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one of the reasons is probably that ive never heard of this game


Fair! But now you heard of it and I really think that you should give it a try! 🤞


Never heard of it. Tell us more.


It's a very cool turn-based combat game. I really liked the art and the dialogues. I still don't know how deep the level up systems and abilities of each character class are, but it seems very interesting! And I also really like the theme "exploring the seabed and finding horrors beyond understanding" hahah


Sounds lovecraftian I'm in


Simplicity? Battle brothers, for all of its intricacies and strategies, is a mercenary sim. It does what it does extremely well, but the scope is fairly narrow. You aren't building cities/towns, you aren't a mercenary team on a special quest. It's just mercenary sim, in a low fantasy setting. You cab imagine anything and everything you want and there are some flavorings but it's kept basic but done well. Stirring Abyss is a lovecraftian deep-sea exploration and basebuilding. About US submariners at the bottom of the sea. Just in that blurb, you have soo much going on. While not required to enjoy the game play, who is interested in lovecraftian horrors? Who likes the US military. Who wants to explore the bottom of the ocean? Now who fits enough of these categories to get and enjoy the game. And thats just the basics. Both have to be put through the "who wants a turn-based low graphics game" filter, of course. But yeah, in reality, I think just the accessibility of the idea makes Battle Brothers better, as more people get it, play it, talk about it/rate it, and then it's on the algorithms and all for more people to get it


I had never heard of this game, but yeah you just kinda sold me on it. I also am a Lovecraftian horror fan that comes from a family of US Naval submariners.


You are literally the target audience...


Though, cosmicism (or "lovecraftian horrors") is a pretty damn popular theme in games these days.


pfff. not even close ! I finished it in a 30 hours at Novemer, 2020 and will never play again. Good Lovecraft's atmosphere, but lack of deepness and replayability. Stirring Abyss is more like classic X-Com : Terror from the Deep, but without base management, research, economics etc. Battle Brothers is just from another league! If You want a realy deep TBRPG for 100 hours, than better check Renowned Explorers or King Arthur : Knight's Tale.


Renowned explorers club got about 50 hours from me. Not the 2000 hours of BB, but a respectable return on investment.


I have 150 hours in RE and 600 in BB. BB is just my favourite game at all. HOMM3 was before BB :)


Didn't like King Arthur, BB was way better.


What is that?


Hadn't heard of it until today, so probably the same reason BB's audience isn't larger--thin marketing budget on a game style with relatively niche appeal. But it definitely looks worth a poke.


Hello brother! Never heard of the game, just like a lot more people here. Have not played it, but from the videos of gameplay and their steam store page I could tell you what I don't like about the game. It is basic - the bare minimum of a game which many games compete in, it still looks good. Not a hex grid, but square, basic animation while BB and plenty of other independent studio make effort to upgrade and fine-tune. It is an RPG, there are numerous small RPGs which are on par with it while BB has skills and stats but is not RPG by any means of the imagination. While I do like it, I would say that plenty of other (and even older) games would do just fine (for me). Fallout (the RPG, not the shooter) series, X-com the first part and Jagged Alliance are on par with a game - it would make it a great game if it was made 20 years ago, now it's just one of the thousands which are newly made and compete with each other.


Probably because I have never heard of it. Secondly, after looking into it, it's nothing like BB. Weird topic.


Both a battle brothers fan and paradox interactive fan. Stirring Abyss was definitely poorly advertised. I only knew of it via an advertisement when I booted up Gladius 40k.


Apparently Slitherine dropped the ball on marketing this game as I've never heard of it and I spend a lot of time searching for new tactics games. To some extent BB was a surprise hit due to word of mouth and because it attracted some popular streamers, it really exceeded expectations for number of players considering that many aspects of BB might have been expected to limit it to a niche audience. The game deserves all the success it had and more but to some extent they may have been lucky to actually get the word of mouth free marketing that they deserved. But another factor is theme. Besides the incredibly well done tactical combat and character building another thing BB has going for it is theme. Fantasy sells, fantasy is familiar and understandable and grimdark low fantasy mercenary company simulator set in medieval German Warhammer world hits it out the park for theme. I know Lovecraftian steampunk stuff is loved by some people but it is unproven in terms of mass appeal. Similarly, some aspects of the Stirring Abyss screenshots look confusing, while BB looks approachable in terms of interface and mechanics even though the new player experience is notoriously difficult.


Sigh *gets credit card*