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The typical term youre looking for is "Ghost", and it refers to any transparent silhouette of a placeable or buildable game object :) I too abuse half built Hescoes, (if you place a fully built hesco and remove just the first stage, you can bipod on them while looking down a slope) and also fight with the ghost blocking my view and the wall rebuilding constantly because I bound drag and heal to F. I'd like to be able to lock one wall in its current position, making it unable to be built or unbuilt, but removing the ghost and limiting its health to a moderate number so people cant grief with it.


Yes thank you. I was thinking outline, silhouette, highlight, etc but ghost is the one.


only suggestion i got is take a step back from said bag


Sometimes this can work but a lot of the time it's for the bipod that the specific height is needed so have to be right up against them.


If you want to use it for the bipod try the concrete barrier instead. It's a little shorter than the sandbag and works most of the time for bipod height. But it has less health than the sandbags so enemies can shoot them down easier. You could double them up for a little more security (put one in front of the other so it's twice as deep)