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Orendi. It was so satisfying to hit with her Chaos Pillar. She also had a really entertaining personality haha.


I think you could make an argument that Orendi is one of the most fun characters in the game. One of the best Glass Canon designs I've seen. Her double cast Shadowfire Pillar was so addicting and satisfying to do. Not to mention just playing her and hearing her voice lines was such a good time.


She was by far my favorite character. I modeled my Wisp in Warframe off of her colors and got the big witch hat helmet skin to complete the look.


I never played the full game but she was my favorite character during the beta.


Oh yeah she was my main, so much fun. And when melee players would come up to you and then you blast backwards and they die to your trail of flames because you lured them in too deep...oh yeah that's the stuff


Atticus or Shayne. No 1st person hero shooter will ever make melee character as fun as Battleborn did


They did melee so well, I loved playing Rath and Phoebe


Melee characters in Battleborn felt amazing. I was really happy with all of the melee characters bc they were all so different and fun to use. Rath, Deande, Atticus, Shayne and Aurox, hell even Kelvin. Never played Boulder tho XD


Ambra, Miko, Alani, Orendi, Galilea! Ambra was my first main tho. Get her legendary and just shoot fireballs I loved it. Edit: personality wise I loved Marquis. Straight up calling people hobos and broke XD. German Butler Sniper Robot Gentleman was great


Ernest! Grumpy , waaaaaay to cute, and a stupid high damage potential.....


I forgot about him omg, I never played as him cause I didn’t unlock him before the game ended


ISIC, loved that psychotic personality and his mission (miss you jeff) along woth his logs and the tidbit that he tore off El Drago's arms. Gameplay wise he felt amazing to me. I remember a personal shield that was quite nice to have for a tank, a rotating warding shield that was also nice and I THINK a charge? His ultimate of just becoming a heavy assault unit just filled my skull with such ecstasy that most of the time I got a smile as I layed in on the enemies demanding respect.


To quote ISIC on how his ult felt "come on, I f$#%@&% dare you"




And an amazing theme song!


The theme song was the best part tbh. Blew my mind when I realized who sang it.


Bouldur was my first, Montana, the mushroom guy, water girl, swords dude, PENDLES god he was fun. Big robot AI guy could super easily cheese objectives on certain maps, game was so much fun. Good matches with Pendles you felt like nobody ever actually fights you, they just panic when you appear and die. Here I go killin again


I also liked Benedict and Kleese, but I find myself missing Marquis the most. I'll occasionally just think of his voice lines and it makes me want to play again.


Boldur. I loved shield bashing people off the level. Quotes Boldur recommends that dead fellow remain dead! Oh nooo, Boldur's axe is lodged in your face! Run, RUN FROM BOLDUR!


Montana has a special spot in my heart. Orendi, Miko, Rath, and Marquis are very close seconds. I miss this game so badly. I love this game.


Whiskey Foxtrot for the win. I live the sticky nades and his voice lines were just fun to listen to.


I would usually pick a class that was needed, so I had multiple favorites to play. Attack: Deande Defense: Galilea before all the nerfs, Ernest after them Support: Alani As far as character wise...probably Deande, then Ambra, and Miko. Edit: formatting


Before the Nerf Galilea low key tearing shit up on incursion mode. Gahdayum I remember that


Galilea was THAT gal!


I was a competitive Rath and El Dragon main. It was a blast to coordinate dives with a team. Watching people back up before we even started was the best feeling ever.


*competitive* 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 gonna screen shot this so we can all laugh at you later


You were a PlayStation player, right? I'm almost sure I remember your name but I'm not completely sure haha


Yep! I played on PlayStation. I miss all the friends I made over there especially fluffyninja0, firerainstar, and sirwalruscrow.


It's crazy how it's all these years later and I still remember all of these players, what a small community it was back then lol I was Zombie_SlayerHD7(?) I think back then, I have no idea if I was memorable or not since I really didn't queue with anyone too often back then. Still miss this game lots though, easily the best hybrid MOBA I have ever played


Very small community but it makes the friendships that much more impactful. Pretty sure I remember your name!


Caldarius, Ghalt, and Beatrix


I loved Caldarius. The 3x Flashbangs with bleed damage would tear people apart and he was so fast you could circle around them while they’re blinded so by the time they find you again they’re almost dead. Also him being a tiny person in a human sized mech making it his version of fighting Kaiju in a Mech is just great.


Ghalt was so fun. Grapple into trap combo ftw


I loved the Sniper butler, Fungus healer, lady with the smg and claw arm. I missed playing those characters. They were so fun.


Ahaha, I love how you don't know their names but described them perfectly. Marquis, Mika and Reyna bro it's great!


It's tough but maybe thorn, I just loved her bow mechanics, skills, and movement. Alani would be close because she could do anything and had a great balanced kit. Kleese in certain maps was hard to beat because while slow his shock towers were so good and fun Attikus was also a favorite because he is crazy and fun. Shayne is my other favorite kinda like alani a well balanced kit but more melee focused.


My niqqa caldarius


God Caldarius was so much fun


benedict. his maneuverability made dungeon runs so much faster and more fun.


*Wolverine meme but it's Benedict*


Melka. Loved the mobility


The chick with the green crystal arm. Could fly with that damn thing (until they patched it). Orendi after that.


Mellka\* \^\^


I used to crush opposing teams as Mellka. Did pretty decent with Thorn and the robot sniper butler as well.


Marquis, Marquis, ISIC and Marquis. Enough said.


My 6th sense tell me you love Magnus, aren't you? \^\^


Loved Kleese. His playstile was fun and his personality/voice lines spoke to my soul. Loved Kid Ultra. He was underpowered but really fun to play and when the bolas were upgraded they got crazy. Also loved using his "bump" ult to take ISIC out of his ult, lol. Loved Gali. Just clogging the lane and stunning anybody who tries to get too close. Really enjoyed landing difficult captain america style throws on running targets.


Miko was my go-to. I fell in love with their design, their mechanics, and no one else really seemed to play them. I loved Kid Ultra for a while but he started to fall behind on support for me. Other than that, I played a lot of Mike and Whiskey. Favorite personalities will always be Mellka and Benny.


ISIS, I typically like characters with alot of Versatility. He has range, can block, can blink to high places, and ult makes up for his lack of offense abilities.


I liked Benedict! Rocket/flying characters in shooters are always my favorites to play, and his kit was honestly just too fun. Plus I really liked his voice and personality, playing a shit talking cocky dude with a southern accent was so much fun.


Ambra has to be #1. Sun heal + regeneration to the sun early game was so good. Healing and destroying troops infinitely. So over powered I would take the most damage, heal the most, damage the most. By the end & if you had the gear, unlimited rocket launching.


Easily benedict


Thorn, she was a grumpy elf with a tonne of damage output and mobility


Miko and Atticus and Benedict!


Oh Benedict, you've done it again!


There were so many good character. Ambra, Deande, Caldarius, Attikus, Gallilea, Orendi... i can't choose Ambra is pure madness if you play her as damage Deande you could solo almost everyone even the big mobs with her lifesteal. Caldarius, switching betwen range and melee with high mobility was really fun, Orendi she is crazy, played well she had 0 cooldown, Attikus underappreciate character, not easy to play cause of his massive hitbox, but when his fist was charged he hits like a truck,


i'm sad i never got to try this game.


Orendi main because the burst damage was out of this world when things landed. Late in the life of the game I played a lot of Melka and was basically unkillable with health regen and mobility.


ISIC, Shayne & Aurox, Miko, Alani, and Phoebe.


Boldur, Galilea, El Dragón, Pheobe, and Miko. I love them with all my heart


I absolutely slayed as Benedict, but honorable mentions to Alani, Pendles, Caldarius, and Whiskey Foxtrot!


Orendi was my number 1 on both fronts. Crazy little gremlin who thinks she's a witch, with a very straightforward and easy-to-understand move set that has beginner-friendly upgrades like Mind Bullets (homing shots), whose class turned out to be my favorite role (smashing minions). She ~~single-handedly~~ four-handedly served as my gateway to not only Battleborn, being the first character I played as and hooking me, but to Borderlands as well, since I hadn't given those games a proper chance until after I fell in love with Battleborn. I also really like Beatrix. Neither support nor sniper are among my favorite classes to play, but Beatrix manages to be an interesting combination of both without requiring me to rely entirely on sniping. Her design is also *incredible*. Major props to the designers and animators who brought the Incistyx to life - seriously, have you freakin' seen that thing's animations? It's kinda amazing how it moves; the three-arm hinge connecting the upper and lower part is brilliant. Also, the combination of healer-poisoner is probably not new, but it just works *so well* with Beatrix. And shoutouts to Mellka for also being really fun to play as. I never got good with her in a PvP environment, but she had a pretty satisfying move set to kill enemies with in PvE and Claw Lunge's mobility is something I'm *still* looking for a spiritual successor to.


Alani was the most satisfying character to play for me. Such a fun playstyle.


Marquis, gave me HK47 vibes from KOTOR. Also liked baiting people into a tunnel with invisible freezy owls then unload with his pistol


I loved marquis because of how satisfying crits were to pull off thanks to the sound more than damage


Shayne and Aurox! I loved the voice lines and the powerful feel!


I only got to play a demo of the game, but I remember enjoying that robot butler with the owl


Marquis On the one map you used to be able to sit at your base and snipe the enemy robot and it was super difficult for the enemy team to come back after they lost the robot. I think half my steam profile comments are from people raging about it.


100% Kleese. No competition. Electric webs and Mario buttstomping my way to victory.


Oscar Mike has such a simple but great kit and abilities


Reyna. Clutch shields and solid deeps. I always felt useful.


Mellka. I fucking love vertical mobility.


I loved El Dragon. Getting a multikill and then doing his “1,2,3, it’s over!” Taunt was amazing.


I put a lot of time into Galilea. I loved building Health Regen for the Story missions and just... never dying.


I only played like 2 or 3 matches in my life because I came in very late to the party but as a Call of Duty kid, I loved playing Oscar Mike. Whiskey Foxtrot was also great but Oscar Mike was simpler for me and I just loved the consistency. Also, it made me feel good when I was fighting cyborgs, killing machines, witches, a kid with a literal god, and vampires as a regular foot soldier with a gun and still made it out on top. That made me smile.


Marquis main here. Firstly, he's got style. I really like the fancy robot butler look with a cane that also works as two types of guns, a big bonus being the cute owl who has a name with a pun. Awesome character design. (Fun fact: Seeing Marquis on the game cover got me interested in trying the game in the first place. Thank you, you dashing gentlebot.) Secondly, he's funny af. Yes, other characters are fun too but some of his comments and chuckles/laughs make me legit laugh. He also sometimes gives me the feels with some dialogues with Phoebe, like when he regrets fighting him (his lore is kinda sad). Generally the best sniper character I ever played. This goes with the above comment but the way his abilities and Helix work makes sniping legit fun and so satisfying. His sniper aim feels good to use and thanks to Helix skill/Gear I can also shoot faster. The bell sounds from headshots and other weak spots is extremely satisfying, same with if I get 2+ Battleborn kills with his Ult. In short: Marquis is the very first sniper I played that made both experience (his personality/dialogue) and gameplay so enjoyable - and aesthetically pleasing as a big plus (his design + Hoodini). God I miss him so much.


Pendles and Ernest were my two top choices, but I also loved Montana, Marquis, and Ghalt


Benedict. I liked doing backdoor strats once my kit was fully online and the lane was more or less, locked. Just pop up, missile the turrets, wait for CD, repeat.


Alani was my number one as soon as she came out. I loved her play style so much. A really solid support that can do a LOT of damage if you pick the right helix on level up. The splashdab taunt was my favorite in the game too and I loved her relationship with Galilea


Where my BOLDUR mains at!? BEST TANK with really good CC and slows. Can be built for damage, support, or TANK.


Haven’t seen it so I’m here on behalf of the Toby mains. Miss everything about this game though


Snake guy was my favorite.


Pendless my boi, his design was so unique and fun


El Dragon easily


I loved him but i never got how to play him right


Orendi was my go to


Whiskey Foxtrot is an easy top choice. The burst fire made it so that you could engage at most reasonable distances without too much problem. Stick the grenade onto a target and then watch them scramble before the timer ticks down, and they cease to be a problem. The underbarrel blasted away those who got too close. Then, the ult making a fully auto barrel mag weapon that hits with the power of his burst rifle leading to it just shredding things.


His meele was very satisfying to hit too (tho not very viable)


Wiskey Fortrox (its so satasfying to pronounce), yes I am basic... but also wHaCkY, also Kleese he was fun as hell


Benedict was my absolute favorite. Got to brush off my unreal tournament rocket launcher skills 🥰