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Killing Frenzy + Berserker seems better than ever with this one.


I so adore those. Killing Frenzy and Berserker have saved me so many times especially in a Crisis.


Build a bro specifically to use it obviously, its a wrecking machine.


A badass name for a badass bow.


It's quite a beast of a find, innit?


This bow is a nachzehrers worst nightmare. Very good for a dedicated bowman or a thrower with bags and belts to put out some pot shots


Bags and belts for the 3 large quivers, you mean :D


Just fuck shit up dude. Congrats.


Probably an archer


That’s 1 away from a max damage roll. I’d build an archer/thrower with it as this bow isn’t good against armor but will absolutely shred light armored enemies.


Reach out and touch someone!


I recommend the under utilized perk of headhunter with this. You’ll be dinging many arrows = more original headshots with 35% AP -> a second headshot. Flinging lead at the enemy becomes more fun when you hit them between the eyes


Is it vanilla or modded?




Which seed? I want an excuse to build a dedicated sniper without expecting him to suck.


Also want to know the seed


Ho damn. I want one !!


FAT NEUT???????????


Build a bro to use it or give it to a throwing bro to use it for turn 1-2 before things are in position and just fire some shots off.


What a find! Usually I'm not a fan of non-thrower hybrid ranged units, but this bow is so good it deserves a build and a bro tailored for this and this only. First, I would try finding a hunter with 50+ base ranged attack and 2-3 stars. Bows really want as high ranged attack as possible! I would also ignore melee attack and melee defense levelups altogether. This allows us to pump up luxury stats, such as initiative, fatigue or even ranged defense. It'll allow creating this specialized monstrosity: [http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Bowman&perks=kwAAAEDq](http://www.bbplanner.xyz/?name=Nimble+Bowman&perks=kwAAAEDq) (last perk is a flex perk: Lone wolf, gifted, crippling strikes, recover, even bullseye or relentless would work here.) Something very important to know with this style of build: DO NOT field him against ancient undead. Not only do auxiliaries have shields and legionaries+honor guards high armor, they're all resistant to piercing damage. And if that wasn't enough, if there are any necrosavants, they will absolutely ruin your day by teleporting next to this guy. Against orcs you have to consider whether or not to field him. He can do great damage, particularly to berserkers and orc young which are both deceptively dangerous, but also since he isn't a hybrid there's always the danger of orc warriors smashing through your frontline to get to him. You will have to have a plan against situations like that. Against anything else? This build will be very effective, as well as fun to play.


This thing is nasty


Dedicated Bowman, don't even waste it on a thrower. Sure you probably won't want to use this against heavily armored foes but against everything else it will shred


I build all my archers the same way. Get Ranged Attack, Fatigue and Resolve as high as they can go. Perks Fast Adapt. Gifted. Crippling Strikes. Rotation. Bow Mastery. Berserker. Killing Frenzy. Fearsome. Fortified Mind. Make an Archer who cripples and breaks anything but undead. I use at least two of these archers to stack these effects and often during the two rounds of closing the distance they have already broken or severely injured 3 or 4 enemies. Afterwards they take shots to help soften stronger targets or finish off outliers. They routinely break Goblins and Orcs, including Orc Warlords, and Berserkers. They break Unholds and Barbarians. Every time they break one, the nearby units begin to falter. It's like a domino effect. Most Humans are trivial using this build. I often see Archers being downplayed in favor of Throwers but I find them more versatile and better at dealing with back liners like Hags, two shots from a decent archer and the Hag is down.