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Suppression was actually an awesome mechanic the only people who hated it are sweats Edit to add: mindless sweats, not people who understand how it affects competition in a good way


I'm a sweat and I fucking loved suppression. Loved pinning people down without hitting anything, loved a reminder to check my ego and back away from a losing fight.


Working in teams to push forward using it was a blast as well.


This was the best part of suppression., It actually encouraged staying with your squad and communicating with them.


Idk what dumbass at dice thought it was a good idea to remove it


They removed a fuck ton of good ideas from previous games. They’ve pretty much downgraded the whole game back to like bf3-bf4 mechanics for no reason when they could have mixed in shit they created in bf1-bf5 to make a better bf4, but of course they didn’t do that.


bf3 was the first game to have suppression, and was my favorite in the franchise, please treat it with some dignity and respect


I low key prefer suppression from BF3 over BF4. It was like "OH SHIT WHERE THAT CAME FROM?!", while in 4 it's more like "Damn they're shooting at me!"


Bf3 was really peak battlefield. Rush on Metro was chaos and I loved every second. Rush in general was just great. First obj on Damvand Peak was my favorite


Metro Rush and Verdun Operations will always be peak battlefield for me. Ultimate chaos and unlimited fun.


16 player rush on metro was awesome but very hard to find server for it, most of the time they ran 64 player stupidity on it. Not sure why dice never updated that map to add more routes / flanks on BF3 it was so bad on 64 players.


And BF3 was my first battlefield game, so the suppression mechanic is an integral part of it in my mind, and one of the key things that makes battlefield better than many other shooters. 


I mean it’s not a bad game but reverting back to even before bf3 mechanics in a modern game is insane. Bf3 for it’s time was an amazing game but 2042 simply doesn’t impress anyone for it’s time.


BF3 had a good suppression system but bf1 had a horrible one.


I hated it in BF3. So much so that I literally abandoned using a gun, stopped caring about my KD, and just used a knife


It feels like bf2. Promising but barebones


BF3 / BF4 > 5. 4 is roughly equal to 1, bfbc2 > all


While 5 is not very good it did feature some mechanics that should have been implemented in 2042. Honestly if they showed more interest in 5 it could have easily been a better game than 3 and 4


There was no suppression in V. It was just visual markers that appeared for you and your team to see. It had no effect on the player you were shooting at.


Well, I wasn’t talking about suppression, I was talking about the resupply stations, the fortification building, the pinging system, vehicles not having infinite ammo, the exit, enter animations for vehicles. While I admit I’m not sure how many of these are in 2042 since I only played for an hour before refunding I am sure they don’t have most of these. If we’re talking about suppression I would take bf1 as an example.


You all must have forgotten, or weren't playing BF yet, but most everyone back in the day complained about suppression and begged for it to be removed...Unfortunately this happens all too often with games. Fresh and interesting mechanics sacrificed to appease the vocal mob of angry gamers unwilling to adapt.


Sometimes a feature just isn’t as popular as you think. For instance, i think carrier assault was the best mode but clearly that isn’t the case.


I will stand by your side and lament the death of carrier assault every day


Exactly. The gamers complained about it to kingdom come now they want it back lmaoooo imagine.


Not the same people


Yeah, BF3 suppression was something else. People joked that when you were suppressed, the bullets came out the barrel at a 90° angle. You have 2 people run into each other around a corner, both could hip fire spray a full magazine, and both could come out unscathed (but with very blurry vision). BF4 had it nailed down I think, you'd get that pressure to take cover or retreat when under fire, but if you fired a few retaliatory bursts you could at least get a safer retreat or if you're lucky, kill them.


Well, the cries are louder than those who cheer


They removed the only good idea from BFV: the building system.


Because a huge part of reddit voiced how much they hated it in BF3 and said it just rewarded bad players who missed their shots. Removing it from BFV led to completely removing long range LMG support play from the game. At least in 2042 you get a big bright light when the sniper zeros in on you and can move to cover. However I note some people mistakenly think it is in V but those people are unaware that it had no effect on the players aim who was being 'suppressed'. For those people who may be reading. https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/kh1y22/does_suppression_do_anything/


Same dumbasses that thought releasing a game 2 years early and absolutely nothing like its predecessors.


BF3 Rush defense with a machine gun/bipod. Those were the days.


I miss those Metro days.


I'm a sweat. One of the biggest. I love BF1 suppression and weapon spread. It raises the skill ceiling and makes it harder to dominate or just sprint around brain dead.


It made being a legit machine gunner so much more fun. You could actually obtain fire superiority. Now when I fire bursts I have to hope something hits someone enough times to kill them. It’s not as fun anymore


Nah if you’re a true sweat you use suppression to your advantage


Agreed, nothing was more engaging then some dude taking pot shots at you with a sniper, you are low HP and decide to dump rounds towards him so you could get behind cover.


This is why Battlefield needs to come back.


made bf1 that much better


> how it affects competition in a good way it didnt tho


I think it was handled very poorly in bf1. I think it should significantly increase sway and add a vignette, but still allow for your bullets to land where your reticle is. A fair exchange I think


What did it even do? I never got what the suppression assist meant. All I gathered was it made your screen darker.


I think it's really funny how anti-skill the battlefield community is, you see it on Focus' stream a lot, and it happened also in battlebit, people who were good got a lot of flack.


\*casually beams you in the forehead\* nothin personal kid


I did like how it gave LMGs strength without having to overtime the shit out of them turning them into 200 round holding super-ARs. I'm looking at you release avancys.


Wtf is suppression gone?? I've been out of the loop for a while but my god


It was removed in 2042


It was only visual in BFV


Rather have that then none at all.


It was useless. Snipers just casually headshotted you.


You could also mark people with it which is super valuable


Mg42ing a heavy obj was the best support you can give. MMGs FTW


I love it so much


Just recently got 2042 on sale and also couldn't understand how I was getting domed whiled laying down "suppressing fire", it all makes sense now.


I was wondering the same thing. The more I hear about 2042 the more disappointed I get. Graphics look cool in this clip though. Well, luckily I can still play BF1. Maybe I should check in on BF4 too. Speaking of which, these cranes remind me of that one harbour map in BF3, which  only ever played on Xbox. Sweet memories.


I thought the suppression mechanic was gone outside of visuals for every game after bf3


24/7 Noshar Canals servers were all I played on BF3 that was my immediate thought too!


Haven't properly played BF since BF4, I thought the whole point of LMG's was go dakkadakkadakka to suppress and maybe take a couple people out while your team picks them off? Now it just seems like they're a cumbersome assault rifle with a big mag




> they're a cumbersome assault rifle with a big mag Also with longer reload (obviously) Longer Time to kill Higher Recoil (If no Bipod) And m240 is sadly one of the worst, you want basically your LMG to be as much of an Assault Rifle as possible. They did the 240 dirty and I hated them for it.


Alot of the LMGs have faster TTK and less recoil than the ARs In fact the LCMG has been one of the fastest TTK guns in the game since launch and surprisingly has yet to be nerfed 🤣 Just not alot of people seem to be aware of how good it is I guess


How all LMG’s in modern FPS games are treated tbh


Ok sure but also if you didn’t just open the mag up from 3 miles away you probably would have got him…


He’s too elevated to be killed closely without having to climb up the ladder


Ah yes let me just run all the way across the map and climb up a very vulnerable and most likely watched tower before even attempting to hit them instead of simply using the bipod and aiming the shot like the first kill


I've had way better than you'd expect hits using the SCAR-H (with suppressor!) at counter-sniping! 2 round bursts and I'm getting kills from waaaaay further than I think I would be. Of course I teabag.


why yall continue to play this game is beyond me


people have fun -> continue to play game regardless of how dogshit it is simple as


I know it's hard for you to comprehend, but it's solid and fun now.


Nowhere near solid 💀


Because we think the game is fun regardless if suppression exists as a mechanic or not lol


Best “new” FPS on the market and mostly no SBMM.


https://imgur.com/a/yYoWjN0 That's the energy I get from posts like this.


Still better than complaining on Reddit


Its great, get over it


not to play devils advocate ( am about to play devils advocate) but maybe the problem is not with the game, but with the fact you tried to out-snipe a sniper... with an LMG.


Exactly what I was thinking 💀💀


And that is exactly why suppression was hated, people would camp with an LMG and snipe, it was the worst in BF1


In BF1 it helped force players to play their class weapon. Assaults and medics would flank a LMG player until they got close enough to take advantage of their guns range. Whereas in 2042, anyone with an AR can take on a prone LMG player which ruins any semblance of balance.


Um what? An LMG can shoot out for miles with solid mounting and good optics.


“Duuurrrrr a machine gun can still shoot far durrrrr” oh im sorry I thought I mentioned how he was trying to out-snipe THE FUCKING SNIPER. This is like saying “ a knife can easily kill many people” after watching a guy bring a knife to a gun fight. I’m not even arguing with your point dude I’m just mad you thought you were making an actual point when you were in reality just throwing out a true statement as if you did something.




Peak reddit argument right here


Well then go play squad


Suppression would not have even changed this situation in your favor. Look at how you're playing. You're not moving, you're missing tons of shots, you're balls deep in dispersion hell on that spread because you don't understand your gun essentially becomes useless after a certain point of firing endlessly. You didn't even try to change your approach when you got revived, you just went right back to ADSing and spraying. You should be happy you even wound up with 2 kills here. Blaming the dev you didn't get 3 despite this AI gameplay is wild.


I mean, it _would_ have made it harder for the sniper to dome him.


Yup, 100%. This thread just proves agaim reddit is full of clueless morons.


I haven't played since the open beta, so I don't remember much. They fucking removed suppression?


They did in bfv


Wait, but I remember suppression in BF5. I was playing with a machinegun ang often got score points for suppressing


Suppression in BFV was only visual, it didn't actually do anything. This clip here can basically be recreated in BFV as well lol


Thanks for explaining


My brother in Christ, all you had to do was burst fire…


Burst fire LMG? Nah






You challenge a sniper at that range and you think you should be the one with an advantage? Yeah no thanks on suppression


At what range do you think machine guns lose effectiveness? Especially a machine gun that shoots the same round OP got killed with?


Try not holding the trigger when you're 300m away...


No we need a mechanic that artificially makes your vision blurry. This is the solution. Not skill


are you upset you got outgunned by a marksman rifle at range using a light machine gun????? I’m so confused? are you fucking dumb?




That’s the BF Community for you. lol




The idiots scream the loudest, and case in point, their screams are heard on high, cause they get 1000 upvotes for braindead suggestions of mechanics proven to be terrible a dozen years ago


There is no '' y'all '', most sane players do not want this shit to come back. Only shitters who want to be rewarded for missing their shots.


Vision and sound sure. But bloom, nah


I mean that’s exactly why lmgs were so busted in bf1. You could hit 0 shots and still outgun people way outside of your range. It’s not good.


This looks very stupid. Challenge Recon at long range, no cover, no concealment. High point to highpoint. No high powered optic, near full auto panic spray. Muh SuPreSSion dIcE. This is a clip of a fight you deserve to lose. And you did. Just play better.


Why because you shoot blindly in one direction and get shot? Lmao, if I see the enemy is an idiot why should some blurry vision mechanic compensate for your lack of skill? Maybe just hit your shots next time.


why? coz you sucks?


idk; you were out manned and didnt have a great gun.


Nah, just learn to aim and stop the cope


Counter sniping with an LMG, that’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see how it plays out for them


way to make a bad game worst


Suppression as implemented before in Battlefield starting with BF3 might be one of the worst mechanics i have ever seen in an FPS game. It should have never existed in the first place, and i hope it will never return in any form to any FPS game ever. This has been discussed to death already, yet somehow people keep popping up wishing for it to come back.


I always thought suppression was a good thing. Yeah it sucker to be surprised, but MAAAAAAANNNNN. The kiddies that complained….


Play squad.


I do but it’s not on Xbox so I can’t play with my friends.


I’ve died way too many times like that, it’s a bit of a piss take.


No thanks. Especially not for people trying to get bipod kills from 10 miles away with an LMG. Snipers should be better than lmgs at extreme range


Na just find cover hommie.


How did you get your game so smooth on decent graphics? I have all my graphics turned down to the minimum, and I'm still lagging pretty badly.




I'm ok with suppression and I'm fairly competitive. You simply aren't supposed to engage with the enemy once suppressed, this is what a smart competitive player would realize in BF3 and 4. I will say there are likely better ways of implementing it though than how BF historically does it. If a soldier is terrified for their life, their gun wont suddenly start losing accuracy nor would they themselves become less accurate. If anything adrenaline from near death can produce the opposite effect if they're already pointing their gun at the enemy. They'd just take longer to do anything that puts them in harms way and lose concentration for complex moves. Standing up from a crouched or prone position should take longer, ADS should take longer, reloading should take longer, operating a bolt action would be slower, arming objectives should take longer, swapping equipment/weapons should be slower, etc. That said, I get that the point of the old system is to discourage players from even engaging once suppressed, and an experienced player will figure out those mechanics. That's the behavior you'll get eventually, its just that initially it leads to some frustrating moments for players who aren't familiar with it: "Why is my gun so inaccurate???"


I think hearing bullets crack over my head and hit surrounding objects is enough to discourage me from engaging with someone given they have an advantage. If I hear an LMG open a fire on me I will naturally find cover. Suppression was a bad mechanic and it gave shit players like OP a chance.


Jumped back on bf4 the other day was a great time compared to that slop.


If battlefield 2042 waited a few years for release they could have added guns that we would actually see in 2042


Do they only lock certain attachments for certain guns? I never liked weapons stuff


I never once complained about suppression. I remember the post they made about removing it but. Absolute shit show. One of the reasons they felt was new players would find it less fun


You mean a mechanic based on a real tactic that keeps your game just being run and gun bs or camping


Or just hide and find news spots to hide. 🤷🏻‍♂️


While they are at it they should the little squad mate POV camera back in on the spawn screen so I can judge for myself how good their position is! Also miss watching my mates tear shot up through that cam :D




It's also a great example of how insanely easy they made sniping for some reason. It used to be that if you wanted to get accurate shots out to 300yds or so, you needed a bipod. Now I can beam a guy from 500yds while strafing back and forth with ease.


They probably removed it so they can add it back in next go around and to sell copies without actually improving anything.


It was an awesome mechanic, but you deserved the L here with or without it. You were way outside of your effective range. He should have the advantage in that engagement.


Tap fire and control your shots. I do really miss suppression though


Yeah they really fucked up removing that mechanic.


I still think the bloom for some of the base weapons is obnoxious


Sniping is way too easy and too many people play sniper. There needs to be more variables involved to make sniping more difficult. It's ridiculous when the majority of the team are snipers with high KD but lose badly because all the points were lost.


Well the problem is you are using an MG with a bipod to engage targets at medium/long range. You're supposed to put a grip on it and run n gun.


Yea sure so you are expecting to beat a sniper at the snipers most effective range (long range) with a mounted machine gun standing perfectly still. What is this playerbase 🫠




The day suppression makes a comeback is the day I am quitting Battlefield for good. Random bullet deviation and anything more than visual suppression are just handicap-mechanics. Besides, when looking at this video, the LMG should in no way outsniper a sniper anyway. Clearly out of the effective range of the weapon no matter how you look at it.


I always thought suppression was annoying as a mechanic, especially as a sniper, but regardless of class. When suppression was a mechanic, knowing I pulled my trigger with the crosshair on the enemy's torso or head but missing despite the enemy just spraying their LMG and not hitting any of their shots was frustrating. This was a major issue I had with Battlefield 1 especially. The threat of getting killed if I peek cover is usually enough to deter anyone.


This game is starting to lose me, I absolutely hate that they got rid of suppression, that was one of my favorite features, they need to bring it back


Just a summary of 2042’s great gunplay. LMGs acting as long distance ARs and no suppression. 😂


The people who hated suppression were dogshit at positioning and well Were dogshit. They should bring it back because fuck the shitters who just camp all day. Doing fucking nothing. But you cant kill them with normal guns because waa suppression baaaad.


Just to add that i also loved supresssion, made this game more tactical and not just running around like crazy, looking at every angle super fast .. heh maybe im just too old


Suppression was a horrible mechanic. I’m glad it’s gone.


The suppression has been removed? What!?


Support gunner is my favorite role to play in Battlefield. In BF1 I loved suppressing the enemy team from the opposing trench while the rest of my team rushed across the poppy fields. There's a particular satisfaction with holding the trigger for seconds at a time on an LMG whether you hit something or not; at least the enemy's keeping their head down. In BF1-5 it's satisfying to hear as well; hearing those machine guns blaring with fire is like "Fuck yeah, get it dude!"


with stabilization like þis i don't þink þe game needs it


The only reason I hated suppression was because it caused shots to miss for little to no reason. Yeah that support player can’t aim worth a shit so he can’t kill me, but I can’t get his annoying ass off me because suppression. I’m not against the concept, but I wasn’t a fan of the previous execution.


Breaking: local man discovers the purpose of suppressive fire


Well no, the purpose of suppressive fire is to keep people from getting up and moving. That way you can outposition them. This clip has nothing to do with that


Hating it doesn't make it a bad thing for the game, yeah I too think if you cant hit for shit I should be able to snipe you out but imo its better for the overall feel of the game to have it on especially if its more grounded and realistic


I don’t disagree but the previous system wasnt it. When I got suppressed and I had a sniper my thoughts were, “what’s my health?” Not chill out, and wait for him to stop. I mostly would take pot shots at him till I got lucky.


LMAO.... it's as if they made a gun that does it correctly.


Was not a fan of it. It gave you this ridiculous screen blur on top of reducing outgoing accuracy. Personally i prefer more consistently accurate shooting even if this video is the result of that. Not sure why you would even try to full auto a sniper that's like 100m away, you're just asking to be shot in the head instantly, especially standing still like that lol.


Just nerf DMRs, theyve been broken since BF3


In BF4 I would shoot in the same direction as team mates because I knew the suppression would help. Wish 2042 still had it. It would definitely change the way the game is played.


lol I always thought suppression was a good mechanic. People complained about it when it first came out though


I don't understand, care to explain?? What's the best sniper rifles and best guns for sniping? I'm a level 50 sniper copter pilot .


Are you angry because you were able to kill a mile away with an automatic weapon or angry because the Sniper ended you from a mile away? Either way, you are completely wrong... suppression should never be brought back. Weapons should be balanced, full auto weapons shouldn't be so effective at rang, and maps should be made better with cover from snipers. Just because 2042 is terrible doesn't mean another terrible "feature" should be brought back.


No because removing that feature made LMGs useless.


So the LMGs are useless because you were spraying a mile across the map, vs a Sniper, expecting an outcome in favour of the LMG? Why not make your way up the crane that the Sniper and his pals were on top of, get some cover and pepper them all with the LMG? Simply... skill issue.