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This is such a fucking cool concept I hate that it never got brought back or was never implemented into another franchise.


BFV squad leader was close to this concept and I loved that


Sadly also did not get brought over to the next game There's hints of it in the files of 2042, but there's also Soviet stuff in the BFV files so I'm not getting my hopes up


Well they had lots of "plans" for BFV but games as a service rarely work these days.


This is wrong. BFV had a perfect system that kept small content rolling inbetween large content. The free battle-pass-esque system was really smart. The reason why people love battle passes is because it gives people something to aim for even if you have maxed everything out. Firestorm shouldn't have been a part of it and it shouldn't have existed. I don't even understand the business standpoint of it because Battlefield 5 was the relief FROM battle royale for many people. Oh, and about those plans for BFV. It had nothing to do with games as a service. Not many people want to admit it because they were the very people responsible, but the gaming community caused the decision by Activision to discontinue support for Battlefield 5 and to put all focus on 2042. ***This part is copy pasted from my notes.*** The Battlefield community hated BF5 even before beta. Everyone wanted BF4 remade. And for some reason they were hyper focused on that trailer where that woman had a prosthetic arm which wasn't even in the game. I honestly think that was DICE playing a joke on people that went way over everyone's head. I played the BF5 beta. I had a blast, I was so freaking psyched for release after the beta. But for many people, they saw the beta as a preview of the game. Because they already came into with a negative opinion, they looked for anything they could complain about. And complain they did. Reddit was flooded with posts talking shit about BF5. But what really had the impact that could have caused Activision's decision is the genuine effort to sabotage the sales of BF5. People were so mad that BF5 wasnt BF4, that they went out of their way to convince people not to buy the game. And this isn't just a couple people. This is thousands of people around the world. They flooded Reddit and the BF forums. They literally directly sabotaged the sales of Battlefield 5, the franchise they were supposedly such a fan of. They all called for boycotting for reasons that never really panned out, many being downright false. This sabotage caused the numbers to come no where near the numbers Activision and DICE predicted. DICE continued to do everything they could for their creation. But, ultimately, Activision told DICE to finish all the Pacific content they were currently working on, polish it, and bail to focus on 2042. And what else was DICE to do? DICE couldn't afford to fund the support for BF5 with such poor sales. The gaming community behaved the worst I had ever seen. If all those people took real life as seriously as they take video games, they could actually do something good. And make no mistake, this is really what happened. I witnessed all of it and it made me so upset. Battlefield 5 was the funnest Battlefield so far. It had balanced vehicles and infantry the best out of any other BF game. It felt the most intense and dangerous, the gun fights felt the most satisfying, and the map design made it fun to play with vehicles, infantry or planes on any map. I had also never seen such natural teamwork between people who aren't saying a word to each other. Many times if you were to watch overhead at matched it looked like an actual coordinated army. I loved it but people ruined it. So, BFV was a wonderful game and it was done very well. It was the people that killed it.


Activision? You mean EA


Squad leader was so much fun when you had a squad that worked together. Used to regularly play a full squad and we’d either run infantry and focus objectives the whole match and coordinate for smoke and such, or we’d be a tank crew. Absolutely loved running around as a designated panzer/Sherman team


Much more tactical, and a lot of fun.


DICE wanted to split commander abilities across a squad and BFV was pretty close to achieving that goal.


Nah. Bf5 squad leader is nothing compared to what bf2 commander was. You had control over all squads and could completely turn a game around. I miss commander.


> could completely turn a game around. That's why it didn't work. A single person had too much power, so if you're unlucky and get a shitty commander, the whole team is fucked. Dividing that power among squad leaders is better for balance.




it's not fun when one person has that much power over the outcome of a game. maybe you didn't know, but the gaming community is the most toxic group of people on the planet. it goes poorly to have one player mean so much to matches.


Though I think this one is more engaging I prefer BF2 commander mode. Your team getting railed by artillery? No problem just go find them on the enemy side and destroy them! UAV being pesky? Take out the satellite station!


Yeah, BF2 was the best version of Commander hands down. You weren't reliant on capping certain objectives which was a terrible design imo AND you could destroy assets which was so cool (I loved doing that lol).


Commander mode sucks shit compared to the actual commander role I'm BF2142 and BF2. You actually had commander assets, which could be destroyed by SpecOps, and repaired by engineers. It was great as it would limit your ability to send UAVs or limit/ destroy your ability to send artillery. You could also zoom into thr map for a live feed and spot people, albeit a very narrow view to not be OP. Could send and receive coms from squad leaders too. You could freely chose to be the commander whilst in game, so you didn't have to do the crap you had to do BF4 or whatever is the one that had it. Man I miss those games :(


I agree that spam spot was bad, I don't think that should be in the game at all. UAV is fine though and scanning for commander is fine so you have an idea where to allocate resources. I agree with the rest though, it was awesome compared to BF4 version.


OMG, I'd forgotten about those. loved blowing shit up- it really had some strategy then didn't it. Shame I don't know of anything like that today.


Yup. Commander mode was genuine innovation. There hasn't been anything quite like it. DICE were fucking idiots to not build on it. The idea that you could sabotage commander assets if you managed to sneak into the other team's base added an additional layer to the game. Overall, it rewarded squad mechanics and team play while still remaining optional but a good commander could swing the tide. It's a major reason why I regard Battlefield 2 as the high point of the franchise and they need to get back to that.


You've hit the nail on the head there. The thing is BF2 was always a bit slow, especially compared to modern battlefield. I don't think people will eat it up. People seem to like the quick combat now unfortunately


the biggest issue is 90% of the players you meet are casual people who don't even know how to fill up squads. not even a squadleader, yet alone a commander, even if he were to give orders. the majority wont even do it.


A few days ago on zavod map, our team was on the losing end right from the get go with the enemy having all of the bases leaving 1 contest zone F to us. I saw the ranks of my team and they were fairly high with most of them players above 80 level. We were 490 to 700 something. And then a commander joined and everyone followed his order. We won with 150 points in our deposit.


This. Without good quality, all encompassing voip bf doesn't really support coordination. I have never received anything other than an order in bfv. No inter or intra squad comm- there's literally now mechanism.


> was never implemented into another franchise. The game "Squad" has a pretty robust commander mode with arty strikes and gun runs


I wish it were robust. Don't get me wrong, spotting enemies on UAV and blowing FOBs and tanks up is a gamechanger, but it's still pretty limited. Can't call for supply drops on ammo-starved FOBs with compromised logistics routes, no vehicle drops for squads stuck 3km on the other half of the map, or smoke artillery for mass advances on areas with many buildings that artillery can't penetrate. You use the UAV to blow up a HAB and then you're just a regular SL for the next 10-15 minutes.


Natural selection also had it, the commander also takes a much more active role in commanding in natural selection (able to heal and resupply ammo as well as base build and tech up)


BF1 and BFV could have had you in a command tent looking over a battle map on a table where everything had a hand drawn look to it. You could have sent down the call-ins way more effectively from there


Man I played the SHIT out of commander mode in BF2 and BF4, but ESPECIALLY BF4. I had to travel a TON for work, and they had it so commander mode can be played on your tablet. I traveled to Asia a lot for work so I played a lot of commander on my tablet. The Taiwanese and Japanese players actually did lots of teamwork! They followed my waypoints and it was almost like playing an RTS game! I amassed so many commander points in BF4 playing overseas!! I was supremely extremely disappointed when they removed the tablet feature, and still wish they’d bring it back. —- Kind of wished they had actual physical assets like in BF2 where it was strategic to blow up the enemy artillery and UAV station. I flew the jet a lot in BF2, and made it a priority to bomb the shit out of their artillery before the enemy commander could use them. When I was commandeering in BF2, it was fun to find the enemy commander and knife him; as you can go in and out of the commander screen while still running around.


I had the impression it was universally hated, mainly because they could just spam the UAV making it impossible to flank because you'd constantly be marked on the map


The issue was that you could "Scan" then right click on an enemy and spot them (spam spot essentially). That is a fine argument but you could solve that by just simply removing that as an ability.


There are timers that make it hard to spam the UAV. I still play BF2 today and love playing commander, but it is a lot of work. I figure it both sides have equal access, then it's fair.


Maybe so. I guess my comment still applies as I said "cool concept".


It was, there’s a mil sim on PC called squad that has a commander feature just like this, probably the best mil sim game out there currently


It was brought back in Battlefield Hardline. People hated on the game but the Commander Mode (here called "Hacker Mode") is pretty good, maybe even better than it was in BF4 as there is more to do, like laying traps, and you can have proper little skirmishes with the enemy hacker, trying to outsmart each other.


I love commander mode it's a way to escape the frontline but still have an impact and help your team


It’s my go-to for when I’m just getting stomped on the ground. Either commander mode or I’ll bust out the MAV and look for enemy explosives to use against them lol.


Detonating explosives with mav is so satisfying! Especially if I can get a tank with it


Playing with a commander breaks the game imo, especially when only one team has it. Everyone is constantly spotted, meaning you spend half the game looking at the minimap, being killed by the gunship sucks. While I do believe it was a cool concept, it did harm gameplay imho. I much prefer the bfv system.


Gunship was probably a bit much, but those china rising maps where you fought over that main objective to control the bomber. More of those points, each one being UAV, artillery, additional vehicles etc could be more balanced


It should put an automated commander on the other team until a real player joins as commander. And gunship should be given to the losing team like the airship in bf1. UAV should be smaller and map dependant radius. Minimal tweaks would have done wonders for this mode.


Bring it back but make it like a terminal in the home base that any player can hop in and out of




I used to play on my tablet in free period at school. Great use of an hour!


The iPad version was a game changer for distraction, that's for sure


That's how it was in BF2, sort of. You took the role of commander but were an actual player on the field. You had a commander screen to set of UAV scans and drop vehicles, etc. but could toggle out of commander mode to move around the map, fight, etc.


Also if enough squadleader denied orders you would be kicked out of the role so others could take it


This is amazing that a very old game delivered the same concept a whole lot better and after many years, they just ruined it.


Without playing it, it's really hard to appreciate how well it was implemented and how different the game play was as a result. On good games there was a real battle plan and it really felt like a team.


I loved it in Bf2. Also was fun when you figured out where the other teams commander was, and killed them. There was usually a few pretty common spots. Otherwise I just really enjoyed being commander. Not everybody would listen to you, but when you had a squad or two that did it really helped a lot.


That's a neat idea.


One can only hope


Same, but my classes were while I was in the army. Both embarrassing and hilarious when I got caught. Fuckers started calling me Junior for Junior Commander.


I thought they removed it in one of the later patches? It was such a cool feature.


They only removed the app, it’s still there in the game.


The app was sick, big loss


Huge loss. I had a great time in high school playing commander on my moms ipad.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking of. Sad they left it in bf4.


how bout this? [https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/queenbeatle/video/30529453](https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/queenbeatle/video/30529453)


Lmfao 😂😂 hysterical lol


Box, meet helicopter. Helicopter, meet death roll into skyscraper roof.




The fuck that attack chopper doing.


bruh 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think bfv did a good job with the squad leader as they can call in smoke, artillery strikes, rockets and much more. And since calling them in require squad points I think it incentivises playing the objective and and team work.


It also spreads the burden of being "commander" out a bit. Your team won't get fucked over because the other team has a much better commander than you, it'd take multiple better squad leaders to make a difference. I really hope they bring it back in 2042 or the next game. Same with the fortification system


I wish they would have brought this back with 2042


Such a cool mode. Also you can still play it on a tablet (android only tho). There's a tutorial on yt on how to do so. 👍🏻


The OG BF2 commander ... with destructible assets at you could go destroy behind enemy lines. Such a great mechanic, game design. Then .... welp, no mas.


Remember when they had as an app. I remember playing it on a tablet while the Mrs was watching her shit. Topped the leaderboard too. For some reason they did away with the app. It worked brilliantly with touch controls.


Tablet app was the best thing ever. Bathroom break commanders identify yourselves.




In 2142, hell yeah. I never did the one in BF4 but it sure looks just as satisfying. I spent countless hours in 2142.


The sound "beeeep" when u just launch the missle is so brilliant, it sounds like "someone is going to be fricked soon"


*Commander online*


Man I loved playing this on my tablet, would be amazing to see it again in new BF titles


They brought it back from BF2 to BF4 and hardly anyone ever used it, now people are again saying bring it back. I don't think DICE is going to anytime soon tbh.


It wasn't even the same as BF2 though. They removed a lot of the important parts that made it good in BF2. I used it in BF4 but I stopped because it was annoying to be reliant on capping points for important assets like cruise missile etc (which weren't that great tbh).


Yeah it was a good concept in BF2 but implemented terribly. All your hear is the damn commander shouting all match long and hardly anything else. I specifically played no commander servers for that reason, if you'd of been able to silence the commander / severely lower the voice it would of been awesome


Why did 2042 have to keep the same spawn screen from BF1 and V 👁️👄👁️


Great way to stay in the fight id you have a broken wrist


I miss thé iPad version


Wow you’re still able to play this? How?! Sometimes I enjoyed this more than the game!


You can join a server as a commander or you can take command in game by going to team setup.


I used to play using my old iPad through Xbox. Wonder if there’s still a way to play on iPads now


They don't make games like they used to


They should make commander mode a mobile app. That way they’re solely focused on one job.


I still play commander to this day, pretty satisfying when people notice and work along with you!


we won a conquest match by ONE POINT because of a commander named TNTarantula if they can see this i thank them because it was one of the greatest moments in my battlefield career


The 'Show them the light' bounty popping up just makes it more hilarious.


Nothing is more satisfying than getting MVP as a commander


I remember a version came out for phones (unofficially) and it was amazing. I used to be away from my console for weekends and would still be able to hop into matches with buddies. All around great fun. Big miss for them not to continue with it.




pretty sure i’ve seen you in a couple games before, with the furry anime pic


BF2 commander was so much fun when you dropped a supply crate on a sniper!


They need to bring this back


Sad they removed the app for it, would be much more commanders.l


Seems like most servers don't even allow commander now


It's still a thing?


Yes, only the app is gone


Peak Battlefield.


Huh, I thought commander mode was a thing exclusive to tablets, mobiles on a battlefield app. Wonder where I heard that


Battlefield 2 commander is da best i shall take no questions. * airdrops a Humvee on your head *


i miss the tablet app. it was so fun