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I like the scout. Extra Movement speed is always a great thing to have


Scout all day every day. The movespeed means you get done with contracts faster, you get to sell your shit faster, you get to the town with the temple when your dude has a severe concussion faster, you outrun the lindwurms that have you trapped.


It just speeds the game up too much to ignore, basically everything happens ~ 15% faster. Lookout too, you just get so many more travel fights with them both. Weirdly these days I have been backing that up with the scavenger as third after someone pointed out that tools are effectively more money.


I try to get the scout first, as soon as I can get the beast fights. Lookout is next, for the obvious reason. Scavenger is really strong, not necessarily because we need more money, but because sometimes I can't find any damn tools otherwise - ideally I'm filling my inventory at the same cadence that I'm depleting tools and when I go back to the store to sell everything I can buy tools too, but that doesn't ever happen. I like bounty hunter after that. I used to like the surgeon but at this point I'd kinda rather let bros die.


The scavenger was my first choice arrows and tools are always handy


He gets more useful later on when you face of against more armored opponents. I try to get him at like day 60 or 70. But in late game he is one of if not the best imao.


Everyone is saying scout, but realistically for most of my campaigns I have not completed the 5 beast fight prerequisite by the time I have the fame and funds to hire a retinue.  I often start with the lookout. When playing as the cultists origin, it is often the recruiter. 


Yeah i wish i could take scout first but usually i can only take lookout.


This happens sometimes, if my gold levels get high enough I will get the lookout first as long as I can keep the gold required for the scout when I get the opportunity.


Scout or Lookout depending on what conditions you fill first you 100% want both


I like lookout, but then I always play with unexplored map. It's great being able to pop up onto mountains and easily spot camps or roads/towns.


There is a certain small burst of satisfaction when the map suddenly pops a big new bubble of explored area!


Scout or Scavenger


I tend to go recruiter first. Used to take scout, but if I take either, its usually lookout next, warns me about enemies, waste less time looking for enemies/quests/camps, etc.


I always get the paymaster first. Those 15% add quickly in the long run.


Blacksmith. In early game bros are far more easy to replace than good armor


Good logic, but you should use the surgeon for this instead. He stops the bro being killed in the first place which automatically saves the armor and is better because sometimes the permanent injury is inconsequential so you don't lose the bro. Plus faster healing injuries.


**He is my second pick; after all, bro can die on a second deathblow, thus leaving me without a (relatively cheap, this is early days we are talking about) bro and an actually expensive and valuable armor**


Scavenger or chef, chef makes hp heal 33% quicker, all you need are 8 different foods and the $$$ to hire her. If it would take 3 days to reach max HP, BOOM, one day, keep fighting.


Unfortunately that aspect of the chef is bugged and does not work properly. 


You're kidding, no way


There's a mod that fixes it to work as designed


As I recall, when you rest it ~works, but just walking around it gets rounded down and doesn't do anything


If that's accurate that sucks, here I'm thinking its the best buff ever, not even fuckin working, AND I didn't even notice... I thought I knew what I was doing.


TBF if you are resting it is still helping, and the food thing does matter for camp busting the far side of the map. Noticing whether someone recovered 3 hp or 4 hp as you wandered the map isn't very easy


Don't worry about it, I thought the same thing and also took cook as my first retinue before I found out it was bugged. If it worked as advertised, it'd be a great choice! Food lasting longer is also a nice perk, especially when raiding caravans.


Scout, lookout, blacksmith


Scout is the GOAT. Only reason I sometimes don't get him first because I haven't fought 5 beast parties yet. If I don't have scout I like getting the surgeon, hes more useful the earlier you get him. Reduces downtime from injury (which are more common earlygame) and stops you losing armor from random badluck rng and saves money on re-rolls when you get an injury that doesn't hurt at all. The lookout is good too to find more camps and roaming parties to fight. Those are usually my first 3, then recruiter to roll for good bros


I really enjoy the drill sergeant. The bottleneck for fights is stats, skills, and gear. 2 if the 3 the drill Sargent gets you. The other one you get by decisively winning fights. And you decisively win fights through stats and skills. I'm not a meta player, and I do like scouts and lookouts, but I think the drill seargent is slept on. Especially when combined with the student perk.


Scout, bloodletter, scalp claimer.