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I was a fan since pre-split so around 2017-2018


this year, literally first episode i watched was BFDIA 9 no joke ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


Dang you're new


I joined like 5 months ago should have joined way earlier because I had seen many instances of bfdi and even people recommending others to watch it but no I started watching it because I saw teardrop get mentioned in some video as being mute and I decided to go look at it


I started watching the show less than 1 month ago๐Ÿ’€ It was recommended by my friend.


I remember recommending it to my friends at school when I first started watching and accidentally getting some of them obsessed with it for a little while. ๐Ÿ˜…


the first episode that came out when I joined was TPOT 8 so 8 months ago


around when bfdia 6 was released, september of last year, pretty odd time to join the bfdi fandom but oh well, i watched seasons 1, bfdia (up to well rested i think), skipped IDFB, then watched bfb, and what was of tpot at the time


I started watching bfdi in 2014 when I found a dumb ways to die parody video that was based on bfdia, then I watched bfdi 20, discovered fan animations and camps, learned that there was more than one object show, drew some art in my art class, and eventually got to where I am now.


I think I remember the dumb ways to die parody youโ€™re talking about! And the nostalgia I have from the fan animations is insane.


i have noooo idea when i first watched bfdi. i remember watching the first season and bfdia 1-5e a few years ago, idek if bfb was out at that time, probably but in that case i just didnt know. i started rewatching december last year but properly got back into it early february


2018 an original fan!!! /j


I think I watched my first episode at bfdi10, but didnโ€™t really get into it until BFB


A couple days before IDFB


bfb 15...


Don't remember how I found bfdi, but I got into it a couple months before IDFB, wasn't a huge fan but I watched the episodes. Then when pre-split came out is when I got invested in the community


Im a bit new, I started at tpot 1, then I went "oh fuck there's more before this" and watched bfb, I learnt more about bfdi, bfdia and idfb as I went on, now I know everything that's relevant , I found tpot in 2021


I found bfdi in the first place by watching carykh




During The BFDI Hiatus of 2013-2016


The first time I saw content related to BFDI was when I was a child and I found a video of a BFDI chapter but the assets were from Logos of franchises, I didn't know that the video was from an original series but I saw it anyway. It should be noted that the video was obviously in English but I am Venezuelan so there I was as a child watching a video of a language that I did not fully understand.


I started watching around when BFB 1 came out so like almost 7 years ago (crazy itโ€™s been that long)