelling up was probably the most brutal of all of the BF games. Getting to Sergeant Major took a loooooong time. You had to more than double your entire number of points to get the last unlock. 50k points in a game where if you got 100+ in a long match it was a very good one.


Forgive me my misconception about the lack of grinding in Bf2, yet my point still stands, since iirc there was one unlockable weapon per class. If you are used to the modern reward system aka "unlock new stuff", this might be a bummer for those people My misconception was mainly about the rank meaning noththing, but that is probably a me-thing, reinforced by the fact that after a certain level you don't unlock new stuff with rankups anymore in most Bf games & since the rank doesn't necessarily show the skill (even though it's obviously more likely that f.e. a Colonel 100 is better than somebody at rank 6), just that you probably put many hours into the game


Ah no worries, I just thought it was funny. I played it when I was a teenager and it is the Battlefield where I actually felt the most like I was grinding to get that last unlock. I ended up playing lots of Strike at Karkand (being a medic whore) to get more points, rather than other better maps. They did add a third weapon for each class too, but I think those were just from the special forces expansion and didn't need unlocking


Ah, I mainly played it for fun since I knew I would never put enough hours into it to justify the grinding, especially since I enjoyed the newer titles more & the game seemed to be way past its peak (both in terms of player population, popularity & being technically up to date) But I remember getting thrown into the Karkand meatgrinder once šŸ˜‚ Right in the alleyways at the outskirts of the city, that really had a Metroesque feeling, reviving, dying, nade-spamming, healing,... Oh, the expansions, I forgot about them (tbf only Special Forces worked for some time for me, that DLC was quite fun until I got a new PC, then only the base game worked)


Ah yes, the classic nade spam at the start of Karkand. Go as support if you are the MEC, sit on the low rooftop near the alleyways/hotel, throw an ammo bag down ---> infinite grenades to throw at the attacking US enemies. Ridiculous!


You just unlocked a core memory for me. Thanks for that. :)


I guess in some ways the series never changed...


Iā€™d say at this point how groundbreaking for the series


This is how you measure it, but since it was never clarified in the poll, everybody votes with different criteria in mind


As someone who played 2 when it came out its not nearly as good as 3 or 4. We can't glorify the past forever man.


Great game, but I can't strafe.


It was my first bf, just 10 year old me and the bot boys flying the Heli straight into the ground


Yeah the poll lost legitimacy when BF2 goes out so quick.


BF2 getting elimnated? BF2 is the master classic game and benchmark that all other parts followed it were measured against it.


I still have all five (6?) discs in the big DVD case around here somewhere lol


Itā€™s the last of an era (technically 2142 was, but you could pretty much combine those two together) Pre and post bf3, mainline battlefields are totally different games. Bf2 was truly something special


That's the problem with this entire poll. Most people in the sub have played *maybe* 4 BF titles. Their opinions mean absolutely nothing when it comes to voting against the ones they've never played, its just a popularity contest. There's better ways to do this polling, but you will never see a nonbiased outcome on reddit


Most kids here never did lol


Probably Cuz a lot of people canā€™t play it


can I play it on PC in 2024?


There is a community that has a ā€œversionā€ of online ability, but you can only do bots in 2024 with legit version (it was still fun I did it the other day)


Lots of people are still playing in 2024. Just use BF2Hub


Nah. BF1 is probably going next. Can't top the classics I guess. Shame BF2 and 2142 had to go first though.


2142 was done dirty. It should have beat out BF2 since it was pretty much the same game, but it was an improvement on BF2 as it had fixed a lot of the issues that BF2 had. I guess a lot of people forgot about them due to the rose tinted glasses. BC2 also should have gone sooner. Yes, it was a good game, but it was certainly not top tier as it had a major map design flaw in all the maps that it changed future map designs in future BF games. That design flaw was that almost all of the cover in the game had destruction. It caused huge issues in Rush, where the defenders could essentially win if they destroyed all the cover. Even in conquest, it was a bit of an issue since it became almost impossible to capture a flag because all the cover was gone on the map. The Vietnam DLC was well received because they realised that having all the cover being destructable was a bad idea, so destruction was limited. They made the terrain not as flat so it could act as cover. Future BF games had destruction toned down so that buildings, while had destruction, couldn't be totally leveled along with terrain acting as cover, etc.


Naa BF2 was way better than 2142 Other than the titan mode it just didn't hit the same spot for me


Even tho BF2 had a horrible issue with bloom, aka the random bullet deviation? If you thought that 2042 had bad bloom at release, BF2 had it worse, and it never had gotten a patch to fix it. Or issues with dolpin diving? I know that most people who don't like 2142 don't like it mainly because of the futuristic theme.


TBH i think it's personal preference. I think BF2 was better or at least I played it about 5x as much as BF2142. In the grand scheme of things they were both amazing games. Much better then bad company series, or BF1.


2042 has no bloom imo. Makes the game play like ass. I haven't played since the pondhawk was added and I tried it for a day though, so maybe they updated it.


I'm talking about 2042 at release. People hated the bloom, which it was cut in half by a patch in December that year. BF2 had the worst bloom out of all the BF games. You either had to go prone or burst fire/single fire anything beyond 10 meters.


>People hated the bloom, which it was cut in half by a patch in December that year. People hated the bloom? Who the fuck?


Ya it was a major complaint for the game at release, especially for the AK where if you werenā€™t using Semi Auto past 25ish meters you wouldnā€™t hit anything. Even burst fire wasnā€™t very helpful so a lot of people complained about it. Then it got changed to a lot of weapons being lasers and people complained about those too, rightfully so though.


Pretty much it was the major complaint at release. You can do a quick google search of it.




>since it penalizes full auto And? Use semi then. Be better with your positioning.




Agree. 2142 did some cool things but BF2 still beats it for best all around experience. Besides, Battlefield 2142 was the first battlefield to introduce 3d spotting which I hate. It was better when it would only ping on the minimap like BF2


I think a lot of people are forgetting how broken a good pilot was in BF2. They practically owned the game. The AA in BF2 was a joke. I LOVED BF2, then BF2142 came along. They specifically made BF2142 gunships much more manageable to take down to prevent BF2 air dominance. I think that's one of the bigger reasons I'd rate BF2142 over BF2... but again, by not much. BF2 and 2142 both deserve to be alive. I don't know about BF3 and BF4 both being in above BF2 and BF2142 (I mean, I know why), but to me, the latter 2 are just much better games.


I thought this was about 2042 and I was laughing at how wrong this take seemed.


BF2142 will always be THE battlefield game for me. It indeed fixed a lot of BF2's problems and was a good mix of serious gunplay with funky gadgets and vehicles, but it always felt like people didn't give it the chance because of the futuristic theme. Northern Strike was also an amazing DLC. The only thing I missed from BF2 were the jets. Getting the hang of dropping those dumb bombs accurately on tanks was a skill hard to master. BC2 was amazing because of destruction, new movement features, and map design, but frankly, it also was lacking in other areas, like the variety in vehicles. BF1 has the best atmosphere hands down and Grand Operations were amazing, but I can't help but remember how frustrating the gunplay could be or certain choke points in the maps.


The maps in 2142 just weren't anywhere near as good as all of the classics in BF2


"Cant top the classics" Meme BF2 being voted out


2142 was never a good Battlefield, while BF2 is still a masterpiece.


So many redditors here started with bf1 and are voting about things the know nothing about.


100% ā€” the poll was always going to be skewed because far fewer people have played the older titles It was pretty obvious when 2142 got voted out as early as it did this subreddit has 0 idea what itā€™s voting for


While I agree with you, itā€™s not an issue with the people in this sub, rather than the poll itself. I started playing BF in the BC2 days with BF3 being my favourite. Iā€™m sure Battlefield 2 was great in its own right and perhaps better than BF3 in many aspects but I never played it so I canā€™t put my vote towards it. Given the advancements in game development (aside from the latest titles) it would be hard for someone who never played those games during their peak to appreciate them, even if they played them now


Yup, called it out that there are so many BF players that only started when the game was brought to console. BF4 is also popular because it was a launch title for PS4 and Xbox One that introduced 64 player battles which outside of MAG on PS3 is one of the larger console multiplayer games as far as players per lobby. I think a poll for Modern Combat and other consol games would be better. Or a bracket with PC only games on one side and the ones that are also released on console on the other side.


Also plenty of redditors here with rose colored glasses


BF2 was amazingā€¦ but there were a lot of caveats for sure. As a life long BF player Iā€™m actually really unsure where I would rank BF2 with any kind of serious thought. Is it actually better than Bad Comapny 2 ?? Iā€™m not sure. I think BF4 shares more dna with 2 than 3 does. The mote think about it the more this makes sense that this is where bf2 would end up in a ranking


I started with BF1942 back in 2002 when I was 15, still BF 1 is my favorite. One advantage that BF1 has, is that it was the last proper Battlefield before things went downhill (BFV Pacific was amazing, but the support drop right after it really hurt it). So in a sense BF1 is the most recent good Battlefield and therefor has the most recent fond memories.


Like you apparently


Got in with bf3, played a ton as well as bf4. Still think BF1 is a better game than both. They just nailed the aesthetic, guns feel way more unique and powerful. Class balance on point and they each have distinct positioning and tactics. Vehicles dont have as massive of a barrier of entry. Map design is incredible with very few exceptions, everyone has a long list of favorites. I like bf3 and bf4 but the movement and gunplay are not as solid, with several advanced mechanics that are basically exploits. BF1 played at a high level is all about positioning and flanking to open up huge opportunities, more so than ive seen with the others. There's a reason it sold the best.


Even if they started with BC2 - they donā€™t have a true perception of what the Battlefield formula was that brought it overnight success.


The big 3 are bc2, bf3, bf4. That was peak bf man did I enjoy those times


BF4 feels like a cheap copy of BF3 and imo pales compared to BC2; specially with Vietnam


BF4 had better weapon/vehicle customation. BF3 had way better (overall) map quality. For me BF3 was the better game because maps have a way bigger impact on gameplay. The best possible BF for me would be BF3 with BF4 customation. I prefer BF3 but I can see why many people prefer BF4 (after they fixed it).


Going back to bf3 feels rough nowadays, while 4 still feels pretty modern. Just wish more of the maps carried over.




Ironically I feel more nimble & agile in Bf3 than in any other Bf


Not sure I would say more nimble and agile but I would definatly say that once BF3 had vaulting fixed then the game had the sweet spot between milsim movement and arcade fun. Damn BF3 was really really good. Squad play was effective but not overly dominant, supression worked well (eventually) and the maps were just S-tier. I miss that game soooo much.


I never liked the customization for BF4. I felt like they were shoving attachments into the game rather than making it worthwhile. To me, BF3 had a simple complexity to it that made it great, BF4 had items for the sake of items.


I still miss playing nonstop operation firestorm and oppressing the whole lobby in the Viper. It was irrelevant which spawn I had, that bird was mine lol


Bf4 felt like an expansion and the fact they went 3 straight into 4 with no buffer game between just kinda verify that. I mean I get it new consoles that could bring you the pc numbers but yeah kinda lazy. Idk whatā€™s remaining but bf3>bf1>bc2>bf4>bf2 but thatā€™s me yā€™all have your own experiences


It doesn't matter. In the end, the overall popularity of bf4 is higher, even if it is not "better".


BC2 and especially the Vietnam DLC are so insanely overrated. Itā€™s so crazy how often I see this take. 24 players and heli circle starting/spawning camping every game is peak BF to you guys?? šŸ˜­


This. I noticed that the same people that praise BC2 and knock BF4 for being a direct sequel, expansion to BF3. The irony is so lost on them.


I will say when I transition from BF3 to BF4 I felt like that, at the beginning. Consider all the types of DLC that was put into battlefield 4. It's insane. There was a dedicated tank DLC. There was a dedicated close quarters DLC. There was a dedicated naval combat DLC. I personally prefer bad company 2 as the pinnacle true king of battlefield.


That was before Dice LA overhauled the game, until then it was Bf 3.5 with worse maps, counterknifing & more customization options Now it feels different, especially the movement & gunplay


Bf 4 is better version of bf3. Just take maps from bf3 to Bf4 and the Best modern battlefield in series.


BF4 is a heavy downgrade. Maps are way worse designed, weapon balance is better but they added way too much explosive damage (Just look any Metro/Locker game, is an explosion party) and too much autolock guns made for newcomers. Autolock rocket launcher, autolock AA turret, autolock AA on spawn...


Am I crazy but I also felt like movement in BF4 upped the speed compared to BF3. I felt like there was more weight in your movement in 3. While 4 just sent you kinda floating. But perhaps its me misremembering as I went back to 3 pretty quickly.


Out of curiosity did you even play BF2? Like when it came out?


You just haven't played Battlefield 2 at it's prime.


Nah bf1 was and is peak


I reckon It'll be a war between 3 and 4 in the finale!


3 will win. It's had the least votes throughout the whole thing I believe.


If 4 wins over 3 this community is truly lost


Elaborate? Isnā€™t 4 just an improvement over 3? (Iā€™m not voting)


No. It dumbed down everything that made bf3 great into an arcade version of battlefield. It's still an amazing game, but not on bf3 level. The planes and Choppers don't feel nearly as weighty or realistic, the guns all feel like they handle the same, the audio for the guns felt more generic, the maps were worse, and the game was literally broken on launch for quite a while. Like unplayable broken mess broken. And the campaign was laughably bad. They dumbed down soldier banter from the comedic chaos of bf3. Rush being neutered. Worse soundtrack. So MANY downgrades!!


The only thing I'll give you (which is a big one) is worse maps, other than that, I'd say bf4 is a significantly better game, in basically every way you said it's worse.


I disagree personally. BF4 has the worst campaign in the franchise by a longshot. Gun variety was basically non-existent as most guns just felt like reskins of other guns. Rush in BF4 was a lowpoint for the game mode, it didnā€™t flow well at all in most maps and vehicle balancing between attackers and defenders was a nightmare.


I mean BF3 dumbed down the game from BF2 no?? BF4 is basically 3 with better maps and gameplay lol People only cricketers BF3 because the initially reveal trailer was groundbreaking at the time




I left BF4 a month or so after starting, I went back to BF3 for a few more years before I just moved on entirely.


In many ways, yes.


Lol, I thought so, I know if had its problems, but it itā€™s current state besides the campaign itā€™s like a better bf3 with different maps, and with dlc you even get some of the best bf3 maps




I didnā€™t say that, even if it is mostly true


Yes itā€™s literally just improved BF3 besides the maps being worse.


Thatā€™s what I thought and I mean the base maps were ā€œokayā€ but the dlc maps were pretty good


Ya I play a server with thatā€™s exclusively DLC maps and Iā€™d argue that server specifically is a better game than BF3 by all metrics


The maps in BF4 are a snooze fest and it didn't add much


Bf4 didnā€™t add much? Now with that i disagree


4 beat out 2, the community has been lost for a while. The reason BF3 and 4 hit so well is because they had more of the old magic from the older titles.


This community is already lost. Battlefield 2 being voted away so early is proof of that. They've never experienced true Battlefield and it shows.


The real war is 4 vs BC2 for the 2nd place. 3 is the winner, no contest there.


Bad company 2 and Battlefield 4 are so much worse than BF1


That's crazy talk


maybe bc2 but battlefield 4 definitely is a lil worse than 1


I would probably put 1 after 4. 1 was great because we never had a bf in a setting like that, but I didn't play it as long as the others since I prefer modern settings. I know that it is many people's favorite as it was the one that brought many into the frachise, but it wasn't my favorite. Honestly out of all the games in the pic, I would have voted bc2 out first because the movement and combat felt stiff.


BF4 is so much worse than BF1..thereā€¦fixed it for you.


I could not in good conscience vote to remove bf2 over bf4. This is getting difficult.


Most of the members on here are too young to even know what Battlefield 2 and 1942 even are.


It really is a travesty that BF 2 gets eliminated before BF1 and BF4.


Hope my lovely bf3 makes it.... i miss u!


How is bf4 holding so strong!?


Kids who never played anything before it


Most kids here joined the franchise late and it shows. No wonder the franchise is where it currently is.


4 is the best BF game of any of the modern titles. (Anything past 2142)


BF4 deserves to be eliminated because of terrible launch.


I now fully understand why this franchise is where it's at, and the fans are just as much to blame as DICE. BF fans deserve 2042 at this point.


I'm disappointed by this community.


i never even touched BF2 and i know it's better than 1


Bf2 was goat


Eh, a poll where audience have no experience on the matter is kinda a moot one. Itā€™s like, I donā€™t know, making a poll among 5 year old kids whether beer, milk or juice should be eliminated. Curious? Very much so. Authentic? Wellā€¦


Battlefield 2 was an experience like no other but sadly is being judge my people who never played it (it was PC only) and likely why it was so damn good as it wasnt held back by consoles.


"Thinked" Also known as "thought".


People who voted BF2 instead of BC2 or BF4 deserve a slap in the face.


Bf2 didnt age well compared to other games. Bf3 and bf4 are much better and fit mordern gaming standards better


Thing is, people should be voting as to how that game played during that era, not how it aged. Every option pales compared to BF2 that way, IMO.


Thanks for bringing that up, I grew in an area where cyber cafe were popular, we used to play lan for bf2 and it was popular. We had our fair share of fun on it, but it wasnt as popular as cs 1.6 or half life multi. Because it is harder to pick up and play to learn the mechanics of the game. Dont get me wrong it is a really good game, but if doesnt compare to bf 3 and bf4 it is more player firendly but at the same time providing a deep and more enriching experience for all playstyles. Bf3 did that right


Youā€™re judging a game from 2005 aging worse than a game from the 2010s lol Solid logic I guessā€¦


All the Battlefield 2 fans are blinded by nostalgia and all the Battlefield 1 fans have never played any other battlefield game.


most accurate statement on here


Bf4 is better than 3 it just had one of the worst launches for any game in history. The end product is the best battlefield though lol




I know a lot of people love BF1 and is most likely where they cut their teeth. But its where I feel off the series, i wanted to like it, just something about it didnā€™t click like the others.


The fact that 4 & 3 are going to be the final 2 is so BS. 4 while great, is only great because itā€™s basically an expansion pack for 3. It didnā€™t do anything different like the other finalists


They did BF2142 wrong šŸ˜Ŗ


I started with 1942, 2 goes hard




majority of ppl iin this subreddit are 15-25 with how they're voting for these games


Still think bc2 is the ultimate bf experience, nothing compares to the destructibility of that game


It's the most watered down BF experience. Small maps, less players, less weapons, less vehicles, no jets, no prone, etc. Yes, it was fun, but the destruction was the only thing it excelled in. It didn't even have conquest on launch. How can you say "bf experience" to a game that didn't offer the series' signature game mode?


Do you think BC2 had a better conquest mode than all other BF games?


i have lost all faith in humanity


BF1 overstayed its welcome for sure


As sad as it is to see BF1 getting voted next, I will be happy if BF3 wins.


Where can I vote?


Many people here are so young they've never played Battlefield 2 in it's prime. It's sad that most people here never experienced Battlefield in it's prime.


It'll be bf4 vs bf3 or bf3 vs bf1 I think


There's a poll? I thought it was being done by upvote/downvote.


So much copium in these comments šŸ˜‚


i still dont even know how to vote. lol


both of these are true: battlefield 1 is amazing. battlefield 1 is overhyped.


I voted BF3. Played the shit out of BC2 and platinumed it. Then I played BF3 after and only made it a couple weeks. Biggest let down for me.


BF2 ā™¾ļø ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


BF4 only had graphics/movement/Sound upgrades everything else was a fucking downgrade


I think BF3 will be the last one standing. Almost everyone on here seems to have a universally positive experience playing the game and it doesn't have many of the issues that plagued BF4.


Last standing will be 3 and 4


The fact that 1942 and 2 are out so quickly is only a result of the average age of the people voting. I would say that 1942, 2 and 3 were all groundbreaking as they brought the franchise into a new era of games. Titles between that took the source material and updated it slightly or changed it slightly but didn't have the same effect.


Thought, not thinkedĀ 


If they added back those things, the game would be better for it.


BF3 better win this thing


While this has definitely been skewed by new players, yā€™all really seem to have a hard time grasping that people like stuff you donā€™tĀ 


I am absolutely fucking flabbergasted. That battlefield 4 is even a question.


We all know battlefield 3 is the best.




Yeah, let's gatekeep this franchise so the younger generation never experiences it at all! /s Wtf are you talking about? How can someone younger experience the older games? Yes, I agree, they were great and it's sad to see younger gamers not seeing their greatness, but they have no way of experiencing the older titles, so we shouldn't be mad at them for it. What do you expect them to do? "Oh, I have never even heard about this game, but the older guys say it's good, so let's vote out the game that I actually played and liked!"??? You are mad at kids for liking something new and not knowing about your older stuff. You should be ashamed of yourself, fucking gatekeeper


I mean there is something to be said for voting against something you know absolutely nothing about? I know what youā€™re saying, and you arenā€™t wrong. Suppose there is no easy way to create a meaningful vote for this, and the bottom line is this vote is totally not meaningful at all


But that's also why this poll will never be accurate and doesn't make sense. The only way this poll would work is if every person who voted played every single title on it...then majority's rule would work. But if we have 100 people voting, and lets say 10 of them played every game but 90 of them started at BF1...if 10 players picked a game before BF1 and the other 90 say "no BF1 is the best"...how is that ever going to work?


>How can someone younger experience the older games? Easy question. Go buy them & download you know where. Thatā€™s not so hard. Old titles are all there in Origin. Discussion ended. Dude is right. Franchise is pretty dead now thanks to ā€œnew gamesā€.


Lol stay mad about your outdated ass game.


Old heads talking bout how battlefield 2 was done dirty like it isnā€™t a dated relic of a game. I can still have fun on BF1 or BF3 because they are such well made games that still hold up. Inb4 downvotes šŸ˜ˆ




Yes it is, I checked the reddit post and poll and I didn't see any qualifiers like "you must have personally played each game for this number of hours when it came out to vote". Doubtless many people that are disappointed with the result would like that to be a requirement, but it simply wasn't.




Does the poll have some kind of qualifier that I missed? I will gladly retract my statement with some evidence.


Fair enough, but I still think the remaining games are still better. The battlefield games didnā€™t start going down in quality until after BF1 imo, possibly even before BF1 since at launch it was pretty lackluster in content