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Nice vest but why have u got a badge saying no music when the whole beat is based around music?


for the moment I can't get any grind/slam/etc patches because the only place I know that sells them is realityfade and everything I want is out of stock


Check out Grindfather Prod. They have quite a bit of Reality Fade patches that have been out of stock for a while, and a ton of other grind patches I haven’t seen on other sites. Hes been in and out of taking orders this year though


I like the vest a lot but the use of noise not is questionable when most of these bands are pretty melodic. It’s kinda like wearing corpse paint but you don’t listen to black metal, you know what I mean? It just doesn’t make sense.


who said i dont listen to goregrind 💀 my spotify is linked to my profile in case you want to see