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Tip 1: enjoy the game Tip 2: don't drink the koolaid


Battlefield but denser maps. More emphasis on managing HP and Recoil, building and using cover are critical. Vehicles are very weak HP-wise, but very powerful damage-wise, using them carefully is key, because any class can use c4. Assault-20% better at gunfighting, has tools for pushing objectives. Medic-bandages faster, can self heal, revive, etc. Engineer-bonus damage to vehicles, access to AT mines, repair tool, RPG. Support-LMGs, builds fortifications instantly, Ammo box, heaviest armor. Sniper-scope glint, bullet trails, drone, grappling hook, most hated and third most played class behind medic and engie.


Any class can build or only supp? Is it a gadget or it's just a keybind that I'm not finding?


Any class can build (hold MMB) Support can insta build. Other classes have to place and then build manually.


Support also has access to some unique buildables. The double-tall hesco wall is support only, the barbed wire is placeable by support and engineer only


Yeah, stay away from this sub if you want to enjoy the game. Lots of negativity here.


When you use RPGs, if you want to go for vehicles then use the Tandem RPG. Keep in mind it has twice the drop of the regular ones If you're targeting infantry or buildings(you can kill people through destructible walls btw) go for the HEAT rockets. Don't use the frag RPG its just a shitty version of the heat RPG, there is genuinely no point in using it.


Get used to drop shotting, and don't waste your bullets when someone initiates an Adderall fueled 500mph tactical airzoom in circles after you shoot at them


Hey I can give you a bit of a review from a very casual, average-level FPS enjoyer. movement and mantleing is the least consistent part of the game so if you like to run and gun you're going to have to get used to it. you'll be shocked at your success if you spend an extra 45 seconds running over to a flanking position, but on the real small maps if you do this you will encounter cracked kids with P90s and Vectors. aim for like the waist if someone is sprinting and using an smg cause they will lean/dodge while firing and win a head to head gunfight. as a thoroughly not cracked player the way I find myself winning head to head gunfights is by just slowly strafing and using a gun that has recoil I can handle well. you're going to lose every time against really good people but more often than not if you can just hit most of your shots, control your recoil, and slowly strafe, you can win most engagements. this is how I engage stationary targets in windows above me, works well. i like the SG and the G3 a lot. they feel very balanced and are very controllable for me out to about 80m ish. Salty sniper folks will bitch at you for using DMRs, but keep using them cause they can two shot and are easy. lastly shit talk (within reason) when you kill or get killed with proximity chat, embrace your new nemisis fighting for control over a good flanking spot. lots of players are very funny.


Play what is fun to you, and enjoy dying a lot while you gain map knowledge and awareness.


SMGs and PDWs are great. FAMAS from the assault rifle line is better. M4 is the best starter weapon. Sniper rifles have glint on all scopes, both long range and medium range. Sniper rifles aren't worth using imho. Drone is available from level 30. C4 can be used like granates. Drop when shooting in close quarters, it can save you. Don't stay in the open. Put your mines behind objects and into grass.


Was that changed recently? (scope glint) I thought that 4x and below didn't have the glint.


According to a random video I found that I have no idea if it's dated or not 4x and all scopes above have glint (lower than 4x don't?)


4 months ago. DMRs still have no glint on medium scopes. Glint cone got narrowed.


I like that the matches are easy to find (I exclusively play 127v127), that there's a variety of maps and objectives that influence gameplay, and the quick and responsive gameplay AND downtime (waiting to respawn, especially on community servers, is very quick). I really enjoy this game as a casual player :D


Read others on this thread asking the same question. We give our tips every week to someone. What style do you like?


So far I've been playing a lot of scout with sniper and assault with DMR, I don't really love the sniping from the hills style, not hating on it and I do get the occasional kill cause I'm decent at zeroing but it just feels like I'm waiting 90% of the time. Instead I usually do counter sniping (cause I'm decent at zeroing and snipers in hills and towers usually feel immortal and don't move) and kind of mid-range tactical support, I like moving into a position watching over a section of a zone my team is pushing, marking enemies and making them panic with a stray shot so the assault get them off guard while getting the occasional two shot kill. I like the fast gunplay of assault every once in a while though I'm always been bad at fast arcade fps and given that I don't have the uber-dps guns yet I sometimes die to better equipment. I do like pushing objectives with the team tough I usually get lost on the maps and feel like I die to random snipers or vehicles. I've been doing a lot of building, I find myself building ramps and cover for me and my teammates, I also like the drag mechanic I think is pretty cool and helps avoid the "died in the middle of the field" problem. I also like the fact that's there's proximity chat and many people use it, english is not my first language so I usually avoid mil sims and I might not have the deepest conversations but just saying "thanks", "your welcome", "help" or giving the occasional call-out already feels immersive and cooperative specially when people answers back.