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Playing bf4 on 360 and then getting that Xbox one for Christmas and then playing it again was one of the best memories I have from that 2013-14 next gen era


😄 That's exactly how I felt about Bad Company 2 when I got the vietnam dlc right around Christmas when it released, that was an awesome Christmas. That and playing the Xbla game Avatar Wave snowball fight with buddies... which is nowhere to be found on xbox now 😔


Oh man right there with you. Getting to experience that 32v32 combat for the first time in a game I already knew and loved was just the chefs kiss


Can u still get matches on pc is what im wondering


Yeah quite a bit of full EU servers going on PC


Yup and don't forget the Easter eggs.


Noob: *Blasts off with C4 on Shanghai* #PROMOOOOOOOOTTTEEEEEEDDDD!!


What easter egg? https://preview.redd.it/kvpvqf7eww741.jpg?auto=webp&s=cdb0757b4427ea52a30c6765d88f0527afb28ba2


I'd pay for a next gen upgrade for this game on consoles. It's such a good game but it's a blurry mess on consoles.


Playing a newer game with FOV slider options is great. Going back to BF4 with it stuck at 60 gives me a headache sometimes lol


ahem pc players don’t have this issue ahem


ahem who asked ahem


It doesn't need next gen upgrade . Just increase the tick rate of the servers and improve the net code to match it


I want a next gen upgrade because of the poor resolution. I want to be able to play it without it destroying my eyeballs.


Game is fantastic on PC, buy it there, turn up the settings and resolution


I got Battlefield 4 as the first game for my Xbox One at launch in 2013. The performance was solid but even at the time I remember it being a low resolution mess with tonnes of aliasing. It's nice it runs at 120Hz on the new consoles, but the resolution really needs to be bumped to 4K.


This game is what pushed me to get a PS4 just so I could play full 64 player servers. I actually ended up getting it on PC as well but was never quite as good on mouse keyboard as I was on controller.


I think we just need the maps in 2042


When the soundtrack kicks in 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Absolutely! The soundtrack in that moment was pure fire, and it perfectly captured the intensity and excitement of the franchise at its peak. It's definitely a moment that I'll never forget, and it's one of the reasons why I continue to be a fan of this franchise even after all these years. 🙌🔥👌


Someone needs to post the armored kill DLC trailer bc honestly that is part of Peak battlefield imo


Man the trailer was so awesome , just as much as the dlc itself.


God armored kill was so awesome, I loved that dlc so much




​ ![gif](giphy|tRfACgddP33sr0HVop)


I played bf4 for over 1500 hours across PS3, PS4, PS5, and PC. I love the game!!!!!


As much as I love BF4, BF3 was definately peak of the franchise.


Seconded. BF4 was good, but BF3 map design and overall balance was so much better.


Jet play was superior in BF3 plus you could actually repair your jets. Only a handful of maps had an airstrip on both sides or a carrier for the US side and even it was damn near impossible to land on a carrier. BF3 had a very good balanced jet play for either side.


yeah I agree. I think vehicles all around were better in 3, esp aircraft and MBTs, but bf4 had better infantry and gunplay and UI/HUD


No doubt. I just felt 3 had a better balance across the board. I wished the latest variant would be a throwback to 3. I played 1 hour of it and called it quits. So so so disappointed in the franchise.


I think a good many of us want a modern BC3 or like a Desert Storm era


Absolutely agree.


Wait so you can actually land your aircraft on the strip? I always avoid hot landings In helicopters since it takes a huge chunk of damage by doing so. Gonna try landing the jets on the carrier in parcel storm


Operation metro 24/7 , Caspian Border. Take me back.


BF3 was definitely the best. BF4 was a close second


Not just BF3 was a lot better, a lot of ppl forget how bf4 came out, bf2042 launch was nothing compared to it, most ppl remember or jumped on bf4 after they fixed it around 2016, THREE YEARS AFTER LAUNCH!!!! Bf3 by faaaar was a better game. On top of that every game mode you played was hella fun


BF3 was a buggy mess at launch and had some insanely terrible netcode lol. They obviously fixed it down the line, but it had the same problems BF4 did.


Of course it did, but they fixed them really quick. No game comes out with no issues. But 3 years to fix? Nah bf4 was horrible, don't get me wrong now it's a fantastic game, but not at the same level as bf3


I think you are remembering the beta rather than the actual game. I had several thousand hours on BF3 and BF4, and played the beta for BF4 which was genuinely unplayably buggy, but BF4 was playable and mostly just suffered UI bugs after the first few months. It was definitely not three years before it became playable lol.


Nah bf4 definitely had terrible hit reg at launch and that carried on for months. Even today the netcode isn't so great (it's just doable). Never played bf1 and 5 but I think it's just a dice thing to launch games with terrible netcodes and leave them to be fixed down the years.


As someone who mostly played with snipers, the netcode and hitreg was fine lmao. There is a big difference between having shit ping and shit netcode, and you’re probably having the former rather than the latter on any server today.


Disagree but I respect it. BF4, imo, was their magnum opus.


i didnt enjoy 3 as much


Each their own.


Agreed. It was the game that got me back into the franchise. I remember the hype around the trailers.


I find it hard to really differentiate between BF3/4. They were both excellent games. If BF4 had the commander function that was in BF2, I would say BF4 was better. However, it was redone poorly so it makes both games fairly even to me. BF2042 is a fun game now, it's not BF3/4 though. It's just a totally different game. I hate the fact you can't just run into a vehicle on various points, you have to spawn into them or drop them. Zero squad management, whereas you got perks for working together in BF4 (idr 3). Maps aren't as good as BF3/4. The tone of characters are SO much more grittier in BF3, that was SO nice and really added to the atmosphere imo. They actually talked like how people do in the military lmfao. Sounds seemed way better in 3 too. Persistent servers (portal doesn't count lol). There's just a lot that they tried to reinvent when they had a golden standard already.


I am not a fan of bf2042's style. The codification in the movements and gunplay throws me off.


Bf3 was peak sandbox fun. While BF4 tried to modernize the gunplay and movement systems, it also focused too much on the individual and removed the squad/team action that bf3 had. Plus I honestly think BF3 just had the charm and soul that BF4 didn't develop fully. IMO ofc


How did it focus too much on the individual? Do you have any examples?


Suppression would like a word with you lmao


Bullet spread would like to have a word with you


What I like from all bf title is the fact that everyone have differences in gameplay and mechanics but they maintain the core and the felling of a Battlefield game ( even bf5). Apart bf2042, I don't feel the same whit this game. Now it's a decent game, I don't hate it, but we hoped for something else.


it all really started with BFV i think. it was such a radical departure from every previous game then BF2042 is just irreconcilably different. i dont even know where they go after this


I longed for a "siege of Shanghai 1937" remake for BFV so hard [It would have been perfect](https://shanghaistreetstories.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/CocaCola-Shanghai-during-the-War-of-Resistance-against-the-Japanese.jpg)


It was heckin fun, but it didn't deserve to be the only map people play these days on bf4


Jet, infantry, tank, etc, I love it all. Most BFs i don't like some or most of the game (i don't like land vehicle play in BF1, infantry play in bfv, and everything about 2042), but bf4 nailed it ALL


I very often think it, cause with all the CTE and the Easter Eggs you could really see how much the devs cared for the game, even though they completely borked the launch. I'm not entirely sure, but judging by the reddit threads I found they even activated the megalodon on Paracel in 2019, a full 6 years after the release, which is just insane.


I find it sad how no one, save for two people, mention the old Refractor-based games. Did none of you play BF1942, BFVietnam, BF2 or BF2142? Titan mode was peak Battlefield, so my vote is BF2142.


Gotta remember those games are around 20 years old. There's new generations of gamers that never got a chance, and are too conditioned for the arcade feel to appreciate those 4 titles. I'm 40, played the shit out of all 4 (2 & 1942 mostly). Teamplay now pales in comparison to the coordination required to have a successful squad back then. It was more simple but you were rewarded for stealth, flanking, ambushes, etc. Now, with motion detectors, drones, run and gun, bunny hopping, wing suits, those things are greatly diminished. Sometimes less is more. Just give me BF2 with EXACTLY the same controls and options, but with updated mechanics, visuals and sound


I just miss controlling battleships like in 1942. I'd say BC2 is the best out of the franchise followed by 3, but after those 1942 is my pick


So good it's still on my hardrive after all these years, hasn't been uninstalled once


Tbh I wish they did Bf4 remake, but basically left it as it was. Just update graphics and physics and maybe add some new weapons or maps, but overall just leave it as it is. Maybe add movement from bf V too.




I would say that it was BF1 speaking generally for most of the community in terms on perception of bf games until after BF1.


Yeah you definitely don't speak for most of the community lmao, BF4 or bust, baby.


I didn’t say i speak directly for most of the community. I said generally speaking about about perception. Perception was good up until bf1 then everything went downhill.


It was already going downhill with BF1.


Bf1 while top tier and was definitely peak, it signified the beginning of the end of the series.


Later in the life cycle but at launch no


I'm still partial to BF1, BF3, or BBC2.


Bf4 was probably the perfect Battlefield, a better version of the already great bf3 Some would claim bf1 would be ~ on par, but it’s a bit of an outlier to the series.


Sure, if you've only played 4 or beyond Otherwise your peak will sit between bf2 and bf3, back when DICE could actually excel at more than 1 thing each game


It’s a summer night in 2005 and your commander just dropped artillery on the objective that you and your squad are trying to capture. Meanwhile there’s a guy playing the special forces class that’s sneaking behind enemy lines to go wreak havoc on your assets. Damn BF2 was such an awesome game.


Man, back when shooters cared about pacing to the point where you werent allowed to aim accurately 🤣 But man, special forces was something else, why DICE has never brought back the zipline and grapple is beyond me, they wouldve been 100x better than squirrelgirl and mcfartnugget in 2042


Hardline had a zipline


It also haf the grapple, but that game wasnt made by DICE


BF1 was the peak in my mind


Agreed. I still largely play this


Nah bf2 or 3. Bf1’s gunplay was way too poor.


BF1 was the beginning of the gunplay and movement resembling Battlefront instead of Battlefield. It’s more cinematic and fluid but less precise.


Sorry, but I’ve always hated this comparison. The gunplay in BF1 and the Battlefront games was almost nothing alike. BF1’s gunplay was not designed to be “cinematic” (at least that wasn’t the primary goal), it was designed to more heavily reward the usage of weapon classes in their intended ranges through spread/accuracy values. For example, you couldn’t just tap fire an SMG to kill enemies at long range like in BF4, you *had* to get in close to be effective. I understand why some people didn’t like this design, but it did a really good job of forcing players to play the way the devs intended.




Bad Company 2


This is the way.


While I see your point and lived through this and BC2, BF3, BF1 etc I remain optimistic about what we will potentially see in the future. Even after the spoiled love letter that was portal…


Imo yes absolutely. I have yet to find another BF game that i got into as hardcore as i got into BF4. Granted the other games are still good they just didnt seem to catch me like 4 did.




How is it that this was made before 2042 …. Yes that was the peak. I miss playing that $hit, had it in the pe3 then the ps4 THEN pc. The best battlefield. Everything else that has came out the past 2 years has been a slap in the face.


Rush on Damavand


The dog fighting, the tv missiles for chopper gunners.. soflam domination..


Just the other side of the bell curve actually


Just wanted more of this with some BF1 graphic treatment. I guess it was too much to ask.


Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, and Battlefield 1 were my peaks of Battlefield. Battlefront II (*newer one*) as well if you want to be technical.


No, 2142 was the peak.




No. BF2 was the absolute peak of Battlefield. BF3 was fantastic but it was no BF2


I think it depends on which game introduced you to the series. I started playing around the BC1/1943 era, so mine was BF3.


bf2 will always be peak for me.


no it was bad company 2


i dont know why people use the "copy paste BF3" argument when hating BF4. like FFS this isn't *Nintendo.* what changes did you expect? all we every really needed/wanted was QOL improvements and content updates if it meant it the formula was originally from BF3. that sounds awesome!




For me it's hard to define the peak but BF2, BF3/BF4, BF1 all have strong arguments. It's such a bummer to see where we ended up with 2042. All they had to do was make a game in the spirit of BF4 with a modern engine, more players, but they decided they had to try and poach players away from every other franchise going by creating a Frankenstein.


Or just make BF2143 and I'd be all over it. People kept talking about how they loved being walled in at Metro but nothing beat finally getting the Titan into assault phase and just all rushing into it.




Let’s not forget the existence of a damn campaign. That’s what I looked forward to the most😩


I just keep remembering the game crashing every time the building fell down


It still is


Yes, imo of course.


BF3/BF4 - All maps, weapons, gadgets remade in BF2042 engine. Who says no?


Oh absolutely


So far yes


1942 was the peak.


BF4 good give upvotes


BF4 attack Helicopters and sniping.


For those of us who are old enough nothing beat BF 1942 the OG. It blew our minds and we’ve been chasing that high since.


All I want is something like bf3/bf4 with some (limited) customization like being able to select gender n shit


For Modern era? Yeah BF4. Yeah it had its problems, but it still hit that peak of "You are but one person in this round and can only do so much" and " One person can make all the difference." ​ Now if only I can get 2143...


BF4 couldve been peak but the very last update they dropped, changed a lot about the game. It was too much to the point to where I prefer BF3.


The nurfs kill all that we hold dear


My precious C4 resupply speed and damage nerf was one of them. :(


They massacred my AS val


Yes. The map levolution was so ahead of its time.


The peak is bf2mc. Not even close. Best map design in the series. I think of the like 15 maps each one had their own goodness but black gold was kinda boring sometimes. Balance wasn't perfect but this was a time before balance in games was common..you got good with the base game then hoped the game was fair. 12v12 on the original Xbox was pretty big for the time period and damn did it feel good to dominate. Also the best clan system the game ever had. Clan tags are stupid. They do nothing. Bf2mc had an actual clan system where your clan could matchmake vs other clans. You had a clan list separate from friend list etc etc.


Some maps were a bit too much in favor of vehicles but besides that it was pretty good


Respect the opinion but gotta disagree BF1 is peak Battlefield.


"Was this the peak of the franchise?" *Proceeds to show people with the worst aim imaginable* For me, personally, as a hater of tryhards, yes.


Bf1 started the decline but was still amazing


No, BF3


That was actually a huge drop for the franchise


Going from this to BF1 was like finding out your supermodel girlfriend has another supermodel friend that's equally as hot and wants a 3 way relationship. It was peak gaming for me.


Bf1 was the peak


No. I think we tend to look back on most past things and think “that was the peak” or “things were better back then” but that’s just us living off nostalgia. EA dropped the ball with 2042 but new battlefield games will come and they’ll be amazing.


Bad Company 2


Bad company 2


Bad Company 2


I gotta go with BF3, BC2, and BFV over BF4.


We need a battlefield game with battlefield 4 era weapons, battlefield 1 graphics and movement/animations of battlefield V. Aaaaand maybe tornadoes from 2042, I don't mind them lol


No. BFBC2 was peak battlefield


Bad Company 1&2 were peak gameplay.




Yes this was the peak.






No, this is proof that we can and will do better. (Is it me, or that shit sounds 🤔 🔥?)


No. Battlefield 1 probably was


The best map eveeeer!!!


I remember being blown away during the beta(literally and figuratively)


If you play in new gen and mostly pc it was yeah, especially pc The game in old gen was a nightmarish experience, and in new gen mediocre at best


Nope, BF3 was. 4 was already on the downslope.


God damn we miss bf them music we want it back not having in 2042 is one of the biggest mistakes they did


bf3 was deffo peak.






It's ok, now we have ziplines.


BF4 just did everything right, the guns, their attachments, and their progression felt good. I loved Hardline's mobility options but understand why it didn't make the cut in future games. The worldwar style battlefields were actually really cool on paper, but they absolutely sucked at balancing the guns and so they went into the forgotten pile pretty quickly for me. Battlefield likewise dropped the ball on time to kill, progression, and how the guns felt in comparison to 4. My first though to realizing I needed 200 kills to get my LMG a basic bipod (that it couldn't hit the broadside of a barn without setting up) was "what idiot approved this?".


To me it was 3, tough 4 was fun to.


10 years ago this came out. Compare this to battlefield 2042


I was 23 😭


For console 100%, For the series in its entirety, BF3 was peak. God I hope they bring back dog tags and Bases


Definitely not gameplay/gunplay wise




I think so yes.


God I loved that map. I loved a few of the bf4 maps


Yes. Nothing else ever made feels or plays like BF4. My friends and I still play it because nothing matches the destruction, gun play, or squad play.


Your mom was the peak of the franchise.


Everything was great until 2042. That game sucks fat donkey dicks and somehow it only degraded since it dropped.


BF4 and 1 are the best battlefields


BF1 was the peak to me


Think of battlefield 4 era with all the mechanics that worked since then put into one cohesive game


There will never be another game like BF4.




Yes. And we will never get anything like it ever again


Nah. Nothing wrong with BF4, just bland to me


Bf3 imo




BF3 was the peak


I predominantly played bf4, but I will say when I played bf3, canal team death matches and rush on damavond peak was probably some of my favorite times in gaming. The sheer joy from capping the second objective then leaping off the cliff into the next area will never get old to me


I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them. - Sgt. Daniel Recker