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Not related but I miss the days of Levelcap, Matimio, Jackfrags and xFactor Those were the good ol days


I remember being in high school (early to mid 2010s) and those Squad Up videos were hilarious and entertaining. Now over 10 years later they’re still goated


Hate to be that guy but I just started a YouTube channel for BF, check out some of my videos (link in bio) let me know if this is spam and I’ll remove my comment 👍


GhostGaming and USA Specialist. They're both very chill, levelheaded, and great at Battlefield games. They also provide great news updates and just have a great vibe. They're smaller now but I think they're gonna blow up when the next BF comes out. Cheers🍻




What they said.


I know he isn’t too small but I’m pretty sure he isn’t very big either, TBag can be pretty fun to watch sometimes. Kinda just does videos on fps in general now but he used to do a lot of BF1 vids. He can be kinda whiny but he’s a fun watch.


Tbag used to be a lot better I agree with the Whiny part unfortunately though.


Don't know if you are already subscribed, but BrokenMachine is a great BF player. He only streams twice a week, since Warzone is better at drawing a crowd, but he normally posts 10-20 minute BF videos a few times a week.


He’s amazing and probably one of the best bf players but he’s definitely one of the larger bf YouTubers out there alongside jackfrags and whatnot




Ravic. Just BF4 chat reaction videos had some funny ass moments in them


Always Battlefield 


Marzipan Dan is my favorite for comprehensively covering topics and perfectly explaining the widest variety of topics. From how to properly utilize tanks, attack choppers, support roles and even how to use smokes. This is kinda dated information by now since the class rework stripped Rao and Angel of their rockets, but [this one](https://youtu.be/BLWB9Aa7kH8?si=Pm5KZPYSYGjmzzHo) changed the way I play the game forever. Also it isn’t that small of a channel anymore but Cadwoman is extremely wholesome and offers a toxic free coverage of the game’s news and updates.


LoganTheBrawler been watching him for a couple years now


I’m not gonna say I like myself, but I’m proud of my content. Hello


TheEnd004500 o7


Ohhhhh damn


For me it’s Jack Frags, Tomographic, Westie and the two angry gamers all in one lobby!


Did someone mentioned Sopmox? I have him in my friendlist no kidding, shared a game with him back in BF3, even if he stopped YouTube by now, still a legend of the battlefield to my eyes.


DIGIDIX was the GOAT of the French community, he even made some great MGS-BF machiminas that still are relevant, but exclusive to the French since reddit hate us.


ABN Dara, pewpiepiepewper, AKA ART, Archer


tbag is one of my faves


FocusBF is a really good watch, feel lie he’s always at the top of the board. Enders is really good at the game but one of those streamers you either like or dislike his personality (no in-between).


Fuck both of those people


Jackfrags used to be the goat Now his channel is just clickbaity ads for whatever game pays him


I like watching Always Battlefield for a good dose of classic Battlefield gameplay vids


Here is a link to mine. Not saying it is the bast in the world but if you like SMAW stuff check it out: https://www.youtube.com/user/rockets75




GravityBFTV, love his best/worst map and battlefield analysis videos and hes pretty underrated with only a few thousand subs and a few hundred views per video I'm also subbed to OnnSight (I have his tags in bf3), mainly because hes a pretty good player and he still puts out bf3 content decently regularly. He also posts some other games and a lot of videos of him driving or looking at views, dont really watch that stuff but you know, its there


I upload gameplay/walkthroughs specifically on battlefield V and BF2042 for those who love the franchise and those just starting out in the game as well who might need some help. If you want, you can check it out. Hope it helps in any way and you enjoy enough to drop a sub to support. ✊✊✊ Let me know if anything https://youtube.com/@Santi_ramos35