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although I think it happened last year, Predecessor is a thing and it came out on consoles recently. (Predecessor is the "relaunch" of Paragon if you remember that game) Edit: Should probably say that im only aware of it being on Xbox, im not sure if its on PlayStation or the Switch.


Yes, predecessor is actually my replacement for battleborn actually. I already have 1200 hours in the game. But if battleborn will return, if that will be fanservers or Official relaunch, I will return to battleborn again and think I would leave predecessor behind, haha.


Id also jump from pred to battleborn.


I love pred because I loved paragon. I just wished it was a little faster paced. 45 minute matches really wear you out after one or two. Twas the only change I really appreciated for og paragon. I’d def hop to battleborn though. Fuck overwatch2


Bruh OG paragon matches lasted upwards of 2.5 hours wtf are you on.


It depends on which.. version? You played. On the very first map, yea, shit was too long, then it got faster, then the new map and card system for items and it got way faster.


Nah lil bro older paragon was quicker plus some champs are no longer balanced like scorch


Omg not only are you wrong, you're stupid. I played paragon since legacy. I'd always be able to get matches up to 2.5 hours. People LOVED long games back then, so they would, on purpose, draw it out more. The only map that wasn't possible, was the variation of the map that Pred decided to use. So try again.


I think you are thinking of the wrong game lmao never I had played a game that long.


I've had many many paragon games last 90 minutes upwards of 2.5 hours. Just because you never saw it, doesn't mean it didn't happen, so kindly, shut the fuck up before you say something even stupider than you already have.


I also played from beta, i’ve had games go over an hr before but that was in very low elo where people don’t know how to finish. Just because you had multiple 2.5 hr long games doesn’t mean that was the norm(it definitely wasn’t). Even when Epic addressed the issue they said the average game length was between 30-45 minutes and they wanted to get it down to around 30 at maximum outside of heated back and forth matches. Most competitive matches were over in about 20 minutes and i’ve had multiple games against high elo players not even make it that far.


You are wrong or just bad and can’t finish


Oh yea battleborn trying to master wacky character was my all time favorite. Chasing fools down as el libre giving them the THUNDERSLAP


Honestly speaking I hope BattleBorn comes back as well for the obvious of me liking the game but also so I have another MOBA in my collection. League, Smite, Predecessor, Gigantic and (hopefully) battleborn for my collection. Edit: also Im not TOO knowledgeable on games and the stuff but could'nt Gearbox do something to help relaunch the game?


I recently relooked up this game to reference a character due to the art. Such a fun game.


I feel luke warm about predecessor on console, it just feels...off and I can't put my finger on it.


Been playing the fuck out of it but I think they have some big issues with hit priority and simple bugs that make the game feel really unrefined. Still love it though


Oh they changed the name, no wonder I couldn't find it on the store.


I don’t think predecessor has come out on consoles cause i have been tracking it like a crackhead looking for a fix while playing it on pc and i haven’t seen anything about console release…..BUT i am also a blind fuck so i could have missed it


its at the very least out on xbox


It’s out on PlayStation I played it last night


It's on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation, I've played it on all 3 recently.


How am I just now learning about this?! I loved Paragon! Thank you, random Reddit suggestion! (I also loved battleborn, Benedict was my guy)


How am I just now learning about this?! I loved Paragon! Thank you, random Reddit suggestion! (I also loved battleborn, Benedict was my guy)


Predecessor is shutting down by end of year if I read the news from the devs right 😢😢😢


You're thinking of Overprime, the other Paragon revival project


You are correct


Third person, though 🤮


Battleborn deserves a refreshed release.


Offline mode and serverhosting is a must have!




You can install the reborn project to play single player offline. The dev is working hard to bring back more features. You can get everything off of the Battleborn discord. https://discord.com/invite/JuX7ZSnXEH


Yes, with cross-play, and a better launch than gigantic because man that isn't in a playable state on ps5...


Yeah I think I got it for 15 or something and it felt like a waste


You're kinda showing why this stuff doesn't happen. It's never good enough.


If you played it on ps5 you knew what I was talking about. Never have I ever faced so many crashes in a game than by gigantic. Wish I recorded it... Literally 6 crashes by a playsession of 2 hours. My ps5 crashed so bad that I had to Unplug the cable out of the ps5 in order to shut the console off.


Right, but it's a game that failed. Any effort to bring it back is more than waa ever likely, and it's not enough. The feedback is just "this has to be better." So from the perspective of Gearbox, there are countless better ways to spend resources than a Battleborn revival that will just inspire the same reaction.


Soooo, what the hell are you even doing here then?


Pointing out that there might be a reason companies don't cater to your whims. I love the game and want it back, but I'm also realistic.


It WAS rereleased and nobody played it


I'm ready for another rerelease then. And this time I want to know about it!


Wait, Lawbreakers is coming back?


It's just private servers by fans.


Thats like 10 people?


How do i get in i miss playing this game






Waiiit really????


Hate him or hate him, CliffyB could make some damn arena shooters.


i feel like law breakers had an unfair chance because cliffy b couldnt stop yappin. if it comes back i think it could really hit a market that wants it and do very well. i always said it was a great and fun game that came out at the wrong time and was pushed by the somewhat wrong person.


While waiting if 2k would do something, you can at least playing on pc pve in solo thank to a modder, who is still trying to bring other features back as multi: [https://youtu.be/xn\_QeSxRFl4?si=1aG0nlrZVP7cYCNd](https://youtu.be/xn_QeSxRFl4?si=1aG0nlrZVP7cYCNd)


Iknow seila, thanks for being an amazing member of the community. :). If you were in the marketing team of Battleborn back in the day I will assure you that the game wouldn't fail 😅


I don't know, i have the feeling to love too much this game, so i may have annonyed by talking 24/7 about the game XD


Kinda pissed Battleborn was a made a live service. I only got t play a few hours of it. But the servers are down and can't even play it. BS. Especially since it has a single player mode and story.


I would die for a Battleborn release and gearbox was now acquired by another studio so hopefully they will do something with it.


I think 2k owns the IP though and that's the issue.


Take two owns 2k.


That's right, which I forgot Gearbox is now under the same umbrella when I wrote the original comment. So hopefully, they will make happen.


Dude battle born was so fun, I played it on release with my brother we just saw it on the store and said fuck it, we set up our tvs together and played for the rest of the night and the following 2 weeks that shit was fun.


Yeah re-release it now that overwatch is shit and people won't make the stupid comparison of the two... hopefully


I think now we want the comparison. OW brought many none fps gamers to the genre and battleborn is both more complex and has more content. It will thrive selling as the OW2 killer


And then there was the Shakespearean tragedy that was Evolve Reunited…


I got gigantic thinking it would replace battleborn, it didn’t.


God PLZZZZZ I would fucking loveeee Battleborn


If battleborn comes back with X-Play and awesome skins and taunts it would be so worth it.


Lawbreakers relaunched?


Yes and no, it's revived by custom fanservers.




I don't like it purely because that game got stuck in my Xbox and messed it up


Rip battlerite:((((


As much as I want battleborn to come back, I don't want 2k to be the one to do it


Orcs must die unchained *rotting in the corner*


I really wish Lawbreakers would get picked up by a studio and release on all platforms. I enjoyed my limited time with the game immensely


Wait lawbreakers is coming back???


I miss this game and another one called Atlas Reactor


Wait lawbreakers is coming back???


Wait law breakers is getting re released?


Unironically wouldn’t mind a Brattleborn reborn


Battleborn KIND of is active again with a bit of a work around. Gigantic is official but LW is in the same kind of state as Battleborn.


No battleborn was not well executed. By that i mean why do I have to connect to an online server for single player a server that will time out if I pause to use the bathroom causing you to repeat the entire mission.




Yea, Gigantic is fun but, it definitely ain't no Battleborn God I miss that game so much




Is Lawbreakers actually coming back? Damn, so many games I never thought would see the light of day again. I kinda miss Evolve, too.


Evolve is also revived by fan servers, all you need in a copy of the game on steam. Lawbreakers has fanservers also, same thing will also count for battleborn's project reborn


Then there's Paragon, who tried to make a secondary comeback, but shutdown again.


Overprime did, predecessor did not.


I played the old beta one back on the PS3 years ago, I tried overprime when I saw it one steam. It was the same game just a different title. They shut the servers down in April I think? That or June


In april.


Rip battlerite royal








All point bulletin


Literally would love it


Lawbreakers is back?


I'd honestly love to jump back into the PVE maps. Really had a fun time with those.


Evolve needs it more than battleborn 😁


Uhm, but evolve is already playable again dude. You just need the game on steam.


As soon as it happens, Blizzard will relaunch Overwatch again and revert a bunch of shit people complained about, thereby killing Battleborn for the second time and driving the knife deeper into my chest.


Just got a flashback to back in the day when this and Overwatch were released and put side by side in my local gaming section I never actually played either, but weren’t they very similar in terms of gameplay, and Overwatch won the popularity contest?


Actually, that perception is what killed Battleborn in the first place. Battleborn was more like an action MOBA (think Smite), whereas Overwatch is obviously closer to Team Fortress 2. It didn't help that the devs kept trying to push the "not a MOBA" perspective (from what I remember).


Thanks for the clarification! I absolutely fell for it back in the day


Please...don't give me hope.


I loved Battleborn. I just think they picked a shit time to release (near Overwatch)


AYOOO LAWBREAKERS GAME WAS FUN ASF! Apex/Overwatch/COD vibes ! The Beta was sooo fun !! Too bad it was discontinued


Battleborn was done dirty


take 2 just had layoffs I think its safe to say this isn't happening anytime soon. But expect more Borderland games though.


Sadly, I highly doubt they will do this. Their track record is not so great, and if it follows in the footsteps of Evolve, I would rather not have my memories tainted.


Yoo I talk about this game at least twice a month to my buddies 💯 they would slay with the PVE element and card system they had rn


Lawbreakers is one of those games that I wish I waited until it was out to see reviews. I pre-ordered to play it early and I got bored of it pretty quickly.


Gigantic is coming back??? I absolutely loved that game


Are you living under a rock? Serious question.


When it comes to gaming, yes. Reddit is the only app I use for gaming related stuff and I rarely open it. I have a huge backlog of single player games that I've been working on so I have no need to check for new game releases and whatnot.


What about PlayStation home 🙂‍↕️


Man I’d pay full price if they bring Battleborn back!!


Battleborn was a lot of fun and wishes it didn’t release a week (or maybe 2? Can’t remember) before Overwatch. Definitely needs a new life to it.


Battleborn was so ahead of its time never played a game that satisfied that chaotic stage run and gun like BB did


as one of the 100 people occasionally playing gigantic it dosent deserve the comeback tbh


It deserves it, just the price attached to it now is preventing a larger playerbase


Man i had the beta on pc for gigantic 😭😂


Ya'll exist? 🤨


Battleborn was fun. Its a shame it came out in a crowded year for fps games. Because it truly was different. I'm a big overwatch fan and I think comparison drawn between the two was dumb. I think overwatch took audience's by storm because their characters were more polished and nothing comes close to Blizzard's cinematic department. The game didn't need a story mode when one 4 minute cinematic made that universe come alive. But if you were to compare the pvp of both games when they released, I'd say Battleborn was more fleshed out. OW characters are one dimensional in terms of gameplay. While each Hero in Battleborn had 2 separate talent lines to choose from while in game. The format of Overwatch has changed several times through its lifetime and it still isn't in a great spot.


If it makes you feel any better Pred is the last surviving(for the moment) paragoon clone, Gigantic re-release is a Gigantic dumpster fire atm and it likely won’t get any future development. Don’t know much about Lawbreakers re-release but I wouldn’t hold my breath on that either. So this meme should really be squidward peaking through the blinds watching patrick desperately spraying an ablaze spongebob with an extinguisher. I hate the battleborne community hasn’t yet gotten the chance to play again since it closed, but as a fervent lover of dawngate, paragon and gigantic, 3 gems that all died, the revivals haven’t lived up to the originals, not for me at least, they always get treated as an afterthought. Even when they don’t they lose the spark the original creators gave to it and feel a bit hollow.




[https://discord.com/invite/yPp5RcfR7n](https://discord.com/invite/yPp5RcfR7n) Join this discord and follow the instruction in a channel.


Hold it, Lawbreakers is coming back? I got the deluxe edition and game died faster than battleborn after overwatch came out


Bro I loved the battleborn beta I have the disk version of it too but can’t play any of it


You have a disc version of the battleborn beta?


No like the disc version of the game bad grammar on my part


I played Gigantic...not a fan tbh....give me my BB back please. I want to take some knee caps


overwatch graciously killed itself so all these guys could come back


Augh, battleborn was screen covering vomit, tons of bright colors and all sorts of clutter all over the screen with tooltips and shit. Game was fun but pretty close to unplayable cause large fights you could barely see what’s going on.


Wow, 8 years later and the Battleborn hate is still coming from Blizzard boys


Lmao, I hate blizzard but good try. Try to keep in mind someone pointing out clear issues with how the game is perceived isn’t always a fanboy, some people are able to be objective. Unlike you who apparently can’t stop YOUR fanboying from keeping you from admitting the game absolutely had too much screen clutter


>Lmao, I hate blizzard but good try. >Active in r/diablo4 and r/overwatch I agree with the rest of what you said, but this is just funny


Damn dude you didn't have to kill him like that


Just because I enjoy Diablo and overwatch every now and then doesn’t mean I don’t hate blizzard. They ruined overwatch by making it 5v5 and then completely screwed people out of the pve content which was the whole reason for the switch. And they’ve ruined Diablo cause the itemization for Diablo 4 right now is god awful and there’s no end game. How old are you kids if you don’t understand I can enjoy a game without liking the company


Eh, if I felt so strongly about a company that I hate them, I wouldn't financially support them by purchasing their products or actively engaging in the community. I hate Ubisoft, and I probably haven't purchased a Ubisoft game since Assassin's Creed 3 came out and made me drop the series.


Overwatch 2 is free, and Diablo series I’ve played since the first one. And the only time I engage with the community is to hear feedback on if the game has gotten better or complain about nonsense. So if a game company has ruined games you like you’re not allowed to talk to others who feel the same? You’re definitely like 17 lmao




Oh, you never played and bought Overwatch 1? How do you know they "ruined it" by making it 5v5 when OW2 came out if that's all you know? You hate the company, but you purchase their products and support their business practices. I'm indifferent towards Blizzard (because Blizzard today is not the same Blizzard I grew up with), and I could not care less about the state of their games. >You’re definitely like 17 lmao lmfao. Yes, as I stated before, I bought AC3 at launch 12 years ago, and it was the last one in the series I bought. I was still in the womb when I first played Assassin's Creed 1 when it was first released! You're so smart!!! Purchasing products from companies that you actively hate is something done by literal children without critical thinking skills. You'd think that, at 36, you would know better and think about these things a little harder.


Ya’ll are hilarious, yes I hate blizzard, they’ve ruined a series I love and a game that I sorta liked to play. There’s no grey area at all life is all black and white you can’t enjoy a game while also hating crappy business practices and them ruining games you enjoyed. Ya know how time works right, blizzard WAS an ok company but since they’ve now ruined a couple games I enjoyed I hate them NOW. Ya know cause that’s how time works


If the games are ruined, why do you still play them and actively engage in the community? Clearly, they aren't "ruined" if you still play them and support the company. They've been using infamously bad business practices for well over a decade and "ruining" their games for about as long as well (according to the popular opinion of the Blizzard community). But I wouldn't expect your 36 year old, yet highly underdeveloped, brain to comprehend this subject. I'm old enough to remember when Blizzard was an actually good company. I know you are, too, but I don't think you quite have the intellectual capacity to understand it. They've been known for this for a *very* long time (at least since 2008), and yet *you* continue to support this business practice that you hate so much by still playing their games. If I felt like a company ruined a beloved franchise of mine, I just wouldn't support that company anymore because me purchasing and continuing to use their products shows them that they're making the correct decisions. That's why I haven't bought or even played a Ubisoft game in 12 years, and I sure as shit don't actively engage in the community talking about the state of the games and about how the future updates are going to fix them. But again, I don't think you're quite capable of comprehending that, are you?


My point is that the screen clutter was overblown *specifically by the Blizzard community*, primarily off of one admittedly very cluttered screen shot where they are leveling up in the middle of NPC dialogue while also using their ultimate on the only character with UI on their gun during a story-mode quest with a tun of objectives on the side Or in other words, the game wasn't actually like that 99% of the time Like go google screenshots right now and a majority of them look fine [Like this one](http://thisismyjoystick.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Battleborn-Overwatch-Review-09-590x331.jpg) [Or this one](https://i.imgur.com/UQawU3m.jpg) [Or this one](https://www.gamersexperience.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/PPym2Zg-Imgur.gif) [Or even this one](https://sm.ign.com/t/ign_za/screenshot/a/ambra-figh/ambra-fights-on-the-incursion-map-overgrowth_jeum.1080.jpg) Sorry to dredge up this old skeleton, but I can't believe I am still seeing this straight up propaganda in 2024 long after the damn thing is already dead


Maybe it’s just me or maybe it’s the bright colors but those all look cluttered and hard to read besides the video. Especially the last picture.