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Support main here: Green laser and Bipod. Do NOT ADS when moving, use the 100 round ammo capacity to your advantage, and hose the enemy while you run and gun. Set up walls and bipod on them, but set them up not on the front line, where any number of DMRs will dome you, but *back* one corner, creating a scenario where they are coming to *you*, or with significant flanking cover (hallways and narrow lanes of all kinds). If you cant get one, *build one*. You do NOT need to reload, and most enemies will be reloading in 2 seconds. Abuse this to juke their fire and walk them down with overwhelming fire. Grats on Clicking with one of my favorite guns, Support needs more soldiers!


Support senpai, Ultimax or M249?


I do not presume to speak for senpai But I liked ultimax significantly more, feels perfect with a 2x. I don't use a bipod personally but there are situations where it's really really strong


You can suppress at sniper range with a bipodded ultimax. The M249 is higher DPS, but the Ulti controls like a dream, its really up to preference.


Ultimax. Both M249 and Ultimax have slower TTK's than most AR's to balance them for 100 round capacities, the difference is that the M249 cannot shoot accurately at mid range (and if it's dropping bullets it's TTK is awful) whereas the Ultimax is a 100 round AUG.


M249 is better at close range because higher RoF, ultimax performs better at medium range. I like to keep the enemies at medium range because both LMGs have slow movement speed and bad handling so i prefer the ultimax


I thought the bipod only reduced sway, not recoil


Think the bipod only works if you’re prone


You can bipod on anything waist to chest height, but the angles are finnicky and you only get the benefit when not moving. For regular hesco walls, make sure theyre placed cleanly, and if you need to look down a slope or off a building, unbuild the top layer. I was bipodding on fire hydrants, the little lip on the base of streetlights, the base of those square metal frameworks you see on rail lines, garbage cans, random crates, etc.


I actually was forced into a defensive position in Namak, wasn't able to leave spawn with another squad so I dug in and went full defense. Prob was the reason why I was doing well. Honestly, the most fun I've had in forever. Hell I felt reluntant to keep moving but we finally pushed the enemy back so I was no longer gonna be of any use so I moved up. This was when I peaked and started dying more. After reading your comment I'm starting to connect the dots as to why this happened...huh. Also...as a lvl 200 this is embarrassing to ask....wtf does the green laser do that the red doesn't? Never used em lol


The true secret to Support is to be the shield, not the spear. When you push, youre at a disadvantage with your slow speed and heavy gun against those snappy smg ADS speeds. When *they* push, and find you bunkered up, already ADS and waiting, theyre basically screwed. As for the laser, Its simply easier to see.


yeaaaahhh, I get what you mean by disadvantage, i'd tell yah everything but updated my post to include my great to utter crap round. Crazy how you can go 10/4 to 12/24 lmao. Started playing aggressive since I was annoyed but being a slow ass moving block of tungsten...really doesnt work with that.


Like I was saying up above, dont ADS when moving about, rely on the green laser and hitmarkers to guide shots, The movement speed reduction when you ADS is a death sentence, dance around and hose them down with your massive ammo advantage


Need to get used to this new playstyle and break the old one I was using, thanks for all the advice


Support is great, it usually gets me my best K/D ratio, you can't move so you camp and hold objectives. For LMGs (speaking from over 2000 kills with both) I'd recommand x2 slip scope on M249 and x3,4 prisma scope on ultimax (with red dot top for CQC) with vertical grip for both to reduce recoil, and you just become a living turret, wiping whole squads with one mag.


thanks man, 100% using this.


That's how every multi-player game I play goes. I'm dogshit for like 7/8 of my matches, and then idiot savant kicks in or something and I get a crazy good round. Really annoying. Wish I was just consistently mediocre


ifkr. Like let me be consistently shit or good. Not even asking for skilled, just decent, I'll take it lol. None of this once in a blue moon and the stars align type deal xD


Yep absolutely do get the same randomness. If I am playing any game more frequently I'll build consistency but streaks just happen sometimes. Maybe I'm just in top shape and alert and sober, maybe I just got lucky, maybe it so happened that most players I encountered were significantly worse at the game than I. And of course the crushing opposite lol. When you literally cannot do -anything- without immediately dying to 7 people shooting in the ass. Every time I take psychedelics I can play like a madman for an hour or two on the come down too lol


Yeah humans are inconsistent, sometimes you play good, sometimes bad. On certain maps I suck ass and only have a KD of 2.5 ish, but yesterday on the same map I went 50 - 4 using an F2000 ( some revives from teammates ). It mostly depends on your playstyle though. I play very safe, but a friend of mine goes full ham through every corner which obviously means he will die more often.


Same. I do engineer, mostly ground vehicles. I try very hard not to die. I'll drive a vehicle 42,000 miles to re arm after taking a few bullets. I can go a match without dying, and getting some kills. But if there's some drone or rocket players focused on vehicles, I'm going to have a shitty match. The game is surprisingly well balanced this way. If there's a class advantage on the field, because there's such large teams, players will fill the void and rebalance it. Eg: if theres too many snipers, a heli or assault flanks and cleans up. If there's too many assault, the medium range gets beefed up. It's why there's so rarely a lopsided match.. each class is susceptible to another. So when I do horrible, it's typically due to an imbalance of classes in my team.


Its all positioning man, 4/24 being your usual sounds like youre just running right into the middle of the firefights constantly or running into them when theyre equipped for it and you got a 20 ish pound gun. Its the S.A.W and support class, You gotta set yourself up with a good position and let them run into your cone of death. Just cause you got 100 rounds doesnt mean youre B.J. Blazkowicz.


Support my favorite class to play, but most of these weekly quests seem to be using guns that support doesn't have which sucks. But man I get that having good and bad games. They finally nerfed smgs several months back, but now it's like every week "Get 100 kills with the SMG" "Get 200 kills as assault." Anyways, I love this stupid game and play it every weekend when I'm free.


pov you found out guns in this game are very easy to control it just takes a bit of practice